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Interdisciplinary/integrated science

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2009-11-11

I always look forward to the NSTA journal issues that have a theme with the words integrated or interdisciplinary in them. Interdisciplinary is one of those words that is hard to define, but we “know it when we see it.” The article Thinking, Teaching, and Learning Science Outside the Boxes in the February 2009 issue of The Science Teacher does provide a definition as well as a discussion of its importance and even a “taxonomy” of levels of disciplinarity (yes, I know that’s not a real word!), showing that it’s not an either/or dichotomy. The challenge is to make the connections authentic and purposeful, rather than contrived and trivial.
The lessons described in this issue are anything but contrived and trivial! Solving the Mystery of Mock Mummies goes beyond creating “mummies” as a arts-and-crafts activity to fact-finding on the process of mummification, a study of artifacts, observations, and inferencing. A key component is having to interpret the work of others. In addition to the online resources mentioned in the article, SciLinks has websites under the keyword “archaeology.” Although they are in the 9-12 group, some of the sites would be appropriate for middle-schoolers, including Animal Mummies in the Cairo Museum, and In Vesuvius’ Shadow. It would be interesting to connect these activities with an ancient history class.
My students were fascinated by amber and the insects inside, and the activities in Amber: Using “Tree Tears Turned to Stone” to Teach Biology, Ecology, and More! would certainly capitalize on that interest. (I also saw this topic as a rationale to visit jewelry stores selling amber for pieces to wear to class!). If your students are interested in more information, try Fossil Amber, Amber: Window to the Past (also recommended in the article), and Oldest Gecko Fossil Ever Found, Entombed in Amber. In Search for the Golden Moon Bear, the authors describe a Reader’s Theatre project, in which students wrote and performed an original script based on a science-related book. I’ve seen many elementary classes use this technique to improve fluency and comprehension, but I’m excited by the idea of middle-schoolers writing and performing, especially if they can share what they’re learning with a younger audience. The article has step-by-step directions, but if you need more information, check out the resources at Readers’ Theater.
Helping students see the connections between science and “real life” is the theme of several articles. In Cell Towers and Songbirds, students look at the possible consequences of the technology that seems to be indispensible these days. The Global Warming Project could be adapted for high school students with the question: What is the impact of most students driving to school rather than carpooling or using the bus? And Time’s Up, Turkey: Pop-up Thermometers takes a look at a technology that will be in use later this month in many homes.
Regardless of what grade level you teacher, two articles would make excellent discussion starters at faculty meetings: The Great Divide: How Mathematics Is Perceived by Students in Math and Science Classrooms shows how there may be confusion between how common concepts (such as data collecting and analysis, graphing, measurement, and unit analysis) are taught and used in science and math classes. And Physics or Stamp Collecting? Pitfalls of the Hierarchy of Disciplines is a thought-provoking article that discusses how we communicate the importance of science to students and some of the misconceptions that students may develop.

I always look forward to the NSTA journal issues that have a theme with the words integrated or interdisciplinary in them.

Bubble Bubble

With magic bubble solution, a boy discovers that he can blow any kind of bubble imaginable: a kangaroo, a bird, a car, or a boat. Mercer Mayer's colorful illustrations enliven this engaging tale of mysterious bubbles.
With magic bubble solution, a boy discovers that he can blow any kind of bubble imaginable: a kangaroo, a bird, a car, or a boat. Mercer Mayer's colorful illustrations enliven this engaging tale of mysterious bubbles.

Muscling in on physics

By Lynn Petrinjak

Posted on 2009-11-10

Physics experiment equipmentPhysics teachers have a chance to get physical—and biological—on Thursday at the NSTA Conference in Fort Lauderdale with a session called Muscular Physics. The hands-on workshop by Umadevi I. Garimella, director of the Arkansas Center for Mathematics & Science Education at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA) in Conway, Arkansas, and William Slaton, an assistant physics and astronomy professor at UCA, will explore the physics of body movement.
“The skeletal-muscular system of the body can be modeled using the concept of torques and mechanical equilibrium. Participants will explore the three classes of lever systems and note the biologically equivalent systems in the body,” explains Slaton. “Of interest will be the mechanical advantage of each lever system and why the body has evolved to favor some lever systems as opposed to others. Participants will also get hands on experience taking data for all three lever systems.”
Garimella and Slaton provide worksheets and workbooks of the informational slides for attendees to keep.
And now I’ve got bad 80s aerobic work-out music stuck in my head. Great. Hope I haven’t infected anyone else!

Physics experiment equipmentPhysics teachers have a chance to get physical—and biological—on Thursday at the NSTA Conference in Fort Lauderdale with a session called Muscular Physics. The hands-on workshop by Umadevi I.


Science everywhere, for all students

By Debra Shapiro

Posted on 2009-11-09

Cover image of Ensuring Success in Math and ScienceYour challenge: Show all of the students in your classroom how science affects every aspect of their lives. Need help? Randolf Tobias, an award-winning author, educator, and curriculum specialist, is going to provide it during his presentation at the NSTA conference in Fort Lauderdale.

Tobias will tell you how to reach students from all backgrounds and cultures, especially those at-risk of missing out on a good education. And he’ll explain how to make your classroom a place where students realize why they should learn science, and how fun learning it can be. As I read about his work, I’m struck by the range of his expertise. He has worked with teachers, schools, school districts, and universities, both here in the U.S. and internationally.
District Administration: The Magazine of School District Management calls his latest book—Ensuring Success in Math and Science: Curriculum and Teaching Strategies for At-Risk Learners—“one of the most useful resources for K–12 education.” Perhaps he’ll share some of the lesson plans and family activities from the book.

Cover image of Ensuring Success in Math and ScienceYour challenge: Show all of the students in your classroom how science affects every aspect of their lives. Need help? Randolf Tobias, an award-winning author, educator, and curriculum specialist, is going to provide it during his presentation at the NSTA conference in Fort Lauderdale.


Science notebooks

By MsMentorAdmin

Posted on 2009-11-07

I’ve heard about “interactive” science notebooks. I would like to use them with my classes, but I think I need to learn more about them before I start.
—Randall, Columbus, Ohio

For many teachers, the word “notebook” conjures up a traditional folder or binder to hold lab reports, homework, class handouts and notes, tests and quizzes, and/or completed worksheets. The students receive a list of required documents and the specific order in which they should appear. Notebooks are graded periodically on completeness and whether the documents are in the “correct” order. Teachers tell the students to “study” from them. At the end of the school year, some students would take them home; others would casually toss them as they emptied their desks or lockers.
However, many teachers are working with their students to create a more useful and personalized notebook that will be used daily throughout the year. These teachers recognize the importance of helping their students learn organizational strategies, but they also recognize the need for students to improve their data recording and analysis skills and learn how to reflect on and communicate what they are thinking and learning through writing. These “interactive” notebooks are living documents where students have the responsibility to record and use their lab investigations, vocabulary, class notes, sketches, summaries, and other assignments.
Here are some resources you can use to learn more:

  • The NSTA Press publication Using Science Notebooks in Elementary Classrooms by Michael Klentschy has become a classic. Don’t be put off by the title if you’re a secondary teacher. The concepts are the same, and the strategies would be useful if your students are not used to organizing their thoughts and notes. There are many examples of student work, and I was blown away by what these little ones are doing and thinking! You can even read a sample chapter online.
  • NSTA’s Science Store also provides access to journal articles on the topic. NSTA members can access journal articles for free.
  • The website Science Notebooks in K-12 Classrooms produced by the North Cascades and Olympic Science Partnership in Washington state is an excellent resource, with lots of examples of student work, templates, and documents—including many in Spanish.
  • Using Science Notebooks is an online teacher resource from the Tucson Unified School District with suggestions for using notebooks, their benefits and advantages, and examples of student work.
  • The Scientist’s Notebook Toolkit from the East Bay Educational Collaborative in Rhode Island is another resource rich in suggestions and examples.
  • The ERIC Digest Science Notebooks: Tools For Increasing Achievement Across the Curriculum provides a rationale for using science notebooks and discusses their effect on learning.
  • There is a forum in the NSTA Communities on Interactive Science Notebooks in which teachers are asking questions and sharing suggestions.

One thing I like about many of these books, articles, and online resources is the examples of student work. Secondary teachers will be amazed at the depth of knowledge expressed by younger students! I suspect these students did not catch on to a new approach to notebooks right away, especially if they have had many years of explicit directions on exactly what papers and information to archive. Their teachers had to provide lots of modeling, feedback, and persistence to get to the point where the notebook is a useful and integral part of their science classes. They also had to try different notebook formats (composition books, binders, folders, digital media) and strategies (logistics for storage, giving feedback) to find what works best with their students. But teachers generally agree the increase in student participation and learning is worth the effort.
It would be interesting to hear from anyone who uses laptops or online notebooks where students record their observations, upload images and videos, and communicate their findings virtually.

I’ve heard about “interactive” science notebooks. I would like to use them with my classes, but I think I need to learn more about them before I start.
—Randall, Columbus, Ohio


Tying your conference experience together

By Lynn Petrinjak

Posted on 2009-11-06

Near Phoenix Convention Center at NightStrands of silk woven into a tapestry. Single strands of thread twined into rope. Strands can be a simple foundation for something greater—more beautiful, stronger, or useful. Following a strand at an NSTA regional conference can have a similar result, combining several sessions into a comprehensive professional development experience.
Three strands run through the Phoenix conference. Conference attendees can focus their professional development experience by following a particular strand such as “Relationships: Building Professional Relationships for Transformative Learning.” Thirteen sessions over three days (only two presentations overlap) explore how educators working together can enhance their students’ learning experiences, as well as their own. Each session offers a different view on professional relationships: some focus on peer outreach, one on professional organizations membership, another on participation in summer internships. The featured presentation from Page Keeley, retiring president of NSTA, will focus on professional learning communities and their potential to change science teaching and learning.
Whether you opt to follow a strand, or weave your own schedule, you’ll leave the conference a stronger educator, equipped with useful ideas (and perhaps samples!) to share with your colleagues and students at home.

Near Phoenix Convention Center at NightStrands of silk woven into a tapestry. Single strands of thread twined into rope. Strands can be a simple foundation for something greater—more beautiful, stronger, or useful. Following a strand at an NSTA regional conference can have a similar result, combining several sessions into a comprehensive professional development experience.


Observing a student teacher

By MsMentorAdmin

Posted on 2009-11-03

I’m going to have a student teacher in my biology classes next semester. I’ve never done this before, and I’d like to provide her with feedback on effective science teaching practices. Do you have any suggestions for resources on this?
–Deborah, Stockton, California
Congratulations on your new role, and thank you for agreeing to help an aspiring science teacher! You’re the best resource she can have, as you model good teaching and provide feedback on her efforts.
Will your student teacher’s supervisor use university/college protocols or checklists? If these are generic and meant to be used for a variety of subject areas or the supervisor does not have a background in science education, some science-specific protocols and indicators specifically related to science teaching would be helpful to share with your student teacher. Using these written guidelines or rubrics can provide baseline data and show areas of improvement as she becomes more capable and confident under your tutelage. These guidelines can also help you focus your feedback on specific behaviors, which is better than a generic, though still valuable, “good job.” She can also use these guidelines as she observes your teaching.
A math-science partnership project with which I was involved used two protocols on classroom visits. These could be adapted to meet the needs of your student teacher. Both of these are included in the National Science Foundation’s MSPnet, an electronic learning community with many professional development resources:

  • The Science Classroom Observation Guide from the North Cascades and Olympic Science Partnership is user-friendly and concise. This one-page document includes indicators (or “look-fors”) on classroom culture, science content, instruction for understanding, and organizing/applying scientific knowledge. This protocol is different: it focuses on what students are doing as a result of the teacher’s instruction, rather than strictly a direct measure of the teacher’s performance.
  • Inside the Classroom Observation and Analytic Protocol from Horizon Research is a comprehensive instrument that can be used in both science and mathematics classes. It’s very lengthy and could be overwhelming for both the observer and the teacher, but it offers some additional ideas.

Classroom management is a challenge for new teachers, especially in science classes where students are using equipment and materials. To help your student teacher, look up Victor Sampson’s The Science Management Observation Protocol in the December 2004 issue of The Science Teacher (you can access it online in NSTA’s Science Store where journal articles are available free to NSTA members, and for a nominal cost to non-members). This article includes checklists tailored to inquiry-based science classes: classroom routines, use of time, collaboration, safety, and the care and use of materials.
When using protocols such as these, it’s important to remember that any given lesson will not exemplify or include every item. They list exemplary practices but do not prescribe which would be appropriate in a given situation. That’s where your experience and expertise will be helpful to your student teacher. Even experienced teachers could benefit from looking at these protocols and reflecting on a recent lesson.
Another priceless resource on effective teaching you could share is a guided tour of the many resources available to NSTA members, starting with the portal Preservice and New Teachers. Good luck!

I’m going to have a student teacher in my biology classes next semester. I’ve never done this before, and I’d like to provide her with feedback on effective science teaching practices. Do you have any suggestions for resources on this?
–Deborah, Stockton, California
Congratulations on your new role, and thank you for agreeing to help an aspiring science teacher! You’re the best resource she can have, as you model good teaching and provide feedback on her efforts.


Science for the younger set

By Debra Shapiro

Posted on 2009-11-02

Kids at a table cambodia4kidsorg // CC BY 2.0

You’re a preschool teacher who wants to come to NSTA’s conference in Fort Lauderdale, but you don’t want your principal to think you’ll be spending your time playing Beach Blanket Bingo.

No worries—you can tell him/her the conference offers nine different sessions for preschool teachers that won’t be held on the beach or at the pool.

Tell him/her that on Thursday, November 12, you’ll be busy doing 12 simple science activities for primary students that take 30 minutes or less…exploring weather-related investigations…discovering how storylines, discrepant events, and magic develop concepts in both physical and biological sciences…and hearing what author Marianne Berkes has to say about expanding students’ reading experiences in science and other core subjects.
On Friday, at the Preschool Science Education presentation, you’ll be absorbed in learning how to create fun environmental science lessons based on early childhood development theory. And far from goofing off on Saturday, you’ll be finding out about P.A.S.S.© (Portable Affordable Simple Science)…engaging in activities from Project WILD’s Early Childhood program…getting over your fears about having animals in the classroom…and picking up some new ideas for using science notebooks to teach energy.
Tell your principal you’ll also be bringing back all kinds of materials to share with your colleagues. You can even invite him/her to help you plan your schedule. Use the Fort Lauderdale session browser/scheduler and select “preschool” in the “browse by grade level” option to get the scoop on science for the younger set.
Kids at a table cambodia4kidsorg // CC BY 2.0


Science Matters to Minnesota!

By admin

Posted on 2009-11-01

NSTA Executive Director Francis EberleWhat does SciGirls, Bonsais, wind turbines, pasta bridges have in common? They all are aspects of the science rich community of Minneapolis, MN. The first Science Matters community event was held on Saturday morning for elementary science teachers and parents. It was a great success. There were 200 + people, stations to do science, lots free materials and great community resources and ideas for teachers and parents. The participants interacted with at least 15 community organizations.
The need to reach parents is critical for all of us. A recent survey conducted by Intel indicated parents felt better prepared to talk with their child about drugs than science or mathematics. We need to provide them with the examples, ideas, and information for them to support their child.
This approach to engage elementary teachers and parents will be offered at other NSTA conferences in Phoenix and Ft. Lauderdale in cooperation with local PBS stations.  Local hosts and sponsors in Minneapolis included Twin Cities Public Television and 3M. It was really great to see the enthusiasm for Science Matters in MN. We think this will be the case elsewhere, too.
—Francis Eberle
NSTA Executive Director Francis EberleWhat does SciGirls, Bonsais, wind turbines, pasta bridges have in common? They all are aspects of the science rich community of Minneapolis, MN. The first Science Matters community event was held on Saturday morning for elementary science teachers and parents. It was a great success.

Attitudes and Interests Among University Students in Introductory Nonmajor Science Courses: Does Gender Matter?

Journal of College Science Teaching—November/December 2009

Attitudes toward science may develop as early as middle school and often differ between genders. Do these gender-based differences in attitude persist into the college years? In a survey of 376 university students, male students reported a stronger self-concept, more motivation, and more enjoyment of science than did female students, and female students reported more anxiety toward science than did male students.
Attitudes toward science may develop as early as middle school and often differ between genders. Do these gender-based differences in attitude persist into the college years? In a survey of 376 university students, male students reported a stronger self-concept, more motivation, and more enjoyment of science than did female students, and female students reported more anxiety toward science than did male students.
Attitudes toward science may develop as early as middle school and often differ between genders. Do these gender-based differences in attitude persist into the college years? In a survey of 376 university students, male students reported a stronger self-concept, more motivation, and more enjoyment of science than did female students, and female students reported more anxiety toward science than did male students.
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