All eBooks
The Power of Investigating: Guiding Authentic Assessments (e-book)
New in 2017!Children want to explore, dig, build, play, and wonder. To do this they need to touch, feel, see, observe, listen, manipulate, plan, and c...
Problem-Based Learning in the Earth and Space Science Classroom, K–12 (e-book)
"There is a lot to like about this text, and I truly believe that teachers will both like it and use it. Implementing PBL is difficult for teachers, a...
When The Sun Goes Dark (e-book)
This richly illustrated book is a fun way to help young astronomers understand all the excitement during a solar eclipse. The book tells how two curio...
When it’s time for a game change, you need a guide to the new rules. Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engi...
Big Data, Small Devices: Investigating the Natural World Using Real-Time Data (e-book)
Now your students can transform their mobile phones and tablets into tools for learning about everything from weather to water quality. Big Data, Smal...
Great news for multitasking middle school teachers: Science educators Terry Shiverdecker and Jessica Fries-Gaither can help you blend inquiry-based sc...
Disciplinary Core Ideas: Reshaping Teaching and Learning (e-book)
Like all enthusiastic teachers, you want your students to see the connections between important science concepts so they can grasp how the world works...
Argument-Driven Inquiry in Physical Science: Lab Investigations for Grades 6-8 (e-book)
Are you interested in using argument-driven inquiry for middle school lab instruction but just aren’t sure how to do it? Argument-Driven Inquiry in ...