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NSTA Virtual Conference Archive: NGSS Practices in Action

On November 15, 2014, close to 340 educators nationwide took part in a day-long virtual conference where they learned practical strategies for integrating the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) into their classrooms.

Visit the conference details page for more information about this virtual conference, its presenters, and the agenda .


On November 15, 2014, close to 340 educators nationwide took part in a day-long virtual conference where they learned practical strategies for integrating the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) into their classrooms.

Visit the conference details page for more information about this virtual conference, its presenters, and the agenda .


On November 15, 2014, close to 340 educators nationwide took part in a day-long virtual conference where they learned practical strategies for integrating the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) into their classrooms.

Visit the conference details page for more information about this virtual conference, its presenters, and the agenda .


On November 15, 2014, close to 340 educators nationwide took part in a day-long virtual conference where they learned practical strategies for integrating the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) into their classrooms.

Visit the conference details page for more information about this virtual conference, its presenters, and the agenda .



#NSTA14 Orlando: Highlights From the Hall

By Guest Blogger

Posted on 2014-10-30

Orlando logoWe’re just one short week away from the Orlando NSTA 2014 Area Conference on Science Education. We’ll be making ourselves at home at the Orange County Convention Center in sunny Orlando, Florida, November 6–8, 2014. We invite you to join us as we explore Science: Adventures into the Future. Conference strands will focus on elementary science education, environmental explorations, and STEM connections.

Michael A. DiSpezioWe’ll kick things off on Thursday morning (November 6) with our keynote presentation Michael DiSpezio at 9:15 am. Lauded for his interactive presentations, DiSpezio has hosted more than 60 broadcasts of the Jason Project, The Discovery channel, PBS, MTV, and the Weather Channel just to name a few. A former marine biologist, he has co-authored several dozen science textbooks that are used in K–12 classrooms and several dozen trade books on science topics ranging from critical-thinking puzzles to HIV awareness. After completing his graduate studies at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, he worked as a research assistant for Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi. With a master’s degree in biology from Boston University, he extended his passion for education as a K–12 classroom teacher for nearly 10 years.

cover of the Orlando programProgramming-wise, we’ve hand-selected and vetted more than 200 unique sessions, workshops, and presentations resulting in a diverse range of programming with something for everyone—from classroom teachers to administrators and informal educators at all age levels and interests.  You can check out all the sessions online via the Session Browser or view the program (pdf).

We would also like to recognize and thank our outstanding Exhibitors who have lots of exciting hands-on activities in store for you.  We have over 90 unique exhibits to visit and have put together nearly three pages of highlighted activities taking place in the Exhibit Hall over the course of the conference. You can also review all of the Exhibitors by taking a spin around the online floor plan, which includes a roster of exhibitors, a description of what they’ll be featuring, and where they’re located in the Exhibit Hall.

image of a phone with the conference appFor the latest conference information, download the Orlando Conference App. If you’re not already registered, there is still time to join us and you can register online 24/7.  We’re excited to see you next week!

Today’s guest blogger is Jason Sheldrake, Assistant Executive Director, National Science Teachers Association. For question about the Richmond exhibits, please contact Jason at; or contact Jeffrey LeGrand, NSTA Exhibits and Advertising Associate, at

2014 Area Conferences on Science Education

Orlando, FL – November 6–8

Long Beach, CA (in collaboration with CSTA) – December 4–6

2015 National Conference on Science Education

Chicago, IL – March 12-15

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Orlando logoWe’re just one short week away from the Orlando NSTA 2014 Area Conference on Science Education. We’ll be making ourselves at home at the Orange County Convention Center in sunny Orlando, Florida, November 6–8, 2014.


Why Did Mrs. Carter Ask a Science Teacher to Create a Butterfly Garden?

By Guest Blogger

Posted on 2014-10-30

Mrs. Carter's Butterfly Garden book coverIt’s not every day that a science-teacher-turned-author gets the call that a former first lady of the United States could use his help. When that happened to me, I was uncertain if I would have anything to offer someone of Mrs. Carter’s stature. I dusted off my decades-old copy of her autobiography for a refresher on Mrs. Carter’s incredible life and assured myself that if she wanted a garden to attract monarch butterflies, I had the experience she needed—my 15 years of middle and elementary school teaching would come in handy in the months to come! Within 48 hours, I had security clearance and found myself in Mrs. Carter’s front yard helping her and the National Park Service plan a butterfly garden that would one day be part of the gardens surrounding a presidential burial site.

inside pages of Mrs. Carter's Butterfly GardenThe diminutive Mrs. Rosalynn (as she is affectionately known) exudes a certain soft-spoken elegance in addition to her ability to make everyone in her presence feel comfortable and welcomed. She listened intently to my butterfly-gardening suggestions, asked good questions, and had firm ideas that a garden should have a purpose that serves its surrounding environment. In this case, bringing butterflies and other pollinators to her hometown of 700 people would be helpful to the farmers in the area whose crops could benefit. Furthermore, schoolchildren and other visitors could learn from the garden when it eventually opened to the public. When she found out that multiple gardens would promote a higher butterfly population, she wanted to make that happen.

President and Mrs. Carter with author Steve RichThough it was her meeting, Mrs. Carter graciously allowed her husband to give input. Even though Jimmy Carter was the 39th president of the United States, it’s clear that he respects his wife’s projects and values her work and their partnership, which has lasted 68 years. Typical of the keenness of both Carters, the former president asked if any of the plants I suggested would bring unwanted pests to their yard. I explained that aphids would likely follow the milkweed to the yard, but that pesticides are not an option in a butterfly garden. This piqued the interest of both President and Mrs. Carter. When I suggested that ladybugs would be an environmentally friendly, natural option, the Carters looked at each other, seemingly sharing the same thought. The Carters’ local church has a couple of ladybug infestations a year, and they could bring some ladybugs home when it was their turn to help clean the building. (Yes, the former first couple helps clean their church!) As I reflected on the conversation, I often imagined the shoe box full of ladybugs they might bring home from their church to release in their garden.

The Carters are an incredibly humble, unassuming couple. They live in the same ranch-style home that was theirs before they lived in the White House. They are warm and genuine and still active learners at ages 87 and 90. Our very first meeting inspired me to write a book for children. I hope Mrs. Carter’s Butterfly Garden will inspire teachers, parents, and children to create gardens for butterflies and other wildlife.

TAuthor Steve Rich; photo by Brian Becneloday’s Guest Blogger
Steve Rich is a former elementary and middle school teacher and author of the NSTA Press books Mrs. Carter’s Butterfly Garden, My School Yard Garden, Bringing Outdoor Science In: Thrifty Classroom Lessons, and Outdoor Science: A Practical Guide. (photo, right, courtesy of Brian Becnel)


The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Mrs. Carter's Butterfly Garden book coverIt’s not every day that a science-teacher-turned-author gets the call that a former first lady of the United States could use his help. When that happened to me, I was uncertain if I would have anything to offer someone of Mrs. Carter’s stature.


Hesitate to participate?

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2014-10-29

I know this is a rare problem: quiet kids. But what suggestions do you have for a ninth-grade class that is made up predominately of students who seem to be unwilling (or unable) to share thoughts or ask questions during class discussion. They’re even hesitant to answer direct questions aloud. Add to that all the girls are quiet and the boys are willing to answer and ask questions. I’m looking for ideas to motivate conversation, as my regular tricks are not working!

—L from Massachusetts

This is not as rare a situation as you may think. Even in a class with many students eager to participate, there are some who hold back for a variety of reasons. These students may lack self-confidence, there may be cultural or social influences at work, or they may have had negative experiences in previous classes. It’s easy to overlook these students, but it’s worth the effort to work with them. I was a quiet student myself, and I appreciated when teachers were patient enough to find out what I was thinking.

You could certainly use written activities to find out what these quiet students are learning and to share with other students, but I suspect that you want to provide opportunities for these students to become more comfortable communicating ideas with other students and participating in real time.

Our colleagues on an NSTA listserve had suggestions, many of which I would recommend based on my experiences:

  • Aime: I do a lot of pair-share discussions. I think it is very important to build the social dimension so students feel safe sharing their ideas. So I do some short icebreaker activities and nonacademic pair-shares (favorite cartoon villain, amusement park ride, etc). I [also] have had luck with explicitly teaching how to speak and listen and modeling with a “brave” student in front of the class, then asking the class what did you notice us doing? Then move into a pair-share. 
  • Bronwyn: To get them used to talking more and avoid stress in the beginning, I sometimes give them the question, let them talk it over in groups, and let them know that I will then choose people at random from each group. It gives them some support as they get used to the idea that they will have to speak. Often I’m surprised at how much they’ll say to each other and it can open up dialogue nicely.
  • Elizabeth: Put every name on a craft stick or ticket and then pull out the names from a container. That way, in a nonthreatening manner, you include everyone. Teach them about this strategy before you use it, explaining the purpose. Often the quiet ones have deep thoughts, so employing the longer wait time helps the quiet ones too.
  • Pamela: My quiet classes are the ones where it takes some time, but we can have great discussions because they typically have already processed their thoughts, rather than blurting out like my more vociferous students are apt to do.
  • Maria: I find that using electronic tools like the Paddlet App or an online shared document with a question allows the students to type without having to be vocal. After this activity students may be asked to elaborate and from there continue the discussion. It also allows the student(s) to see other students’ ideas, add to the conversation, or ask questions in a safe environment.
  • Karen: Assign groups of three to four students. Give them a topic to discuss and one minute each to talk. Only one person may talk at a time. The next person must summarize what the previous person said before giving their own ideas. At the end, ask one person to give a summary of what the group said. This forces everyone to contribute and gives everyone the opportunity to participate.

In addition to trying these strategies, it might be helpful to work with a few students individually to encourage them and let them know that their efforts will be respected.

Dig into the students’ history, perhaps with the help of the counselors or other specialists. Do any of these students have language or behavioral issues that affect their communications? How do the students participate in other classes? Talk with individual students about their hesitation and encourage their efforts.

You mentioned that some of the girls seem afraid to be wrong. I’ve seen this in my own classes, and not just girls! Maintaining a safe environment, which it sounds like you have, eventually reinforces the idea that what could be a mistake is actually a learning opportunity.

You have a great opportunity for action research on this. I hope you’ll let us know what happens.

I know this is a rare problem: quiet kids. But what suggestions do you have for a ninth-grade class that is made up predominately of students who seem to be unwilling (or unable) to share thoughts or ask questions during class discussion. They’re even hesitant to answer direct questions aloud.


What Meets YOUR Needs?

By Christine Royce

Posted on 2014-10-29

We often discuss differentiated or individualized instruction being important for students and then provide “one-size-fits-all” professional development for educators – the entire range from K-12. At one point in a previous article, I wrote “What I have never understood is that as educators. Supervisors and administrators we are knowledgeable of the need for Individualized Education Plans for students who need them, differentiated instruction in order to help students thrive based on their learning preferences, and if necessary accelerated or remedial instruction for those students who learn at a different pace. However, when it comes to professional development for educators, district personnel forget all of the important lessons we employ for students and often adopt a once size fits all approach to professional development.”  My views are still along the same lines, but since have come to better understand the many of the limitations that impact professional development opportunities such as an educator’s time, fiscal support, and district needs.

There is no doubt that professional development requirements vary from district to district and often state to state. Individual states may have requirements for moving from one level certificate to another, maintaining your certificate or simply an hour requirement in a given amount of time. Another requirement that is often part of a teacher’s yearly plan are required in-service days organized and sponsored by the school district which may or may not apply to state certificate programs.

It is important to keep this in mind when we consider a study from the Center for Teaching Quality mentioned in the recent issue of the Leaders Letter investigated professional development options across seven international classrooms and published a report titled “A Global Network of Teachers and Their Professional Learning Systems.”

The recommendations are meant for the leadership in educational systems and focus on what would need to be done to help improve professional development and are as follows:

  • Rethink how teachers’ time is allocated.
  • Connect teacher evaluations with professional learning systems.
  • Value opportunities for teachers to learn from one another.
  • Establish career pathways encouraging teachers to lead without leaving the
  • Classroom
  • Expand professional learning offerings and access points.

From a research perspective, this is a relatively small study which only seven teachers across multiple continents interviewed and observed. However, the recommendations are a great starting point for discussion on ways to improve professional development for teachers and do align with other reports published by the CCSSO. Furthermore, educators have known for a long time what types of PD they prefer to attend and that is clearly outlined in Park Rogers in 2007. Educators found that professional development is most effective when:

  1. content is relevant and applicable to classrooms
  2. it engages teachers in learning content through modeling and in similar manners to how their students will learn, and
  3. it allows teachers to form collegial relationships through networking with other teachers and the facilitators.

The fact the recommendations from the study are meant to guide educational systems, the first question I would be interested in hearing is from a district leader’s perspective as to “what is the purpose of in-service days or professional development?” This may be the initial point at which the potential breakdown between needs of the teachers and selections of the district occur. I would think it would be fair to say that teachers have a different perspective as to what they “need” to grow than perhaps what the district “needs” for them to know. There is no doubt that sharing of district initiatives needs to happen but perhaps these should be in addition to the needs of increased content knowledge, collaboration time with like-minded positions or groups across subject or grade level or even personalized programs.

In my personal opinion, it is important for each teacher to seek out the professional development they need even if it is not part of what the district offers. My experience is that many MANY teachers do this automatically each year due to their dedication to their field. So the question that is posed relates to what your state, district or school requires for professional development and if you feel that meets your needs or not? If not, what recommendation would you provide?




We often discuss differentiated or individualized instruction being important for students and then provide “one-size-fits-all” professional development for educators – the entire range from K-12. At one point in a previous article, I wrote “What I have never understood is that as educators.


Science Education Evolving: NSTA's Plan for Supporting Science Educators and Working Toward a More Scientifically Literate Future

By Bill Badders

Posted on 2014-10-29

NSTA Strategic Goals 2014 coverA clear vision supported by specific plans is critical to the success of any organization. The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) has the dual responsibility of furthering the important mission of promoting excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all while also maintaining viability. For this reason, we recently updated our strategic vision to establish common goals and objectives that help us best serve our membership, guide leadership, and unite employees.

NSTA Strategic Goals 2010, the previous comprehensive five-year blueprint laid out four goals:

  1. Promoting active participation of all teachers of science in improving science education;
  2. Advocating for the central role of science education to benefit students and society;
  3. Supporting high-quality science teaching to improve student learning for the 21st century; and
  4. Influencing research in science education and promote its wide application to improve science teaching and student learning.

These goals—developed to reflect the changes in science education—served as a tool to help NSTA leadership and staff make important decisions about the association’s programs, products, and services.

Over the past year however, NSTA has worked to reevaluate the plan and to start the next chapter of the association’s history. During my presidency, I convened a task force to develop a new plan that would provide a road map to guide and prioritize the work of the association over the next five years. The development process included the collaborative efforts from a dedicated and distinguished group of educators, science administrators, NSTA staff, and other critical stakeholders.

The result—NSTA Strategic Goals 2015—builds on the goals set forth in the previous strategic plan and outlines new aspirations and expectations for the association. The plan identifies six key overarching goals and the philosophies that underscore them.

Advocacy: We must help the public understand both the importance of scientific literacy to our nation’s future and the critical role science teachers play in achieving it. Therefore, NSTA seeks to raise the status of science education and science teaching as a profession by advocating for high-quality science education within national, state, and local contexts.

Elementary Education: To empower generations of scientifically literate citizens, we have to start young. By middle school, many students have already lost interest in studying science. Rather than drown them in facts and memorization, we must encourage young students to ask questions and supply them with the tools they need to seek answers. We will nurture scientific curiosity among children in the earliest grades.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and STEM: The Next Generation Science Standards, which advocate using the practices of scientists and engineers to teach key scientific content, provide a roadmap for instilling the critical skills students need. Moreover, the NGSS aim to combine science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in a meaningful way, helping the U.S. to revitalize science education, boost student achievement, and bolster U.S. economic standing.

Membership: Teachers of science at any grade have a tough job. NSTA membership makes it a little easier through enhanced peer-to-peer engagement, differentiated benefits, and an expanded suite of tools.

Professional Learning: To further support all teachers of science, members and non-members alike, NSTA seeks to enhance the professional learning of science educators by providing a suite of tools, resources, and opportunities that supports long-term growth within a collaborative learning environment.

Internal Organizational Goals: Finally, the support of 21st-century science educators requires 21st-century work space and tools, and the staff trained to make the most of those tools.

I think you will agree that these are both lofty and important goals. As a past elementary school teacher, I am particularly pleased with the inclusion of elementary education as a prominent goal, encouraging NSTA to move forward in a very deliberate way to focus attention on children’s primary education. Research clearly indicates the importance, benefits, and impact of science instruction on students. I have long believed that the STEM “pipeline” begins early in a child’s life and must be nurtured through high-quality science and literacy instruction. The strategic plan advocates for coherent science instruction in the elementary classroom, provides the opportunity to develop cohesive professional learning options for elementary teachers, emphasizes the symbiotic relationship and connection between science and literacy, and promotes the use of standards to provide students with authentic science instruction. In short, it takes a holistic, and necessary, approach to improving science education in the elementary years.

BillBaddersMaking the vision of the strategic plan a reality will take a concerted effort among everyone in the preK-16 science education community. Thank you to all who participated in the planning process, and especially to the Strategic Plan Task Force, my fellow Board and Council members, and the staff, for their invaluable effort and input. It is this collaborative spirit that will strengthen our membership and drive the achievement of our vision.

By Bill Badders, 2014-2015 NSTA Retiring President

NSTA Strategic Goals 2014 coverA clear vision supported by specific plans is critical to the success of any organization.


I’ve Been Hired as a Science Teacher, but I’m Not Certified to Teach Science. Help!

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2014-10-27

When NSTA member Susanne Hokkanen was in school for teaching, she received a bachelor’s degree in history along with her teaching certificate. Hokkanen thought she would teach history after graduation, but instead she was hired as a middle school science teacher. “I panicked,” Hokkanen says. “I had taken only 12 credit hours of science in school. I didn’t feel prepared to teach it.”

Hokkanen quickly realized she needed help. “As soon as I secured my teaching position, I got in touch with NSTA,” she says. Hokkanen credits the association for helping her become the science teacher she is today. “My membership in NSTA has helped keep me in science education,” she says. “I’ve been offered teaching positions in social studies and I haven’t taken them.”

Hokkanen: My NSTA membership afforded me the opportunity to take part in the NSTA New Science Teacher Academy. The year-long experience was phenomenal. Being a part of the academy gave me access to science education mentors, discussion threads filled with content specialists, and pedagogy experts. 

Academy fellows also get to attend NSTA’s National Conference on Science Education. Before that time, I had only attended NSTA regional conferences, which are so helpful. The national conference is just as amazing, but more intense. I attend conference sessions that speak to me as an educator. NSTA conferences always have strong threads on diversity—meeting the needs of minority students and teaching in a diverse community. And I go to a lot of the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS) sessions, which focus on the 5E Instructional Model and inquiry-based learning.

Through NSTA, I learned about Montana State University, where I earned my Master of Science in Science Education. And, as an NSTA member, I’ve participated in web seminars and spent a lot of time in the NSTA Learning Center, which has helped solidify my content and pedagogical knowledge. Because of my involvement in the Learning Center and in web seminars, I now serve as an NSTA online advisor and web seminar moderator.

I’m constantly telling fellow teachers in my district about the benefits of an NSTA membership. There are a tremendous amount of elementary school teachers, for example, who don’t feel qualified to teach science. And they are hesitant to teach science. I like to use myself as an example as why other teachers should not be afraid of science. I encourage them to look at NSTA and the NSTA Learning Center so that they can learn how an NSTA membership helps you gain confidence as a science teacher.

(Note from NSTA: Not a member of NSTA? Learn more about how to join.)

Jennifer Henderson is our guest blogger for this series. Before launching her freelance career as a writer/editor, Jennifer was Managing Editor of The Science Teacher, NSTA’s peer-reviewed journal for high school science teachers.



The Best Way to Answer Kids' Questions, and Other Things I Learned at #NSTA14 Richmond

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Posted on 2014-10-20

collage of images from Richmond keynoteWhen you bring a bunch of science teachers together, the most amazing, surprising connections are made. Last week in Richmond, Virginia, thousands of science educators gathered to talk about informal science, reach for the stars, and make connections that solidly ground them in professional learning communities that will keep them as energized throughout the year as they were while gathered at that conference.

National Geographic Explorer Brendan Mullan kicked off the conference with a keynote address  that delivered one of the most important messages of the week. He said his parents were inspiring because they were real people. And it was that inspiration that led him to become an explorer, a FameLab winner, and an astrophysicist who sees no limits in our abilities to teach kids to learn, explore, and expand their knowledge.

Richmond telescope winnerAs teachers who are nurturing the next generation of scientists, NSTA members are the real people who are inspiring explorers and astrophysicists who are searching for intelligent life beyond our planet. One simple act can truly take us to the outer reaches… both of our imaginations and the solar system. And NSTA conferences are the perfect place to be inspired. As part of the conference, we harnessed some star power ourselves and gave away telescopes to three lucky winners at our book store. Congrats to the winners: Megan Ennes, Ann Davis, and David Pagel! Join us at our next Conference on Science Education in Orlando from November 6 to 8 and become an NSTA member/winner too.

Since October is Connected Educator Month (CEM), we were especially pleased to see connected educators everywhere in Richmond. One especially powerful connection was among Twitter users who have formed a professional learning community around the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). On Thursday, October 16, they held a Twitter chat from Richmond, and the ideas and solutions that bubbled up were incredible. Read more about the chat: #NGSSchat PD for the NGSS. And NSTA is not leaving CEM at the conference. On Thursday, October 23, from 1:00pm – 2:00pm ET, Dr. Al Byers, NSTA Associate Executive Director, Services will be participating in a panel discussion on Designing and Evaluating Effective Online Communities of Practices.

Preeti Gupta from AMNHTwitter brought us a quote that resonated throughout the conference: “My mission is to maintain the curiosity kids have about sci into adulthood. If you’re in science now, don’t ever forget where you came from.” (@realscientists) Partnerships among museums and schools are great proponents of helping kids nurture their innate curiosity and develop it as they become citizens of our society. On Friday, October 17, Preeti Gupta talked with teachers about the kinds of activities that support children and youth in developing an interest in science, and potentially pursue careers in STEM. Her videos of the Science Club she worked with were particularly motivating! Read more about the work Gupta does at the American Museum of Natural History.

starbucks sign from NSTA in RichmondWhat fuels all these amazing connections? We can’t say for sure, but we are pretty sure that caffeine is involved. One of the winners of our #NSTAGroupie contest won a caffeine beaker mug, and whether she chooses to fill it with a caffeinated beverage or not, she’ll have an instant chemistry lesson in her hands to share with her friends and family when she gets home. Because sharing is what teachers do best, it’s the reason we ran a “groupie” contest rather ask for “selfies.” If you’re at our Orlando or Long Beach conferences, think about participating. We’ll be doing it at both!

trade book authors gather at NSTA conference in RichmondThe conference culminated with one of the greatest connections of all: A celebration of Science and Literacy in which NSTA partnered with the International Reading Association. Authors whose books are featured on the annual list of Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12 gathered to read, share, and enjoy the magic that happens when science and literacy come together. At that gathering, author Vicky Cobb encouraged teachers and parents alike to answer kids’ questions with “Great question. How can we find out?” This real answer for a real question brought the week full circle for me. I’m guessing that’s exactly the type of answer Brendan Mullan’s parents would have given him, as they empowered him to become the amazing scientist he is today.

Many many more great connections were made last week, and we’d love to hear about yours. Please tweet using #NSTA14, or share on our Facebook page. If you did attend, please be sure to complete session evaluations for a chance to win a Kindle Fire. Evaluations can be completed online. Read more about the conference from early education expert Peggy Ashbrook: Richmond, Virginia and science in early childhood 2014 NSTA area conference.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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collage of images from Richmond keynoteWhen you bring a bunch of science teachers together, the most amazing, surprising connections are made.


Using Your NSTA Social Media Dashboard for Connected Educator Month

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2014-10-20


MMYM_60minOctober is Connected Educator Month (CEM), and NSTA supports the goals of not only getting more educators connected through social media, but also elevating those connections to develop personal learning networks. Originally developed by the U.S. Department of Education, CEM offers highly distributed, diverse, and engaging activities to educators at all levels. CEM programs include webinars, video conferences, and tutorials.

Dr. Al Byers, NSTA Associate Executive Director, Services will be participating in a panel discussion on Designing and Evaluating Effective Online Communities of Practices. Thursday, October 23, from 1:00pm – 2:00pm ET

NSTA members have a head start establishing and sustaining personal learning networks: NSTA’s Social Media Dashboard. Use NSTA’s social media channels to reach other members, download resources, and explore fresh ideas for creative professional learning. In just 15 minutes, you can pick a platform to connect—or master all of them!

  • LinkedIn
    NSTA’s LinkedIn group allows for open discussions and dialogue among members, experts, and other science education professionals.
  • Twitter
    Faster than email and quick to learn, Twitter has a robust grassroots segment for teachers, administrators, and educators. Great platform for following and contributing to discussions using hashtags like #cem14!
  • Facebook
    Never miss NSTA news, publications, or special events by being a fan of the NSTA Facebook page. Share your ideas, comments, and classroom stories on Facebook with the larger community.
  • Pinterest
    Everything from an inspirational quote to an instructional model is available from NSTA’s Pinterest page. Find out what science teachers are reading, learn more about Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and share the next science toy or tool to make a difference in the classroom.
  • YouTube
    Videos from experts, NSTA staff and authors, and members like you. Subscribe to this channel to get the latest science education videos from NSTA.
  • Google+
    A growing platform for sharing videos, images, and resources for science educators. It’s easy to add other science educators to your circles and start a conversation immediately.

More Time?

If you have more time, consider investigating the NSTA Blog, the platform where social media began. The blog is written by experts, NSTA staff, and by members like you. In addition to learning more about science lessons, the NGSS, and upcoming science-related events, blog posts offer the opportunity to not only comment on each post, but also share NSTA blog posts with your networks.

Not a member of NSTA? Learn more about how to join.

Laura Berry of Cogberry Creative is our guest blogger for this series. Laura is a communications professional for the education community.



Richmond, Virginia and science in early childhood 2014 NSTA area conference

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2014-10-17

Train station on Main StreetHere are some glimpses from the NSTA 2014 Richmond, Virginia area conference where teachers shared their work and learned from others. The location is excellent—beautiful train station, hotels just across the street from the convention center, easy access to restaurants and helpful staff people abound! This morning I had the other half of my chicken dinner from Pasture and it was still delicious.

Teachers working together to consider solving an engineering problem.In one session I was delighted (but not surprised) to see teachers collaborating on designing and building their solutions to engineering problems presented to us. We were given the familiar problems of building a chair for Baby Bear (Goldilocks and the Three Bears) and a house for a pig (Three Little Pigs) that would meet certain requirements. Teachers give thumbs up to show they are satisfied with their design.This is how it felt to be problem-solving with a group…excited to be challenged, and impressed with my colleagues design ideas, their ability to communicate, their small motor skills and their willingness to take chances and try again. We didn’t have time to discuss how to implement engineering challenges in our classrooms but later a colleague suggested that we don’t have to present children with problems because every day young children encounter problems to solve in their play. Some that come to mind include, keeping their block structure from falling over, choosing the best blanket to drape over chairs for a tent, digging holes that won’t collapse, and carrying armloads of balls. These are problems that they need to solve for their own purposes. They are also opportunities for teachers to support the Practices of science and engineering while working alongside or observing children. 

IMG_3514 Discussion during a session.The session, Defining Science Learning and Teaching for Early Childhood, was an in-depth look at the recently released NSTA position statement on Early Childhood Science Education. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has endorsed the position statement. Members of the NAEYC Early Childhood Science Interest Forum will be presenting an expanded version of this session in Dallas at the conference next month, November 5-8.

Early childhood educators create community wherever we are!Some of the best discussions took place just after or between sessions. Chat up the person next to you, you might just discover that she is an early childhood teacher from the same small community where your cousins live! 

There are two more days of the conference to enjoy! On Saturday, children and their families are invited to a free event, Celebration of Literacy and Science, in the Grand Ballroom, Greater Richmond Convention Center where they will join other conference goers to a panel discussion of authors of outstanding science trade books who will share what inspires them, how they do their work, and how their books can be used in teaching (10:00 AM – 11:30 AM). Children and their parents are invited to visit with authors to explore their mutual curiosity and wonder about the natural world (11:45 AM – 1:15 PM). Families and homeschoolers will also be able to tour the NSTA exhibit hall and the NSTA Science Store (9am-12pm).

I always get recharged and expand my network at conferences!


Train station on Main StreetHere are some glimpses from the NSTA 2014 Richmond, Virginia area conference where teachers shared their work and learned from others. The location is excellent—beautiful train station, hotels just across the street from the convention center, easy access to restaurants and helpful staff people abound!

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