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Investigation skills

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2008-10-14

Science and Children cover, October 2008Little children love to ask questions such as Why? How come? But it seems that in school, it’s the teacher who asks most of the questions. This issue provides some suggestions and examples for helping students to apply their curiosity to science investigations.
Investigating with Charles Darwin describes how a class uses Darwin’s work with worms as the basis for their own investigations. The author mentions the Darwin exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History. Even though the exhibit is now closed, the virtual one is still active. For more information on Darwin and his works, use the keyword Darwin in SciLinks. Worms also are the basis for investigations in Worms Out of This World. You can check out other activities and background information by entering worm as a keyword in SciLinks.
There are several articles on models, but not the Styrofoam or craft stick kind. The Benefits of Scientific Modeling shows how to go beyond a diagram or physical representation and use models to explore, predict, and explain. There is a chart that show how even simple diagrams can be used a models. The Many Levels of Inquiry article shows a progression of activities, from demonstrations to independent investigations. Take a look at the September issue of Science Scope for more on inquiry lessons.
Investigation starts with asking questions. Two articles Methods and Strategies: The Crucial Role of the Teacher question stems and The Art (and Science) of Asking Questions deal with questions and wait time. The original research was published in the 1970s (by the late Mary Budd Rowe, who was also an NSTA president). This research noted that when teachers paused (for 3-5 seconds) after asking a higher-order question and before calling on a student, the student’s response was likely to be more detailed and that more students volunteered to answer. Students also achieved higher on measures of complex thinking. It’s a tried and true strategy, and if you need to review the concept, here are three resources:

Science and Children cover, October 2008Little children love to ask questions such as Why? How come? But it seems that in school, it’s the teacher who asks most of the questions. This issue provides some suggestions and examples for helping students to apply their curiosity to science investigations.


Department chairperson

By MsMentorAdmin

Posted on 2008-10-14

Do you have any suggestions for a brand-new science department chairperson?
—Derek, Chillicothe, Ohio

First of all, congratulations on assuming a leadership role in your school! This is a wonderful opportunity to share your expertise and to learn from others.
One of your more visible tasks will be to facilitate meetings. We teachers complain that there’s no opportunity to collaborate, yet without any leadership these meetings often degenerate into gripe and gossip sessions. Send out an agenda prior to the meeting (and cc: the principal). Use e-mail or an attachment to the agenda to communicate information items so that the meeting time can be spent productively. Have non-negotiable agenda items that reflect your department’s goals (in areas such as curriculum, instructional strategies, grading policies, data analysis, safety, technology applications, parent communications) and stick to the agenda-unless a really great discussion is happening. Set aside a few minutes to recognize new issues or other concerns. Celebrate any successes or accomplishments, too, and some munchies might be appreciated at the end of a long day. Be respectful of time. Give people a few minutes to tidy up their classrooms, but start and end the meeting at the designated times. Send meeting minutes to all members of the department and to the principal to keep him/her in the loop. If meetings in previous years were seen as a waste of time, you may have to be persistent to let people know that things are going to be different.
Does your role include supervising teachers? Observing your colleagues in the classroom and offering suggestions add a different dimension to the role. If your state requires an administrative certificate to do formal observations, be sure your credentials are in order. Even if you don’t formally supervise teachers, make yourself available to assist and answer questions. Rather than giving advice or mandates, ask questions to start discussions: What happens when…? Have you ever tried…? Did you notice that.…? Get to know the curriculum and state standards for areas of science in addition to your own so that you can ask meaningful questions. And listen to your colleagues. Sometimes they just need to think out loud.
Your responsibilities may also include ordering and organizing textbooks and other instructional materials for your department. But in science, this responsibility also includes laboratory equipment and materials. Maintaining expensive equipment, securing potentially harmful materials, keeping current MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets), and promoting laboratory safety are all part of your domain. NSTA has some great resources on safety and science facilities that should be part of your professional library.
Some department chairs do this as a labor of love, but don’t be afraid to ask about compensation. Many districts have stipends or supplemental contracts for department chairs. Others may give department chairs a reduced teaching load or fewer duties.
Don’t let the job overwhelm you or take excessive time away from your own classes. Work with your department to develop a prioritized list of goals, but don’t try to do everything at once. Keep a log or journal of what you do and the time you spend, and reflect on what you’re learning.
As a new chairperson, you may run into some resistance from teachers who are used to the old ways. That was my biggest challenge. I wanted to please everyone, and I was not being successful. My mentor was a very wise principal who told me that some people aren’t happy unless they’re complaining about something. He helped me to realize that my primary responsibility was to the students.
Perhaps our colleagues would like to share comments about their challenges and successes as department chairs. Good luck!
Some resources you may find helpful:

Do you have any suggestions for a brand-new science department chairperson?
—Derek, Chillicothe, Ohio

First of all, congratulations on assuming a leadership role in your school! This is a wonderful opportunity to share your expertise and to learn from others.


Research in science classrooms

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2008-10-08

The Science Teacher cover, October 2008Wow — students doing real research! This adds a different dimension to the “labs” that students do. There is certainly a time and place for replication or follow-the-directions activities (for example, to learn how to use various equipment or to practice skills such as observation and data collection). But the research projects described in this month’s issue of The Science Teacher have students designing and conducting their own research on a variety of topics.
The research projects described in this issue were not individual projects for a science fair. These were in-school activities that involved a whole class or teams of students in authentic investigations. What impressed me the most about the projects was the fact that the teachers didn’t simply tell the students to “do some research.” The teachers modeled their own curiosity and thinking about research, they asked questions, and they guided the students through the process.
My high school students used to do a “research paper” in their English classes, but this was basically a collection of information on a particular topic from books, articles, and websites. Scientific research is not a just a collection of facts. It involves processes such as observation, questioning, hypothesizing, measurement, data collection, and analysis. Depending on their prior experiences in elementary and middle schools, the students may need a lot of modeling and guidance at first. But judging from the students in these articles, it’s worth it.
If your students are new to the concept of inquiry and research, I’d suggest looking at the Natural Inquirer site. The articles are written by scientists who conduct various types of research. These aren’t just summaries or digests — the articles describe the methodology and discuss the results, just like an article in a professional science journal. The difference is that these are written in student-friendly language and include resources for the classroom. The articles are downloadable as PDFs, and you don’t need a login. Even though the articles are designed for middle schoolers, they can be appropriate for high school students who have not had a lot of inquiry or research experiences.
You can use SciLinks for background information on virtually any topic. For example in this issue, there are two highlighted topics: TST100801 for Plant Adaptations and TST100802 for Ocean Research.
Many agencies and organizations have made their data available on the Internet. But for students doing research, it’s hard to know where to start. NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has made a wealth of data available for investigations in a project called Data in the Classroom. There are several modules (El Nino, Sea Level, and Water Quality) that guide teachers and students through what they call “levels of scaled interaction.” Each module has five levels of lessons ranging from teacher-presented ones through letting students explore the data to full-blown problem solving and invention. Each module shows the associated data in a variety of formats and guides the students through how to interpret it. There are “checkup” questions throughout, and teachers can download the materials.
A helpful resource from North Carolina State University is LabWrite, which is designed to help students write about their research. Although it’s written for college students, it could be helpful for high school students, too.

The Science Teacher cover, October 2008Wow — students doing real research! This adds a different dimension to the “labs” that students do. There is certainly a time and place for replication or follow-the-directions activities (for example, to learn how to use various equipment or to practice skills such as observation and data collection).


Observing, Learning about, Appreciating, and (Maybe) Holding Small Animals Such As Insects

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2008-10-05

In the fall we may begin to see more spiders in our houses and schools. Why is that? Are they moving indoors as the weather cools? The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture dispels this myth with some spider facts. Interesting how children are drawn to the models of spiders on the light table but scream when they encounter a live spider.
As a way to begin a classroom study of, or lesson on, spiders—and other small animals such as beetles—I read a book aloud. Each Living Thing, written by Joanne Ryder and illustrated by Ashley Wolff, (Harcourt, 2000) has page after page of encouragement to look for animals in our landscape, to “be aware of them”, and to “take care of them”. This just sends chills down my back as I think about our interconnected lives, and it is an opening for discussing how to handle the small animals that visit our classroom.
(The book also introduces children to our place as members of the animal kingdom as I point to drawings of the child and ask, “What animal is this?” Many children say “That’s not an animal,” but by the end of the book they can tell me, “It’s a human animal, a person!”)
I don’t apologize for quickly killing roaches or crickets if they try to take over my house. But if we capture animals it is our responsibility to make sure we meet their needs. This month the children looked in a resource book for information on what the beetles eat, talked about letting the spiders go in a few days so they can hunt their own food, and practiced holding the beetles, slugs and roly-polies in open palms (not pinching fingers) so they don’t get broken and die. After each “visit” we all wash our hands as a precaution.
Even casual observation over time will lead to a body of knowledge about the animals. Here’s what the children had to say:

Roly-polies make a ball.
Roly-polies have legs but slugs don’t.
Slugs are sticky.
It closed up!
Beetles have more legs than I do.
(Counting may not be accurate until around four years old and even then it’s not easy to count legs on a wiggling beetle!)
Beetle babies do not look like the adults.
Beetle babies look like worms but they have legs.

Children are invited to hold all of them, but I never insist. They are more likely to record their observations by drawing or dictating some words if an interested adult offers the materials. Their drawings reveal the range of development in children who are close in age reminding us that we need to observe our students closely to meet their needs.

In the fall we may begin to see more spiders in our houses and schools. Why is that? Are they moving indoors as the weather cools?


Science kits

By MsMentorAdmin

Posted on 2008-10-01

I’ve been asked to chair a committee to look into using science “kits” for our elementary classes. We’re interested in this, but where do we start?
—Mariana, Manchester, New Hampshire

Science kits are published by many companies and individuals and address a variety of topics. They can be helpful for teachers who do not have a lot of background experience in science topics – either in the content itself or in designing and implementing inquiry-based activities. They can also be expensive. You’ll want to ask several questions:

  • What do you hope to accomplish by using the kits? Is your school/district trying to get inquiry into elementary classes, to provide a complete set of materials and resources for studying a topic, or to ensure that all students have common experiences? Kits can provide these, but if you already are implementing a strong, inquiry-based curriculum, the kits may not be necessary.
  • How do the kit topics align with your state standards and local curriculum? Using kits should be an integral part of your science program, not an add-on. Many also are designed to be appropriate at specific grade levels (e.g., K-2, 3-5, 6-8).
  • What are the credentials of the publisher and the history of the publisher in developing and supporting the kits?
  • What research does the publisher have to show the effectiveness of their particular kits?
  • Do the kits provide background information and opportunities and resources for the inquiry process? The activities should promote processes such as observing, questioning, hypothesizing, predicting, investigating (including planning, conducting, measuring, gathering data, controlling variables, interpreting, and drawing conclusions), and communicating. Evaluate them carefully; some kits are just a collection of materials for demonstrations and/or replication activities.
  • How will you implement the kits? I recommend providing the professional development offered by the publisher, even if it adds to the cost of the kits.
  • Will it stifle creativity? I asked a colleague (one of the best elementary science teachers I know) about the kits in his school. He appreciates them for the way they guide teachers through the processes and provide the materials. He noted the ones they used were not tightly scripted so teachers had room to incorporate their own experiences and go beyond the basics if they felt comfortable doing so.
  • Will you be able to cover the same amount of material? My colleague noted that the kits take time to implement fully, and therefore teachers may not “cover” as many topics as they did without them. However, he noted the kits provided opportunities for students to develop skills in the processes of science (a focus of many state standards as well as the National Science Education Standards). So you may wind up “covering” more about these processes.

There are some practical considerations, too. Where will the boxes be stored? Will the same kits be used by more than one class during the year? If so, what rotating schedule will you have? Who will be responsible for ensuring that all materials are in place for the next class? How will you budget for replacing consumables? Some kits sell replacement materials, but this can be expensive. Some teachers get funds from the school/district and have fun scouting local discount stores for the materials.
This can be a great opportunity to get inquiry science into your classrooms. Just remember that although inquiry-based science often involves hands-on activities, not all hands-on activities are inquiry-based. Good luck in your efforts and keep us posted!

I’ve been asked to chair a committee to look into using science “kits” for our elementary classes. We’re interested in this, but where do we start?
—Mariana, Manchester, New Hampshire

Chemistry in the National Science Education Standards, Second Edition, provides models for meaningful learning in the high school chemistry classroom. This valuable resource addresses the science education standards specified by the National Research Council and other issues of interest relevant to the current educational landscape.

High school chemistry teachers and administrators, university chemistry and science education faculty, and professional development providers will recognize this resource as a useful and timely text.

What’s new?
Chemistry in the National Science Education Standards, Second Edition, provides models for meaningful learning in the high school chemistry classroom. This valuable resource addresses the science education standards specified by the National Research Council and other issues of interest relevant to the current educational landscape.

High school chemistry teachers and administrators, university chemistry and science education faculty, and professional development providers will recognize this resource as a useful and timely text.

What’s new?
This inspiring look at teaching science presents a specific and creative approach designed to cultivate and strengthen students' critical thinking skills. The author provides interactive techniques and a variety of activities that involve student reflection, brainstorming, and verbal, visual, and analytical skills.
This inspiring look at teaching science presents a specific and creative approach designed to cultivate and strengthen students' critical thinking skills. The author provides interactive techniques and a variety of activities that involve student reflection, brainstorming, and verbal, visual, and analytical skills.

Climate Change From Pole to Pole: Biology Investigations

Climate Change From Pole to Pole: Biology Investigations offers timely, relevant, biology-based case studies and background information on how to teach the science of climate change. The six painstakingly researched and field-tested activities, which build on four content chapters, give students the opportunity to solve real-life scientific problems using guiding questions, graphs and data tables, short reading assignments, and independent research.
Climate Change From Pole to Pole: Biology Investigations offers timely, relevant, biology-based case studies and background information on how to teach the science of climate change. The six painstakingly researched and field-tested activities, which build on four content chapters, give students the opportunity to solve real-life scientific problems using guiding questions, graphs and data tables, short reading assignments, and independent research.

Science Sampler: Glacial ice action

Science Scope—October 2008

Current news reports discuss the loss of glacial ice in the Antarctic and Greenland as examples of the effects of global warming. But what are glaciers and how do they work? An understanding of the process that causes ice to melt is important in understanding the causes of global glacial loss. This article describes two inquiry-based activities that will help students to form a solid understanding of glaciers.
Current news reports discuss the loss of glacial ice in the Antarctic and Greenland as examples of the effects of global warming. But what are glaciers and how do they work? An understanding of the process that causes ice to melt is important in understanding the causes of global glacial loss. This article describes two inquiry-based activities that will help students to form a solid understanding of glaciers.
Current news reports discuss the loss of glacial ice in the Antarctic and Greenland as examples of the effects of global warming. But what are glaciers and how do they work? An understanding of the process that causes ice to melt is important in understanding the causes of global glacial loss. This article describes two inquiry-based activities that will help students to form a solid understanding of glaciers.

Understanding and using symbols

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2008-09-28

It was Monday morning and a sharp corner on a large immovable object (left by another group sharing the space used by the preschool…sound familiar?) unexpectedly turned into a chance to assess the understanding of symbols by one three-year-old.
“Ricky” had stepped past the orange cones which surrounded the sharp-cornered plywood platform. I explained that the platform was not ours, the corners were sharp—something to stay away from—and that the orange cones were a symbol for “stop”, that they meant we were not to go past them. “Oh, there should be a sign,” he said, and in a minute he was back with the plastic STOP sign from the bike area.
He recognized that the cone represented another symbol he was familiar with, a STOP sign, and the command to stop. I wonder at what age he will be able to understand that a globe represents the a planet, Earth, and that the Moon is a sphere?

It was Monday morning and a sharp corner on a large immovable object (left by another group sharing the space used by the preschool…sound familiar?) unexpectedly turned into a chance to assess the understanding of symbols by one three-year-old.

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