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Journal of College Science Teaching—January/February 2022

Volume 51, Number 3
This issue includes a special section on the shift to online instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Journal Article

Is a Framework of Support Enough?

While undergraduate research is known as a high-impact practice, little research has been conducted for the online educational setting. Early research suggests that online students and faculty have similar interest in undergraduate research as their ...

By Emily Faulconer, Brent Terwilliger, Robert Deters, and Kelly George

Curriculum Research Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic in Introductory Psychology Using the Jigsaw Method Adapted for Remote Learning

People’s ability to evaluate scientific research is important to dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. STEM educators can use the pandemic to frame instruction of scientific literacy and critical-thinking skills. In a small pilot introductory psychol...

By Monica Kim Ngan Thieu, John C. Foo, and Caroline B. Marvin

Research Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Using an Instructional Team During Pandemic Remote Teaching Enhanced Student Outcomes in a Large STEM Course

The unplanned shift to online instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic challenged many instructors teaching large-enrollment courses to design learning environments that actively engaged all students. We looked at how one instructor used her instruct...

By Susan D. Hester, Jordan M. Elliott, Lindsey K. Navis, L. Tori Hidalgo, Young Ae Kim, Paul Blowers, Lisa K. Elfring, Karie L. Lattimore, and Vicente Talanquer

Pedagogy Research STEM Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

From Balancing Redox Reactions to Determining Change of Oxidation Numbers

Redox reaction is a core concept in teaching and learning chemistry. This article explores a new method for balancing organic redox reactions that requires the balancing of both atoms and charges. The H+, O, H2O, and e– are used as balanced vehicle...

By Pong Kau Yuen and Cheng Man Diana Lau

Chemistry Labs

Journal Article

Gender Inequities Throughout STEM

Efforts to promote equity and inclusion using evidence-based approaches are vital to correcting long-standing societal inequities that have disadvantaged women and discouraged them from pursuing studies, including in many STEM disciplines. We used 10...

By Alexandru Maries, Kyle Whitcomb, and Chandralekha Singh

Equity Social Justice STEM

Journal Article

Exploring the Effects of a Neglected Area

One of the major challenges of teaching science has been engaging students in discussions of concepts due to lack of perceived relevancy of topics to students’ individual goals and societal issues. Science has been viewed as a set of abstract topic...

By Emma Tribble, Rohan Skariah, Emily Tran, and Ozcan Gulacar

Chemistry STEM Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

A Flipped Classroom Approach and Digital Learning in an Undergraduate Molecular Biology Course

Teaching modalities such as Flipped Classroom Approach (FCA) are becoming increasingly popular in higher education. FCA requires that instructional content is completed outside the classroom, thus allowing active-learning activities to take place in ...

By Andreas Kakarougkas and Reham Abdellatif

Biology Pedagogy Teaching Strategies Technology

Journal Article

E–6 Preservice Teachers and Elementary Science Teaching

The study assessed the science teaching confidence of preservice teachers in teaching elementary science by addressing two research questions: (1) Did preservice teachers understand the science concepts well enough to be effective in teaching element...

By Mamta Singh

Pre-service Teachers Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Integrated Concentration in Science

The Integrated Concentration in Science (iCons) 4-year program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst was designed to promote interdisciplinary STEM collaboration in the solution of real-world problems and encourage student independence and inter...

By Stephanie Purington and Martina Nieswandt

Curriculum New Science Teachers Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Examining Perspectives of Teaching Among Biology Teaching Assistants

Recent reform efforts in postsecondary science teaching have called for shifts in instructional methods to include more evidence-based instructional practices. However, a myriad of factors play a role in whether an instructor adopts these more studen...

By Joshua W. Reid and Emily G. Weigel

Biology New Science Teachers Preservice Science Education Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

STEM Faculty Institute

As change agents at our university, we sought to facilitate a transition within our STEM college toward more extensive use of evidence-based instructional practices (EBIPs) that promote student-centered learning. We sought a multifaceted approach for...

By Richard E. West, Jamie L. Jensen, Michael Johnson, Jennifer Nielson, Rebecca Sansom, and Geoffrey Wright

Curriculum Preservice Science Education STEM Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

An Examination of Constructivism, Active Learning, and Reflexive Journaling and Their Independent and Combined Effects on Student Acceptance of Biological Evolution

Instruction that increases acceptance of evolution is essential to effective biology instruction, but instruction about evolution is not consistently correlated with increased levels of acceptance. Does the pedagogical approach utilized make the diff...

By Clinton Thomas Laidlaw, Seth M. Bybee, Steven Shumway, Thomas Heath Ogden, Steven Peck, and Jamie L. Jensen

Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

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