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A Professional Development Approach to the NGSS

By Eric Brunsell

Posted on 2014-06-04

Today’s Guest Blogger is author Eric Brunsell, an Associate Professor of Science Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and Coordinator of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

Introducing Teachers and Administrators to the NGSS book coverRecently I was thinking about my first experience with e-mail (in 1992) and how much communication has changed since then. Teaching, too, has gone through similar dramatic changes. In 1992, Project 2061’s Science for All Americans was three years’ old and the National Science Education Standards (NSES) were still a few years away from being published. These documents codified what the science education community knew about “best practices” at that time.  Over the past two decades we have learned a lot about how people learn science. We have used this knowledge to change the way we craft investigations, and how we assess our students and help them make sense of information.  It wasn’t a short process—the NSES didn’t transform science teaching overnight and changes have been far from universal. Instead, it is a process of gradual change over time—an evolution of how we teach science.
The ideas in the Framework for K–12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) didn’t just appear a year or two ago. These documents bring together what we’ve learned and what we now know about how best to teach science.  The writing teams labored to create a framework to point all of us in the right direction as our teaching of science continues to evolve. This is why the NGSS is so important for the future of science education in the U.S., even for teachers and administrators in states that do not adopt. The Next Generation Science Standards provide a rich, complex, and exciting vision for what science could look like in our schools. Some aspects will feel familiar, others will not. The realization of this vision will not happen overnight or even over the course of a year.  However, we owe it to our students and to our profession to have a sense of urgency as we move toward that vision.
Over the past few years, Deb Kneser, Kevin Niemi, and I (along with many other colleagues) have worked with hundreds of teachers and administrators to understand the “shifts” in the NGSS and Framework—an integration of three dimensions of science (core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and science and engineering practices) and how those shifts can be translated into instruction.  Deb has extensive experience working with districts on curriculum issues, including Common Core State Standards implementation and is the Chair of the Institute for Professional Development at Marian University. Kevin is a biologist, actively provides professional development related to teaching science, and is the Director of Outreach for the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Institute for Biology Education. I am a science teacher educator at the University of Wisconsin—Oshkosh and have lead a variety of professional development projects over the past 15 years.
During these workshops, we quickly realized that the vision of the NGSS resonated with teachers. There was a sense that the integration of these three dimensions of science had the potential to bring science “to life” and move students beyond knowing science content to being able to do things with the science that they are learning. Many teachers found comfort in realizing that they were doing some of the things described in the practices (e.g. questioning, modeling, etc.), but also found that they could deepen their understanding of how to engage students in these practices. However, there was also a high level of anxiety as to what the NGSS looked like in the classroom, and how implementation would impact the scope and sequence of an individual class, and the science curriculum within a district. We found that this anxiety often served as an obstacle to digging into other aspects of the NGSS. As a result, our professional development work often included a balance between developing an understanding of the three dimensions of science, while also providing teachers and administrators with tools and processes to begin discussing curricular issues.
Our book, Introducing Teachers and Administrators to the NGSS: A Professional Development Facilitator’s Guide, describes more than 20 activities that we have used early in the process to introduce and develop understanding of the Framework and the NGSS.  We have also included chapters on practical ways to facilitate professional development and address common sticking points that arise during workshops, and also included helpful tips for administrators as they engage in implementation.
Check out this free chapter (Introducing the NGSS) to see the first four activities. These four activities are intended to be used early in professional development efforts as you build awareness and understanding of the vision and structure of the NGSS. Participants dig into a standards progression as they explore how the “pieces” of a standards page fit together, define vocabulary related to NGSS, and develop an understanding of why the “shifts” in the NGSS are important. The remaining 20 activities provide structured experiences to help teachers and administrators begin to understand the curricular and pedagogical issues related to the standards. These activities include:

  • Model activities and protocols to deepen understanding of all three dimensions of the NGSS;
  • Processes for using “backwards design” principles for developing rich instructional units using the NGSS;
  • Protocols for facilitating discussions about curriculum scope and sequence at the classroom and district levels; and
  • Opportunities to explore connections to the Common Core State Standards and strategies for supporting all students’ science learning.

If you are in a state or district that has adopted the NGSS, we hope this book will provide you with practical guidance about how to begin implementation. If you are in a state that has not (or will not) adopt the NGSS, our hope is that the activities in this book can deepen your understanding of the vision for the Framework and the NGSS that will guide the continual improvement of science education for at least the next decade.
Editor’s Note: Visit the NGSS@NSTA Hub to access NSTA’s growing collection of NGSS resources.  If you are an NSTA member, you can engage with other educators on the NGSS listserve and access NGSS video sessions from the recent NSTA national conference. Not an NSTA member? Join us!

Today’s Guest Blogger is author Eric Brunsell, an Associate Professor of Science Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and Coordinator of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.


NSTA Launches Two New Blog Series

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2014-06-04

As another school year draws to a close, NSTA launches two new blog series: Why Membership Matters and Making the Most of Your Membership. Debuting this month, these series will go into detail on how NSTA member benefits can help you throughout your career.
Science teachers face unique challenges as educators, and Why Membership Matters will feature a series of interviews with NSTA members. We’ll present specific ways that NSTA membership has helped science teachers address those challenges. We’ll talk about issues such as:

  • How can I integrate science with my other subjects?
  • I’m a new teacher, and I need help!
  • How do I deal with controversial topics in my classroom?
  • How do I teach science well within my classroom time constraints?
  • How do I continue to teach science effectively with a reduced budget?

We’ll begin posting these interviews this month and look forward to hearing from you about what challenges you continue to face and how NSTA can help you with them.
We know that our members have limited time to engage with NSTA and we want to help you with that. From a recent study, we know that our members have approximately two to five hours per month to interact with their membership and to take advantage of all the member benefits. In Making the Most of Your Membership, we’ll present several ways that you can break that time down into manageable chunks. If you find yourself with more time, we’ll present you with some additional options for deeper involvement. Each suggested activity will have a time indicator, so you’ll know how to work this into your busy schedule. We hope that we’ll be able to help you make the most of the time you spend with us.


We’ll begin publishing these posts this month and look forward to your feedback and suggestions.

As another school year draws to a close, NSTA launches two new blog series: Why Membership Matters and Making the Most of Your Membership. Debuting this month, these series will go into detail on how NSTA member benefits can help you throughout your career.


Welcome to NSTA’s Newest Volunteers: Standing Committee, Advisory Board, and Review Panel Members

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Posted on 2014-06-02

On behalf of the staff of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), its leadership, and members, I would like to welcome and thank the following members of our Standing Committees, Advisory Boards, and Panels whose terms of appointment began on June 1, 2014.
This year the NSTA membership will be broadening our definition of scientific literacy—Breaking Down Walls—as we strengthen our partnerships with educators at every level and in every setting. To do this, we depend on the talents and generous service of volunteers from across the nation and the world. Your presidential chain (which includes me, the Retiring President Bill Badders, and President-Elect Carolyn Hayes), Board and Council, are very grateful for the willingness of these members to join our team.
NSTA members who are interested in volunteering for a position on one our committees, advisory boards, or review panels can find more information online.

Juliana Texley, NSTA President, 2014–2015

Standing Committees
Richard Jones
Krassi Lazarova
Keith Prokopp
Coordination and Supervision
James Blake
Jeffrey Patterson
Mary Poarch
High School
Emily Meyer
Christropher Nilsen
Eric Wilson
Alex Dzurick
Karen Hays
Sharon Morrell
Middle Level
Zoe Evans
Elizabeth Orlandi
Mary Patterson
Olukayode Banmeke
Deena Gould
Sami Kahn
Carol Suppes
Patty Born-Selly
Anne Durrance
Rebecca Kurson
Preservice Teacher Preparation
Patricia Bricker
Sami Hagiwara
Elizabeth Lewis
Professional Development
Aoko Hope
Nancy Movall
Brian Terry
Kathy Malone
James McDonald
Brian Plankis
James Ruud
Awards and Recognition
Craig Gabler
Olga Hunt
Linda Kennedy
Diana Wiig
Budget and Finance
Karen Ostlund
Bonnie Brunkhorst
Sharla Dowding
Hubert Dyasi
Barbara Pietrucha
Julie Thomas
Advisory Boards
Barbara Gosney
Paul Nordhaus
Katrina Robinson
Lynda Sanders
David Crowther
Oliver Grundmann
Lady Sue Dale Tunnicliffe
Sheila Wicks
Donald Kline
Journal of College Science Teaching
Nicholas Brehl
Burnette Hamil
Sharon Schleigh
NSTA Reports
Chuck Cohen
Tom Cork
Patrick Niven
Retired Members
John Jackson
Vana Richards
Linda Lee Smith
Science and Children
Maria Alanis
Elizabeth Edmondson
Skyler Wiseman
Science Matters
Carolyn Elliott
Imene Harrat
Sean Vair
Science Safety
Theresa Curry
James Kaufman
Edward McGrath
Sandra West
Science Scope
Stacy Holland
Elizabeth Petersen
June Teisan
Special Needs
Joann Blumenfeld
Teresa Fulk
Emily Miller
Sandee Coats-Haan
Shiang-Kwei Wang
Lesa Roe
The Science Teacher
Rosemary Millham
Shannon Sharp-Withers
David Thesenga
Urban Science
Benjy Downing
Bejanae Kareem
Olayinka Mintah
Scott Kratzer
Cathy Newton
Kristin Rearden
New Science Teachers Academy
Carmen Cruz
Karen Henman
Kathy Renfrew
Michael Shupe
Shell Science Teaching Award Judging
Jonathan Gastel
Gary Koppelman
Lori Lancaster
Gary Pinkall

On behalf of the staff of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), its leadership, and members, I would like to welcome and thank the following members of our Standing Committees, Advisory Boards, and Panels whose terms of appointment began on June 1, 2014.


Continue the Coversation on Debunking Myths or Pseudoscience

By Christine Royce

Posted on 2014-06-01

A few days ago, the Leaders Letter for May was sent out to those on the distribution list and it included a report about the Third National Climate Assessment and What Science Teachers Need to Know.  While current information is always a positive for sharing with students, there  is no doubt that the topic of climate change has received more than its fair share of press – and the leading information that seems to be available are the broadcasts and articles that call climate change a myth or inaccurate.  Included in the Leaders Letter is a resource from  Skeptical Science which examines the myths that are commonly used to refute climate change.  Readers are provided different levels of information on the topic in order to make an informed decision (if it were only that easy).
Climate change is not the only topic that finds itself on the “hot topic” list which includes those that have scientific evidence in favor of the topic but still continues to have those naysayers who argue their own beliefs rather than the scientific evidence.  Skeptical Science provides as a resource The Debunking Handbook which is available for download and provides some interesting communication strategies for debunking myths.  The focus of the strategy present is communication and the patterns that people who engage in discourse find themselves facing.
Since using evidence is a big part of The Next Generation Science Standards, continue the conversation for May asks teachers for strategies or your favorite resources for debunking pseudoscience.

A few days ago, the Leaders Letter for May was sent out to those on the distribution list and it included a report about the Third National Climate Assessment and What Science Teachers Need to Know.  While current information is always a positive for sharing with students, there  is no doubt that the topic of climate change has received more than its fair share of press – and the leading information that seems to be available are the broadcasts and articles that call climate change a myth or inaccurate.  Included in the Leaders Letter is a resource from  

“Using real stories with quantitative reasoning skills enmeshed in the story line is a powerful and logical way to teach biology and show its relevance to the lives of future citizens, regardless of whether they are science specialists or laypeople.”
—from the introduction to Science Stories You Can Count On
“Using real stories with quantitative reasoning skills enmeshed in the story line is a powerful and logical way to teach biology and show its relevance to the lives of future citizens, regardless of whether they are science specialists or laypeople.”
—from the introduction to Science Stories You Can Count On

Science Stories You Can Count On: 51 Case Studies With Quantitative Reasoning in Biology

“Using real stories with quantitative reasoning skills enmeshed in the story line is a powerful and logical way to teach biology and show its relevance to the lives of future citizens, regardless of whether they are science specialists or laypeople.”
—from the introduction to Science Stories You Can Count On

“Using real stories with quantitative reasoning skills enmeshed in the story line is a powerful and logical way to teach biology and show its relevance to the lives of future citizens, regardless of whether they are science specialists or laypeople.”
—from the introduction to Science Stories You Can Count On


Science 101

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2014-05-31

sci101Each issue of Science & Children, NSTA’s elementary school journal, features the column Science 101 with explanations of various topics and phenomena. These are written for teachers and include many examples and illustrations. The author is Bill Robertson, who has also written the NSTA Press book series, Stop Faking It! Finally Understanding Science So You Can Teach It.
If you need some background on a topic, regardless of the grade level you teach, this is the place to go. The topic usually corresponds with the theme of the journal that month and clears up misconceptions and provides a context for many of the activities in the other articles. They are not lesson plans as written but provide a “background booster.” These articles are written in a user-friendly style, and they could also be used by secondary students.
Even you subscribe to a different print journal, you still can access these articles online, to read them and add them to your Learning Center Library. Here is a recap of topics this school year, along with comments from reviewers and some related SciLinks:

  • Science 101: What Causes Friction? He [Bill] gives a very simple and easy to understand description of friction. He also gives a simple explanation of adhesion and cohesion. He uses several illustrations to explain friction. He says friction was “invented”….read the article to find out why!! [SciLinks: Friction, Force and Friction]
  • Science 101: What Do Energy Drinks Do to Your Body? This EXCELLENT article about energy drinks should be published in all the NSTA journals. It is very informative and describes the pros and cons of drinking energy drinks. It gets into the chemistry of energy drinks and what they do to the human body.
  • Science 101: If Energy Is Neither Created Nor Destroyed, What Happens to It? This article does a magnificent job of looking at energy in a way that can be explained to middle school or above students, while providing wonderful background for teachers of all ages. I especially appreciated how Dr. Robertson provided a connection between energy and the ecological pyramid. The examples within the text are common place enough for students to be able to see what it means, “To lose energy.” [SciLinks: Food Chains, Food Webs]
  • Science 101: What Determines the Quality of Musical Notes? The author of this article gives a very clear explanation of frequency and pitch, after which he goes on to explain timbre. He also gives several easy experiments to demonstrate this. Websites are suggested to help teach the concept of timbre. Basically, timbre mostly depends on how experienced the musician is in the usage of their instrument or voice. [SciLinks: Sound Quality]
  • Science 101: What Causes Major Wind Patterns, Such as Trade Winds?  One such broadly held misconception that teachers pass on to their students is summed up in this simple statement: “Warm air rises.” You may have used this statement to explain why it is hotter in the second floor of a two-story home. The truth is, warm air is less dense than cooler air. All air will be impacted by gravitational pull and will tend to sink unless forced up and out of the way by something denser. I loved Dr. Robertson’s demonstration of water and oil to help explain this point. If you are going to teach weather patterns, this is a must-read article. [SciLinks: Winds, Wind Currents, Atmospheric Pressure and Winds]


sci101Each issue of Science & Children, NSTA’s elementary school journal, features the column Science 101 with explanations of various topics and phenomena. These are written for teachers and include many examples and illustrations.


NSTA President Bill Badders Thanks Our Outgoing Volunteers for Committees, Advisory Boards, and Review Panels

By Bill Badders

Posted on 2014-05-30

On behalf of the staff of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and our leadership team, I would like to thank the following members of our Standing Committees, Advisory Boards, and Panels whose terms of appointment end on May 31, 2014. NSTA has done a lot in the past year, promoting the Next Generation Science Standards and STEM education at the highest levels. I’m so proud to be a part of the NSTA community and can truly say that you have helped me live up to my goals of my year in office. My theme was Building and Sustaining Teacher Leadership in Science, Standards, and Literacy, and I feel that we’ve built some fantastic new leaders. So, to all of you on the list below, I say “Thank You” and I look forward to working with you in new capacities in the years to come.
NSTA members who are interested in volunteering for a position on one our committees, advisory boards, or review panels can find more information on our Committees page online.

—Bill Badders, NSTA President, 2013–-2014                                                                                                         

Retiring Standing Committee Members

Jeff Schinske
Jan Sikorsky
Stephen Smith
Coordination and Supervision
Becky Ashe
Kirsten Smith
Mary Weller
High School
Patrick Adams
Ophelia Barizo
Kristen Kohli
Gary Sampson
Eileen Tramontana
Bryan Wunar
Middle Level
Leanna Aker
Rhiannon Boettcher
Cheryl Frye
Jennifer Atkinson
Gioya De Souza-Fennelly
Amy Morris
Sarah Carrier
Sherry Harrington
Melissa Sleeper
Preservice Teacher Preparation
Terri Hebert
Mary Lightbody
Rajeev Swami
Professional Development 
Carson Krook
Christine Nassar
Laura Spence
James Hollenbeck
Theresa Jimarez
Anita Welch
John Whitsett
Awards and Recognition
Marilyn Lisowski
Marilyn Richardson
Vanessa Westbrook
Budget and Finance
Bonnie Brunkhorst
Carolyn Elliott
Christine Royce
Yolanda Smith-Evans
Elizabeth (Libby) Little
Lois Mayo
Retiring Advisory Board Members

Eric Muhs
Alicia Oelfke
Richard Varner
Cynthia Willingham
James Barufaldi
Catherine Bale
Paul Nordhaus
Teresa Monteiro Seixas
Peter Lincoln
Grant Gardner
Linda Keen-Rocha
Richard Schwenz
NSTA Reports
Daniel Bryant
Debby Chessin
Richard Gelderman
Retired Members 
Rebecca Bell
Janet Brittain
Ruth Ruud
Carol Ann Brennan
Christine Purkiss
Mary Thomas
Science Matters    
Greer Harvell
Linda Lacy
Walter Woolbaugh
Science Safety
Fran Hess
Science Scope
Ken King
Becky Litherland
Peggy Perdue
Special Needs
Sami Kahn
Kitchka Petrova
Maryann Stimmer
Barbara DeSantis
John Park
Jeffrey Piontek
Issam Abi-El-Mona
Joel Palmer
Tamica Stubbs
Urban Science
Beth Carnate
Tony Dickensheets
Mike Rivas
Retiring Panel Members

Rebecca Monhardt
Kathy Renfrew
Vana Richards
New Science Teachers Academy
Nicole Glen
John Hunt
Shell Science Teaching Award Judging
David Brock
Greer Harvell
Steven Long

On behalf of the staff of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and our leadership team, I would like to thank the following members of our Standing Committees, Advisory Boards, and Panels whose terms of appointment end on May 31, 2014. NSTA has done a lot in the past year, promoting the Next Generation Science Standards and STEM education at the highest levels. I’m so proud to be a part of the NSTA community and can truly say that you have helped me live up to my goals of my year in office.


Safety and substitute teachers

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2014-05-29

3646350410_5db4407e6e_qWe had an incident in a high school physical science class where the substitute teacher left the room and several students engaged in dangerous behaviors with gas jets and flames. Fortunately, no one was injured and no damage occurred. I’m gathering suggestions on how to deal with this and prevent this in the future.
–Paula from Florida
First of all, you, the administrators, the substitute teacher, and the other students in the class at the time can be grateful that no injuries or damages occurred.
Experienced substitute or guest teachers in the sciences are hard to find, and good ones are an asset to the school and deserve our respect and appreciation. They make it possible for teachers to attend professional development programs or stay home when they are sick. Unfortunately, some students try to take advantage of substitutes, and once in a while, we hear of situations such as this one.
Several issues should be addressed:

  • The students need to be held accountable for their behavior. It sounds like they waited until the teacher left the room (more on that later), moved out of their seats to a lab table, produced a flame with matches or a lighter, and turned on the gas. This would be a deliberate and serious violation of the class safety contract, far beyond a student accidently breaking a beaker or having to be reminded to wear goggles. The school administration should be the ones to impose consequences for this dangerous behavior, which may also have violated school policies.
  • I’d be concerned why the guest teacher left the students unsupervised. I’m not sure what a good reason would be, but I’d ask for an explanation. Perhaps he or she was unaware of the potential dangers in a science lab? In any case, I would not want this person in my classroom again.
  • This incident points out the need for having and using shut-off valves for utilities, especially gas, in lab classrooms. The gas should be turned off at all times when not being used for a planned, supervised lab investigation.

The incident is an opportunity to revisit your class safety contract. Does it specify that these rules apply when a another teacher, or no teacher, is in the room? Have a discussion with your students about appropriate behavior when another teacher is in the classroom. Establishing routines can be helpful so students know your expectations and can stay on task.
Ask your administrators to meet with the science department to become more familiar with the intensive level of supervision needed in a science lab to insure that students do not engage in unsafe behavior or vandalize the facility. The liability issue alone should get their attention. Occasionally in my school if substitute teachers were not available, the principal asked other teachers to cover classes during their planning time. If these teachers had to travel from another part of the building, it meant that students were unsupervised for a few minutes at the beginning of the class period, enough time for trouble. Frankly, if no substitute teacher is available, it might be better for the science classes to meet elsewhere.

Ask another teacher to keep an eye on your classroom and be a resource for your guest teacher (and make sure the gas is turned off and the storage areas are secure). If the substitute did not follow your plans or allowed students to behave in unacceptable or unsafe ways, you have the responsibility to share this information with your principal.
Safety should be a primary concern and you should not depend on a guest teacher to know all of the hazards of your labs. Even if you’re positive the teacher is credentialed in science and is familiar with laboratory routines and safety rules, don’t ask him or her to do a lab investigation with the potential for student injury, such as those requiring chemicals, live specimens, flames, projectiles, or heat sources.
See these archived Ms Mentor columns for related issues, including Plans for Substitutes  and Getting Started as a Sub.

3646350410_5db4407e6e_qWe had an incident in a high school physical science class where the substitute teacher left the room and several students engaged in dangerous behaviors with gas jets and flames. Fortunately, no one was injured and no damage occurred. I’m gathering suggestions on how to deal with this and prevent this in the future.
–Paula from Florida


High School Blog

The "green" classroom

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2014-05-28

473670116_b47c65eee3_mEach issue of The Science Teacher, NSTA’s high school journal, features the column The Green Room, with background information, classroom activities, and resources to make your teaching more environmentally friendly. Amanda Beckrich is the author of these articles. She is an environmental science teacher and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program Coordinator at Christ Church Episcopal School in Greenville, South Carolina.
If you subscribe to a different print journal, you still can access these articles online, to read them and add them to your Learning Center Library. Here is a recap of topics this school year:


473670116_b47c65eee3_mEach issue of The Science Teacher, NSTA’s high school journal, features the column The Green Room, with background information, classroom activities, and resources to make your teaching more environmentally friendly.

Subscribe to
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