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Giving a Hand to STEM

By Debra Shapiro

Posted on 2017-04-02

At Brookwood School in Manchester, Massachusetts, Rich Lehrer, the school’s innovation coordinator, discusses the phalanges of prosthetic hands. Photo by David Oxton

Rich Lehrer, innovation coordinator at the Brookwood School in Manchester, Massachusetts, wanted his eighth graders to work on real-life science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) projects that help solve community problems. So in 2013, when he saw a video about South African carpenter Richard Van As and American mechanical special effects artist Ivan Owen creating a 3D-printed prosthetic hand to replace the fingers Van As lost in an accident, Lehrer says he was “blown away by [the opportunity] to create a prosthetic hand for Max,” his son, who was born with symbrachydactyly, a condition that causes short or missing fingers. “It was an opportunity to involve my students in an authentic project-based learning (PBL) and design project,” he maintains.

With advice from Van As, who, with Owen, posted the design for their Robohand online, Lehrer worked with 12 students over seven months in a weekly half-hour club to build the hand.

In Houston, Texas, Nghia Le, physical science teacher at Booker T. Washington High School, says he was interested in 3D printing because “I wanted to have my engineering students do rapid prototyping.” He discovered e-NABLE, a worldwide nonprofit community of volunteers who create free 3D-printed hands and arms for those in need. e-NABLE offers open-source designs on its website (see and matches persons needing the prosthetics with schools and organizations that can do the 3D printing.

In his classes, Le explains, “We focus on problem solving. Engineering [involves looking] at different problems, [seeing] how to apply innovative tools to everyday life and problems. Get[ting] students to apply what they know to solve a complex problem.” He says he wanted his students to help someone nearby so they could meet with the person.

“I let students choose projects, projects near us,” he adds. Through e-NABLE, Le and his students connected with six-year-old Gracie Henderson, who was born missing part of her left arm and hand. He and his students decided to create a prosthetic hand for her. “We weren’t sure we could do it, but we wanted to try,” he relates. “Problems are part of what we deal with, making sure students learn from their mistakes. [This project was] a perfect way for this to happen.”

Facing Challenges, Achieving Success

Lehrer’s first hurdle was acquiring supplies. “We had three groups: one to find a 3D printer, one to find the metal hardware, and one to find thermoplastic, which gets soft when heated and can wrap around the arm and provide a form for holding everything together,” he explains.

“We connected with the Governor’s Academy in Byfield, Massachusetts, [to print] the parts. Our maintenance department helped with the metal components,” says Lehrer. A hand surgeon from Boston Children’s Hospital connected them with pediatric orthotic products supplier Boston Brace, which donated hundreds of dollars’ worth of thermoplastic material. But “figuring it out without a curriculum was hard. We looked at a lot of devices online,” he admits.

As a father, Lehrer faced the challenge of “doing the project with Max, considering his safety. So many things could have gone wrong” if the device had not been made well, he allows. He also had to consider his students’ safety. “We’re an independent school, so we followed departmental safety procedures. Heating the thermoplastic was a major issue, so we used tongs, hot plates, goggles, gloves, [and other safety equipment].”

Le obtained about $1,200 to purchase a 3D printer through a sponsorship by KBR Inc., a Houston engineering firm. “They support education and had an interest in our school’s program,” he notes. “[But we] went through two or three printers during the project,” with a second one donated through Donors and a third “sold to us at a discount by a retail store,” he recalls.

“When the printer goes down, you have to send it to the shop,” which often involves waiting “six to nine months for the repair. We decided to learn how to fix a printer. We could fix 80% of the problems,” Le reports.

Another challenge with the printer is that “some parts of the hand…come out differently from what you expect,” he observes. And Le’s team had to start over after they created the first hand. “We first made a three-finger hand for Gracie, but she wanted five fingers,” he explains.

The project took about a year and a half. “We had a change of teams three times because students graduated. The last team took six months to complete the hand,” Le says.

Lehrer was excited when Max was able to use the finished hand, noting, “[I]t launched Brookwood and me into the world of authentic uses of 3D printing.” It also led to him becoming K–12 education coordinator for the e-NABLE Educators’ Exchange and the Enable Community Foundation, for which he wrote an official curriculum.
Lehrer says the prosthetic hands students are now creating are “95% 3D-printed (our first device was only 30% 3D-printed), and almost all parts can be 3D-printed in 16 to 20 hours…The 3D-printed upper limb prosthetics field has moved very quickly.”

The project “had a lot of impact on my students,” Le concludes. “They [developed] a personal relationship with Gracie, [which I believe is] important when training engineers and scientists …to help someone. Compassion is important.” His students are now trying to make a prosthetic foot for a duck.

One major factor in the success of Brookwood’s program has been that Max has been a student there for two years, Lehrer contends. “To do a good job of designing [prosthetics], you have to know the [user]…Most hand devices are designed and built by [persons without upper limb differences] who may not know what it’s like [for the users].”

As children grow, they outgrow devices, and many prosthetic hand users benefit from additional adaptors for various activities, he notes. “A sixth grader designed the clip that holds a drumstick so Max can play the drums. Other student-designed clips help him use a baseball bat and a scooter.”

Brookwood now has “kids building hands in fifth and eighth grade,…students designing activity-specific clips for adaptors for…Max’s hand, and has pioneered this very cool activity [in which] kids ‘hack’ the existing e-NABLE files to create cool little grabbers,” Lehrer reports. And to broaden the authentic design work students are doing, he has created a “problem bank” of “problems around the school and community that students can solve” using 3D printing, he relates. For example, students are working with senior citizens to create devices to help them.

These projects “are as rich, if not more rich, than making a 3D-printed hand…Real-life problems that need solving are the best use of the machines” because they help students develop problem-solving, 3D modeling, and technological skills, he contends.

Learning About Inventions

As part of an engineering unit, Sue Gore’s fifth graders at Liberty Intermediate School in Chesterton, Indiana, build prosthetic hands. “There’s a section on biotechnology in our textbook that covers prosthetics of all kinds. I teach the design process for science and do a Rube Goldberg/simple machines project with my students, then lead them into biotechnology,” she relates. She and three colleagues who teach science and math decided to have students create prosthetic hands when they teach the biotechnology section.

The students use a variety of everyday materials, such as plastic fasteners, string, and cardboard, to create the hands. “The hand has to have a hinged wrist and jointed fingers and has to be anatomically correct,” says Gore. “It has to be acceptable to a human being; [with] no ‘claws.’”

Last year, students built their hands at home with parents or other adults. This year, students made them in the school’s new makerspace, paid for by a grant from the Duneland Education Foundation, which provides funds to enhance educational experiences for K–12 students in the community. “The students worked in teams to make their hands in the new makerspace,” Gore explains. In addition, “we knew that the students would be doing the hands-on work versus the parents doing most of it.”

The finished hands varied in size. “Some were…too large to hold a ball, a marker, or a cup,” which was required, Gore observes. “We critiqued [the hands] as engineers, so they would learn from their prototype….

“My students understand that you may redesign and tweak [a device] many times before it’s ready for the market,” she points out. “It’s important for students to collaborate and go through the whole cycle of the design process.

After attending a U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) conference for educators, Gore now teaches students about “getting their work protected. I…require them to do a diagram [of their prosthetic], just as engineers do when they submit inventions to [the USPTO],” she reports.

The unit ends with students “using the Human to Human Interface”—a device that connects one person to another with wires and uses probes—“to see how one’s brain can control another’s hand,” says Gore. “This was a great follow-up to the prosthetic hand presentations. The students were amazed that one could control [the] bodily movements of another [using] wires.”

She also emphasizes the human side of prosthetics. “We look at videos of the Special Olympics…[to see how] flexible materials are needed so an athlete can continue to compete. [We also consider the circumstances of] the Boston Marathoners and the difference you can make” in people’s lives with prosthetics.

This article originally appeared in the April 2017 issue of NSTA Reports, the member newspaper of the National Science Teachers Association. Each month, NSTA members receive NSTA Reports, featuring news on science education, the association, and more. Not a member? Learn how NSTA can help you become the best science teacher you can be.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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At Brookwood School in Manchester, Massachusetts, Rich Lehrer, the school’s innovation coordinator, discusses the phalanges of prosthetic hands. Photo by David Oxton


The Early Childhood STEM Institute

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2017-04-01

Guest blogger Cindy Hoisington is a Senior Curriculum/Instructional Design Associate with Education Development Center. Hoisington believes that authentic, cognitively challenging science experiences can be transformative for young children. She brings to her work more than 20 years of experience teaching young children, developing educational materials, and instructing and mentoring early childhood teachers in language, literacy, and science education. Welcome Cindy!


I was thrilled to have the opportunity to present at the Early Childhood STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) Institute in Reno Nevada this week , an event sponsored by the Region 9 Head Start Association (covering the states of Arizona, California, Nevada, and Hawaii). This is Region 9’s sixth annual STEM institute and the theme was “Children as Inventors.” As a former Head Start (HS) teacher myself, it was wonderful to spend time with HS educators who fully appreciate the central role of exploration and play in children’s learning, an understanding that is fundamental to implementing rich, extended, and well-facilitated STEM experiences in classrooms. I presented on the topic of “Science and Language: A Natural Fit” and shared some of the work currently being done at Education Development Center Inc. (EDC) in Waltham MA. In our current project, Literacy and Academic Success for English Learners through Science (LASErS) , we build on a long stream of Early Childhood science work at EDC, and work with pre-K, K, and Grade 1 teachers in Hartford Connecticut to maximize science as a context for language and literacy development for ALL children. At my presentation, participants excitedly investigated mealworms (beetle larvae) and reflected on how this collaborative exploration promoted science thinking, language use, and the integration of challenging vocabulary. We viewed two videotaped science talks about ramps in preschool  classroom to observe high quality teacher facilitation in action. Participants noted the tremendous respect the videotaped teachers had for children’s thinking and ideas about living things in one video, and about balls on ramps in another.

Teachers sit together and look at mealworms.

Cindy Hoisington leading a hands-on exploration of mealworm body structure.

Participant observing and moving mealworms.

Workshop participate Jill Uhlenburg observing mealworm motion.









At this Institute I also had the opportunity to participate on a panel discussion on the topic of “the future of math and science in early education” with STEM experts from WestEd, the University of Nevada, and Pacific Clinics Head Start. The discussion centered on challenges teachers face in facilitating STEM experiences along with potential solutions including: how to find time and space for doing their own inquiry-based investigations; how to integrate STEM and literacy goals; and how to maintain play at the center of children’s STEM experiences. These are universal issues that are important to early childhood teachers.  Teachers at NSTA conferences express the same concerns.

A highpoint of the Institute for me was listening to the opening keynote by president-elect of NSTA, David Crowther, who is also a professor of science education at the University of Nevada, Reno. He emphasized NSTA’s increasing focus on STEM in the early years and the need for our youngest learners to have access to high-quality STEM experiences that promote inquiry-based investigation and scientific thinking. As a co-facilitator of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Early Childhood Science Interest Forum (ECSIF), I was particularly excited to hear him mention the Position Statement on Early Childhood Science Education adopted by NSTA and endorsed by NAEYC. He also emphasized how collaboration between NAEYC and NSTA can benefit early childhood science educators, a priority that the ECSIF has been promoting for several years.

Worm project, from the class of HS teacher Liana Guloyan, Pacific Clinics Head Start/Early Head Start.

Of course another highpoint of the event was the opportunity to meet and talk with STEM colleagues and educators from around the country. These conversations ranged far and wide and included: developing criteria to help teachers choose evaluate the educational quality of STEM materials and resources; using digital tools to promote children’s story-telling; and looking for the common threads across the STEM disciplines (direct experiences and opportunities for exploring, thinking, and talking) that can help teachers move forward in the STEM teaching.

I wrapped up my time at the institute with a visit to the science and math curriculum fair presented by teachers at Pacific Clinics Head Start/Early Head Start, located in Pasadena, CA called a “Celebration of Teachers Teaching Teachers.” The fair highlighted visually and intellectually  stimulating documentation describing  a variety of STEM projects (worms, wind,  building, butterflies) in photos, drawings, and children’s words. 

Guest blogger Cindy Hoisington is a Senior Curriculum/Instructional Design Associate with Education Development Center. Hoisington believes that authentic, cognitively challenging science experiences can be transformative for young children.


Who Knew I

By Guest Blogger

Posted on 2017-04-01


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The thing is, if you aren’t looking to broaden your knowledge and improve your practice, then stay away from the LA Convention Center and NSTA’s 2017 National Conference. I mean—stay away. Because when you walk into any door you are surrounded by a plethora of sessions, resources and exhibits. Oh, and did I mention the food trucks? Now that’s FULL service, NSTA!

Yesterday, I went to a variety of sessions that involved engineering in some way. One of my favorites—and one where I learned a lot—was led by Dr. Cary Sneider, a STEM expert and a lead on the development of the Framework for K-12 Science Education and the NGSS. The session was about Misconceptions about Engineering in the NGSS. In full disclosure, I consider(ed) myself somewhat of an expert on especially the engineering included in the NGSS. I led a review for ASEE (the American Society for Engineering Education) and have been using the standards in the bulk of my work as a P12 engineering education expert. So I’m not going to lie when I say I felt well, comfortable, about this session…maybe even a little smug.

Yeah, well that usually doesn’t work out the way. And it didn’t. Cary designed the session to have the audience members collaborate to complete some multiple-choice questions about engineering in the NGSS. He warned us that all the possible answers were at least somewhat right, and that we were to discuss them and choose what we thought was the best answer. Then we compared our results with another group, and finally, Cary reviewed the questions—and our answers—as a large group.

I was teamed up with a teacher from Mountain View, CA named Megan. Together we learned our first lesson: these seemingly clear statements had fuzzy answers. Yes, multiple choices could fit as an answer, or this part of (a) and that part of (c) were it. Megan and I discussed each one, and finally made choices. So when we compared our answers with the other team, color us surprised when the case they made for a different answer made sense. ARGH! Take it to the next level in the whole group discussion and clearly, much of the audience had struggled with the squishiness (yes, that’s a technical term). It was actually a bit disconcerting, as I know began to question myself.

Discoveries and Solutions Improve with Diverse Thinking

Near the end, Cary asked a brave lone dissenter why he’d chosen an answer. It was, after all, obvious he was wrong…..right? His reasoning, however, struck a chord. And all of a sudden, my perspective broadened. You could see from his face that Cary had the same reaction, and noted he’d simply never thought about it that way. He modeled, in exactly the right way, how to truly consider a different view and see it for the possibilities it presented.

Here’s the thing….in today’s education system being “right” is prized above all else, especially on tests in ELA and Math. As do scientists, engineers rely on data and evidence and as much as possible, try to minimize “squishiness.” But discoveries and solutions improve with diverse thinking. One of my favorite statements is a broader perspective on a solution team brings better solutions. Diversity, in all ways, matters. But perspectives tend to get fixed when answers are “right” or “wrong” , or when things “have always been that way” or when the way you’ve decided “it” is turns out to well, maybe not be just that way. It’s a little perplexing to have your perspective shift. But if you allow yourself to put that aside for just a moment it’s also invigorating, and squishy. And when you do all of this, and then model for others that it’s okay for the “expert” to still be learning—well, that’s perfect.

Author Liz Parry is a guest blogger for NSTA for the 2017 National Conference; follow Liz on Twitter @STEMninjaneer.

More About the 2017 National Conference on Science Education

Browse the program preview, or check out more sessions and other events with the LA Session Browser/Personal Scheduler. Follow all our conference tweets using #NSTA17, and if you tweet, please feel free to tag us @NSTA so we see it!

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

Future NSTA Conferences

2017 STEM Forum & Expo
Kissimmee/Orlando, July 12–14

2017 Area Conferences

Baltimore, October 5–7
Milwaukee, November 9–11
New Orleans, Nov. 30–Dec. 2

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Named an Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12!
Named an Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12!

Dive In! Immersion in Science Practices for High School Students

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This book delivers what the title promises: perspectives on leadership and science education, presented in the form of a stimulating seminar. Authors Rodger Bybee and Stephen Pruitt are two of science educator's most prominent thought leaders. Writing in a conversational style, they encourage you to ponder central concerns of the science education community in general and science teachers in particular. As they explain, “This book is our response to those ready to face the challenges and provide leadership for education reform.”
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