All eBooks
This Is Your Brain: Teaching About Neuroscience and Addiction Research (e-book)
“The need for students’ understanding of the value of the neurosciences—and the damaging effects of illicit drug use, the mechanisms of addictio...
Rise and Shine: A Practical Guide for the Beginning Science Teacher (e-book)
Rise and Shine provides a friendly support system that new science teachers can turn to in their first days, months, and even years in the classroom. ...
“This sourcebook was created because science should be memorable, not memorizable.” — from the Introduction to The Everyday Science Sourcebook, ...
Teaching Science Through Trade Books (e-book)
“‘What was your favorite book as a child?’ In more than 10 years of facilitating workshops, we have never heard anyone reply, ‘My fourth-grad...
Everyday Engineering: Putting the E in STEM Teaching and Learning (e-book)
“The idea for Everyday Engineering began with our interest in design and production issues related to the simple ballpoint pen. We were struck by th...
Forensics in Chemistry: The Case of Kirsten K. (e-book)
Forensics seems to have the unique ability to maintain student interest and promote content learning…. I still have students approach me from past y...
Uncovering Student Ideas in Astronomy: 45 New Formative Assessment Probes (e-book)
What do your students know—or think they know—about what causes night and day, why days are shorter in winter, and how to tell a planet from a sta...