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Archive: Book Beat Live! Supporting Emergent Multilingual Learners in Science, February 16, 2022

While experts in teaching science, teachers often feel less prepared supporting Emerging Multilinguals (EMs) in their classrooms. To successfully participate in science, teachers must engage learners in conceptually rich content while simultaneously scaffolding the language of the discipline. Meaning making in the science classroom involves multimodal communication.

While experts in teaching science, teachers often feel less prepared supporting Emerging Multilinguals (EMs) in their classrooms. To successfully participate in science, teachers must engage learners in conceptually rich content while simultaneously scaffolding the language of the discipline. Meaning making in the science classroom involves multimodal communication.

While experts in teaching science, teachers often feel less prepared supporting Emerging Multilinguals (EMs) in their classrooms. To successfully participate in science, teachers must engage learners in conceptually rich content while simultaneously scaffolding the language of the discipline. Meaning making in the science classroom involves multimodal communication.

While experts in teaching science, teachers often feel less prepared supporting Emerging Multilinguals (EMs) in their classrooms. To successfully participate in science, teachers must engage learners in conceptually rich content while simultaneously scaffolding the language of the discipline. Meaning making in the science classroom involves multimodal communication.


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A Holiday Recipe for Science Teachers: Build Trust, Find Common Ground, and Model Scientific Thinking

By Ann Reid, Executive Director, National Center for Science Education

Posted on 2021-12-16

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