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Evolving Curricula in the New Century: Putting Universities Back in Touch—A Prototype Program that Links the Community and Institution

Journal Article

Evolving Curricula in the New Century: Putting Universities Back in Touch—A Prototype Program that Links the Community and Institution

The Kellogg Commission calls for a process of engagement in which the expertise found on our campuses is focused collaboratively on the problems faced...

Recognizing the Achievements of Women in Science: Tenacity and Talent—The Twin Pillars of Scientific Success for Women

Journal Article

Recognizing the Achievements of Women in Science: Tenacity and Talent—The Twin Pillars of Scientific Success for Women

Of the over 300 Nobel Prizes awarded in science since the prizes were first presented in 1901, only 11 have been given to women. This paper considers ...

SCST: Changes in Teaching and Learning—The Role of New Technology

Journal Article

SCST: Changes in Teaching and Learning—The Role of New Technology

In this column the leadership of SCST shares its views with JCST readers. This month's issue shares thoughts on the new electronic communications and ...

The Case Study: Alien Evolution—A Futuristic Case Study: The Return of the Cambrian Explosion

Journal Article

The Case Study: Alien Evolution—A Futuristic Case Study: The Return of the Cambrian Explosion

You have two days before you and your colleagues must decide the fate of this planet and the hundreds of people who are waiting to re-colonize it. Bef...

The Last Teacher: Technology and the Demise of the University

Journal Article

The Last Teacher: Technology and the Demise of the University

This article presents a visionary tale of the next 30 years where virtual classrooms link students across the world and electronic personalities becom...

Point of View: Science in the Twenty-First Century Must Include All of Us—Appreciating the Value of Intellectual Diversity in the Sciences

Journal Article

Point of View: Science in the Twenty-First Century Must Include All of Us—Appreciating the Value of Intellectual Diversity in the Sciences

This column shares reflections or thoughtful opinions on issues of broad interest to the community. This month’s issue focuses on the challenge to c...

Communication Problems in a Distance-Education Setting: Diminishing the Impersonal Nature of a Distance-Education Classroom

Journal Article

Communication Problems in a Distance-Education Setting: Diminishing the Impersonal Nature of a Distance-Education Classroom

At Central Washington University, groups of on-campus and distance education students in an elementary science methods class interacted with each othe...

The Case Study: Death in a Viennese Maternity Ward—Childbed Fever—A Nineteenth-Century Mystery

Journal Article

The Case Study: Death in a Viennese Maternity Ward—Childbed Fever—A Nineteenth-Century Mystery

This case provides a brief, factual account of the pioneering work of Ignaz Semmelweis and his efforts to remedy the problem of childbed fever. The ca...

Some Practical Tips for Instituting Investigative Biology Laboratories: The Nuts and Bolts of Successful Laboratory Instruction

Journal Article

Some Practical Tips for Instituting Investigative Biology Laboratories: The Nuts and Bolts of Successful Laboratory Instruction

This paper describes some of the nuts and bolts problems associated with making the transition from traditionally taught laboratories to investigative...

The Study of Ethics in the Applied Science Curriculum: Training Future Science Educators in the Ethics of Nutrition

Journal Article

The Study of Ethics in the Applied Science Curriculum: Training Future Science Educators in the Ethics of Nutrition

Science classes are an appropriate place for students to examine relevant ethical problems. Nutrition science classes, in particular, discuss current ...

Drawing to Learn Morphology in a Fish Taxonomy Laboratory: The Allure of a Taxonomy Course that Embraces Multiple Learning Processes

Journal Article

Drawing to Learn Morphology in a Fish Taxonomy Laboratory: The Allure of a Taxonomy Course that Embraces Multiple Learning Processes

Taxonomy laboratories typically emphasize learning by rote memorization. In place of memorization, however, the authors designed a laboratory notebook...

Analysis Problems—A Means to Developing Students’ Critical-Thinking Skills: Pushing the Boundaries of Higher-Order Thinking

Journal Article

Analysis Problems—A Means to Developing Students’ Critical-Thinking Skills: Pushing the Boundaries of Higher-Order Thinking

To teach critical-thinking skills in introductory biology, the authors selected an immersion system using analysis problems that incorporates critical...

SCST and Kendall/Hunt—Together Celebrating Outstanding Undergraduate Science Teaching:  Recognizing the Achievements of Some First-Rate College Science Educators

Journal Article

SCST and Kendall/Hunt—Together Celebrating Outstanding Undergraduate Science Teaching: Recognizing the Achievements of Some First-Rate College Science Educators

In this column the leadership of the Society for College Science Teaching (SCST) shares its views with JCST readers. This month’s issue celebrates t...

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