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Big Data, Small Devices: Investigating the Natural World Using Real-Time Data

Now your students can transform their mobile phones and tablets into tools for learning about everything from weather to water quality. Big Data, Small Devices shows you how. This book is designed for Earth and environmental science teachers who want to help students tap into, organize, and deploy large data sets via their devices to investigate the world around them. Using the many available websites and free apps, students can learn to detect patterns among phenomena related to the atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and seasons.
Now your students can transform their mobile phones and tablets into tools for learning about everything from weather to water quality. Big Data, Small Devices shows you how. This book is designed for Earth and environmental science teachers who want to help students tap into, organize, and deploy large data sets via their devices to investigate the world around them. Using the many available websites and free apps, students can learn to detect patterns among phenomena related to the atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and seasons.
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