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Case Studies: Physiology

All Physiology Case Studies

Case Study

Resistance Is Futile, Or is It? The Clicker Version

By Steven L. Telleen

Case Study

Wearing on Her Nerves

By Kathleen G. Brown, Sharon S. Ellerton

Case Study

Escape from Planet Soma

By Sheri L. Boyce

Case Study

A Case of Respiratory Distress

By Brahmadeo Dewprashad, Geraldine S. Vaz, Sharon A. Vaz (rr)

Case Study

The Mystery of the Seven Deaths

By Michaela Gazdik Stofer

Case Study

A Perfect Storm in the Operating Room

By Kelley W. Grorud

Case Study

Resistance is Futile - Or Is It?

By Annie Prud’homme-Genereux

Case Study

Bad Fish, Bad Bird

By Kristina Hannam

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