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Science lessons for the new year from NSTA Press

By Claire Reinburg

Posted on 2015-01-20

Elementary NSTA Press Book Sampler120

NSTA Press sampler of science lessons for elementary grades

The start of the new year is a great time for science teachers to explore fresh lesson ideas for the classroom. NSTA Press’s top-selling books and new publications offer numerous lessons and activities, from learning about amazing caterpillars to exploring air pressure, and from understanding solutions to investigating energy. We’ve collected chapters from popular NSTA Press books tailored to elementary, middle, and high school into convenient NSTA Press Book Samplers. Each sampler includes lessons and activities from four books designed to engage students and nurture their curiosity about science and the world around them.

Click to download our NSTA Press Elementary School Sampler, which includes lessons and chapters from Even More Picture-Perfect Science Lessons: Using Children’s Books to Guide Inquiry, K–5; Using Physical Science Gadgets and Gizmos, Grades 3–5: Phenomenon-Based Learning; Uncovering Student Ideas in Primary Science, Volume 1: 25 New Formative Assessment Probes for Grades K–2; and Next Time You See a Maple Seed. Click to download our NSTA Press Middle School Sampler, which includes

NSTA Press sampler of science lessons for middle school

NSTA Press sampler of science lessons for middle school

lessons and chapters from Doing Good Science in Middle School, Expanded 2nd Edition: A Practical STEM Guide; Predict, Observe, Explain: Activities Enhancing Scientific Understanding; Everyday Earth and Space Science Mysteries: Stories for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching; and Using Physical Science Gadgets and Gizmos, Grades 6–8: Phenomenon-Based Learning.

NSTA Press sampler of science lessons for high school

NSTA Press sampler of science lessons for high school

Or click to download our NSTA Press High School Sampler, which includes lessons and chapters from Hard-to-Teach Biology Concepts, Revised 2nd Edition: Designing Instruction Aligned to the NGSS; Argument-Driven Inquiry in Biology: Lab Investigations for Grades 9–12; It’s Debatable! Using Socioscientific Issues to Develop Scientific Literacy, K–12; and Using Physics Gadgets and Gizmos, Grades 9–12: Phenomenon-Based Learning. All the best for the new year from NSTA Press!

Elementary NSTA Press Book Sampler120

NSTA Press sampler


NSTA Press author Victor Sampson presents a webinar on scientific argumentation

By Wendy Rubin, Managing Editor, NSTA Press

Posted on 2015-01-20

Join NSTA Press author Victor Sampson for his webinar “Scientific Argumentation: Helping Students Identify, Evaluate, and Support Claims” (a 2-part course).

Use Smithsonian and other published resources to help students judge the quality or reliability of evidence, evaluate scientific claims, and construct scientific arguments. In a live, interactive format, try out an instructional strategy and an online annotation tool. This webinar will address inquiry skills and CCSS ELA standards for informational texts in scientific and technical subject areas. Provided materials focus on real-world, curriculum-relevant topics such as fracking and the Asian carp invasion.

Free registration required:

Target Audience: 9th and 10th grade science teachers
When: Part 1: Tuesday, February 17, 2015; Part 2: Monday, February 23, 2015

(Note: The course takes place over two sessions and attendance at both, along with completion of the evaluation, is required to receive a certificate)
Time: 7:00 p.m. ET/6:00 p.m. CT/5:00 p.m. MT/4:00 p.m. PT
Duration: 60 minutes each session
Where: The event will take place online via the Google+ platform. Registrants will receive links to the two sessions prior to the event.
The webinar is archived and available for viewing after the live event has occurred.

Michelle K. Smith is Associate Director for Digital Media in the Smithsonian Center for Learning and Digital Access. She oversees content development for instructional materials and web-based programs based on the Smithsonian’s collections and expertise.

Dr. Victor Sampson is an Associate Professor of STEM Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of a growing series of books about engaging students in scientific argumentation, a key practice of science that helps students master content while they write about and discuss claims and evidence.

Certificate of Participation: Webinar participants earn a certificate of participation for attending both sessions and completing the evaluation form at the end of the program.
For more information: Contact

Join NSTA Press author Victor Sampson for his webinar “Scientific Argumentation: Helping Students Identify, Evaluate, and Support Claims” (a 2-part course).


New year, new format for The STEM Classroom

By Becky Stewart

Posted on 2015-01-20

graphic with the words "The STEM Classroom"Welcome to my new blog! The old STEM Classroom e-newsletter has gotten a makeover and become part of the new monthly Science and the STEM Classroom. As part of the redesign, I’m getting a chance to hone my skill at blogging in WordPress. A blog offers some different functionality and increased opportunities for sharing and connecting. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to learn more about formatting and how to embed images in WordPress.

I am, of course, a bit late to the party. Blogging as an educational tool has been a thing for a good 10 years now. Many of today’s classroom courses have a blog component, thanks to the ubiquity of Blackboard in higher education and other learning management systems like the open-source option, Moodle, and Edmodo, which is aimed at primary and secondary school audiences. The best part about this blogging opportunity, though, is that I’ll learn to do more advanced coding in HTML. This month, I’ll give you some ideas for incorporating coding or its fruits in your classroom.

Science Connection: Effective Science Communication

I’ve written before about the importance of communicating science for lay audiences. One of the challenges in attracting new students to scientific fields is that so much of what is written about new and exciting science is obscured by jargon. This is beginning to change, and a number of science communicators have dedicated themselves to ensuring that news about good science gets the wider attention it deserves. Some of those communicators, like Joe Hanson, are using the Internet to host several different channels of communication. Hanson has a Facebook page, Twitter feed, YouTube channel, and a blog. If you don’t already keep a list of science communication resources in your classroom, you can start with these.


Any of the blogs from Discover magazine or the blogs at SciLogs (and there are lots of them).

On Twitter

A search for science communicator will bring up lots of results. The writers of the Discover or SciLogs blogs are good places to start.

YouTube Channels

This list is by no means comprehensive, and I encourage you to explore via the links posted at the mentioned sites as well as in the subject areas that most fit your own interests.

Technology Connection: Coding

You’ve probably heard some of the debate about coding and whether computer programming classes should have a place in every school. The proponents of adding this subject in school argue that learning a programming language will teach students problem solving skills. It also helps them move from simply consuming content to being able to create it, which is an essential human trait that we risk limiting access to as the world becomes more digital and less analog. Of course, learning a programming language can be challenging, and may not be necessary for everyone.

The debate about the place of coding in schools will continue. But if you’re looking for a new skill to add to your repertoire in the new year, there are a number of ways you can learn some basic coding.

If you want some background about why knowing a little bit about coding is useful, read this article about how the web works. The Internet is often the first source of information for today’s students, if not necessarily their teachers. It’s always easier to use something if you know more about how it works. It’s a good bet that your students’ workplaces will have a significant web presence. Some of those workplaces, like Etsy, even encourage employees to learn more about how their websites work. In addition, coding is taking a growing role in data visualization in the sciences. For some background on the R data visualization and statistical analysis package, read this article.

Engineering Connection: How Engineers Work

As proof that the Internet is changing the way everyone works, a compelling argument for why engineers should learn to code is presented in this blog post. Knowledge of some basic coding can help engineers work more efficiently with their data.

If you’d like more resources for inspiring your students to study engineering, a number of entertaining engineering blogs are highlighted in this article. A list of 10 YouTube channels every engineer must see can be found here.

Math Connection: New Ways of Doing Math

The recent controversy surrounding the release of Sony Pictures’ The Interview led to a good example of algebra in action. The studio reported $15 million in revenue from the first four days of online sales and rentals, from a total of 2 million transactions. The initial New York Times article about the release stated that the studio did not report how many of the transactions were $6 rentals versus $15 sales, but then the Internet took over.

The percentage of students who require remedial math courses in college before they can take the math sequences required for graduation is an issue of concern. A number of community colleges are piloting the Pathways math sequences from the Carnegie Foundation. These courses teach essential math concepts for students who do not plan to major in STEM fields in college, without getting too heavily involved in algebra, which particularly in community colleges has a very high failure rate.

Math Blogs (again, not a comprehensive list)

Don’t Miss Out

The ITEEA Annual Conference, March 26–28, 2015, Milwaukee, WI Philadelphia Science Festival, April 24–May 2, 2015, Philadelphia, PA

If your organization is planning a STEM event and you’d like a notice to appear in this blog, please email the editor, Becky Stewart, at I’d love to hear from you.

Produced by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), The STEM Classroom is written by science writer Becky Stewart as a forum for ideas and resources that middle and high school teachers need to support science, technology, engineering, and math curricula. Fans of the old version of The STEM Classroom e-newsletter can find the archives here.

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graphic with the words "The STEM Classroom"Welcome to my new blog! The old STEM Classroom e-newsletter has gotten a makeover and become part of the new monthly Science and the STEM Classroom.

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