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SCST: National Standards for Introductory College Science Courses? Can and Should We Develop Them?

Journal Article

SCST: National Standards for Introductory College Science Courses? Can and Should We Develop Them?

In this column the leadership of SCST shares its views with JCST readers. In this month’s issue the author focuses on establishing national standard...

Why Do Students “Cook” Data? A Case Study on the Tenacity of Misconceptions

Journal Article

Why Do Students “Cook” Data? A Case Study on the Tenacity of Misconceptions

This paper describes an extraordinary example of data fabrication in which two students and their course instructor are so certain that they know how ...

Guest Editorial: To Reweave a Rainbow—Reflections on the Unity of Knowledge

Journal Article

Guest Editorial: To Reweave a Rainbow—Reflections on the Unity of Knowledge

An opinion piece about the "Unity of Knowledge."...

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