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The Case Study: Return to Mars—How Not to Teach a Case Study

Journal Article

The Case Study: Return to Mars—How Not to Teach a Case Study

This column provides original articles on innovations in case study teaching, assessment of the method, as well as case studies with teaching notes. T...

SCST: Distance Learning—Meeting Our Educational Responsibilities with Technology

Journal Article

SCST: Distance Learning—Meeting Our Educational Responsibilities with Technology

In this column the leadership of the Society for College Science Teaching (SCST) shares its views with JCST readers. This month’s issue focuses on t...

A Running Inquiry—Nature Asked the Questions During This Jog: Discovering in a Maine Forest a “Call of the Wild”

Journal Article

A Running Inquiry—Nature Asked the Questions During This Jog: Discovering in a Maine Forest a “Call of the Wild”

This column shares reflections or thoughtful opinions on issues of broad interest to the community. In this month’s issue, during a morning jog, the...

Research and Teaching: Small Group Instruction in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology—A Discipline Status Report and a Teaching Agenda for the Future

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Small Group Instruction in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology—A Discipline Status Report and a Teaching Agenda for the Future

This paper is an attempt to place the recent flurry of activity into context for SMET faculty. It contains nearly 100 resources which may be useful to...

A Curriculum for Recitation Sections in Introductory Biology: Designing Lesson Plans for TAs that Emphasize Open Communication and Spirited Interaction with Students

Journal Article

A Curriculum for Recitation Sections in Introductory Biology: Designing Lesson Plans for TAs that Emphasize Open Communication and Spirited Interaction with Students

Recitation sections are led by a graduate teaching assistant (TA). Introductory biology is often the TAs' first recitation teaching experience, and th...

Editorial: Undergraduate Education in Science: The Message

Journal Article

Editorial: Undergraduate Education in Science: The Message

The Journal of College Science Teaching’s editor shares thoughts regarding the current issue....

Research and Teaching: Tracking the Modern Geoscience Undergraduate—A University of North Carolina Case Study

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Tracking the Modern Geoscience Undergraduate—A University of North Carolina Case Study

Continued decreases in government funding, increasing enrollments, and the demand for accountability and assessment characterize the new landscape of ...

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