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Science in the Cul de Sac

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2009-01-30

How does cartoonist Richard Thompson do such a splendid job of channeling the thoughts of preschoolers with their questions about the order of the world? In the world of Cul de Sac, Blisshaven Preschool reminds me of Every School where the goals of (us) teachers seem mysterious to children and often not aligned with their own. In “real life” we may operate side-by-side, each with different aims, like the parallel play often seen in two-year-olds. We have best intentions, but sometimes send children home with a gluey blob and an incomplete understanding.
The thoughts of the children of Blisshaven sound true to what I hear in the classroom:
Alice: “stactic elastricity.” She remarks that helium balloons would have taken her classmate halfway to the moon. And says of her summer, “I slouched in front of the TV for days and my eyes bugged our so far my optic nerve is now two feet long.”
They notice things, like the cobwebs in the corner of the preschool bathroom, and shrubs.
“I live on Cu de Sac Circle, in that house with the shrub.” Probably every house has a shrub but Alice knowsher shrub—I imagine she’s picked the leaves off of it, scratched her hand on a branch, lost a toy in its depths, and saw a bird fly into it and never come out—so it seems remarkable and the other shrubs are insignificant because they aren’t central to her experience. She misinterprets her brother Petey’s comment about a tipped-over electronic snowman to be a prediction of snow.
Her classmates are just as (in)accurate at assigning meaning to natural events in ways that have a kind of logic: Dill with his theory of jungle gyms going dormant in the winter. These children may have some misconceptions about natural phenomena but they accurately skewer adult behavior: “Adults can be so grabby.”
If your newspaper does not carry Cul de Sac, visit for your daily lesson in the world of the suburban family through the perceptive eyes of young children.

How does cartoonist Richard Thompson do such a splendid job of channeling the thoughts of preschoolers with their questions about the order of the world? In the world of Cul de Sac, Blisshaven Preschool reminds me of Every School where the goals of (us) teachers seem mysterious to children and often not aligned with their own. In “real life” we may operate side-by-side, each with different aims, like the parallel play often seen in two-year-olds.


Year of science 2009

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2009-01-28

As mentioned in NSTA Reports, the new year has been designated Year of Science 2009 The website has many suggestions for YoS events and ideas for building interest in science.
January’s theme is the Process and Nature of Science. But get ready for February – February 12 is the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth with events being planned around the world. So it’s fitting that the YoS theme for the month is Evolution.
The January 2009 edition of Scientific American (which you can read online) has an Evolution theme. And NSTA’s Evolution Toolkit is a comprehensive resource on the subject.
Several websites have been added to the SciLinks sites on Evolution: rEvolution, Evidence: How Do We Know What We Know?, Explorations Through Time, and The Missing Link
Although it’s not about science per se, the National Science Foundation has just published a resource entitled Math – What’s the Problem that you should look at yourself and share with your colleagues in mathematics. This special report incorporates video clips and other resources.

As mentioned in NSTA Reports, the new year has been designated Year of Science 2009 The website has many suggestions for YoS events and ideas for building interest in science.


Remembering a snow from 1/3 of a lifetime ago

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2009-01-27

Finding a covering of the season’s first snow on their car, my 3-year-old neighbor helpfully suggested, “Use that tool, that small brush,” to her father. Was she recalling last winter? It is possible that she had seen the snow brush/scraper in recent months in the back of the car. But how did she know it was for the snow?
What kinds of scientific inquiry activities do you do with snow in your class?

Finding a covering of the season’s first snow on their car, my 3-year-old neighbor helpfully suggested, “Use that tool, that small brush,” to her father. Was she recalling last winter?


Starting a new career

By MsMentorAdmin

Posted on 2009-01-26

I have always loved science – earth and space sciences especially. Although I’ve had a variety of jobs, since I began home schooling, I’ve discovered I absolutely love teaching. I’m thinking about getting my bachelor’s degree in science education, perhaps at an online university. Do you believe this could be a worthwhile career change for me? Are science teachers still needed? Will I be able to support a family on a new teacher’s salary? I need advice.
–M.S., No City or State

Being a science teacher can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, sharing your passion and interest in the subject with students. But there are some aspects of the job you may want to consider. You mentioned your own interest in the earth sciences, so I assume you’re thinking of teaching in a middle/junior high or high school setting. You may want to see if a nearby school will let you “shadow” a secondary science teacher for a day. You’ll see for yourself the dynamics of working with 25 adolescents in a classroom. Secondary teachers usually have 4-6 sections, which add up to working with 100-150 students each day. You’ll also see other parts of a teacher’s day, including supervision duties such as homeroom or hall duties. But a teacher’s day does not end at 3:00, as I’m sure you realize. Staff meetings, professional development sessions, and managing the laboratory all require time beyond the school day. Then there’s the teacher’s “homework” – grading lab reports and tests, planning lessons, revising lessons, keeping current on the content, and preparing other learning materials. I didn’t see the top of the desk in my home office for years!
You asked if science teachers are still needed. That’s hard to predict, without knowing your geographic location. Schools in urban and rural settings often recruit teachers actively, and schools with a lot of “baby boomer” teachers who are getting ready to retire may also have openings. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has an Occupational Outlook Handbook with job outlooks and projections. Having a certificate in more than one subject area (e.g., earth science, biology, math) or credentials in special education or ESL may make you a more attractive candidate. One thing is in your favor – I know of schools that look for “nontraditional” beginning teachers who bring a lot to the classroom in terms of life experiences and maturity. In places where there is a surplus of teachers, many teachers have to start out doing substitute work (per diem pay and no benefits).
In addition to schools, other types of institutions often hire educators: museums, nature centers, zoos, and state/national parks. I talked with a friend who works at a nearby nature center where I’m a volunteer. She loves her work but noted funding for her type of position is always an issue, and she cringes at every budget cut.
Speaking of funding, you asked if you could support a family on a new teacher’s salary. That certainly depends on the starting salary and your family’s needs and lifestyle. Most public schools offer benefit plans (health insurance, life insurance) and some may offer full or partial tuition reimbursement for future studies. The American Federation of Teachers has an online tool to look at salaries state-by-state and the Teacher Portal website has a table to compare beginning salaries in the 50 states Even within a state, the salaries can vary, but this would give you an estimate. Many schools have extra opportunities for teachers to supplement their salary: extracurricular activities, tutoring, evening adult education classes, or summer programs for students.
If you do decide to pursue teaching credentials, a major decision will be on a college or university. Before enrolling in any higher-education teacher program, I’d ask a lot of questions. Does your state accept the coursework and degree from the institution for a teaching certification? What accreditation does it have? What percent of graduates find teaching positions? What experience and background do the education professors and the science professors have?
The courses at online universities are certainly convenient and can be challenging and informative with a good instructor. I’d go a little further with my questions about the science courses. How will you gain experience in a real laboratory or out in the field? How will you get experience with the “tools of the trade” you probably don’t have at home (e.g., telescopes, weather stations, computer-based probes, digital balances, microscopes, SmartBoards) but you’ll be expected to teach with in a classroom lab? What kinds of scientific inquiry will you do, and how? What kind of training in lab safety is provided?
On a practical note, I also would ask any online university which local schools they have partnerships with for you to do your practicum (student teaching). Does the university have a supervisor who will visit you in the classroom regularly to provided feedback? How do the education methods courses enable you to address your state’s science standards and reach a diverse student population?
I realize I responded to most of your questions with more questions! You have a lot to think about, and you’re very smart to gather data from a variety of sources before making such a big decision. Going back to school sets a wonderful example for your children!

I have always loved science – earth and space sciences especially. Although I’ve had a variety of jobs, since I began home schooling, I’ve discovered I absolutely love teaching. I’m thinking about getting my bachelor’s degree in science education, perhaps at an online university. Do you believe this could be a worthwhile career change for me? Are science teachers still needed? Will I be able to support a family on a new teacher’s salary? I need advice.
–M.S., No City or State



By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2009-01-21

Science Scope cover, January 2009I’ve worked with several schools that are framing their curriculum and units of instruction around big ideas, key understandings, generative topics, or themes (the terminology depends on which model is being used). The rationale for using an overarching concept is that it helps to pull together a disjointed set of topics, provides a focus for instruction, and helps students see connections among concepts.
If you’re struggling to find a “big idea” in science, look no further than this month’s issue of Science Scope. for resources on the concept of Change. Think of how many science topics include changes: plant and animal life cycles, the seasons, acceleration, the rock cycle, climate change, weather, the night sky, motion, chemical and physical changes, reflection and refraction, evolution, and the list goes on (feel free to add more). If there’s a constant in science, it’s the idea of change (discuss that over a cup of coffee some time!).
If you enter the word “change” as a SciLinks keyword, you’ll see a list of topics. Among them are the ones highlighted in the journal:

Wikis, Moodles, blogs, Face Book, podcasts, Smart Boards – just look at the changes in technology applications and resources that are available to teachers and students to access and share information. Whether it’s a fact-to-face or online, professional development is changing, too, from one-shot “sit and git” presentations to more focused and intensive projects that are related to and embedded in actual practice.
The overemphasis that some are placing on standardized tests and changes in the economy that are forcing schools to make hard decisions illustrate that not every change is positive, of course. And there are those who lament that students aren’t the same as they used to be. I’ve heard this comment for a zillion years. I’d be curious to know when there was a time when students were not changing!

Science Scope cover, January 2009I’ve worked with several schools that are framing their curriculum and units of instruction around big ideas, key understandings, generative topics, or themes (the terminology depends on which model is being used). The rationale for using an overarching concept is that it helps to pull together a disjointed set of topics, provides a focus for instruction, and helps students see connections among concepts.


The Year of Science

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2009-01-20

In this Year of Science, this early childhood science teacher is excited to have a President who says, “When it comes to science, elevating science once again, and having lectures in the White House where people are talking about traveling to the stars or breaking down atoms, inspiring our youth to get a sense of what discovery is all about.” Read the ‘‘Meet the Press’ transcript for the December 7, 2008, Obama interview with Tom Brokaw.
Our professional organizations have made recommendations for the year and to the new adminstration.
The NSTA Key Policy Recommendations for 2009 includes preK teachers in the call to increase the quality and quantity of science teachers. The National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC)letter to President Barack Obama (then President-elect) urges him to make early childhood education a federal priority.
And in his inaugural address today, President Barack Obama called upon the nation, “For everywhere we look, there is work to be done. The state of the economy calls for action, bold and swift, and we will act — not only to create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation for growth. We will build the roads and bridges, the electric grids and digital lines that feed our commerce and bind us together. We will restore science to its rightful place, and wield technology’s wonders to raise health care’s quality and lower its cost. We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories. And we will transform our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demands of a new age. All this we can do. All this we will do.”
It’s a good year to celebrate science and re-dedicate ourselves to teaching excellence.

In this Year of Science, this early childhood science teacher is excited to have a President who says, “When it comes to science, elevating science once again, and having lectures in the White House where people are talking about traveling to the stars or breaking down atoms, inspiring our youth to get a sense of what discovery is all about.” Read the ‘‘Meet the Press’ transcript for the December 7, 2008, Obama interview with Tom Brokaw.


Dinosaurs—a reason to draw and write

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2009-01-19

Dinosaurs! This high-interest subject is a focus for questions relating to how animals live in many different environmental niches. What evidence do we have for what we think we know about dinosaurs? How do we know how they were shaped and how they lived? What was that body shape best suited for? What did they eat? Are there any animals alive today that evolved from dinosaurs?   These questions can be related to animals the children may have experience with—how do we know a dog walked through the mud at the edge of the playground? What can a bird do that a squirrel can not? How does the shape of their bodies help them survive?   An easy way to help young children draw dinosaur shapes is to draw a line of liquid glue over a line drawing on poster board. When the line of glue dries it will be ever-so-slightly raised, high enough to feel through a piece of paper with fingers or with a crayon held edgewise to make a rubbing.
Details such as eyes, or feathers, can be added to this basic outline later with crayons, watercolor, or markers.
Young scientists ably copy long words—dinosaur names—getting practice with letter recognition and formation.
With a successful experience making a familiar dinosaur shape, reluctant artists are more comfortable drawing on their own.
The American Museum of Natural History has online pages related to a 2005-2006 dinosaur exhibit. Teachers can visit a site by Glen J. Kuban for an overview of dinosaur tracks with drawings of sauropod, theropod, and ornithopod tracks (scroll down).
Happy tracking,

Dinosaurs! This high-interest subject is a focus for questions relating to how animals live in many different environmental niches. What evidence do we have for what we think we know about dinosaurs?


Record keeping in science

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2009-01-18

Science and Children cover, January 2009With the theme of “record keeping,” we might have expected the cover photo to show children writing in a notebook or typing on a computer. Instead, the editor chose a photo of a child looking through binoculars with an “Oh Wow!” expression. As teachers, we live for these Oh Wow! or Aha! events. But if we’re not careful, these can easily become a series of unconnected events that can lead to Ho Hum or So What attitudes toward science. According to many of the articles in this issue, having students discuss, share, write, and record data makes the difference.
For example, in Just Like Real Scientists students used a copy of records kept by Ian Gilby (Jane Goodall’s counterpart) as an inspiration to create a way to observe, record, and discuss the behaviors of their own pets. If you’re planning a field trip, check out A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words for an alternative to the traditional scavenger hunt. Note how the teacher guides students through asking questions before a trip to the zoo, shows them how to collect both written and visual data, and then facilitates their sharing their observations afterward. (Note: the author refers to the 5E Learning Cycle. Click here for more information.)
Sometimes we spend so much time on organizing data that we run out of steam when it comes to doing anything with the data! Organizing Weather Data has ideas for incorporating weather data into morning meeting time. Older students can get ideas for organizing their weather data from websites such as NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center or the National Weather Service.
If the student in the photo has just spotted an interesting bird, this interest may have been sparked by activities such as What Sort of Feather? To learn more about birds so that you can spark a similar interest, SciLinks has a collection of links on birds for younger students. For students in grades 5-8, go to SciLinks and type in “birds” as a keyword. You’ll find websites for several concepts related to birds. One of my new favorites is an online Bird Guide with photos, maps, sounds, and “cool facts.”
An O-fish-al Research Project shows how to structure online research and real-time observations to help students create both written and PowerPoint documentation (a rubric is provided). First Grade Record Keepers (with the guidance of their teacher) charted the growth of salamanders and discussed what they had in their journals. SciLinks can help you find more information on salamanders and other amphibians.
I noticed that most of the articles here dealt with observing and documenting animal behaviors. For more ideas, you can check out the SciLinks websites on the topic Animal Behaviors. But I wonder what if the child’s “O Wow” came from looking at big machines, cloud formations, mountains, a waterfall, airplanes, or a rainbow? How can we help students with record-keeping or journaling on these topics?

Science and Children cover, January 2009With the theme of “record keeping,” we might have expected the cover photo to show children writing in a notebook or typing on a computer. Instead, the editor chose a photo of a child looking through binoculars with an “Oh Wow!” expression. As teachers, we live for these Oh Wow! or Aha! events.


Vote and participate in your NSTA

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2009-01-18

Voting may not be a scientific way of answering a question but it’s the way members of the National Science Teachers Association choose among the dedicated professionals who are interested in serving on the Board of Directors. The more we participate in an organization, the more it becomes our organization.
The online site for the 2009 NSTA Board and Council election is now open until 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time, February 2, 2009. You may vote online using your Member ID Number and your Ballot Control Number.

Voting may not be a scientific way of answering a question but it’s the way members of the National Science Teachers Association choose among the dedicated professionals who are interested in serving on the Board of Directors. The more we participate in an organization, the more it becomes our organization.


Scientific principal

By MsMentorAdmin

Posted on 2009-01-13

We have a new principal. She doesn’t seem to understand what it’s like to be a science teacher. For example, she wants to schedule non-science classes in the labs during our planning periods. One of my colleagues wants to give her a list of what she should do for us, but I’m not sure that would be the best solution.
— DeAnn, North Charleston, South Carolina

In all fairness to our principals, they are expected to be both building managers and instructional leaders. If their own science backgrounds consisted of lectures with an occasional demonstration, they may not understand the concept or the value of inquiry-based learning. They may be unaware of the teacher’s responsibility for safety in the labs or security in the storage areas. They may have never considered how much behind-the-scenes work science teachers do (especially when we make it look easy). Giving her a list could put her on the defensive, so you might want to help her see what your challenges are.
Ask your principal to observe lab classes (for the whole period, not just a walkthrough). In your debriefing meeting, describe what students learn from these activities (perhaps with examples of student work) as well as the amount of time it takes to set up and put away the materials and read a report from each student, the safety and cooperative learning procedures you help students learn, and the fact that the students could not have done the activity in a “regular” classroom without running water, lots of electrical outlets, flat tables, and appropriate safety equipment.
All teachers use their planning time for writing lesson plans and evaluating assignments. But science teachers have additional demands. Sometimes principals see how organized you are and don’t realize how much time and effort it takes. Keep a log of the amount of time you spend setting up your labs, including time before and after school. Also log the time spent inventorying and maintaining the storage areas, repairing or servicing equipment, and complying with local and state regulations. Show her the inventory of equipment and materials you have to keep up-to-date, including the Material Safety Data Sheets.
Invite your principal to attend a department or team meeting to discuss some of your concerns. Frame your suggestions in terms of student benefit and safety rather than teacher ease and convenience. For example, describe the hazards (and possible liability) of scheduling non-science classes or study halls in lab classrooms. If you think homeroom students would interfere with your lab setups, suggest you could take on a different duty in lieu of a homeroom class. If you ask for more planning time, emphasize it would be used for the additional responsibilities that come with teaching science (and then be sure that it is).
Share some resources with your principal. The website Understanding Science has a section called “Everything You Need to Know About the Nature and Process of Science” that could bring her up-to-date on what good science teaching includes. Your question implies you’re in a secondary school, so you could share copies of NSTA’s position statements Learning Conditions for High School Science and Safety and School Science Instruction. NSTA’s newsletter for elementary principals, Scientific Principals, may also be of interest. You don’t have to be a principal (or a member of NSTA) to subscribe. NSTA also has several publications on safety that should be part of every school’s professional library.
If you treat her as a professional colleague and focus on student learning and safety, she may become your science department’s best advocate.

We have a new principal. She doesn’t seem to understand what it’s like to be a science teacher. For example, she wants to schedule non-science classes in the labs during our planning periods. One of my colleagues wants to give her a list of what she should do for us, but I’m not sure that would be the best solution.
— DeAnn, North Charleston, South Carolina

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