All Elementary resources
Book Chapter
The Role of the Science Leader in Implementing Standards-Based Science Programs
Although most of the literature of reform and systemic change focuses on policy, programs, and practices that the leaders should be responsible for producing, this chapter will emphasize what is known about how leaders bring about these improvements ...
NSTA Press Book
Hands-On Herpetology: Exploring Ecology and Conservation
Plentiful, diverse, and readily available, these animals—known in science as “herps”—are also perfect for teaching students about biology, ecology, and conservation, including problems affecting both amphibians and reptiles. This highly re...
By Rebecca L. Schneider, Marianne E. Krasny, Stephen J. Morreale
NSTA Press Book
Building Successful Partnerships: Community Connections for Science Education
No single educator can help children learn all they need to become scientifically literate. Resources are all around us—not only in traditional science classrooms and laboratories, but also in gardens, nature centers, parks, youth programs, museums...
By William C. Robertson
Book Chapter
Modern Science and the Book of Genesis
Many religious people, including scientists, hold that God created the universe and the various processes driving physical and biological evolution and that these processes then resulted in the creation of galaxies, our solar system, and life on Eart...
NSTA Press Book
The Creation Controversy and The Science Classroom
Organized into three practical parts, The Creation Controversy provides teachers with insights into modern science and the Book of Genesis, effective strategies for teaching evolution and other controversial topics, and the NSTA Position Statement on...
By James W. Skehan S.J., Ph.D., Craig E. Nelson, Ph.D.
NSTA Press Book
How to ... Ask the Right Questions
Questions, questions, questions! They are a large part of a teacher’s stock-in-trade. We use questions to help students review, to check on comprehension, to stimulate critical thinking, to encourage creativity, to emphasize a point, to control cla...
By Patricia E. Blosser
NSTA Press Book
Ten-Minute Field Trips: A Teachers's Guide to Using the Schoolgrounds for Environmental Studies
You don't have to go far to get science out of the classroom. An NSTA best-seller, this book is ideal for teachers in all school environments--urban, suburban, or rural. Renowned educator Helen Ross Russell describes more than 200 short, close-to-hom...
By Helen Ross Russell
NSTA Press Book
The NSTA Reader's Guide to the Next Generation Science Standards
Not since the release of A Framework for K-12 Science Education has a document held such promise and significance for the science education community as does the Next Generation Science Standards. ...
By Harold Pratt