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NSTA Press Book

SET EVO Teachers Guide: Ten Questions Everyone Should Ask About Evolution

Draw on the wit and wisdom of brilliant scientists to inspire your students as you teach them about a challenging area of biology. This teacher’s guide, which accompanies the EVO DVD, is structured around 10 fundamental questions about biological e...

By John Feldman, Rodger W. Bybee

High School Disciplinary Core Ideas General Science

Waves Do Basic Math--Adding and Subtracting

Book Chapter

Waves Do Basic Math--Adding and Subtracting

So far we've been dealing with single sources of sound, and how they produce the pitches you hear. But you don't go to the symphony to hear a single oboe, and when you hear a solo guitarist, he or she doesn't keep your attention long by playing only...

High School Middle School Physical Science

Ack! Word Problems!

Book Chapter

Ack! Word Problems!

Most textbooks go through the procedures for solving math equations before they ever get to word problems, which is a bit backwards. You should know where the equations come from in the first place, so you might actually have a reason for solving th...

High School Middle School Mathematics Teaching Strategies Teacher Preparation

To the Moon, Alice!

Book Chapter

To the Moon, Alice!

You now know enough about force and motion to design a trip to the Moon. After all, if they can get a man on the Moon, you can understand science. In the first section of this chapter, the author teaches you the basics of getting to orbit with an eng...

High School Middle School Physical Science

NSTA Press Book

The NSTA Reader's Guide to the Next Generation Science Standards

Not since the release of A Framework for K-12 Science Education has a document held such promise and significance for the science education community as does the Next Generation Science Standards. ...

By Harold Pratt

Elementary High School Middle School General Science Disciplinary Core Ideas Learning Progression NGSS Pedagogy Performance Expectations Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies Three-Dimensional Learning Preservice Science Education Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation

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