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Educators enjoy the innovative booths at #NSTA15

By Luke Towler

Posted on 2015-11-13

Babafemi Ojo is a high school biology teacher. Yet his favorite booth at the National Science Teachers Association’s Philadelphia conference was the portable planetarium.

“I could see kids getting in there and being amazed,” says Ojo, who teaches at Newark Tech Essex County Vocational School in Newark, New Jersey. “The kids would ask a lot of questions.”

Science teachers had the opportunity to step inside STARLAB’s planetarium, where they could gaze at the constellations and images of the Greek myths the constellations were named after. The portable planetariums start at $32,995 and can fit in a school gymnasium or auditorium, says Sarah Bell, who works for STARLAB.

According to Bell, the planetarium is an “immersive” learning experience designed to get kids interested in science while moving them beyond textbooks. For kids, “there’s nothing cooler,” she says.


Many of the booths at the conference offered new approaches to science teaching, especially through hands-on lessons and projects.

If you were at the conference, you probably noticed Carolina Biological Supply Company’s booth, which featured numerous butterflies inside a display cage. Carolina employees were giving away butterfly larvae to educators. With the larvae, Christine Eccles, a visiting assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University, who also teaches biology at a private school, hopes to spark students’ interest in the butterfly’s life cycle, saying the lesson works for grades 5–12.


Matt Esser, an eighth-grade physical science teacher, particularly enjoyed the two-liter bottle rocket launchers. They were similar to the bottle rockets he used to teach his students about Newton’s three laws.  To launch the bottle rockets, teachers put water into the two liter and provide air pressure through a bicycle pump that is connected to the bottle.

Middle school science teacher Lisa Niemi says she’s always wanted to implement environmental-based instruction into her classes, but it hasn’t been included in her science curriculum. That’s why her favorite booth was Nutrients for Life Foundation’s, who gave her a free curriculum to teach environmental science.

“Kids of all ages have to care about the planet,” Niemi says.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Babafemi Ojo is a high school biology teacher. Yet his favorite booth at the National Science Teachers Association’s Philadelphia conference was the portable planetarium.

“I could see kids getting in there and being amazed,” says Ojo, who teaches at Newark Tech Essex County Vocational School in Newark, New Jersey. “The kids would ask a lot of questions.”


Bringing NGSS Topics to Life with a 2-Minute Science Podcast

By Guest Blogger

Posted on 2015-11-12

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A few years ago, I had the pleasure of giving a presentation at the NSTA STEM Forum in St. Louis. I got lots of questions, but I also got something unexpected—homework. One science teacher challenged me to make understandable science stories that she could use in her classroom. To answer this, I’ve created a weekly 2-minute science podcast called Science Underground to do just that.

Science Underground officially launched this month (November 2015) and can be found on iTunes (iOs) and Stitcher (Android). The goal of this free podcast is to make science fun. Each audio episode is a short nugget of understandable and un-dry science that middle schoolers can comprehend. But also, high school students, college students, and even adults benefit from them too. The podcast is designed so that many of the science stories are supportive of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

What’s the cost? There isn’t any. You can sign up for the newsletter and learn about future episodes, premium content, and events (like a STEM camp for adults), but there isn’t any obligation at all.

So, what topics might you hear? Well, NFL great Jerry Rice tells us about the perplexing way that the football spins when thrown by a left-handed or right handed quarterback, and how the spin shifts the ball sideways. This secret way that a football travels can be the difference between a touchdown or not.

Not a football fan? No problem. One scientist shared how he is making tires from lettuce. Another scientist shows how she is using fireflies to make new medicines. You will also find timely topics, like how leaves change colors for the fall, the science of chocolate for St. Valentine’s Day, and the chemistry of fireworks for the Fourth of July. And, all these conversation starters happen in 2 minutes.

The goal of Science Underground is to awaken the inner scientists in all children and support educators in making science fun.


Downloadable, Science Underground is a free weekly 2-minute science podcast that targets middle school and high school students.




QAinissa Ramirezuestions:

Ainissa Ramirez (@AinissaRamirez) is a scientist and the co-author of Newton’s Football and the author of Save Our Science. She hosts a science podcast called Science Underground.


The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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