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Packaging Design, Grade 6: STEM Road Map for Middle School (e-book)


Packaging Design, Grade 6: STEM Road Map for Middle School (e-book)

Packaging Design outlines a journey that will steer your students toward authentic problem solving while grounding them in integrated STEM disciplines...

Improving Bridge Design, Grade 8: STEM Road Map for Middle School (e-book)


Improving Bridge Design, Grade 8: STEM Road Map for Middle School (e-book)

Improving Bridge Design outlines a journey that will steer your students toward authentic problem solving while grounding them in integrated STEM disc...

The Power of Assessing: Guiding Powerful Practices (e-book)


The Power of Assessing: Guiding Powerful Practices (e-book)

The Power of Assessing will show you how to use authentic assessments as a dynamic teaching tool. But this book doesn’t just describe ways to evalua...

Designing Meaningful STEM Lessons (e-book)


Designing Meaningful STEM Lessons (e-book)

Sure, there are lots of cool STEM activities you can use in class. But do they really help your students learn science? This book shows you how to tak...

STEM Education Now More Than Ever (e-book)


STEM Education Now More Than Ever (e-book)

New in 2018!In response to “these unconventional and uncertain years,” veteran educator Rodger W. Bybee has written a book that’s as thought-pro...

Argument-Driven Inquiry in Earth and Space Science: Lab Investigations for Grades 6–10 (e-book)


Argument-Driven Inquiry in Earth and Space Science: Lab Investigations for Grades 6–10 (e-book)

If you’re looking for labs that cover Earth and space science, appeal to middle and high school students, and use Argument-Driven Inquiry (ADI), you...

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