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Big learning from short observations of birds: February 17-20, 2017

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2017-02-14

Walk outside with your children, watch and count birds for 15 minutes while recording the names of those you know, and report your bird count to be part of a world-wide citizen-science project to collect data on wild birds, creating an annual snapshot of the distribution and abundance of birds. On any or all of these four days, February 17-20, 2017, you will be part of the more than 160,000 people who do this every February for the Great Backyard Bird Count, a global event facilitated by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Audubon, and Bird Studies Canada.

Chickadee bird shape rubbingGet children ready for the day by looking at the birds that regularly hang out around the play yard or nearby park. The Great Backyard Bird Count website has many tools for identifying birds. I like children to handle life-size cardboard silhouettes of the common birds to help them remember bird sizes and shapes. See February 2007 The Early Years column, “Birds in Winter,” (free to all) for a description of using silhouettes to make bird shape rubbings. See additional resources for children about birds in a March 2011 blog post.

Pigeons roosting on a street lamp.As children see birds, help them tally up the total number seen at a single time (you don’t want to count the same pigeon 25 times!). Observing birds is a great way to begin a discussion on animal diversity, comparing size, colors, and the locations birds seem to prefer. Over time, children begin to identify distinctive bird calls and songs. By entering the data your children collect, they will be helping to answer questions such as, “What kinds of differences in bird diversity are apparent in cities versus suburban, rural, and natural areas?”

When children’s interest in bird watching is high, setting up a feeder near a window can create an on-going science center for collecting data about which species visit which type of feeder. See an example of a data collection sheet that you can revise to show the species in your area. Begin now and your children will see the bird population at their feeder change as the season changes from winter to spring and beyond.

Walk outside with your children, watch and count birds for 15 minutes while recording the names of those you know, and report your bird count to be part of a world-wide citizen-science project to collect data on wild birds, creating an annual snapshot of the distribution and abundance of birds.


Safety Blog

Avoiding Electrical Hazards in the Lab

By Kenneth Roy

Posted on 2017-02-14

In science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) labs, teachers and students can be exposed to a number of electrical hazards such as damaged electrical receptacles, missing ground prongs, and faulty electrical equipment. These hazards can result in electric shock, electrocution, fire, and explosions.

Circuit breakers only protect the science lab and school building—not the teachers or students—from these hazards. A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI), a device that constantly compares current flowing from the hot wire to the neutral wire in a circuit, can help protect lab occupants from electrical accidents. If the GFCI senses an imbalance in the current, a switch will open and the current will stop flowing in about 1/40 of a second.

To help maintain your GFCI, the circuit breaker must be flipped on and off a couple of times on a monthly basis to prevent the buildup of corrosion that might interfere with the operation of the GFCI. This is especially true in lab environments that contain corrosive fumes. Warn/inform your colleagues before flipping the breaker, in case computers or other technologies are being used during the maintenance.

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s QuickFacts (see Resources) teachers should follow these better professional practices to avoid electrical hazards in the lab:

1. Make sure manufacturer’s recommendations are followed when using any electrical equipment.

2. The safest lab equipment has either a three-prong plug (including a ground plug) or double insulation.

3. Make sure any electrical receptacle used near a water source (e.g., sinks, aquariums, wave tanks) is GFCI-protected and operational.

4. Do not use extension cords as a substitute for permanent wiring. This can be a fire hazard.

5. Before using any electrical equipment in the lab, visually inspect the power cord and plug to make sure they are in good condition.

6. If you plug more than two pieces of low-demand equipment (e.g., computer, printer) into a standard outlet, use a fused power strip that will shut off if too much power is used.

7. Do not use power strips for high-demand electrical equipment (e.g., microwave oven, power tools) because they can be a fire hazard. Only plug them into a standard outlet.

8. Never disable any electrical safety feature. For example, never break off a ground prong from a three-conductor plug.

9. Never directly touch someone who is being shocked or electrocuted. Although the human body is a poor conductor of electricity, a wet surface and as little as 1/5 Amp can cause serious injury. If possible, turn off the power (pull the plug or trip the circuit breaker), or use an item made of nonconductive material (e.g., wooden broom handle) to pry him or her away from the electrical source. Call 911 immediately.

10. GFCIs do not protect the individuals from line-to-line contact hazards, when a person holds two hot wires or a hot and a neutral wire at the same time. If a student’s fingers were on the metal prongs of a microscope plug when pushing it into an outlet, for example, this would constitute line-to-line contact. At the least, the student would receive a serious shock.

In the end

To find out whether your lab is GFCI-protected, ask the supervisor of school facilities to survey the lab for GFCI protection. Additionally, hardware or electrical stores usually carry GFCI test devices for about $10, which are simple to operate and can test a whole lab within a few minutes.

GFCI protection is required under National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and OSHA codes and regulations. Science teachers need to work with administration to make sure their labs are up to code. Further, a licensed electrician or building inspector should check for applications of the NFPA and OSHA standards in science labs. See Resources for more information on electrical safety.

Submit questions regarding safety in K–12 to Ken Roy at, or leave him a comment below. Follow Ken Roy on Twitter: @drroysafersci.


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In science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) labs, teachers and students can be exposed to a number of electrical hazards such as damaged electrical receptacles, missing ground prongs, and faulty electrical equipment. These hazards can result in electric shock, electrocution, fire, and explosions.

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