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A teacher's responsibilities

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2011-03-26

I will have a student teacher next semester. In addition to her leading my physical science classes, I’d like her to experience some other responsibilities that teachers have. Any suggestions? Kimberly, Providence, Rhode Island Many people don’t realize the responsibilities that teachers have beyond the curriculum. Even though your student teacher will be eager to work with your classes, you’re very wise to help her get a more comprehensive picture of the related professional duties and responsibilities. Check the student teaching handbook from the college/university or contact the program supervisor to find out what activities they suggest or require. You could consider asking your student teacher to

  • Attend faculty meetings, department or committee meetings, curriculum workshops, inservice activities
  • Participate in non-instructional duties (homeroom, hall duty, study halls, etc.)
  • Assist you with managing lab materials and resources during your planning period
  • Attend student events (plays, concerts, athletic contests)
  • Attend a school board meeting
  • Learn about the requisition and budgeting process
  • Prepare an “emergency” lesson plan for a substitute to follow
  • Make a presentation at a department meeting on new technology or other skills she has

During my student teaching, I “shadowed” a ninth-grade student for an entire day—from homeroom period to the dismissal bell. This was a university requirement, and student teachers had an observation sheet to describe what happened in each class, what the student did, the teachers’ instructional strategies, and how teachers interacted with the shadowed student. It was an eye-opening experience. When our student teaching seminar class met, we shared our experiences and what we learned from them. We concluded the day was exhausting: It was hard to maintain a high level of interest and enthusiasm as the day went on, and some classes were more engaging than others. I had several “aha” moments throughout the day:

  • The difficulties in getting from one room to another within the 3-minute time allowance
  • The different expectations teachers had for acceptable class behavior
  • How students had to adapt to different grading schemes used by the teachers
  • The preponderance of teacher-led activities (I’m hoping this has changed over the years)
  • The overall noise level—even in the classrooms it was hard to think or reflect quietly

But one observation was the most compelling. My student was a quiet, unassuming young man. On this particular day, not one adult spoke to him. He slipped into the classrooms and sat in the back. He did not cause any distractions. He didn’t raise his hand much, and no teacher called on him for a response, asked him a question, or talked with him one-on-one. So for eight periods he basically sat and watched and did what he was told. The cashier in the cafeteria did not even say “thank you” when he paid for his lunch. I hoped that this was not a usual day for him, but I suspect it was. I wonder what kind of memories he has of his high school days. Based on this “sit-through” experience, I vowed that my greatest responsibility as a teacher would be to make my class a safe and welcoming place, where all students are invited (and expected) to participate and where their efforts are recognized. I don’t remember this young man’s name, but observing his experiences as a student helped me to become a better teacher. I would recommend giving your student teacher a similar opportunity.   Photo:

I will have a student teacher next semester. In addition to her leading my physical science classes, I’d like her to experience some other responsibilities that teachers have. Any suggestions? Kimberly, Providence, Rhode Island Many people don’t realize the responsibilities that teachers have beyond the curriculum.


Spatial thinking

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2011-03-24

The children whom I see once-a-week in an hour-long afternoon science enrichment class show growth in their exploration of building using ramps and blocks to create pathways for balls. These materials have been available each session for about four months. An hour once a week is not much time to explore a set of materials but the children seem to be able to pick up where they left off the last time. They enjoy making the balls go into a goal, creating elaborate structures around a few ramps, and making especially long ramps. Children drawing a set-up of blocks.Their work had seemed stalled so I assigned a task before building. I wanted to see how the children, ages 3.5-5, would approach the difficult task of drawing the relationship between two 3-D objects so I asked them to make a set-up with any two wooden (unit) building blocks and draw a picture of it. Most of the children made simple line drawings of one face of the blocks with varying degrees of accuracy (some were more oval than rectangular), and a few children traced the shapes. I hoped that this practice drawing would help them begin to think of how 3-D objects can be placed together and that thinking before building might lead to new structures.
(Note: In talking with the children I was searching my brain for the name given to the rectangular block and couldn’t come up with it. Not a cube but a ________. An online resource, The Annenberg Foundation’s Interactives: Geometry 3-D Shapes, gave me the word I was looking for. These unit blocks are polyhedrons, 3-D shapes whose faces are polygons, and specifically right prism polyhedron because the opposite sides are equal and they meet at right angles. The general term “rectangular prism” is appropriate. The site has a cool section where these shapes are shown unfolded.)
Nora S. Newcombe’s article in the Summer 2010 American Educator, Picture This: Increasing Math And Science Learning By Improving Spatial Thinking, has a fascinating discussion about spatial thinking skills and how to improve spatial thinking with some simple techniques. Newcombe asks, “Since spatial thinking is associated with skill and interest in STEM fields (as well as in other areas, such as art, graphic design, and architecture), the immediate question is whether it can be improved. Can we educate children in a way that would maximize their potential in this domain?” “In addition to practicing spatial thinking tasks like those shown in the box on page 30, well-conceived symbolic representations, analogies, and gestures are also effective in improving one’s spatial thinking ability.” She describes a study that shows that parents using spatial words like outside, inside, under, over, around, and corner help preschoolers improve their spatial thinking. Although “precise answers are not yet possible,” Newcombe says, “However, we are beginning to have some good ideas about where to start, especially with preschool and elementary students.”

Children draw a design for building a ramp and block structure.

A young child drew and then referred to this drawing as he built...

Last week I challenged the children to first draw a ramp set-up that included at least two ramps and two blocks, and then build it. There were also sponges and plastic quart containers available. The children got to work drawing, some rushing to finish and some working more methodically. As they finished, they picked out materials and began building. Most of the 14 children referred to their drawings as they built, whether or not the structure closely matched the drawing.
Children built a structure by following their drawn plan.

....resulting in this structure.

One child announced that, “Mine’s not working!” I asked the group, What should he do?” and they responded, “Make a new plan!” He did. He went back to the table, re-drew his plan and then built a revised structure (which he was happy with) and continued working with for another 30 minutes. Two of the youngest children did not wander as they often did but spent the time engaged with building and ball-rolling. Another child had drawn a bridge-like structure with an up-ramp, level section, and a down-ramp. He tried to build it but could not get it to stay up. When I asked him what he wanted to do, he pointed to his plan indicating where he needed two supporting blocks. With a marker he drew in the supports, and then got two blocks to successfully build the revised structure.
To learn the most out of this activity, the children need time to investigate the relationship between the blocks, the slope of the ramps and the size and weight of the balls. They need time to play—did the ball make it into the hole?, time to compare—the heavy ball bumped off the path here but the light one kept going, time to think and talk about why, and time to revise their structures—“I’m going to make it better this time!” By designing, discussing their ideas, building, and revising their designs, I hope the children will gain experience with physical science concepts of force and motion while developing their spatial thinking.

The children whom I see once-a-week in an hour-long afternoon science enrichment class show growth in their exploration of building using ramps and blocks to create pathways for balls. These materials have been available each session for about four months. An hour once a week is not much time to explore a set of materials but the children seem to be able to pick up where they left off the last time. They enjoy making the balls go into a goal, creating elaborate structures around a few ramps, and making especially long ramps.


Switching from cookbook labs to full inquiry

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2011-03-24

Click here for the Table of Contents

When I was in my undergrad science methods class, we learned about the value of inquiry in science. That was many years ago, and yet we’re still talking about the value of inquiry in science. I wonder if it’s because we still think of an “analog” situation: we do either cookbook labs (in which all students have to do is follow the directions) or we do full inquiry investigations (in which many students struggle). But rather than an either/or situation, this articles in this year’s Science & Children are showing how inquiry can be considered a continuum— confirmation inquiry (i.e., the cookbook), structured inquiry, guided inquiry, open inquiry. What differentiates these is the role of the students and teacher in asking questions, designing procedures, collecting and organizing data, and generating explanations and conclusions. The more input the students have, the “higher” the level of inquiry. The graphic in Inquiry Is Essential shows the relationship between levels of learner self-direction and directions provided by the teacher.
NSTA publications have many examples of how teachers can scaffold activities to guide students through the continuum, so that even a traditional activity can take on the characteristics of inquiry. (See The Many Levels of Inquiry in the October 2008 issue of Science & Children.) For this issue, I’ve noted the SciLinks topics that would support the content or include additional activities.

If you teach middle or high school and your students need some assistance in transitioning through the levels of inquiry, the strategies described in this issue could be helpful. The authors of Fire Up the Inquiry, Lose the Recipe, and Got Inquiry? describe how to adapt lessons to each of these levels–the same basic investigation, but with different levels of student input. The Mitten Problem discusses what to do when students have misconceptions that interfere with inquiry learning.  Overcoming Difficulties has ideas for working with bilingual students during inquiry lessons.  [SciLinks: Heat and Temperature, Insulation, Seed Germination, What Are the Parts of a Plant]
Water Pressure in Depth makes the point that although students may follow the directions and enjoy an activity, they may not really understand the science involved. By giving students more of a role in the activity, they may take on more ownership of their learning.  [SciLinks: Fluids and Pressure, Magnetism, Recycling]
One rationale that some teachers may have about inquiry is that there is too much content to cover. In 5 Strategies to Support All Teachers, one of the strategies is to connect the students’ ideas to the standards or curriculum goals. [SciLinks: Lakes and Ponds, Composting] From Adding Inquiry to Doing Science is a very honest discussion of a teacher’s efforts to transition from activities with predetermined outcomes to less predictable inquiry investigations. As she shows, younger students are indeed capable of higher-level thinking. [SciLinks: Autumn Leaves, Identifying Trees] Inquiry Follow-Up capitalizes on the curiosity and enthusiasm of pre-schoolers to investigate patterns of bird behavior at feeders. [SciLinks: Birds]
Two articles embed inquiry into the 5E model. Which Paper Towel Is Best? and Let’s Try It Out in the Air show how even a common investigation question can be kicked up a notch to incorporate more input from the students.[SciLinks: Wind Currents. See also The KidWind Project]
And check out more Connections for this issue (March 2011). Even if the article does not quite fit with your lesson agenda, there are ideas for handouts, background information sheets, data sheets, rubrics, and other resources.

Click here for the Table of Contents


Chemistry Now, week 9: the chemistry of green

By admin

Posted on 2011-03-22

Leaves changing colorsIt’s so simple, it almost seems magical. Leaves take in sunlight, convert it to sugars and starches, and the plant feeds itself and becomes the first link in a food chain that reaches all the way to the apple you chew and swallow on the way to the big game.

So, how does it work? Chemistry silly. In the case of plants, the leaves contain chlorophyll, which, when combined with water, enables the plant to photosynthesize, which is the process I described above. It’s not really that simple, but the lack of moving parts makes it seem so, and it certainly is quite elegant.

What happens when the chlorophyll goes away? Well, the plant enters a dormant phase, and the loss of the green pigment leaves behind (no pun intended) the beautiful colors you see when autumn rolls around each year. It’s early in the northern hemisphere to think about autumn, but for those of you south of the equator, have a look at what’s coming. Leaves changing from green to red, orange, yellow, and purple.


We are into week nine of the weekly, online, video series “Chemistry Now,” and the chemistry of the garden works its way back through the flow of energy to chlorophyll and photosynthesis as a source of interesting video and lessons. As we’ve written before, please view the video, try the lessons, and let us know what you think.

Photo: Chrissy Ferguson

Through the Chemistry Now series, NSTA and NBC Learn have teamed up with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to create lessons related to common, physical objects in our world and the changes they undergo every day. The series also looks at the lives and work of scientists on the frontiers of 21st century chemistry.

Video: “The Chemistry of Green” outlines the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis, and explains why plants are green.


Middle school lesson: Chlorophyll Chromatography gives students an understanding of paper chromatography, allowing them to separate a mixture of pigments extracted from leaves.

High school lesson: Like the middle school lesson, this version of the lesson introduces the process of chromatography, but in this experiment, they separate a mixture of photosynthetic pigments extracted from leaves.

You can use the following form to e-mail us edited versions of the lesson plans:

[contact-form 2 “ChemNow]

Leaves changing colorsIt’s so simple, it almost seems magical. Leaves take in sunlight, convert it to sugars and starches, and the plant feeds itself and becomes the first link in a food chain that reaches all the way to the apple you chew and swallow on the way to the big game.


An interesting example of 21st century technology

By Martin Horejsi

Posted on 2011-03-21


In the video above, a third grader gets to use a rather striking example of 21st century technology to talk about some common topics in science, namely earthquakes and volcanoes.

I didn’t get the feeling that Duncan thinks we should not teach about dinosaurs and volcanoes, but instead teach about them and then beyond them. Frankly, if kids could grasp the actual science behind dinosaurs and volcanoes, they would be far ahead given all of the amazing science associated with volcanoes and dinosaurs. Sadly, most lessons in these areas usually focus on lower level (knowledge, comprehension, etc.) “facts” which are easy to assess with multiple choice instruments, yet allow little knowledge power beyond pointing and naming.

“..a pile of stones is not a house and a collection of facts is not necessarily science.”

– Henri Poincar

As I watched the video, I was encouraged by the pauses as the student studied the imagery on the globe. He is not reciting anything, but interpreting what he sees which in my book is at the highest levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. In other words, complex scientific images are presented in a spherical (authentic) representation of the earth which in turn are then cognitively analyzed (separated into pieces) by the student, then reassembled (synthesis) into a reasonably coherent explanation of the relationship between the pieces (remember, this student is only 9 years old) .

A few things to keep in mind: 1) the sea floor is visible here, but in real life it is not; 2) the images are in false color; 3) his sister is selecting and moving different images of which the student does not always know what is next; 4) the globe is bigger (60-inch diameter) than the student so he cannot even see half the globe from his perspective; 5) the colors change and the oceans and continents switch between positive and negative space projections; and 6) the student is able to adapt to the images “on the fly” meaning he understands not only the individual concepts but their relationship to each other.


Science for all

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2011-03-19

Click here for the Table of Contents

For the past few years, the March issue of The Science Teacher has been devoted to this theme. As our classrooms become more diverse, we need ideas and research to help us share our passion for science with all of our students.
In this issue, as I read Teaching Science to ELLs, Part 1 and Part II, I had to stop several times to think how many of the strategies would apply to students who do not have a strong background in science vocabulary. The articles have rubrics and suggestions for differentiating instruction and assessment activities to help students use their skills and develop new ones. Science Vocabulary for All reports on a study on how “Collaborative Strategic Reading” can help students in an inclusion science class learn vocabulary.  The results were positive for all students, including those with disabilities. And the authors of A Learning Cycle for All Students describe some enhancements to the 5E model, adding an “Express” phase. This phase includes formative assessment that guides opportunities for differentiated instructions in the Elaborate phase.  [SciLinks: Eukaryotic Cells,Water Cycle, Carbon Cycle]

Technology can be adapted to meet students’ needs, as described in Personalizing the PC for Accessibility Selecting Software for Students with Learning and Other Disabilities recommends PhET Interactive Simulatons. Many of these simulations are individually included in SciLinks, and the entire site is a source for ideas.
After reading about the benefits of School Gardens, share an interview with a Horticulturist as a Career of the Month [SciLinks: Sustainable Agriculture]
Many elementary and middle schools have family science events, but the author of Creating a College-Going Culture describes such an event (actually a series of events) at a rural high school. High school students demonstrated their projects to parents and younger children. The event also provided the opportunity for high schools students and their families to talk with college students, motiviating more to think about the possibility of attending college. [Note: Rural students are also the focus of Finding Fairness for Rural Students in the March issue of the Phi Delta Kappan]
If this is a new topic of interest for you, you can check out previous issues, too:

Click here for the Table of Contents

Project Earth Science: Geology, Revised 2nd Edition

How well can your students …
• Explain the distribution of earthquakes?
• Model volcanic eruptions?
• Demonstrate plate motions and interactions?
• Describe seafloor changes?
• Think in terms of geologic time?

How well can your students …
• Explain the distribution of earthquakes?
• Model volcanic eruptions?
• Demonstrate plate motions and interactions?
• Describe seafloor changes?
• Think in terms of geologic time?

Project Earth Science: Astronomy, Revised 2nd Edition

How well can your students …
• Illustrate the reason for Earth’s seasons?
• Explain how far a light year is?
• Simulate the phases of the Moon?
• Describe the effects of greenhouse gases?
• Connect astronomy to other Earth system science?
How well can your students …
• Illustrate the reason for Earth’s seasons?
• Explain how far a light year is?
• Simulate the phases of the Moon?
• Describe the effects of greenhouse gases?
• Connect astronomy to other Earth system science?

Teaching resources for the Japanese earthquake and tsunami

By Eric Brunsell

Posted on 2011-03-14

The devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan is on the minds of all of us, including our students. The event and aftermath is tragic and the continuing nuclear emergency is a reminder of how fragile society can be. As educators, we can help our students make sense of these events and give them the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of their world.
In their book, Comprehension and Collaboration, Daniels and Harvey provide a comprehensive vision of what inquiry can look like in the classroom. They describe the following components that can easily be used to bring the Japanese earthquake into your classroom.

Immerse: Invite Curiosity and Wonder
Introduce the topic by asking your students what they already know about the disaster. Follow this by brainstorming a list of “wonderings” that students have. You may want to set the context for the discussion by reading a small excerpt from a news article or by showing a video.

Investigate: Develop Questions, Search for Information, and Discover Answers
Individuals or small groups select and refine a broad question that they find interesting. You should help students with their question so that it provides an opportunity for them to delve into a topic and consider multiple sources of information. Students can use the web, library resources, and other media to search for information.

Coalesce: Synthesize Information and Build Knowledge
Students should identify a small number of “knowledge claims” that they have learned from their research. These claims should be supported by evidence from multiple media sources.

Go Public: Demonstrate Understanding and Share Learning
Students can share their learning in a variety of ways. For example, they can create newspaper articles, videos, audio podcasts, posters, or infographics.

The resources below provide a variety of perspectives on the Japanese earthquake. Some of the resources may not be suitable for all children.

Talking with Kids about Catastrophes
SFGate: Talking to Kids about the Japanese Earthquake
WFAA: Talking to Children about the Earthquake in Japan
Plate Tectonics
USGS: Earthquakes for Kids
How Stuff Works: Tsunamis
Universe Today: Pacific Ring of Fire
CBS News Online: Pacific Ring of Fire (video)
Yahoo Kids! Plate Tectonics Page
Live Science
BBC Infographic w/ Video
Guardian: Japan’s Earthquake History
The Moscow News
Earthquakes & Tsunamis
Scholastic: Reading the Richter Scale
CBS News: How Earthquakes are Measured
U.S. Department of State: U.S. Geologists Explain Science Behind Japanese Earthquakes
New York Times Interactive: How Shifting Plates Caused the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan
BBC: Japan’s Earthqauke
Yahoo! News: Japan Earthquake & Tsunami video collection
Scientific American: The Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Scientific American: How Does an Earthquake Trigger Tsunamis Thousands of Miles Away?
BBC: Japan Earthquake – Footage of Moment Tsunami hit
Australian Broadcast Corporation: Japan Earthquake Before and After (images)
National Geographic: Tsunami Facts in Wake of Japan Earthquake
National Geographic: Tsunami Waves Hit U.S.
CBS: Pacific Northwest at risk for quake like Japan’s
NOAA: Tsunami Page
Earthquake and Tsunami Safety
Public Radio International: Japan’s Earthquake Resistant Buildings
Scientific American: Seconds Before the Big One – Progress in Earthquake Alarms
MSNBC: How Quake Prediction Works (or not)
Japan’s Earthquake Early Warning system
NOAA: How Does a Tsunami Warning System Work?
Nuclear Reactors
How Stuff Works: How Nuclear Power Works
How a Nuclear Reactor Works (animation)
New York Times: Radioactive Releases in Japan Could Last Months
The Guardian’s Nuclear Power page
U.S. Department of Energy: Impact of Radiation on Humans
CNN Dr. Gupta: Radiation Fears in Sendai

The Red Cross
PC Magazine: Japan Earthquake – How to Donate, Reach Out,2817,2381922,00.asp
Education Resources
DLESE: Living in Earthquake Country
New York Times: Teaching Ideas – The Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan
USGS Earthquake Science Explained (10 articles)
AAAS Science NetLinks: Earthquake Teaching Resources
This is cross-posted to Edutopia.

The devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan is on the minds of all of us, including our students. The event and aftermath is tragic and the continuing nuclear emergency is a reminder of how fragile society can be. As educators, we can help our students make sense of these events and give them the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of their world.


Graphing in early childhood classrooms

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2011-03-14

The two comments on an earlier post on Collecting Data were about graphing in early childhood classrooms. My curiosity got the better of me so I investigated what some of the standards have to say about when it is appropriate to teach the concept of graphing.
I chose to list Virginia’s standards because that’s where I live, and Oklahoma because it has ranked first since 2003–2004 for serving the highest percentage of 4-year-olds in state-funded preschool.
It appears that most standards agree that preK is the time to introduce graphing—see the chart below.

This is not an exhaustive search—please chime in with any additions, corrections, or personal experiences!
(Note that the standards are not quoted in full.)

Source Curriculum area Specific standard or skill
A Framework for Science Education Preliminary Public Draft National Research Council of the National AcademiesPublic Comment Draft – July 12-August 2, 2010 Ch. 5: Dimension 3: Scientific and Engineering Practices 5-17, Pages 93-94 Table 10: Collecting, Analyzing, and Interpreting Evidence: What patterns are there in the data? (Identifying Relationships) [Table 10 presents how this practice might develop with time.]Emerging–Tabulates and represents evidence in a graphical form and looks for patterns. Can interpret simple data presented graphically (pie charts, simple graphs)patterns.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science Project 2061, Benchmarks for Science Literacy 9. The Mathematical World Numbers, Kindergarten through Grade 2. By the end of the 2nd grade, students should know that simple graphs can help to tell about observations. 9A/P4
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Data Analysis and Probability Standard for Grades Pre-K-2, Expectations Instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to— Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them In prekindergarten through grade 2 all students should— pose questions and gather data about themselves and their surroundings; sort and classify objects according to their attributes and organize data about the objects; represent data using concrete objects, pictures, and graphs.
NAEYC Accreditation Criteria for Curriculum, Standard 2. “These aspects of quality should be seen in any programs or classrooms serving birth through kindergarten, though they may look somewhat different in practice depending on the children’s age.” 2.G. Curriculum Content Area for Cognitive Development: Science 2.G.05 PreK-KChildren are provided varied opportunities and materials to collect data and to represent and document their findings (e.g., through drawing or graphing).
Highscope Preschool Key Developmental Indicators (KDIs)(Note: no specific reference to graphing.) Science and Technology Classification
♦  Exploring and describing similarities, differences, and the attributes of things
♦  Sorting and matching
♦  Describing characteristics something does not possess or what class it does not belong to.
Mathematics Seriation
♦  Comparing attributes (longer/shorter, bigger/smaller)
♦  Comparing the numbers of things in two sets to determine “more,” “fewer,” “same number”
♦  Counting objects
The Head Start Child Development And Early Learning Framework, December 2010 Scientific skills & Method The skills to observe and collect information and use it to ask questions, predict, explain, and draw conclusions.• Observes and discusses common properties, differences, and comparisons among objects.• Collects, describes, and records information through discussions, drawings, maps, and charts.
Mathematics Knowledge & skills Number relationships & operationsThe use of numbers to describe relationships and solve problems.• Uses a range of strategies, such as counting, subitizing, or matching, to compare quantity in two sets of objects and describes the comparison with terms, such as more, less, greater than, fewer, or equal to.Patterns• Sorts, classifies, and serializes (puts in a pattern) objects using attributes, such as color, shape, or size.Measurement & comparisonThe understanding of attributes and relative properties of objects as related to size, capacity, and area. 
• Compares objects using attributes of length, weight and size (bigger, longer, taller, heavier).
• Orders objects by size or length.
Oklahoma Early Learning Guidelines for Children Ages Three Through Five (November 2006) Concept Area: Math, Standard 5: Data Analysis—The child will collect and analyze data in a group setting. Indicators of Child’s Progress– B. Develops growing abilities to collect, describe, and record information through a variety of means, including discussion, drawings, maps, charts, and graphs.
Virginia Standards of Learning, (2010) Scientific Investigation, Reasoning, and Logic. COMMUNICATING: To gather, record, and transmit qualitative or quantitative information, including defining operationally; using expert, print, and electronic resources; gathering, charting, recording, and graphing data; and presenting information in standard written narrative, oral, audiovisual, and electronic formats Grade K: The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science.i)picture graphs are constructed;Grade 1: 1.1                 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which 
i)observations and data are recorded, analyzed, and communicated orally and with simple graphs, pictures, written statements, and numbers; and,
Grade 2: 2.1
h)data are collected and recorded, and bar graphs are constructed using numbered axes;

The two comments on an earlier post on Collecting Data were about graphing in early childhood classrooms. My curiosity got the better of me so I investigated what some of the standards have to say about when it is appropriate to teach the concept of graphing.

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