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Teaching Through Trade Books: Survival Skills

Animals have many adaptations that help them survive in their environment and meet their special needs of food and shelter. This month’s column focuses on two such adaptations: camouflage and beaks. This articles comes with a corresponding activity.
Animals have many adaptations that help them survive in their environment and meet their special needs of food and shelter. This month’s column focuses on two such adaptations: camouflage and beaks. This articles comes with a corresponding activity.
Animals have many adaptations that help them survive in their environment and meet their special needs of food and shelter. This month’s column focuses on two such adaptations: camouflage and beaks. This articles comes with a corresponding activity.

A Message from the NSTA President: Developing a World View for Science Education

Journal of College Science Teaching -- September 2005

In this section, NSTA President Michael Padilla shares a story reflecting the affect that immigration has had on almost all school systems across the country. He shares his motivation for choosing Developing a World View for Science Education as the theme for his NSTA presidency and acknowledges the fact that science is fundamental to success, not for those just in scientific careers, but also for those who wish to flourish in the new millennium.
In this section, NSTA President Michael Padilla shares a story reflecting the affect that immigration has had on almost all school systems across the country. He shares his motivation for choosing Developing a World View for Science Education as the theme for his NSTA presidency and acknowledges the fact that science is fundamental to success, not for those just in scientific careers, but also for those who wish to flourish in the new millennium.
In this section, NSTA President Michael Padilla shares a story reflecting the affect that immigration has had on almost all school systems across the country. He shares his motivation for choosing Developing a World View for Science Education as the theme for his NSTA presidency and acknowledges the fact that science is fundamental to success, not for those just in scientific careers, but also for those who wish to flourish in the new millennium.

Career of the Month: Foodborne Disease Epidemiologist

The Science Teacher -- September 2005

Did you know that Salmonella and E. coli are just two of more than 250 different identified foodborne diseases? To Jack Guzewich, a Foodborne Disease Epidemiologist with the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, every outbreak is a new mystery. The mysteries unravel as he discovers how foods become contaminated and works to prevent similar outbreaks in the future. Your students will be intrigued by Jack Guzewich and his fascinating career.
Did you know that Salmonella and E. coli are just two of more than 250 different identified foodborne diseases? To Jack Guzewich, a Foodborne Disease Epidemiologist with the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, every outbreak is a new mystery. The mysteries unravel as he discovers how foods become contaminated and works to prevent similar outbreaks in the future. Your students will be intrigued by Jack Guzewich and his fascinating career.
Did you know that Salmonella and E. coli are just two of more than 250 different identified foodborne diseases? To Jack Guzewich, a Foodborne Disease Epidemiologist with the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, every outbreak is a new mystery. The mysteries unravel as he discovers how foods become contaminated and works to prevent similar outbreaks in the future. Your students will be intrigued by Jack Guzewich and his fascinating career.

Using the Science Writing Heuristic: Training Chemistry Teaching Assistants

Journal of College Science Teaching -- September 2005

Promoting the use of the Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) among novice teaching assistants at a large university is facilitated by a program of instructional training and mentoring. Sessions include hands-on activities with guided inquiry in tandem with elements of the SWH. These provide TAs with the opportunity to both experience and practice integrating the SWH.
Promoting the use of the Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) among novice teaching assistants at a large university is facilitated by a program of instructional training and mentoring. Sessions include hands-on activities with guided inquiry in tandem with elements of the SWH. These provide TAs with the opportunity to both experience and practice integrating the SWH.
Promoting the use of the Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) among novice teaching assistants at a large university is facilitated by a program of instructional training and mentoring. Sessions include hands-on activities with guided inquiry in tandem with elements of the SWH. These provide TAs with the opportunity to both experience and practice integrating the SWH.

Manna from Heaven or "Clickers" from Hell: Experiences with an Electronic Response System

Journal of College Science Teaching -- Summer 2005

Instructors used an electronic response system to enhance student-centered learning in large and small college biology classes. The system worked well to engage students in learning the subject matter and to assess their prior knowledge and misconceptions. It provided useful feedback to students as well as instructors. Problems encountered resulted mainly from not having permanent installation of the hardware components in the large class.
Instructors used an electronic response system to enhance student-centered learning in large and small college biology classes. The system worked well to engage students in learning the subject matter and to assess their prior knowledge and misconceptions. It provided useful feedback to students as well as instructors. Problems encountered resulted mainly from not having permanent installation of the hardware components in the large class.
Instructors used an electronic response system to enhance student-centered learning in large and small college biology classes. The system worked well to engage students in learning the subject matter and to assess their prior knowledge and misconceptions. It provided useful feedback to students as well as instructors. Problems encountered resulted mainly from not having permanent installation of the hardware components in the large class.

Editor's Note (July 2005)

Science and Children -- July 2005 (Summer)

Summer is the time to work on next year with the luxury of time. This section gives an overview of ideas that involve time for preparation or coordination. This is time that November may not provide but that summer does.
Summer is the time to work on next year with the luxury of time. This section gives an overview of ideas that involve time for preparation or coordination. This is time that November may not provide but that summer does.
Summer is the time to work on next year with the luxury of time. This section gives an overview of ideas that involve time for preparation or coordination. This is time that November may not provide but that summer does.

Science and Social Studies in a Nutshell

Science and Children -- March 2005

This articles discusses three practicum students and how they took students' interests in peanuts and expanded it into a full unit concerning nuts and the history behind them. In addition to observing, classifying, and measuring nuts, the students learned valuable history lessons. The teachers found a successful way to integrate science and social studies while also discovering that learning takes place naturally when the kids find something that they are truly interested in.
This articles discusses three practicum students and how they took students' interests in peanuts and expanded it into a full unit concerning nuts and the history behind them. In addition to observing, classifying, and measuring nuts, the students learned valuable history lessons. The teachers found a successful way to integrate science and social studies while also discovering that learning takes place naturally when the kids find something that they are truly interested in.
This articles discusses three practicum students and how they took students' interests in peanuts and expanded it into a full unit concerning nuts and the history behind them. In addition to observing, classifying, and measuring nuts, the students learned valuable history lessons. The teachers found a successful way to integrate science and social studies while also discovering that learning takes place naturally when the kids find something that they are truly interested in.

Idea Bank: Classroom Newsletter

The Science Teacher -- February 2005

Have you ever struggled with trying to motivate your students to learn science? If your answer is a resounding "yes!"-- the implementation of a class newsletter may be the solution. A class newsletter project can improve student self-confidence and motivate students to learn science. This article describes how to incorporate this effective strategy into your science classroom.
Have you ever struggled with trying to motivate your students to learn science? If your answer is a resounding "yes!"-- the implementation of a class newsletter may be the solution. A class newsletter project can improve student self-confidence and motivate students to learn science. This article describes how to incorporate this effective strategy into your science classroom.
Have you ever struggled with trying to motivate your students to learn science? If your answer is a resounding "yes!"-- the implementation of a class newsletter may be the solution. A class newsletter project can improve student self-confidence and motivate students to learn science. This article describes how to incorporate this effective strategy into your science classroom.

Environmental Journey

Science and Children -- February 2005

This article chronicles a principal's wish which sparked an environmental education program at his school. The program evolved into a community wide effort which reaches more than 1000 students each year. The program helps teachers incorporate national and state science standards into the curriculum, and encourages future teachers to embrace science in their classrooms.
This article chronicles a principal's wish which sparked an environmental education program at his school. The program evolved into a community wide effort which reaches more than 1000 students each year. The program helps teachers incorporate national and state science standards into the curriculum, and encourages future teachers to embrace science in their classrooms.
This article chronicles a principal's wish which sparked an environmental education program at his school. The program evolved into a community wide effort which reaches more than 1000 students each year. The program helps teachers incorporate national and state science standards into the curriculum, and encourages future teachers to embrace science in their classrooms.
Thunderstruck by storm fronts? Perplexed about air pressure? Hazy on how weather works? If you’ve always been shaky on the science behind such phenomena, Air, Water, and Weather is designed to help you develop a deep understanding of the basics so you can teach without fear.
Thunderstruck by storm fronts? Perplexed about air pressure? Hazy on how weather works? If you’ve always been shaky on the science behind such phenomena, Air, Water, and Weather is designed to help you develop a deep understanding of the basics so you can teach without fear.
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