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Point of View: Teach Both Sides on Global Warming

Journal Article

Point of View: Teach Both Sides on Global Warming

This column shares reflections or thoughtful opinions on issues of broad interest to the community. In this month’s issue the author encourages teac...

The Use of Mastery Learning With Competency-Based Grading in an Organic Chemistry Course

Journal Article

The Use of Mastery Learning With Competency-Based Grading in an Organic Chemistry Course

Mastery learning is an instructional method based on the idea that students learn best if they fully understand one concept before moving to the next ...

Strategies for the Introduction of Neuroscience for Underrepresented University Students

Journal Article

Strategies for the Introduction of Neuroscience for Underrepresented University Students

The University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez hosted a series of academic and applied neuroscience activities as part of a Brain Awareness Week (BAW). The st...

Using Google Earth to Teach the Magnitude of Deep Time

Journal Article

Using Google Earth to Teach the Magnitude of Deep Time

Most timeline analogies of geologic and evolutionary time are flawed, causing an understanding of relative time with little comprehension of absolute ...

Hot Under the Collar: Weighing the Dangers of a Weight-Loss Drug

Journal Article

Hot Under the Collar: Weighing the Dangers of a Weight-Loss Drug

This column provides original articles on innovations in case study teaching, assessment of the method, as well as case studies with teaching notes. I...

Instructor Gender and Student Confidence in the Sciences: A Need for More Role Models?

Journal Article

Instructor Gender and Student Confidence in the Sciences: A Need for More Role Models?

This article examines the extent to which college-level instructor gender affects the confidence of males and females in their scientific abilities....

Battling Ecophobia: Instilling Activism in Nonscience Majors When Teaching Environmental Issues

Journal Article

Battling Ecophobia: Instilling Activism in Nonscience Majors When Teaching Environmental Issues

This article describes an approach to teaching about environmental issues that helps instill a sense of agency in the young learner. Students identify...

Early Exploration of Opportunities in Science and Careers Encourages Students to Pursue Science Majors

Journal Article

Early Exploration of Opportunities in Science and Careers Encourages Students to Pursue Science Majors

The Brooklyn Opportunities in Science and Careers (BOSC) program aims to increase student participation in physics, environmental studies, geology, an...

McLean v. Arkansas (1982) and Beyond: Implications for Biology Professors

Journal Article

McLean v. Arkansas (1982) and Beyond: Implications for Biology Professors

To assess current trends of evolution instruction in high schools of the mid-South, the authors had Arkansas high school biology teachers and students...

A Comparison of Two Forms of Assessment in an Introductory Biology Laboratory Course

Journal Article

A Comparison of Two Forms of Assessment in an Introductory Biology Laboratory Course

Because of enrollment increases, many institutions have advocated the replacement of free-response exams with forced-choice exams as a time-saving str...

A Novel Instrument for Assessing Students' Critical Thinking Abilities

Journal Article

A Novel Instrument for Assessing Students' Critical Thinking Abilities

In this article the authors describe the Assessment of Critical Thinking Ability survey and its preliminary application to assess the critical thinkin...

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