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Simulation of the Sun's annual path in the sky

By NSTA Web Director

Posted on 2008-04-19

—From the NSTA Learning Center


Professional development

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2008-04-14

Science Scope cover, April - May 2008

Click here for Table of Contents

Continuing education is an important part of any job or profession, to stay current on new techniques, legal requirements, and advanced topics. It was impossible to learn as undergraduates everything we need to know today, especially on content or strategies that didn’t exist then! (Yes, my undergrad days included slide rules, library card catalogs with actual cards, and hard-bound textbooks – no laptops, Internet, or calculators in those good ol’ days!).
We science teachers have two fields that require continuing education – teaching practices and science content. In my school district, it was easy for our committee to plan professional development in teaching practices. Topics such as cooperative learning, assessment, classroom management, technology, curriculum design, questioning strategies, and reading/writing in the content areas applied to virtually all of the subject areas. But science content was another issue. For the 4.5 of us who taught secondary biology/life science, it was difficult (and costly) to find facilitators to provide workshops or seminars on specific science topics for just a few teachers. The local colleges did not have many content courses that were appropriate for teachers to keep up on current topics or to learn new ones. So once a year we science teachers combined with other schools for the traditional “large group in the auditorium for a speaker.” This approach to professional development was often irrelevant, and research has shown that these one-shot presentations without any follow-up are ineffective.
Fortunately, today there are a variety of ways to stay current in science topics: online courses offered by higher education and professional organizations, courses and seminars offered by museums, and podcasts, blogs and wikis from professional scientists. This month’s Science Scope lists many resources for science teachers of all grade levels, not just middle school. The SciLinks code in the table of contents (SS040801) doesn’t have any sites listed for that code yet, but if you enter “Professional Development” as a keyword, you’ll get a list of resources. The article Consumer Guide to Professional Development has a list of guidelines for choosing and evaluating professional development, whether online or in person. I’d give a copy to the principal or district professional development coordinator, too!
Something else I’d share with those responsible for PD are the resources at the NSTA Learning Center. It would be easy to design PD opportunities for both elementary and secondary teachers using these resources (and you could mention that many are free – for the cost of an NSTA membership, which is cheaper than most speakers would be). If you’re not familiar with these resources, they are an absolute treasure trove. I myself use the transcript option for conferences, the free Science Objects, the free online web seminars (most other professional organizations charge for these), and the listservs. Did you notice how many opportunities are FREE? That is an administrator’s favorite word!
But of course, reading journals such as The Science Teacher, Science Scope, and Science & Children is an easy way to stay current! For example, I’ve been to (and facilitated) many workshops on cooperative learning, but I’m excited about how the authors of Teaching Students to Think Like Scientists During Cooperative Investigations have modified the roles to go beyond the traditional logistical ones. They have lots of resources right in the article, too. If you need a refresher on cooperative learning, try What Is Cooperative Learning? or Cooperative Learning Strategies.
One of the things I enjoy most about finding and reviewing websites for SciLinks is exploring new topics. For example, this month I’m working on the topic “Dark Matter.” I had heard of this topic, but my knowledge was very superficial. So now I’m learning a lot! If you want to stretch your mind on this, go to the Particle Adventure website from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. It’s written for those who do not have a strong physics background. The concepts are chunked into a tutorial format, with lots of graphics and checkup questions. Even if you don’t teach this subject, check out this website as an example of a well-designed way to present material that is very abstract, but fascinating. (And, like me, you might learn something new, too!)
Keep a record of this type of informal learning – in a daily planner, on your PDA, or the calendar that’s on the NSTA learning center: reading a professional book or journal article (I have a friend who did a LOT of reading during her son’s swim meets!), watching a TV program related to science, reading/responding to a professional forum or listserv, or visiting a museum, zoo, planetarium, nature center, or botanical garden. Although the time you spend on these activities may not “count” toward your state’s continuing ed requirements, you may be surprised at the amount of informal professional learning that is part of your life.

Science Scope cover, April - May 2008

Click here for Table of Contents


Community collaborations

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2008-04-02

The Science Teacher cover, April - May 2008At first when I saw this issue, I thought of community partnerships, in which students work with organizations outside of school. But I realized by reading the articles, that the activities and resources also apply to the communities of learners within our own classrooms and to projects that bring people together to learn.
The article Making Science Relevant describes how students can contribute to their communities by working together on water-monitoring programs. A quick search in SciLinks using keywords such as watershed or invertebrates brings up several related websites:

  • I personally cringe when someone uses words such as wacky, crazy, yucky, or creepy when describing living things, but the Wonderful, Wacky Water Critters site is actually good, despite the name. It’s written more for younger students, but if you have secondary students who struggle with reading, this may be just right for them. Among the resources for students of any age is a nice poster of aquatic invertebrates and an online dichotomous key to help students identify and become more familiar with these indicator species.
  • Many sites refer back to The Stream Study. This comprehensive resource from the Izaak Walton League can get you started on doing your own investigation of water quality. I wish I would have had this when I was doing stream studies with my students and at summer science camps. It would have saved me a lot of time making up data sheets and guides!

This article is followed by How Accurate are Student-Collected Data? Recreating this study with your own students could be a neat way to investigate the concepts of reliability and instrumentation. The SciLinks code mentioned in this article TST040802 has a variety of sites, ranging from examples of data sets, online calculators, and one of my favorites Create a Graph to help students organize and display their data.
TYPO ALERT! In the article Cougars and Community, the SciLinks code is incorrect! To get to sites related to “Tracking Animals by Satellite,” use the code TST040801 OK, so there are no lions in your neck of the woods, but the article outlines an action plan for combining student investigations with community action that could apply to a variety of situations.
A decade ago, I had a conversation with a school board member, who believed it was the job of the schools to prepare students for specific jobs. I mentioned that in the area of technology, we would somehow have to prepare students for jobs that didn’t exist yet. This issue’s “Career of the Month,” Graphic Infomation Systems (GIS) Specialist, is an example of such a career. What a fascinating way to combine geography, technology, and data analysis! To find more information on careers, go to SciLinks and use the keyword careers.

The Science Teacher cover, April - May 2008At first when I saw this issue, I thought of community partnerships, in which students work with organizations outside of school. But I realized by reading the articles, that the activities and resources also apply to the communities of learners within our own classrooms and to projects that bring people together to learn.

Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Volume 3: Another 25 Formative Assessment Probes

Because you demanded it! Since publication of Volume 1 of this series, thousands of teachers are using these innovative classroom tools to improve student learning in science. Following in the footsteps of earlier volumes in the Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series, this all-new book provides short, easy-to-administer probes that determine what misconceptions students bring to the classroom about the nature of science and about physical, life, Earth, and space sciences.
Because you demanded it! Since publication of Volume 1 of this series, thousands of teachers are using these innovative classroom tools to improve student learning in science. Following in the footsteps of earlier volumes in the Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series, this all-new book provides short, easy-to-administer probes that determine what misconceptions students bring to the classroom about the nature of science and about physical, life, Earth, and space sciences.

Animal Coloration: Activities on the Evolution of Concealment

A classic resource for teachers is now back in an updated edition! Using an inductive and experimental approach, Animal Coloration aims to increase students’ awareness of the ways wild organisms are adapted to their environments. Even though the activities suggest a specific teaching procedure, each activity is also intended to be an investigation by the students and an opportunity for them to make and test hypotheses based on their observations. Through these activities, students will begin to appreciate how scientific knowledge and understanding are attained.

A classic resource for teachers is now back in an updated edition! Using an inductive and experimental approach, Animal Coloration aims to increase students’ awareness of the ways wild organisms are adapted to their environments. Even though the activities suggest a specific teaching procedure, each activity is also intended to be an investigation by the students and an opportunity for them to make and test hypotheses based on their observations. Through these activities, students will begin to appreciate how scientific knowledge and understanding are attained.

Everyday Science Mysteries: Stories for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching

What causes condensation? Does temperature affect how well a balloon will fly? How do tiny bugs get into oatmeal? Through 15 mystery stories, this book memorably illustrates science concepts for students and reinforces the value of learning science through inquiry. Each mystery presents opportunities for students to create questions, form hypotheses, test their ideas, and come up with explanations.

What causes condensation? Does temperature affect how well a balloon will fly? How do tiny bugs get into oatmeal? Through 15 mystery stories, this book memorably illustrates science concepts for students and reinforces the value of learning science through inquiry. Each mystery presents opportunities for students to create questions, form hypotheses, test their ideas, and come up with explanations.


Teaching Students to Think Like Scientists During Cooperative Investigations

Science Scope—April/May 2008

To help students think like scientists during cooperative science investigations, the author developed the “thinking roles” strategy described in this article. Thinking roles make students responsible for asking certain types of questions during cooperative investigations. The roles include the following: Prediction manager, Evidence collector, Researcher, and Skeptic. They promote student discussion about scientific investigations, engage students in scientific reasoning with peers, and keep group members mentally and physically involved.
To help students think like scientists during cooperative science investigations, the author developed the “thinking roles” strategy described in this article. Thinking roles make students responsible for asking certain types of questions during cooperative investigations. The roles include the following: Prediction manager, Evidence collector, Researcher, and Skeptic. They promote student discussion about scientific investigations, engage students in scientific reasoning with peers, and keep group members mentally and physically involved.
To help students think like scientists during cooperative science investigations, the author developed the “thinking roles” strategy described in this article. Thinking roles make students responsible for asking certain types of questions during cooperative investigations. The roles include the following: Prediction manager, Evidence collector, Researcher, and Skeptic. They promote student discussion about scientific investigations, engage students in scientific reasoning with peers, and keep group members mentally and physically involved.

Next year in New Orleans!

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2008-03-30

Well, this conference is history, and I’m exhausted in a good way— both physically and mentally. From talks by astronaut Barbara Morgan, Rodger Bybee, and Bill Nye the Science Guy to the awesome resources in the exhibit area to the sessions in which educators so generously shared their experiences and expertise, it was a great event. Thanks to all who planned this! Of course there were a few glitches (such as a shuttle bus driver new to Boston who unexpectedly gave us a roundabout tour of the city), and the sheer size of the conference center and the surrounding hotel area was daunting, but I’m sure that all of the more than 15,000 (so I’m told) attendees found new ideas and resources for their classes and schools. I hope that they found time to soak up a little Boston history and culture, too.
Next year, the conference is scheduled for New Orleans. See you there! Until then, as they say in Louisiana, “Laissez les bon temps rouler!”

Well, this conference is history, and I’m exhausted in a good way— both physically and mentally. From talks by astronaut Barbara Morgan, Rodger Bybee, and Bill Nye the Science Guy to the awesome resources in the exhibit area to the sessions in which educators so generously shared their experiences and expertise, it was a great event.


Moodles, wikis, and blogs

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2008-03-30

So, you’re a presenter and your time slot is the last one of the conference, and your room is the farthest from the lobby. Will anyone come? In the case of Sami Kahn’s presentation on Wikis in the elementary classroom, she didn’t have to worry! Those of us who attended (and there were quite a few) were treated to some excellent modeling (or should I say Moodle-ing) of how these tools can be used by actual 4th-graders. A lot of teachers are not keen on their students using Wikipedia as their main source of information. But Sami described a project in which her students at the Collegiate School in New York City create their own Wiki related to their annual “invention convention” showcase. The Wiki is limited to her students, and she is notified whenever any changes are made. She showed us some entries that were created while she was here at the conference. Her younger students are creating their own wiki on ocean animals, using a forum in Moodle to discuss what animals to include.

So, you’re a presenter and your time slot is the last one of the conference, and your room is the farthest from the lobby. Will anyone come? In the case of Sami Kahn’s presentation on Wikis in the elementary classroom, she didn’t have to worry!


Planting trees

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2008-03-30

Sunday morning is a tough time for a presenter. Early departures, church services, brunch dates, or too much Saturday evening make it difficult for some to attend sessions at this time. I’m sure that Michael Barnett from Boston College was pleased to see a nice crowd at his session on “Using GIS to Model Urban Street Value.” He demonstrated a program that starts with a satellite image of an area. The students add the location of trees, buildings, parking lots, and grassy areas. He provided us with laptops to see the actual maps created by the students and then we ran an analysis program that calculated a summary of the economic benefit of the trees. But the really cool part was that the model could be modified to answer questions such as What happens if we plant more trees? Are some species of trees more beneficial than others? What happens if we pave over a grassy area to make a parking lot? Check out the Urban Ecology website for more information, including a nice tree identification resource.

Sunday morning is a tough time for a presenter. Early departures, church services, brunch dates, or too much Saturday evening make it difficult for some to attend sessions at this time.

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