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NSTA Press Book

Exemplary Science in Grades PreK-4: Standards-Based Success Stories

Since their release in 1996, the National Science Education Standards have provided the vision for science education reform. But has that reform actua...

Elementary Assessment Curriculum Inquiry Instructional Materials New Science Teachers Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Under Pressure

Book Chapter

Under Pressure

The contents of this chapter deal with air pressure and water pressure and what causes those things to increase and decrease. In addition, the real-wo...

Elementary High School Middle School Earth & Space Science General Science Physical Science Preservice Science Education Safety

How to...Weave the Web Into K-8 Science

NSTA Press Book

How to...Weave the Web Into K-8 Science

Like a search engine for science teachers, How to... Weave the Web into K-8 Science is your custom-made guide to bringing the best of the Internet int...

By David R. Wetzel

Elementary Middle School General Science Technology Assessment Instructional Materials Inquiry Teaching Strategies Inclusion New Science Teachers Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation

Bringing Technology Education into K-8 Classrooms: A Guide to Curricular Resources About the Designed World

NSTA Press Book

Bringing Technology Education into K-8 Classrooms: A Guide to Curricular Resources About the Designed World

At last, you can stop wondering how to make sense of the confusing world of technology resources for the classroom. This must-have book is the first i...

By Edward Britton, Bo De Long-Cotty, Toby Levenson

Elementary Informal Education Middle School General Science Technology Assessment Curriculum Instructional Materials Inquiry NGSS Teaching Strategies New Science Teachers Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation

NSTA Press Book

Teaching With Purpose: Closing the Research - Practice Gap

The best science teachers don’t just get up in front of the class and start talking. They draw from a plan… a rationale… a purpose. This book he...

By John E. Penick, Robin Lee Harris

Middle School Elementary High School Assessment Crosscutting Concepts Curriculum Disciplinary Core Ideas General Science Inquiry Instructional Materials New Science Teachers NGSS Professional Learning old Research Science and Engineering Practices Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Aristotle and His Teacher

Book Chapter

Aristotle and His Teacher

Aristotle took the ideas of those who had come before him and melded them into a grand theory that attempted to explain and classify everything know. ...

Elementary High School Middle School Interdisciplinary

Crossing Borders in Literacy and Science Instruction: Perspectives on Theory and Practice

NSTA Press Book

Crossing Borders in Literacy and Science Instruction: Perspectives on Theory and Practice

Although there is little argument that an important connection exists between literacy and science, much is not known about how literacy-science learn...

Elementary High School Middle School General Science Assessment Curriculum Instructional Materials Teaching Strategies Equity Interdisciplinary Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation

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