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From the Field: Events and Opportunities, November 2, 2021

By Debra Shapiro

From the Field: Events and Opportunities, November 2, 2021



Shifting From Learning About to Figuring Out

PD Resources to Support Classroom Change

Science Scope—November/December 2021 (Volume 45, Issue 2)

By Katherine L. McNeill, Renee Affolter, and Michael Clinchot

Shifting From Learning About to Figuring Out


Citizen Science

Taking the Pulse of Our Planet With Nature’s Notebook

Science Scope—November/December 2021 (Volume 45, Issue 2)

By Jill Nugent


From the Editor's Desk

The Importance of Professional Development

Science Scope—November/December 2021 (Volume 45, Issue 2)

By Patty McGinnis


Research & Teaching

Engaging Students at All Academic Levels in an Inquiry-Based Paleoecologic Learning Activity—Even When You Don’t Have the Rocks

Journal of College Science Teaching—November/December 2021 (Volume 51, Issue 2)

By René A. Shroat-Lewis and Melissa Hage

Inquiry-based learning is an educational strategy that emphasizes the student’s role in the learning process by having them propose and test hypotheses through experimentation and/or the collection of observational data. It emphasizes active participation, allowing students to take ownership of their learning. In doing so, inquiry-based learning results in the building of the critical thinking and communication skills necessary for participation in all fields of study. In this study, we provide an example of how to adapt an inquiry-based activity used in upper-level paleontology courses so that it can be used in all paleontology-related courses, as well as in lower-level historical geology courses. In paleoecology, large surfaces of substrate with encrusting organisms provide a wealth of paleoecologic information about the ancient communities and are an excellent tool for inquiry-based learning. However, a challenge in paleoecology is that large slabs of rock containing fossil communities are not easy to obtain. In this exercise, students create a simulated substrate using paper and stickers. Feedback showed that students were engaged in the process of doing science and used the skills that they had learned throughout the semester. They gained self-confidence and realized that they can, in fact, do science.


Inquiry-based learning is an educational strategy that emphasizes the student’s role in the learning process by having them propose and test hypotheses through experimentation and/or the collection of observational data. It emphasizes active participation, allowing students to take ownership of their learning. In doing so, inquiry-based learning results in the building of the critical thinking and communication skills necessary for participation in all fields of study.
Inquiry-based learning is an educational strategy that emphasizes the student’s role in the learning process by having them propose and test hypotheses through experimentation and/or the collection of observational data. It emphasizes active participation, allowing students to take ownership of their learning. In doing so, inquiry-based learning results in the building of the critical thinking and communication skills necessary for participation in all fields of study.

Research & Teaching

Student Active Learning Anxieties Differ by Preferred Seating Location in Introductory Biology Classes

Journal of College Science Teaching—November/December 2021 (Volume 51, Issue 2)

By Elisabeth E. Schussler, Brianna Reynolds, Benjamin J. England, and Jennifer R. Brigati

As undergraduates’ academic distress continues to rise, it is important to consider factors related to classroom anxiety. This study investigated how student anxiety varied by preferred seating location and whether the reasons for their preferred seating location were related to these anxiety levels. In seven introductory biology classes at a large public university, we assessed student anxiety levels about different classroom practices. Students also reported where they preferred to sit in a lecture class and explained why they preferred that location. We coded and created themes from these explanations without knowing the anxiety levels or student seating preferences. We compared anxiety levels among nine preferred seating locations via ANOVA: front-right, front-middle, front-left, middle-right, middle-middle, middle-left, back-right, back-middle, back-left. The back-left had higher group work anxiety. The middle-right had higher anxiety for volunteering, cold calling, and clicker use. The back-left and front-middle had higher test and clicker anxiety. Student explanations for seating preference indicated a balance between wanting to be engaged in the class yet wanting to avoid others and feel comfortable; these reasons did not directly align with anxiety differences, however. We suggest teachers consider how anxiety varies spatially in their classroom to inform their active learning implementation practices.


As undergraduates’ academic distress continues to rise, it is important to consider factors related to classroom anxiety. This study investigated how student anxiety varied by preferred seating location and whether the reasons for their preferred seating location were related to these anxiety levels. In seven introductory biology classes at a large public university, we assessed student anxiety levels about different classroom practices. Students also reported where they preferred to sit in a lecture class and explained why they preferred that location.
As undergraduates’ academic distress continues to rise, it is important to consider factors related to classroom anxiety. This study investigated how student anxiety varied by preferred seating location and whether the reasons for their preferred seating location were related to these anxiety levels. In seven introductory biology classes at a large public university, we assessed student anxiety levels about different classroom practices. Students also reported where they preferred to sit in a lecture class and explained why they preferred that location.

Research & Teaching

Exploring Barriers to the Use of Evidence-Based Instructional Practices

Journal of College Science Teaching—November/December 2021 (Volume 51, Issue 2)

By Grant E. Gardner, Evelyn Brown, Zachary Grimes, and Gina Bishara

Recent reform documents in postsecondary science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields recommend the use of evidence-based instructional practices (EBIPs) in the classroom. National surveys in the United States suggest a continued reliance on instructor-centered practices that have little evidentiary support for long-term impacts on student learning. This study utilized a cross-sectional survey research design to explore the awareness and use of EBIPs by STEM instructors at two large universities (n = 104) in the southeastern United States. Participants’ perceived individual and situational barriers impaired their use of EBIPs. We also examined how these barriers may be related to faculty use of these instructional practices. Results indicate high awareness of many EBIPs but with little subsequent classroom use. Results also suggest that STEM faculty’s gender and pedagogical beliefs may mediate what they perceive as significant barriers to EBIP implementation.


Recent reform documents in postsecondary science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields recommend the use of evidence-based instructional practices (EBIPs) in the classroom. National surveys in the United States suggest a continued reliance on instructor-centered practices that have little evidentiary support for long-term impacts on student learning. This study utilized a cross-sectional survey research design to explore the awareness and use of EBIPs by STEM instructors at two large universities (n = 104) in the southeastern United States.
Recent reform documents in postsecondary science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields recommend the use of evidence-based instructional practices (EBIPs) in the classroom. National surveys in the United States suggest a continued reliance on instructor-centered practices that have little evidentiary support for long-term impacts on student learning. This study utilized a cross-sectional survey research design to explore the awareness and use of EBIPs by STEM instructors at two large universities (n = 104) in the southeastern United States.

Research & Teaching

Using Publicly Available Long-Term Climate Records in Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Big Data Curriculum

Journal of College Science Teaching—November/December 2021 (Volume 51, Issue 2)

By Richelle L. Tanner and Lisa E. Collins

Understanding data analysis and interpreting data are key components of teaching interdisciplinary undergraduate students. We detail a semester-long research project that introduces students to long-term data sets, incorporates the use of widely available statistical analysis, and underscores an inquiry-based method of teaching climate change. Our learning objectives included analysis of large-scale climate data and interpretation of empirical trends in the context of two climate change phenomena: warming and the urban heat island effect. We demonstrate how small groups of students (n = 2 or 3) were empowered to independently download and analyze long-term temperature data to be aggregated into a class data set. Students used the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) to find the long-term data sets of hourly maximum (TMAX) and minimum (TMIN) temperatures. Students used the open-source statistical software R to manage and summarize data. Students also examined changes in land use cover using Google Earth satellite data to quantify whether stations were urban or rural. Students were assessed in their groups based on a research paper and a class presentation. Approaching climate change education from the inquiry-based learning perspective allows students to understand how scientific research is conducted, apply the scientific method, and experience firsthand the importance of open-source data.


Understanding data analysis and interpreting data are key components of teaching interdisciplinary undergraduate students. We detail a semester-long research project that introduces students to long-term data sets, incorporates the use of widely available statistical analysis, and underscores an inquiry-based method of teaching climate change. Our learning objectives included analysis of large-scale climate data and interpretation of empirical trends in the context of two climate change phenomena: warming and the urban heat island effect.
Understanding data analysis and interpreting data are key components of teaching interdisciplinary undergraduate students. We detail a semester-long research project that introduces students to long-term data sets, incorporates the use of widely available statistical analysis, and underscores an inquiry-based method of teaching climate change. Our learning objectives included analysis of large-scale climate data and interpretation of empirical trends in the context of two climate change phenomena: warming and the urban heat island effect.


Integrating Science Communication Into a Large STEM Classroom

Journal of College Science Teaching—November/December 2021 (Volume 51, Issue 2)

By Kerri Donohue, Katherine VanDenburgh, Cathrine Reck, and Gayle Buck

The communication of scientific findings through writing is an important skill for undergraduate science majors to develop as they move through their respective degree programs. Seeing the importance of science communication skill development, we brought a science communication blog written by graduate students on the same campus to the attention of a large undergraduate organic chemistry lecture in collaboration with their professor. These undergraduate students were then given an assignment in which they would write their own blogs, go through a process of peer review, and then have the opportunity for their blog to be published on a website for high school students. The undergraduate students were able to consider the role that science communication will play in their future careers and practice the basics in a low-stakes, brief assignment. Overall, the learning goals we set for the assignment were met with a positive impact on the students. While there were several small challenges associated with the first implementation of this assignment, we were pleased to learn of the high level of value that students placed on this assignment.


The communication of scientific findings through writing is an important skill for undergraduate science majors to develop as they move through their respective degree programs. Seeing the importance of science communication skill development, we brought a science communication blog written by graduate students on the same campus to the attention of a large undergraduate organic chemistry lecture in collaboration with their professor.
The communication of scientific findings through writing is an important skill for undergraduate science majors to develop as they move through their respective degree programs. Seeing the importance of science communication skill development, we brought a science communication blog written by graduate students on the same campus to the attention of a large undergraduate organic chemistry lecture in collaboration with their professor.
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