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Loose Ends

Book Chapter

Loose Ends

This chapter contains basic material related to exponents that is a supplement to Chapters 1 and 2. Keeping with the theme of the first two chapters,...

High School Middle School Mathematics Teaching Strategies Professional Learning old

Negative Influence

Book Chapter

Negative Influence

This chapter is all about negative numbers, and how to deal with them. They're not all that difficult to understand, but for some reason people get j...

High School Middle School Mathematics Teaching Strategies Professional Learning old

Why Do They Have to Gum Everything Up With Those Letters?

Book Chapter

Why Do They Have to Gum Everything Up With Those Letters?

Often people who are relatively comfortable doing math with numbers completely freak out when variables (you know, those letters that take the place o...

High School Middle School Mathematics Teaching Strategies Professional Learning old

All Things Being Equal...Or Not

Book Chapter

All Things Being Equal...Or Not

Now that we've covered at least a few examples of how we get equations from the physical world, it's time to work on solving those equations. Solving...

High School Middle School Mathematics Teaching Strategies Professional Learning old

Pie are not Round; <i>&pi;</i>²

Book Chapter

Pie are not Round; <i>&pi;</i>²

What would a math book be without a nerdy math joke? Bad joke aside, you might recognize &pi;² as the formula for the area of a circle. And you mig...

High School Middle School Mathematics Teaching Strategies Professional Learning old


NSTA Press Book


Do you crave both physics problems and captivating illustrations? If your answer is "yes", look no further! Quantoons combines challenging problems an...

By Larry D. Kirkpatrick, Arthur Eisenkraft

High School Assessment Curriculum Instructional Materials Inquiry Teaching Strategies

Newton's Second One

Book Chapter

Newton's Second One

If you understood the first two chapters, you now know how to describe motion (using velocity and accelerations) and you know what causes changes in m...

High School Middle School Physical Science

Under Pressure

Book Chapter

Under Pressure

The contents of this chapter deal with air pressure and water pressure and what causes those things to increase and decrease. In addition, the real-wo...

Elementary High School Middle School Earth & Space Science General Science Physical Science Preservice Science Education Safety

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