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Properties of objects and materials

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2008-01-12

Science and Children cover, January 2008Inquiry is not as dependent on equipment and technology as it is on the willingness of the teacher to model the process and to move from being a sage on the stage to be a guide on the side (or better yet – a partner in the process). What I find really interesting month after month in this journal is that the inquiry activities in the articles were actually conducted in real classrooms with real students — from young children exploring mixtures and elasticity to upper elementary students using satellite data to study local wetlands. The authors of these articles aren’t afraid of noting any unforeseen difficulties and the improvements they would make to the activity. On a practical note, I also liked how some of the articles list the related standards and have full-page resources (lesson outlines, student handouts) that could be used right away or saved for future lessons.
As you’re reading the articles, log into SciLinks and do a keyword search on “properties” or “matter” for websites that are related to this topic.
Two of these articles should be read together: “Button Basics” and “Science 101: Why Do We Classify Things in Science.” The first article describes an engaging classroom activity in classifying objects. When I did activities such as these with my students, I found the most interesting part was not the final chart or diagram but the conversations the students had during the process, the rationale they used in their classification schemes, and how they responded when another group used a different classification scheme for the same objects. The author of the Science 101 article notes that classification is not just an end in itself, but rather a process that is a means to an end – understanding concepts better. For example, in the “Case of the Missing Music” article, students don’t just classify fingerprints; they match the properties of fingerprints to solve a mystery. If you’re interested in other forensic activities, log into SciLinks and do a keyword search on “forensics”.
I hope that the readers of NSTA journals consider the Elementary-Middle School–High School classification as a fluid one! NSTA members have online access to all of the journals, and a quick browsing of the annotated table of contents can lead to ideas that can be adapted to other grade levels. For example, in this issue of S&C, the article “Mighty Molecule Models,” although used in fifth grade, could certainly be appropriate for secondary students, especially those who haven’t had much background in atoms and molecules. Regardless of the grade level, I think it’s important to keep guiding the students toward an understanding of what the models represent, as the authors of this article describe.
I could identify with the editor’s comment that some students were not familiar with the word “property” as it’s used in science. Sometimes we take this fundamental vocabulary for granted, thinking that the students understand how words such as “properties” and “theory” are used in science. I learned two new interpretations of words from this issue.

  • In the article “Attracting Student Wonderings,” these wonderings (a term I had not seen in this context before) could be called guiding or essential questions – and they were formulated by first-graders!
  • When I saw the title “Formative Assessment Probes – my first thought was that of electronic instruments. But the probes described here are processes to determine how students make connections between concepts, in this case the concepts of matter and rocks. The full-page probes can be downloaded, too.

Science and Children cover, January 2008Inquiry is not as dependent on equipment and technology as it is on the willingness of the teacher to model the process and to move from being a sage on the stage to be a guide on the side (or better yet – a partner in the process).



By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2008-01-07

Talk about an interesting day in the age of electronic information! This afternoon in a listserv I belong to, I read about a report by the National Academy of Sciences on the teaching of evolution in the classroom. There were two news articles, but I wanted to read the primary source. On the opening page of the National Academy of Sciences website, I found the news release from the Academy. It is in conjunction with the new book Science, Evolution, and Creationism. I followed that link and found out that I could download a PDF version of the book – for free! There was also a podcast. Guess what I’ll be reading/listening to over the weekend, and it all was available within a few minutes.
When I was teaching middle school science, evolution was in the district curriculum (and it is now in my state’s standards in biological sciences), and I can’t imagine teaching life science or biology without using evolution as an underlying principle. But as an undergraduate chemistry major, I never had the opportunity to formally study the theory of evolution. So my knowledge of evolution has accumulated from a variety of sources over the years.
Staying up-to-date on topics such as evolution is a lot easier with the Internet, but sometimes there is too much of a good thing. If you Google “evolution” for example, you get over 170,000,000 hits! Or — you could log into NSTA’s SciLinks, search on the word “evolution” and get a list of websites related to topics such as “biological evolution” or “evolution and adaptation.” Here are a few of my favorites.
Understanding Evolution is a comprehensive site from the University of California Museum of Paleontology. This could be the basis for a complete course, study group, or self-study. The teacher link in the right margin is a tremendous resource with a link to a searchable database of lesson ideas and a link called “conceptual framework” which is actually a set of essential questions around which to organize a unit! Many individual components of this site are noted separately in the SciLinks database, but if you go to the main site, you can see just how comprehensive it is. I would start with click on the Evolution 101 link for a tutorial on evolution. This would also be appropriate for students.
Another good source is Evolution from PBS. Even if you don’t have access to the video, the web-based resources are very good and visually stunning.
NSTA has a set of Evolution Resources,with links to the above websites as well as to position papers and other resources and articles.
I wonder how many people have actually read any of Darwin’s writing? Darwin’s The Origin of Species is not an easy read, but it is the primary source! The page has links to his other works, too.
A colleague of mine recently visited the Galapagos Islands and said it was a life-altering experience. I don’t know if I’ll ever get there, but Galapagos on the NSTA site is a great collection of background information, classroom investigations, and resources for teaching evolution.
If anyone else is reading the National Academy book, perhaps we could use this site to begin a discussion?

Talk about an interesting day in the age of electronic information! This afternoon in a listserv I belong to, I read about a report by the National Academy of Sciences on the teaching of evolution in the classroom. There were two news articles, but I wanted to read the primary source. On the opening page of the National Academy of Sciences website, I found the news release from the Academy.

Preparing students to understand and adapt to the rapid pace of scientific and technological changes is an important educational priority. Using proven strategies for differentiating instruction, authors Gayle H. Gregory and Elizabeth Hammerman provide a blueprint for strengthening science instruction and accommodating students’ individual learning styles.

This educator-friendly resource is aligned with national science curriculum standards and includes:

• Grade-appropriate sample lessons and strategies for inquiry-based, problem-based, and cooperative learning
Preparing students to understand and adapt to the rapid pace of scientific and technological changes is an important educational priority. Using proven strategies for differentiating instruction, authors Gayle H. Gregory and Elizabeth Hammerman provide a blueprint for strengthening science instruction and accommodating students’ individual learning styles.

This educator-friendly resource is aligned with national science curriculum standards and includes:

• Grade-appropriate sample lessons and strategies for inquiry-based, problem-based, and cooperative learning
To move from competence to excellence in the teaching of science, what should you know and be able to do? What is the difference between “highly qualified” and “highly effective” teachers of science? In this book Jo Anne Vasquez shows you what top-notch, learning-centered teaching looks like in science because this is a comprehensive resource, based on all the latest research on science teaching and learning.
To move from competence to excellence in the teaching of science, what should you know and be able to do? What is the difference between “highly qualified” and “highly effective” teachers of science? In this book Jo Anne Vasquez shows you what top-notch, learning-centered teaching looks like in science because this is a comprehensive resource, based on all the latest research on science teaching and learning.

Science Shorts: Stretched to the Limit

Science and Children—January 2008

Children need to explore as many different materials as possible in order to make sense of their world. Understanding how materials behave in their natural state and under certain conditions will help them understand why objects are made of specific materials. In the following lesson, students compare the elasticity of various materials by stretching the materials and measuring the new length. By paying attention to how items react to stress, children build a foundation for more complex topics of molecular properties of matter and structural design.
Children need to explore as many different materials as possible in order to make sense of their world. Understanding how materials behave in their natural state and under certain conditions will help them understand why objects are made of specific materials. In the following lesson, students compare the elasticity of various materials by stretching the materials and measuring the new length. By paying attention to how items react to stress, children build a foundation for more complex topics of molecular properties of matter and structural design.
Children need to explore as many different materials as possible in order to make sense of their world. Understanding how materials behave in their natural state and under certain conditions will help them understand why objects are made of specific materials. In the following lesson, students compare the elasticity of various materials by stretching the materials and measuring the new length. By paying attention to how items react to stress, children build a foundation for more complex topics of molecular properties of matter and structural design.
Can a student’s cultural background support learning in science? Or is concentrating on the specialized vocabulary of science the best way to help English language learners learn science? This book addresses these and other pressing questions you face when working with students whose linguistic and cultural backgrounds, as well as their languages, are different from your own.

Can a student’s cultural background support learning in science? Or is concentrating on the specialized vocabulary of science the best way to help English language learners learn science? This book addresses these and other pressing questions you face when working with students whose linguistic and cultural backgrounds, as well as their languages, are different from your own.


Teaching Earth Science Using Hot Air Balloons

Science Scope—January 2008

Constructing model hot air balloons is an activity that captures the imaginations of students, enabling teachers to present required content to minds that are open to receive it. Additionally, there are few activities that lend themselves to integrating so much content across subject areas. In this article, the authors describe how they have successfully used hot air balloons to teach metric measurement, proportions, trigonometric functions, density, convection, data collection and analysis, principles of engineering, and many other concepts and skills.
Constructing model hot air balloons is an activity that captures the imaginations of students, enabling teachers to present required content to minds that are open to receive it. Additionally, there are few activities that lend themselves to integrating so much content across subject areas. In this article, the authors describe how they have successfully used hot air balloons to teach metric measurement, proportions, trigonometric functions, density, convection, data collection and analysis, principles of engineering, and many other concepts and skills.
Constructing model hot air balloons is an activity that captures the imaginations of students, enabling teachers to present required content to minds that are open to receive it. Additionally, there are few activities that lend themselves to integrating so much content across subject areas. In this article, the authors describe how they have successfully used hot air balloons to teach metric measurement, proportions, trigonometric functions, density, convection, data collection and analysis, principles of engineering, and many other concepts and skills.

Speaker Perceptions of Communicative Effectiveness: Conversational Analysis of Student-Teacher Talk

Journal of College Science Teaching—January/February 2008

This study examines verbal behavior in student-teacher talk and alignment of perceptions of communication effectiveness. Heightened awareness of conversational patterns is more productive in the learning environment than the rote use of discourse markers.
This study examines verbal behavior in student-teacher talk and alignment of perceptions of communication effectiveness. Heightened awareness of conversational patterns is more productive in the learning environment than the rote use of discourse markers.
This study examines verbal behavior in student-teacher talk and alignment of perceptions of communication effectiveness. Heightened awareness of conversational patterns is more productive in the learning environment than the rote use of discourse markers.

Integrating science and math

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2007-12-30

Science Scope cover, December 2007Mathematics and science seem like natural partners when designing interdisciplinary lessons or units. This issue of Science Scope has some suggestions for making these lessons authentic and purposeful, integrating science with geometry, scaling, graphing, and other mathematical concepts.
Along with this issue, you can review the October issue of Science and Children for more articles on this topic that have ideas that are appropriate or adaptable for middle school students. The blog posting for that issue describes an outstanding graphing website that is suitable for all ages.
For even more ideas for integrating mathematics and science, log into SciLinks and enter the code “SC120701” for a list of websites. I saw a few that looked particularly interesting:

  • Planet Quest is a set of activities that involved measurement. This is a PDF document, so you can download it and use them offline. As a bonus, the activities are structured as cooperative learning activities, with a description of roles and expectations.
  • Science is not the only subject in which research is conducted. The National Science Foundation has an overview of research in mathematics.
  • Along with the activities in the article “Making and Measuring a Model of a Salt Marsh,” you could use the activities downloaded from Tidepool Math. These guide students through the processes of observation and estimation.

The “Issues In-Depth” article – Making Some Bones About It – is an excellent review of the skeletal system. Even though I’ve taught units on the skeletal system, it was an enjoyable read, and it’s important to keep our own content knowledge up-to-date. As a follow-up, go to the SciLinks site and enter “bones” or “muscles” as keywords to get lists of websites with more background information and classroom activities. You can also check out this month’s edition of The Science Teacher for an article that describes a classroom activity “Modeling Muscles.” This could easily be adapted for middle school students!

Science Scope cover, December 2007Mathematics and science seem like natural partners when designing interdisciplinary lessons or units. This issue of Science Scope has some suggestions for making these lessons authentic and purposeful, integrating science with geometry, scaling, graphing, and other mathematical concepts.


Activities and investigations

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2007-12-24

The Science Teacher cover, December 2007This month’s Science Teacher is a collection of ideas from low-tech card sorts (a wonderful way to get students thinking) to high-tech investigations that take advantage of technology.
The article “Fun with Ionic Compounds” was an enjoyable walk down memory lane. Many years ago, my colleague and I made cards such as these to help students visualize the concept of ionic bonding, and we found that it really helped the students. Sometimes we brought out the cards as a review, too. However, I like how these authors designed and used a review sheet to help students organize and summarize the activity. If I could only go back in time to do this again, I would use their ideas! For more information and activities on the topic of ionic bonding, log into SciLinks and enter “ionic” in the keyword search box to get lists of related websites.
Don’t forget to look at this months Science Scope, especially if you’re going to try the activity in the Modeling Muscles article to integrate a study of the skeletal and muscular systems. SS has a background article on the skeletal system that is probably designed for teachers, but high school students should be able to use the article, too. If you log into SciLinks and enter bones or muscles as keywords, you’ll get lists of related online resources. There is also an interesting activity “Making and Measuring a Model of a Salt Marsh.” This involves more than just making a model; the students’ models are used as a basis for making and graphing observations. If a salt marsh is not part of your students’ experiences, you could modify this to represent the plants and animals of freshwater wetlands.
I was observing some classes last year, and I noticed that some of the teachers referred to any hands-on activity as an “experiment,” even those activities that focused on making models, demonstrating a concept, or replicating investigations from textbooks or other resources. All of these can be valuable ways to help students learn. But I think we need to be careful with our vocabulary. You may want to check out the article “More Than One Way to Investigate” from this month’s Science and Children , which illustrates the differences between experimental and descriptive studies and how both are authentic ways to study science.
“My students are too busy to think!” When I heard a fellow teacher say this at a workshop, I hoped that she was exaggerating what was happening in her classroom. I envisioned a whirlwind in which the students followed directions for lots of activities with little time to summarize, reflect, or discuss what they were doing. I’ve been in classrooms where students were making models (DNA, atoms, the cell), but some of them really didn’t “get it” in terms of what the models meant or in applying what they were doing to other situations. Whether the students are making a model, doing an investigation from a textbook, or doing a true experiment, teachers need to help many of them to make connections between the hands-on activity and the students’ own experiences, previous activities or topics from class, or to later experiences. A few minutes of helping students to make some meaning of what they are doing can change being “busy” to being truly “engaged” with these activities.

The Science Teacher cover, December 2007This month’s Science Teacher is a collection of ideas from low-tech card sorts (a wonderful way to get students thinking) to high-tech investigations that take advantage of technology.

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