All Book Chapters
Book Chapter
Making Prints From Fruits and Vegetables
Students may be familiar with eating fruits and vegetables, but have they ever taken a really close look at the anatomy of those specimens? In this ac...
Book Chapter
What Do You See? Visual Observation
The famous New York Yankee catcher Yogi Berra once said, “You can observe a lot just by watching.” This activity helps strengthen students’ skil...
Book Chapter
Examining Serial Sections of an Apple
In this activity, students make serial sections of an apple. Students make cross-section prints of the top portion of the apple, then another print fu...
Book Chapter
Science and Math on Television
Students certainly enjoy watching television, and they traditionally favor shows about science, mathematics, and technology. Consider the popularity o...
Book Chapter
A One-Sided Paper Loop—The Möbius Band
What can you make from a sheet of paper that has only one side, where inside equals outside? The answer is a Möbius band, of course, the one-sided pa...
Book Chapter
Students constantly notice the world around them, and to help make sense of it all, they attempt to group and categorize objects and experiences they ...
Book Chapter
Your Very Own Museum—Making Collections
Much more than childish pastimes, collections form the basis for museums of natural history, found object art projects, and personal hobbies. Furtherm...
Book Chapter
Creating Art Projects From Recycled Materials
Why not challenge students to design a collage, mosaic, or shadowbox entirely from “found objects”—recycled, natural, and discarded materials? T...
Book Chapter
Experimenting With Force and Motion Using Origami Frogs
Objects in motion and the forces that move them are the subjects of this lesson. This practical series of activities offers students a dynamic underst...
Book Chapter
Everyday Conceptions Across the World
In the initial phases of the process of developing items for the PISA 2006 assessment of scientific literacy, efforts were made to develop a smaller n...
Book Chapter
A Perspective on U.S. Science Teaching and Learning
This chapter presents a sketch on how PISA 2006 assessed conditions of teaching and learning in science classrooms. With selected findings from PISA 2...
Book Chapter
Improving Science Teaching and Learning
In this chapter, attention is drawn to the issue of quality instruction and level of student achievement. The chapter begins with a review of the find...
Book Chapter
Windows Into High-Achieving Science Classrooms
For most science teachers, the vision of science instruction has been limited to what transpires in their own classrooms and possibly those of a few s...
Book Chapter
The Importance of Aligning Teaching and Assessment
This chapter focuses on the relation that is desirable between assessment and teaching activities in order to keep coherence with teaching goals and h...
Book Chapter
PISA 2006 Assessment of Attitudes Toward Science
Science teachers want students to develop interest in science and value in learning science. Attitudes toward science play an important role in studen...