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Journal of College Science Teaching—July/August 2019

In this issue of the Journal of College Science Teaching, find out how you can develop partner-ships between two-year colleges and four-year institutions. Read about environmental enrichment programs for STEM learning. And learn how you can increase retention and success of first-year STEM students.
The KEYSTONE Program: A Model for STEM Student Success and Retention at a Small Liberal Arts College

Journal Article

The KEYSTONE Program: A Model for STEM Student Success and Retention at a Small Liberal Arts College

The Elmhurst College KEYSTONE project, KEYs to Success Through year ONE, addresses the challenges specific to STEM first-year students....

Enrichment for Students and Animals: Using Environmental Enrichment Programs for Undergraduate STEM Learning

Journal Article

Enrichment for Students and Animals: Using Environmental Enrichment Programs for Undergraduate STEM Learning

This articles describes a course that provided students with hands-on research opportunities and benefited the animals’ behavioral welfare....

Developing and Sustaining Faculty-Driven, Curriculum-Centered Partnerships Between Two-Year Colleges and Four-Year Institutions

Journal Article

Developing and Sustaining Faculty-Driven, Curriculum-Centered Partnerships Between Two-Year Colleges and Four-Year Institutions

This article presents a cross-case comparison of two faculty-driven partnerships between two-year colleges and four-year institutions....

Research and Teaching: Mini-Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience: Impact on Student Understanding of STEM Research and Interest in STEM Programs

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Mini-Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience: Impact on Student Understanding of STEM Research and Interest in STEM Programs

The authors describe and assess a one-week mini-course-based undergraduate research experience” for the perceived value of its components and ability to meet course learning objectives, provide similar research benefits, and serve as an underrepres...

Research and Teaching: The STEM-ALL Project: Co-teaching to Improve Science Teacher Information and Technology Literacy

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: The STEM-ALL Project: Co-teaching to Improve Science Teacher Information and Technology Literacy

The authors examine co-teacher effectiveness through the theoretical lens of intensity of effort by two coteaching university professors and their students’ academic achievement....

Research and Teaching: Investigating Introductory Nonmajor Biology Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Strategies Through the Implementation of a Reflective-Routine

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Investigating Introductory Nonmajor Biology Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Strategies Through the Implementation of a Reflective-Routine

This study examines students’ selfreported self-regulated learning strategies tied to summative assessment in a nonmajors introductory biology course through a reflective-routine intervention....

The Effect of Science Education Classes on Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Attitudes About Science

Journal Article

The Effect of Science Education Classes on Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Attitudes About Science

This study examined the attitudes toward science of elementary preservice teachers at a large public university in Texas. The study utilized a version of the well-established Test of ScienceRelated Attitudes (TOSRA) to assess the preservice elementar...

By Christopher S. Long

Point of View: In Support of Scholarly Teaching

Journal Article

Point of View: In Support of Scholarly Teaching

This column shares reflections or thoughtful opinions on issues of broad interest to the community....

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