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Leadership Matters

Leading Effective Science Curriculum-Based Learning

Science and Children—July/August 2024 (Volume 61, Issue 4)

By Patrick Brown, Rodger W Bybee, Joseph Taylor

Leadership Matters

Cultivating Genius for Science Contexts: Where Does the Pursuit of Joy Fit into Science Learning?

Where Does the Pursuit of Joy Fit into Science Learning?

Science and Children—July/August 2024 (Volume 61, Issue 4)

By Alice Severson, Leigh Kohlmann, Emily Miller, Kevin Anderson

Where do Goldy Muhammad’s Cultivating Genus Pursuits fit into science learning? In this article, 5th grade teachers are adding the pursuits into a FreshWater project based science unit. Focusing on Identity and Joy, in particular, they find that science learning can be enriched when the pursuits are attended to. One student developed his identity through realizing rigorous science learning and recognizing his joy in reflecting on and acting toward social justice and Fresh Water in his community.
Where do Goldy Muhammad’s Cultivating Genus Pursuits fit into science learning? In this article, 5th grade teachers are adding the pursuits into a FreshWater project based science unit. Focusing on Identity and Joy, in particular, they find that science learning can be enriched when the pursuits are attended to. One student developed his identity through realizing rigorous science learning and recognizing his joy in reflecting on and acting toward social justice and Fresh Water in his community.
Where do Goldy Muhammad’s Cultivating Genus Pursuits fit into science learning? In this article, 5th grade teachers are adding the pursuits into a FreshWater project based science unit. Focusing on Identity and Joy, in particular, they find that science learning can be enriched when the pursuits are attended to. One student developed his identity through realizing rigorous science learning and recognizing his joy in reflecting on and acting toward social justice and Fresh Water in his community.

Beyond Definitions: Using Hexagonal Thinking for Sensemaking

Using Hexagonal Thinking for Sensemaking

Science and Children—July/August 2024 (Volume 61, Issue 4)

By Simone Nance

This article was written for the purpose of introducing the hexagonal thinking strategy to upper elementary teachers. The strategy, in which students make connections across the vocabulary and concepts to develop a map, has become more popular in the secondary setting, but needs more structure to be implemented with younger students. A university researcher and 4th grade teacher teamed up for multiple sessions over the course of three months in order to provide helpful implementation tips to use with any science unit, including cross-curricular units. The most important lesson learned was the importance of scaffolding and support for group communication.
This article was written for the purpose of introducing the hexagonal thinking strategy to upper elementary teachers. The strategy, in which students make connections across the vocabulary and concepts to develop a map, has become more popular in the secondary setting, but needs more structure to be implemented with younger students. A university researcher and 4th grade teacher teamed up for multiple sessions over the course of three months in order to provide helpful implementation tips to use with any science unit, including cross-curricular units.
This article was written for the purpose of introducing the hexagonal thinking strategy to upper elementary teachers. The strategy, in which students make connections across the vocabulary and concepts to develop a map, has become more popular in the secondary setting, but needs more structure to be implemented with younger students. A university researcher and 4th grade teacher teamed up for multiple sessions over the course of three months in order to provide helpful implementation tips to use with any science unit, including cross-curricular units.

Light, Forces, Sticks, Crates and So Much More: A Loose Parts Learning Approach to STEM

Science and Children—July/August 2024 (Volume 61, Issue 4)

By Carla Gull, Suzanne Levenson Goldstein, Tricia Rosengarten

The use of loose parts can be an effective teaching method to improve and enhance student understanding of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Loose parts can inspire children to use their creativity and critical thinking skills in the classroom, which encourages them to embrace science curriculum and connections to standards at any age. Students learn most readily and positively in a laboratory type environment, where they can experiment, create, invent, appreciate, and find out things for themselves (Nicholson, 1971). Children should be encouraged to be part of the experiment, not just listening at their desk, or watching on the sidelines. This article outlines the theory, associated research, principles, benefits, and developing a loose parts mindset, with examples of light exploration, magnetic games, forces loose parts learning lab, and nest building using natural materials. Loose parts can be applied to most educational topics and content, making it a universal learning tool, putting students at the center of their education.
The use of loose parts can be an effective teaching method to improve and enhance student understanding of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Loose parts can inspire children to use their creativity and critical thinking skills in the classroom, which encourages them to embrace science curriculum and connections to standards at any age. Students learn most readily and positively in a laboratory type environment, where they can experiment, create, invent, appreciate, and find out things for themselves (Nicholson, 1971).
The use of loose parts can be an effective teaching method to improve and enhance student understanding of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Loose parts can inspire children to use their creativity and critical thinking skills in the classroom, which encourages them to embrace science curriculum and connections to standards at any age. Students learn most readily and positively in a laboratory type environment, where they can experiment, create, invent, appreciate, and find out things for themselves (Nicholson, 1971).

Engaging in Socioscientific Issues by Observing Habitats in the Context of Water Use and Drought

Science and Children—July/August 2024 (Volume 61, Issue 4)

By Grace Brunner, Catherine Lowe, Isaiah Kent-Schneider, Jerrid Kruse

Teaching young students to engage in socioscientific reasoning can feel like an overwhelming task due to the abstract reasoning required. Yet, Sadler et al., (2007), note the importance of helping students develop socioscientific reasoning from a young age by learning the science content and preparing to engage with social issues later in life. Through grounding discussions in explicit reflective conversations stemming from concrete experiences and local contexts, this unit helps teachers make socioscientific reasoning accessible to all students. Starting with observing their own school lawn, and then comparing this habitat to other types of habitats, students learn about the role of water in plant growth and the complex issue of water usage.
Teaching young students to engage in socioscientific reasoning can feel like an overwhelming task due to the abstract reasoning required. Yet, Sadler et al., (2007), note the importance of helping students develop socioscientific reasoning from a young age by learning the science content and preparing to engage with social issues later in life. Through grounding discussions in explicit reflective conversations stemming from concrete experiences and local contexts, this unit helps teachers make socioscientific reasoning accessible to all students.
Teaching young students to engage in socioscientific reasoning can feel like an overwhelming task due to the abstract reasoning required. Yet, Sadler et al., (2007), note the importance of helping students develop socioscientific reasoning from a young age by learning the science content and preparing to engage with social issues later in life. Through grounding discussions in explicit reflective conversations stemming from concrete experiences and local contexts, this unit helps teachers make socioscientific reasoning accessible to all students.

Science is for Questions

Science and Children—July/August 2024 (Volume 61, Issue 4)

By Amy Ludwig VanDerwater

Poem and Art and Explore More
Poem and Art and Explore More
Poem and Art and Explore More

Wonderings Drive Learning

Science and Children—July/August 2024 (Volume 61, Issue 4)

By Alissa Lange


Summertime fun with Life Science!

Science and Children—July/August 2024 (Volume 61, Issue 4)

By Heather Pacheco-Guffrey

In this issue of Tech Talk, learn about two terrific life science apps, Rewild the World from Google Arts and Culture and Engage your learners in NGSS Science and Engineering practices of Developing and Using Models and Asking Questions through accessible and enjoyable science-rich experiences. Though these apps can easily be used with students across the elementary grades, in this issue of Tech Talk, we’re focused on second and third graders. Great surprises are in store with augmented reality and citizen science opportunities – you don’t want to miss this issue of Tech Talk!
In this issue of Tech Talk, learn about two terrific life science apps, Rewild the World from Google Arts and Culture and Engage your learners in NGSS Science and Engineering practices of Developing and Using Models and Asking Questions through accessible and enjoyable science-rich experiences. Though these apps can easily be used with students across the elementary grades, in this issue of Tech Talk, we’re focused on second and third graders. Great surprises are in store with augmented reality and citizen science opportunities – you don’t want to miss this issue of Tech Talk!
In this issue of Tech Talk, learn about two terrific life science apps, Rewild the World from Google Arts and Culture and Engage your learners in NGSS Science and Engineering practices of Developing and Using Models and Asking Questions through accessible and enjoyable science-rich experiences. Though these apps can easily be used with students across the elementary grades, in this issue of Tech Talk, we’re focused on second and third graders. Great surprises are in store with augmented reality and citizen science opportunities – you don’t want to miss this issue of Tech Talk!
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