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Engineering and design

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2013-10-31

I’ve talked with teachers who are concerned about the E in STEM. “I barely have time for science, and now I’m supposed to teach engineering, too? I’ve never studied engineering!”
I think these teachers might feel a little more confident after reading the guest editorial The Next Generation Science Standards and Engineering for Young Learners: Beyond Bridges and Egg Drops. The article has a chart that compare science and engineering practices, and there are a lot of similarities. The fundamental difference seems to be that science asks questions while engineering defines problems. Many of the activities that are common in science classes are actually based on engineering problems.
In an earlier post Early education in engineering and design, Peggy Ashbrook looks at the engineering skills that even our youngest students bring with them. She provides insights, resources, and suggestions for building on these.
Beginning with the October issue, Science and Children has a new column called Engineering Encounters on teaching strategies to support teaching children how to design, explore the ways engineers conduct their work, and include ways in which lessons in engineering can be integrated with science. This month’s column explores some misconceptions students have. In another column, Safety First, Ken Roy reviews some safety precautions that should be considered during STEM activites.
Other featured articles focus on activities and design problems on flying machines, pendulums, weather forecasting, rockets, buoys, building projects, electromagnetic induction, and waterways. [SciLinks: Forecasting the Weather, Magnetic Fields, Engineering Structures, Pendulums, Rivers, Rockets]
Many of these articles have extensive resources to share, so check out the Connections for October 2103. Even if the article does not quite fit with your lesson agenda, there are ideas for handouts, background information sheets, data sheets, rubrics, and other resources.

I’ve talked with teachers who are concerned about the E in STEM. “I barely have time for science, and now I’m supposed to teach engineering, too? I’ve never studied engineering!”


The classroom as learning center

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2013-10-29

Last year (my first year teaching) I floated among several classrooms. A few days before the beginning of this year, I learned that I have my own biology lab! I didn’t have much time, so I just put up a few posters. Now I want to make this plain classroom into a learning center for my freshman students. Do you have any tried-and-true ideas?
—JoAnn, Houston, Texas
I assume you have a traditional lab/classroom, with lab tables at one end and student desks/tables in another part of the room. I would definitely post your lab safety rules in the lab section and keep it free from clutter so you and the students can move around without bumping into each other. Establish a place where students can access and return the materials needed for their activities and investigations. Don’t forget to label safety equipment!
In the other part of your room, you can certainly go beyond motivational and scenic posters:

  • Designate and label bulletin board or wall space to display student work.
  • Use bulletin board space to highlight the topic students are currently studying.
  • Work with students to create a word wall to display key vocabulary terms. (Previous blogs have more ideas for bulletin boards and word walls.)
  • Create a live animal center with an aquarium or terrarium.
  • Grow live plants on the windowsill or under a grow light.
  • Begin a class library of books and magazines related to science and nature.
  • Designate places where students can access supplies, store notebooks and laptops/tablets, and hand in assignments.
  • Display student projects (or photographs of them).
  • Set up places in the room for individual work, conferencing, and small group work (if space permits).

Biology teachers often display artifacts related to the topic being studied. You might not have many to start, but you could look in storage rooms and cabinets for hidden treasures. I found a lot of interesting things at flea markets and yard sales, too.
I’ve been in science classrooms that weren’t the learning center you’re looking for. One teacher had just about every square inch covered with memorabilia related to his favorite sports team. If students didn’t like sports or cheered for a different team, this “shrine” was not a welcoming place. Another teacher I worked with collected frogs. Her classroom was full of pictures of frogs, frog figurines, stuffed frogs, and frog mobiles hanging from the ceiling. She was an elementary teacher, so her students were in this environment all day, every day. I found it cluttered and distracting, and I couldn’t imagine cleaning around all of these knickknacks.
However, if students are invited to bring in artifacts to share and see their work on display, it will give them ownership in the learning environment.

Last year (my first year teaching) I floated among several classrooms. A few days before the beginning of this year, I learned that I have my own biology lab! I didn’t have much time, so I just put up a few posters. Now I want to make this plain classroom into a learning center for my freshman students. Do you have any tried-and-true ideas?
—JoAnn, Houston, Texas


Reading to support science learning begins with babies

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2013-10-25

Welcome back to guest blogger Sarah Erdman! Sarah writes about her first-hand observations of sharing books with a toddler. Learn more about her programs and writing at her Cabinet of Curios blog.

Teacher reads to a preschool class.When you search a bookstore database, you can find over 1,000 books that are categorized as “science” for children, ages 0-2 years old. Honestly, I think that number is a little low. Remember, “science” includes animals, plants, your body, the motion of objects, places around the world and more. That means that well-loved classics like The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (1969) or The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss and illustrated by Crockett Johnson (1945) are all supporting your child as they explore the natural world. As caregivers, that gives us incredible freedom to choose books that spark the interest of the babies and toddlers in our care. Resources such as Even More Picture-Perfect Science Lessons: Using Children’s Books to Guide Inquiry, K-5 by Emily Morgan and Karen Ansberry (2013) can guide us to books that support learning science concepts without developing misconceptions about the natural world. Check out the NSTA Recommends website to find Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K–12, chosen in cooperation with the Children’s Book Council. Ladybugs by Gail Gibbon (2012) and The Beetle Book by Steve Jenkins (2012) are two of the winning titles for 2013. Knowing how many books support science learning gives us one more reason why reading is such a crucial and fun activity to do with your young child!

Adult reads to toddlerLovely sentiments, but when it comes to reading to a wiggly 1 year old the reality can be very different. A lot of parents that I’ve met are concerned that their toddlers are reluctant readers, or are just at the end of their creativity for how to add reading into their day. Never fear! There are strategies to make reading less stressful. Even with very young children, when it comes to books, it is all about how you pick them, how you read them and how you add them to your day.
This post is intended as a starting point, but if you want more information you can search for “raising a reader” on the Internet. You will find a lot of articles like “How to Raise a Reader” by Common Sense Media, which has a lot of tips for older children and “How to Raise a Reader” by Parents, which breaks down strategies for different age ranges.
When you have a child who isn’t talking yet, it can be hard to know what types of books they want to read. For no reason that I can tell, my son might take his favorite book and chuck it off the side of the chair and unearth one that he usually shuns. This is why I take full advantage of our library. It lets us “try on” some different kinds of books as I get a feel for what he is interested in. Then I can decide what ones we are going to invest in and feel more confident they will hold his interest. Hand-me-downs and garage sales are also a great way to acquire a wide variety without spending a lot.

Toddler selects a book from the shelf.I am a HUGE fan of board books. Since he could pinch the pages between his little fingers, my son has loved turning pages. With a board book he can be a helper as we read and he really gets into the story. For babies and toddlers, a nice sturdy book lets them experience the story in their own way (yes, often that means munching on the corners). You don’t have to say “no” or tell them to be “careful” and they can just delight in the sensations. The more independent they can be, and the less they have to hear “no,” the more interesting reading will be as an activity. We are now starting to incorporate more traditional picture books and with some guidance he is making the transition to turning soft pages.
Unfortunately, many publishers feel that as long as the book has colorful pictures and is fairly sturdy it is a good book or toddlers. But that isn’t really the case. When you are looking for a book for your very young child you need to take a look at the word count on each page. Too many words and you won’t get through them, which will be really frustrating for you. Finding ones that have only a sentence or two on each page will be good for easing into reading together. As your child grows you’ll be able to better judge what they can tolerate and increase the complexity of the text.

The quality of illustrations also ranges from uninspired to really stunning. I actually have no preference between drawings and photographs. My son is equally delighted by his cartoon truck and the color photograph of the dump truck. In my opinion, a mix is good since he will learn to distinguish between “real” and “pretend” and see a range of art and interpretation. My son tends to get overwhelmed if there is a lot happening on each page, so I try to make sure that the pictures are not too busy. You might find that is successful for your child also, or they may delight in a book that has a lot going on. Another factor to consider when you are choosing books is to make sure that YOU can stand it. Remember, if everything works out as you hope you will be reading these books over…and over…and over. If there is a book that really rubs you the wrong way, don’t include it in your library.

My son love to hear the first couple pages of a book and then go back and hear them again. Sometimes I have to stop myself from hurrying him on to the rest of the book. In my mind he is memorizing the book, but I don’t know if that is true. My evidence for this is that for some of his favorite books he knows when the words on that page are done and it is time to turn to the next one and that is really exciting for me see. As you are reading you don’t have to stick to just the words on the page. You can ask them questions, point out things in the illustrations, encourage them to make the noises or finish off a well-loved sentence. Even for kids who are not yet talking this back and forth and observation is an important skill to learn and books are a great way to introduce them to it! Visit “Reading Rockets” for more strategies.

Teacher engages with children as they read together.One of the key components of this is a phrase popular in teacher education called “wait time.” It is literally the time you wait after you’ve asked a question. With bigger kids, this is the time they need to collect their thoughts and maybe get up the courage to share. For babies and toddlers it is the time that teaches them “here is where you share” and gives them a chance to vocalize. When we read “Moo Baa La La La” (his current favorite book by Sandra Boynton) I always pause before I make the animal noise. Sometimes he jumps in with an “Mmmmmmm” (that’s the way he moos) and other times he just looks at me and smiles. Giving him a chance to talk, and praising and reacting to him when he does, is encouraging him to share and observe and engage in the book. All good and transferable skills!

As you build up a fantastic library, a key factor is to make sure your baby or toddler has access to it. Since they aren’t reading yet, the real attraction will be the illustrations on the cover and it works best to figure out storage that still lets them see the covers. I have an awesome bookcase that I bought from a preschool that is like a book store display shelf, but you can also use baskets, spice rack shelves (that is a Pinterest suggestion!) or put them right into the toy box. Having books throughout your child’s world will mean that when the mood strikes, there is a book close at hand. We have a bag of them in the car, which make them special since he doesn’t see them all the time. One of his favorite times to read is when he is strapped in to his car seat with few other options! I also have a few water safe books, which can be a fun change during bath time. I do hesitate a little with books around the tub because I don’t want him to think just any book can take a dunking!

We also put a few books in his crib at night and for naps. Now, the American Academy of Pediatrics is very firm on its recommendations that babies should not have toys etc. in their crib and if your child is prone to chewing on books this may not be the best choice for you. For my son, a sturdy board book in the corner of his crib does not get in the way of his sleep and is something he will entertain himself with when he wakes up. I love going in to get him and finding him happily flipping through pages and talking to himself.

Finally, and this is especially for caregivers who worry their baby or toddler doesn’t “like” books, take a deep breath and let yourself relax. If you have books available, if they see you enjoying them and you incorporate them in low stress ways throughout the day then they will learn to associate books with pleasant and fun times. Your baby may only want a page or two before he moves on to something else, but that is ok. They are learning from you what it means to be a reader and incorporating it into their day. Sampling different type of books, as well as when and how you read together will let you find the right combination for you. For more tips, resources and strategies I highly recommend the website 0f Zero to Three, which is a “national non-profit that provides parents, professionals and policymakers the knowledge and know-how to nurture early development.”

Welcome back to guest blogger Sarah Erdman! Sarah writes about her first-hand observations of sharing books with a toddler.


Happy Mole Day!

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2013-10-17

So – who’s ready for Mole Day? Rather than competing with the commercial hoopla around Halloween, perhaps we science teachers could get a head start on October 23 (10/23) from 6:02 a.m. to 6:02 p.m. The timing of this event celebrates Avogadro’s number — 6.02 * 10^23
This day is used to celebrate the science of chemistry and its applications. The National Mole Day Foundation’s website has background information, themes, and some suggested activities. The American Chemical Society has embedded Mole Day in its National Chemistry Week activities. The ACS site has many resources for students and teachers of all grade levels. Even if your students are too young to understand Avogadro’s number, they can still enjoy learning about chemistry and the role it plays in their lives. The Royal Society of Chemistry in the UK also has information about Avogadro and the mole. (The Society’s student journal is called The Mole.)
See SciLinks for more information on Avogadro: you’ll get a list of websites related to moles and to the work of this scientist.
I’ve also heard of teachers who reverse the numbers and celebrate their mole day on June 2 (6/02) at 10:23 a.m. This could be a neat end of the year wrap-up! (And who says we can’t celebrate twice?)

So – who’s ready for Mole Day? Rather than competing with the commercial hoopla around Halloween, perhaps we science teachers could get a head start on October 23 (10/23) from 6:02 a.m. to 6:02 p.m. The timing of this event celebrates Avogadro’s number — 6.02 * 10^23


Documentation and discussion at the fish tank

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2013-10-17

Child observes fish in tank using a magnifier.An aquarium in the classroom may be a science center and the site of a morning separation ritual for some children. In addition to daily feeding and casual observation, children can make scientific drawings and notes. To encourage close observation, provide magnifying glasses and have two kinds of animals in the tank for observation. You might have two kinds of fish, or a fish and a snail. We can ask productive questions which encourage children to observe and think about what they see. As the children talk or point, suggest they draw the details of the animal’s body to show how it moves, how it is the same or different from the other animal, or the evidence that shows the animal is alive.
Child draws fish in aquarium.Learn about fish in the classroom from other teachers:
Read Mrs. Poulin’s blog (“Kindergarten is one of the places I call home”) about how the process of setting up a fish tank, and observing and documenting the completed tank, supported children’s work in thinking, speaking, listening and drawing.
Mrs. Larremore’s “Chalk Talk” blog shares a math unit using the book Fish Eyes by Lois Elhert (1990).
Short posts by teachers on ProTeacher about pet suggestions includes fish.
Child uses a documentation template to record her observation of aquarium animals.Parent and fish aquarium veteran Karen Randall writes on the FishChannel that “Aquariums in school classrooms are a great way for kids to learn about fish and biology — and they’re fun too!”
Have any readers taken part in the Pets in the Classroom grants?
A National Science Teachers Association’s resource, NSTA Recommends, describes Catherine Sill’s About Fish: A Guide For Children (2002 Peachtree Publishers, Ltd) as “an informative and well-illustrated book for primary children…a beautiful introduction to fish or life cycles…will support an integrated approach to science and language arts in the primary grades.”
Posters list class' questions about isopods (roly-polies).Maybe fish aren’t the perfect classroom pet….share your pet suggestions by commenting below. Roly-polies (aka isopods) anyone?

Child observes fish in tank using a magnifier.An aquarium in the classroom may be a science center and the site of a morning separation ritual for some children. In addition to daily feeding and casual observation, children can make scientific drawings and notes.


Science for the Next Generation: Preparing for the New Standards

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2013-10-17

Science for the Next Generation: Preparing for the New StandardsIf you’re an elementary school teacher who teaches grades K-5, the authors and editors of Science for the Next Generation: Preparing for the New Standards invite you to use the book as a resource to become teacher-leaders in the school science reform movement that is being catalyzed by the Next Generation Science Standards.
As elementary school teachers, you have the challenge of helping parents and society launch our children into a future that both requires and provides opportunities for lifelong learning. Today, our knowledge-based, global economy demands a future-focused, interactive education that reconceives the teacher as a catalyst for learner-active, minds-on construction of understanding. Rather than merely asking learners to reproduce past answers and solutions, the 21st-century educator must inspire learners to inquire and innovate.
William Banko, Marshall Grant, Michael Jabot, Alan McCormack, and Thomas O’Brien encourage you to embrace the challenge put forth in A Framework for K-12 Science Education, the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). That challenge is to be key contributors to an educational revolution. This revolution arises from ongoing and compelling research on how children and adults learn. The old models of teaching as simply telling and learning as passive sit-and-get listening will not meet the needs of tomorrow’s citizens.
Intended to be used in whatever order works best for you, the chapters in the book are organized around specific concepts.
Section I: Science: A Human Adventure
1. Teaching Science in Elementary School: Turning Today’s Children into Tomorrow’s Leaders
2. What is Science?
Section II: A Framework for K-12 Science Education
1. Science and the Educated Person
2. High Expectations for all: From the Common Core State Standards to the Next Generation Science Standards
3. From Framework to Next Generation Science Standards
Section III: Using the Framework and NGSS to Redesign Science Lessons
1. Science at the Center
2. 5E(z) Guidelines for Designing Research-Informed Science Lessons Sequences
Section IV: The Next Generation Science Standards in the Classroom: Sample 5E Mini-Units for Grades K-5
Physical Sciences
Introduction: Connections
A. What’s All the Noise About?
B. The Science of Sound
Life Sciences
Introduction: The Importance of Teaching Science in Elementary School
C. Zoogle Zoology
D. Animal Behavior in Groups
E. Demystifying Decomposers
Earth and Space Sciences
Introduction: Understanding Our Planet
F. Water Use and Mis-Use
G. Metric Measurement, Models, and Moon Matters
Section V: The New Science of Learning
1. Illuminating Minds
2. How We Model the Complexities of the World: Learning and Memory, Systems and Functions
Section VI: The New Science of Learning in the Classroom
1. Science is Fun
2. What Teachers Do to Engage Their Students in Learning
Section VII: Literacy and Science
1. The Importance of Science in Elementary School
2. Science? Literacy? Synergy!
3. Moving Forward: Science is Elementary!
This book is also available as an e-book.
Science for the Next Generation: Preparing for the New StandardsIf you’re an elementary school teacher who teaches grades K-5, the authors and editors of

Putting Science Words on the Wall

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2013-10-16

word wallI’ve seen “word walls” in elementary classrooms, but I wonder whether older students would find them helpful in dealing with vocabulary. What should I consider in trying this idea?
—Wendy, Chattanooga, Tennessee
When I first learned about word walls, I was intrigued. Many of my middle school students struggled with the specialized vocabulary in science, and I was willing to try something new to help them. It turned out to be a win-win situation: it was a learning opportunity for the students, and one of the bulletin boards in my classroom was used productively (I was not very good at designing them). I also had good results using this strategy with high school students.
A word wall is an organized list of words displayed in a classroom. On most I’ve seen, the words were printed on index cards or pieces of paper that can be moved around with the words large enough for students to see. A small graphic illustrating the word can be included (students can get very creative with this). This is not a static or decorative list, however. During the unit, the teacher and students can refer to the words, rearrange them by concept, and use them for review activities such as card sorts or word splashes.
Word walls should focus on essential vocabulary. As key words are introduced, they are posted. Some teachers also have the students put the words into their science notebooks and personalize the notebook list with additional terms.
If you teach more than one subject, as many teachers do, you’ll need a lot of space! When another teacher and I shared a lab, we divided up the bulletin board. I’ve seen teachers be creative with window shades and wall space. A teacher who floats among classrooms carried a flip chart on her cart with the vocabulary. As a last resort, students could create a “word page” in their notebooks.
The topic of word walls has appeared on the NSTA e–mail lists. Here are some additional suggestions from our colleagues that are appropriate for any grade level:

  • Some teachers in my building only put the vocabulary words on their walls, but I put word, definition, and if appropriate a picture. I leave these walls up during test time, but use black paper to cover the vocabulary word.  The students still have the picture and the definition. —Shauna
  • I have a “words and roots” list (etymology) for students and quiz them throughout the year. I add those to a section of a word wall as we learn them and practice putting together those seemingly long and impossible words. —Kathy (and others
  • I felt silly at first when I did this approach because I thought word walls were only for primary grades but was very surprised by the student response. I cut up strips of paper and had the students each complete one word with the definition and a related visual. For example, I have had students decide to draw a man trying to push a big rock to represent inertia. I then reminded students to use their science vocab when writing about the lesson or answering questions.  The word wall was a good anchor chart. —Sarah
  • The students must own the word wall, whether it is in their notebooks, on the wall, or somewhere else. —Suzanne
  • Since many of my students are bilingual, I like to suggest that they include the word in their own languages on their cards as well. —Bonnie
  • When creating a word wall, the purpose is to provide a place for students to look for words when discussing or writing responses. For example, you would ask the students to refer to the word wall during a discussion. Or you could do a stand-and-say to wrap up class: ask the students to use one of the word wall words in a sentence as they review a main idea. —Aimee
  • I would limit the terms to the essential vocabulary (10-15 words per unit), words they will use across multiple disciplines in science all throughout the year. —Kellylyn
  • The key on use of word walls is to have them available, used many times, and serve as a reference, continuously connecting lessons with words around the room, highlighting them in presentations, giving time for students to discuss meaning and use with peers, defining together terms that are key for understanding in their own words. —Ursula

Additional resources from NSTA:
Word Wall – NSTA News Digest
Word Wall Connections – NSTA News Digest
Interactive Word Walls: Transforming Content Vocabulary Instruction –Science Scope
Word Wall Connections – Science Scope
Word Wall Work—Supporting Science Talk –Science & Children
Photograph: Science Scope

word wallI’ve seen “word walls” in elementary classrooms, but I wonder whether older students would find them helpful in dealing with vocabulary. What should I consider in trying this idea?
—Wendy, Chattanooga, Tennessee


Science of Golf: physics of the golf swing

By admin

Posted on 2013-10-15

What do the trebuchet, said to have been invented in China in about 300 BC and Paula Creamer, the 2010 U.S. Women’s Open champion, have in common? They both owe their success to the double pendulum effect. Find out why in Science of Golf: Physics of the Golf Swing.

If you live in a northern clime, you might be thinking about putting your own golf clubs away for the winter. So satisfy your links craving by working through the Science of Golf series with your students. The series, from the partnership of NBC Learn, the United States Golf Association (USGA), and Chevron will get your STEM efforts on par. The videos are available cost-free on

Look through the lesson plans and adapt any part that is most useful to you. We all know that everyone’s situation is just a bit different, so download the Word doc and modify at will to make it your own. After you give them a try with your students, let us know what you think! Suggestions for improvements are always welcome. Just leave a comment and we’ll get in touch with you.

–Judy Elgin Jensen

Image of Paula Creamer finishing her swing courtesy of Keith Allison.


SOG: Physics of the Golf Swing discusses how torque, centripetal force, and the double-pendulum effect combine to produce high club head speed during a golf swing.

STEM Lesson Plan—Adaptable for Grades 7–12

The lesson plan provides ideas for STEM exploration plus strategies to support students in their own quest for answers and as well as a more focused approach that helps all students participate in hands-on inquiry.

The SOG Lesson Plan: Physics of the Golf Swing describes how students might investigate a question about energy transfer from potential to kinetic in the cases of single and double pendulums.


You can use the following form to e-mail us edited versions of the lesson plans: [contact-form 2 “ChemNow]


What do the trebuchet, said to have been invented in China in about 300 BC and Paula Creamer, the 2010 U.S. Women’s Open champion, have in common? They both owe their success to the double pendulum effect. Find out why in Science of Golf: Physics of the Golf Swing.

Translating the NGSS for Classroom Instruction

With the release of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), you need a resource to help you answer pressing questions about how the standards fit with your curriculum, instruction, and assessments. Rodger W. Bybee has written Translating the NGSS for Classroom Instruction to provide essential guidance for everyone from teachers to school administrators to district and state science coordinators.
With the release of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), you need a resource to help you answer pressing questions about how the standards fit with your curriculum, instruction, and assessments. Rodger W. Bybee has written Translating the NGSS for Classroom Instruction to provide essential guidance for everyone from teachers to school administrators to district and state science coordinators.

Waves and electromagnetic radiation

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2013-10-13

As the Science Scope editor notes, “Most of our students—and many adults—take modern technology for granted, never wondering how these machines work or what science makes them possible.” Much of this science relates to waves and electronic radiation, and the featured articles in this issue have many ideas for student investigations in these topics, and the articles note how the content and activities relate to the NGSS.
Reflecting Understanding describes some misconceptions students may have about light and plane mirrors. The article describes four learning stations using a “reflect-view” mirror (described in the article). The authors include photos of the stations and discuss how each addressed a misconception. [SciLinks: Reflection, Mirrors]
As the author of Color: The Eyes Have It notes, middle schoolers enjoy learning about themselves. This activity here goes beyond a traditional lesson in the genetics of eye color to have students take a closer look at their own eye colors through digital photography. [SciLinks: Eyes]
Balloon’s Up! illustrates a project in which students partnered with a university for an authentic exploration how ultraviolet radiation, visible light, and sound waves are affected by altitude. Students with their partners designed research projects that could be studied with data collections from the high-altitude balloons they launched.
The authors of Wave Warnings provide suggestions for helping students investigate wave characteristics in water. Making wave “prints” (directions provided) give students a picture of their generated waves and provides an opportunity to study the characteristics of real waves in addition to pictures in a textbook or website. The article has photographs of the prints and student handouts. [SciLinks: Waves]
Two of the monthly columns also focus on waves. Are there sounds in space? The Scope on the Skies article The Sound of Sound has a review of wave characteristics and discusses acoustical sounds vs. the conversion of forms of electromagnetic radiation of celestial objects into acoustical sounds we can hear. [SciLinks: Electromagnetic Waves] When studying waves, students often use thing such as Slinkys, mirrors, lenses, and tuning forks. The Scope on Safety article Wave Warnings has some suggestions for studying waves safely in the classroom.
Students may bring a variety of backgrounds and interest in these topics. Differentiating Inquiry (in this month’s Teacher’s Toolkit) has suggestions for varying the level of inquiry in a topic. Using density as the topic, the authors provide examples and materials for meeting the need of students. The ideas can be generalized to any topic. [SciLinks: Density]

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