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All Case Studies

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Case Study

Too Many B Cells

By Debby Walser-Kuntz

Case Study

Fat Facts

By Ling Chen, Lalitha S. Jayant

Case Study

Poor Devils

By Annie Prud’homme-Genereux

Case Study

Michael's Story

By Kristen N. Hausmann, Karen M. Aguirre

Case Study

Do Corridors Have Value in Conservation?

By Andrea Bixler

Case Study

Wearing on Her Nerves

By Kathleen G. Brown, Sharon S. Ellerton

Case Study

The Evolution of Human Skin Color

By Annie Prud’homme-Genereux

Case Study

Sweet Truth

By Ling Chen, Diane R. Wang, Jennifer Y. Anderson

Case Study

Cooling Off a Warming Planet

By Md Rumi Shammin, John Petersen, Jordan F. Suter

Case Study

Escape from Planet Soma

By Sheri L. Boyce

Case Study

The Secret of Popcorn Popping

By Ling Chen, Richard Hendrix

Case Study

Poison Ivy

By Rosemary H. Ford

Case Study

The Great Parking Debate

By Jennifer Feenstra

Case Study


By Monica E. Hartmann, Robert J. Werner

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