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Online Courses: MSU Master of Science in Science Education: Ecology and Conservation of the World’s Marine Ecosystems

Ecology and Conservation of the World’s Marine Ecosystems is a 3 credit course designed for students to gain a broad understanding of structure and function of the world's marine ecosystems and a broad knowledge of the major conservation issues in the oceans including climate change, overfishing, coral reef loss, and ocean acidification. The course will integrate in-depth study of each of the major marine ecosystems with reading and discussion of major conservation issues. Tuition rates for MT residents: $266.50/credit. For more information visit the web site at:
Ecology and Conservation of the World’s Marine Ecosystems is a 3 credit course designed for students to gain a broad understanding of structure and function of the world's marine ecosystems and a broad knowledge of the major conservation issues in the oceans including climate change, overfishing, coral reef loss, and ocean acidification. The course will integrate in-depth study of each of the major marine ecosystems with reading and discussion of major conservation issues. Tuition rates for MT residents: $266.50/credit. For more information visit the web site at:
Ecology and Conservation of the World’s Marine Ecosystems is a 3 credit course designed for students to gain a broad understanding of structure and function of the world's marine ecosystems and a broad knowledge of the major conservation issues in the oceans including climate change, overfishing, coral reef loss, and ocean acidification. The course will integrate in-depth study of each of the major marine ecosystems with reading and discussion of major conservation issues. Tuition rates for MT residents: $266.50/credit. For more information visit the web site at:

Online Courses: MSU Master of Science in Science Education: Biology of Riparian Zones and Wetlands

Biology of Riparian Zones and Wetlands is a 2 credit course that explores the structure and functions of riparian zones and wetland areas transitional between dry and aquatic communities, and their importance in the natural world. Tuition rates for MT residents: $266.50/credit. For more information visit the web site at:
Biology of Riparian Zones and Wetlands is a 2 credit course that explores the structure and functions of riparian zones and wetland areas transitional between dry and aquatic communities, and their importance in the natural world. Tuition rates for MT residents: $266.50/credit. For more information visit the web site at:
Biology of Riparian Zones and Wetlands is a 2 credit course that explores the structure and functions of riparian zones and wetland areas transitional between dry and aquatic communities, and their importance in the natural world. Tuition rates for MT residents: $266.50/credit. For more information visit the web site at:

Online Courses: MSU Master of Science in Science Education: Terrestrial Ecology of Plains and Prairies

Terrestrial Ecology of Plains and Prairies is a 1 credit graduate course that investigates the unique properties of grasslands and how land use changes community composition. This course will take a closer look at one or two grass communities near your home or school to include the following components: Placed-based science, Botany, Identification, Ethnobotanical Research, and Scientific Inquiry. Tuition rates for MT residents: $266.50/credit. For more information visit the web site at:
Terrestrial Ecology of Plains and Prairies is a 1 credit graduate course that investigates the unique properties of grasslands and how land use changes community composition. This course will take a closer look at one or two grass communities near your home or school to include the following components: Placed-based science, Botany, Identification, Ethnobotanical Research, and Scientific Inquiry. Tuition rates for MT residents: $266.50/credit. For more information visit the web site at:
Terrestrial Ecology of Plains and Prairies is a 1 credit graduate course that investigates the unique properties of grasslands and how land use changes community composition. This course will take a closer look at one or two grass communities near your home or school to include the following components: Placed-based science, Botany, Identification, Ethnobotanical Research, and Scientific Inquiry. Tuition rates for MT residents: $266.50/credit. For more information visit the web site at:

Scaffolding science skills

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2017-02-25

Some of my students have little experience in lab investigations. My colleague suggested I “scaffold” my instruction to help them develop lab skills, but I’m not sure what that would look like.  —C., Virginia

“Scaffolding” refers to guiding strategies designed to help students develop greater understanding of concepts and skills to become more independent learners.

Think of when you were learning to ride a bicycle. Someone first walked along with you, holding onto the seat as you pedaled. Your instructor probably gave you advice and encouragement, then let go for a few seconds until you started to wobble. Eventually you were ready to go on your own, and your instructor kept a watchful eye on you for a while.

One strategy to scaffold your students’ skill learning is with an I do->we do->you do progression:

  • focused demonstrations of the skills, connecting them to what students already know
  • guided practice in a variety of contexts with teacher monitoring and feedback
  • opportunities for students to choose and use the skills independently (even if they make a few mistakes)

I observed an Earth science teacher scaffolding with a “think-aloud” as she demonstrated how to create graphs from a data table. This was a not a “how-to” lecture. She reminded herself of the graph’s purpose and the steps of the process, asked herself questions as she worked, and deliberately made some mistakes (correcting them in real time). It was as if the students could peek inside her mind as she worked through the process. When she paused in her thinking, the students volunteered their own suggestions. In the second part of the lesson, students worked in groups to make graphs as she monitored each group, offering suggestions and feedback.

For more suggestions:


Some of my students have little experience in lab investigations. My colleague suggested I “scaffold” my instruction to help them develop lab skills, but I’m not sure what that would look like.  —C., Virginia


Ed News: Teachers Eye Potential of Virtual Reality

By Kate Falk

Posted on 2017-02-24

News Roundup banner

This week in education news, teachers eye potential of virtual reality; schools zoom in on STEM equity; Louisiana considers new science standards; South Dakota’s antiscience bill is stopped; and Idaho teachers, parents, and scientists urged lawmakers to keep climate change in proposed new state science standards.

Teachers Eye Potential of Virtual Reality to Enhance Science Instruction

If you can’t afford a field trip to the International Space Station, donning a boxy black headset might be the next best thing. To take advantage of the latest in 3-D technology, teachers are increasingly expressing interest in using virtual reality to enhance science education. Click here to read the article featured on the EdSource website.

Schools Zoom in on STEM Equity

With the U.S. Department of Education doling out billions of dollars to promote diversity and to support low-income schools in 2017, administrators across the country are also working to better serve students of all backgrounds, abilities and interests. Two annual conferences this spring—the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)—will feature multiple sessions designed to help educators deliver more equitable curriculums. Click here to read the article featured in District Administration.

Louisiana to Consider New Standards for Teaching Science

Next month, Louisiana’s state board of elementary and secondary education is expected to vote on new science standards. A committee worked for six months to produce new standards for the state, which currently has some of the oldest science standards in the nation. Click here to read the article featured in Education Week.

New Data: New Science Standards Are Boosting Engineering in Schools

In honor of National Engineers Week, Change the Equation “crunched some numbers, and it looks like efforts to make engineering part of the K-12 curriculum are beginning to pay off.” They believe “that the NGSS are succeeding in their aim to integrate engineering and technology into science classrooms.” Click here to read the article featured on the Change the Equation website.

South Dakota’s Antiscience Bill Stopped

South Dakota’s Senate Bill 55, which would have empowered science denial in the classroom, was defeated in the House Education Committee on February 22, 2017. A motion to pass the bill was defeated on a 6-9 vote, while a subsequent motion to defer further consideration of the bill to the forty-first legislative day — effectively killing it — passed on an 11-4 vote. Click here to read the article featured on the National Center for Science Education’s website.

Parents, Scientists to Lawmakers: Keep Climate Changes in School Science Standards

Teachers, parents and scientists urged the Senate Education Committee Thursday to keep climate change as part of the state’s new proposed science standards. Many who spoke before the committee pleaded with members to go a different direction than the House Education Committee, which voted earlier this month for the new standards but deleted references to climate change. Chairman Dean Mortimer, R-Idaho Falls, held off a committee vote until Monday, so the Senate and the House could explore options on what to do next. Click here to read the article featured in the Idaho Statesman.

Why My Students are Real World-ready with Nothing but a Device

Just as few modern-day workers could function in their jobs without a cellphone, a laptop, or periodic trips to Google, Anthony Johnson wants his students to learn how to solve problems using devices that will likely be similar to ones they will encounter for the rest of their lives. Click here to read the article featured on the eSchool News website.

Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.

The Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs (CLPA) team strives to keep NSTA members, teachers, science education leaders, and the general public informed about NSTA programs, products, and services and key science education issues and legislation. In the association’s role as the national voice for science education, its CLPA team actively promotes NSTA’s positions on science education issues and communicates key NSTA messages to essential audiences.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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News Roundup banner

This week in education news, teachers eye potential of virtual reality; schools zoom in on STEM equity; Louisiana considers new science standards; South Dakota’s antiscience bill is stopped; and Idaho teachers, parents, and scientists urged lawmakers to keep climate change in proposed new state science standards.


Career of the Month: Evolutionary Psychologist

By sstuckey

Posted on 2017-02-24

Evolutionary psychologists analyze human behavior for traits that evolved to increase the odds of survival and reproduction. They may then apply this knowledge to redesign aspects of today’s cultural institutions and practices—such as schools, workplaces, and child rearing—in ways that better align with human nature. Peter Gray is an evolutionary psychologist affiliated with Boston College. His area of focus is education, and he also writes the Freedom to Learn blog on the website of Psychology Today magazine.

Work overview.

As a retired professor, I now mostly research and write about how children educate themselves when they are free to do so. I also examine how education data fit with evolutionary analysis.

A typical researcher may try to figure out which teaching method increases test scores. But when you look at education from an evolutionary perspective, you start to ask more basic questions, such as: What is the purpose of education? One experiment will not answer such questions. Instead, it’s a scholarly approach that synthesizes knowledge from different fields, such as anthropology, history, and even animal behavior.

For example, diagnoses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have increased possibly because society no longer tolerates children’s normal unwillingness to sit still for long periods. Instead of adapting school to children, children are being adapted to school. It’s also plausible that depriving children of play is leading to more impulsiveness, because play controls impulsiveness.

Career highlights.

My biggest fulfillment has been writing for the public, first through the blog
and then through my book, Free to Learn. Many people find meaning in my writing, and it has led to speaking invitations and other opportunities.

Career path.

I went to college planning to major in physics. But then I started thinking that the world’s biggest problems are about human behavior, and I wondered how we could bring out the better aspects of people’s being. I became more drawn to psychology and biology. After getting my degrees in psychology and biological sciences, I accepted a job in the psychology department at Boston College.

Many of the introductory textbooks seemed superficial, so I wrote one that covered the usual topics (personality, development, and so on) but from a bio-evolutionary perspective. While I was writing that book, my young son was getting in trouble for questioning his teachers.

We found an alternative school called Sudbury Valley School in Framingham, Massachusetts, where children can follow their own interests. For him, it was a dream come true, but I had my doubts. So I studied the school’s graduates and learned that they went on to do well in college and in a range of careers.

I became intrigued by children’s burning curiosity and desire to play. I began to study education from an evolutionary point of view, wondering what could be learned about children’s natural instincts by knowing about hunter-gatherer cultures.

After surveying anthropologists, I learned that in every hunter-gatherer band studied, children played and explored all day long. It was basically the same philosophy as at Sudbury, where children were free to do what they wanted, to interact with adults who were not judgmental, and to play with children in a mixed-age group. This is how they acquired the skills they needed.

Cultures evolve, sometimes in ways that run counter to human nature. Today’s schools originated at a time when it was believed that children were sinful, and one of the main goals was to break their will and drive out that sin. Humans tend to hang on to cultural things even when they are no longer functional because we are creatures of social norms. Our strong tendency to conform can help us survive in the short term but can be harmful in the long run, unless we create more suitable norms.

Knowledge, skills and training needed.

To be a scholar and researcher is to be curious, to question, and to learn new things. There shouldn’t be any transition between learning and doing.

Advice for students.

Don’t decide what field to go into based only on how you’re doing in your courses. Think about what you like to do in your free time, and that will point you to the career you should pursue.

Bonus Points
Gray’s education: BS in psychology from Columbia College; PhD in biological sciences from Rockefeller University

On the web:;;

Related occupations:
biologist, anthropologist, economist

Editor’s Note

This article was originally published in the February 2017 issue of The Science Teacher journal from the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA).

Get Involved With NSTA!

Join NSTA today and receive The Science Teacher,
the peer-reviewed journal just for high school teachers; to write for the journal, see our Author GuidelinesCall for Papers, and annotated sample manuscript; connect on the high school level science teaching list (members can sign up on the list server); or consider joining your peers at future NSTA conferences.


Maple trees and squirrels: a relationship

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2017-02-23

Child using a magnifier to look closely at a maple tree flower.The Silver maple tree is flowering, early for the season in my region, but right on schedule for the way the season is unfolding this year. Although the flowers are tiny, the details can be seen with a magnifier. When children’s attention is drawn to the small happenings in nature, it contributes to their framework for later understanding of where seeds come from and the diversity of plant life.
Squirrels have bitten off, and probably eaten, the sections of the twigs just before the flowers which then drop to the ground. What are the squirrels after? Why do they do this? I see them nibbling but they aren’t eating much of the twigs.

When the maple seeds are fully formed in the fall, children and scientists alike are intrigued by their motion. Squirrels go out on a limb (sorry!) to reach the seeds that develop from the flowers so they can eat the inner seed and discard the hull. Sometimes in mid-chew they drop the cluster of seeds. I ask children to examine the cluster and we discuss why some of the “wings” are empty and others hold seeds. Next Time You See a Maple Seed, a book by Emily Morgan (NSTA Kids, 2014), will help your children learn more about these seeds. The short video that goes with her book is lovely, engaging without telling, allowing children to be intrigued to explore further. 

By following the growth of a single tree over the school year, children become familiar with the tree and begin to notice seasonal changes in other plants. They may not look forward to spring changes to a maple tree in the same way a squirrel does, but they begin to appreciate the interrelated lives of plants and animals.

Child using a magnifier to look closely at a maple tree flower.The Silver maple tree is flowering, early for the season in my region, but right on schedule for the way the season is unfolding this year. Although the flowers are tiny, the details can be seen with a magnifier.


Science 2.0: Developing the Computational Thinker

By sstuckey

Posted on 2017-02-23

For the past few issues, we have been focusing on the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards. This month, we look at the Computational Thinker standard. Its performance indicators require students to use technology-assisted methods to explore and find solutions; collect data, use digital tools to analyze them, and represent data in various ways; break problems into parts and develop models to facilitate problem-solving; and understand how automation works and use algorithmic thinking (ISTE 2016).

Working with data
Students need to become adept at collecting data, typically during labs in which they may be asked to fill in data tables. In co-author Ben Smith’s class, students would compile their data on spreadsheets, learning how to make calculations, graph and chart data, conduct analyses, and solve problems. Students can share data through a Google Form.

Further, students can learn how asking the right questions will lead to the data they desire. Initially, the questions could involve simple research such as the number of siblings, favorite color, height, or age. Data sets in Google Sheets can be used to analyze the class’s results and help students become more familiar with the data-manipulation tools. Questions on Google Forms can even require data validation, which ensures that each response meets the stated requirements.

Automating calculations in a spreadsheet or Google Sheet can find averages, sums, and data counts. Creating graphs, linear regressions, and histograms can help students make predictions and analyses that accompany each data set. Google Add-ons are tools that provide more functionality to the Sheets app.

Students should be able to use online tools (,, and to import a large data set into a spreadsheet for further analysis. This teaches about the importance of multiple trials involved in collecting large data sets. Teachers may have students work on a part of an experiment and then share their data with the class through a classwide Google Form.

On Google Trends, you can enter search terms that will yield results broken down by searches over time, by region, and by related queries. Students can use the tool to find when the next flu epidemic may be coming based on searched terms. When a second term is added to the query, students can see correlations between data sets. Searching the terms tsunami and earthquake, for instance, reveals a correlation between the two. To evidence their learning, students can first examine online infographics (e.g.,,, and then use online tools to create infographics of their own (e.g.,,

Students can use algorithmic thinking to learn to solve problems that lead to automated solutions. Ask students to map steps they will take in solving the problem. A concept mapping tool (such as LucidChart, MindMaps, or Popplet) allows students to create a flowchart or a decision tree to sequence the events needed to complete the solution. Additionally, has a number of activities that teachers and students can use to learn about algorithmic thinking.

The Computational Thinker can collect, present, and analyze data while working through a strategic solution.

Ben Smith ( is an educational technology program specialist, and Jared Mader ( is the director of educational technology, for the Lincoln Intermediate Unit in New Oxford, Pennsylvania. They conduct teacher workshops on technology in the classroom nationwide.

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). 2016. The 2016 ISTE standards for students. Arlington, VA: ISTE.

Editor’s Note

This article was originally published in the February 2017 issue of The Science Teacher journal from the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA).

Get Involved With NSTA!

Join NSTA today and receive The Science Teacher,
the peer-reviewed journal just for high school teachers; to write for the journal, see our Author GuidelinesCall for Papers, and annotated sample manuscript; connect on the high school level science teaching list (members can sign up on the list server); or consider joining your peers at future NSTA conferences.

Ocean's Effect on Weather and Climate (Student Edition)

Submitted by webmaster on
The Ocean’s Effect on Weather and Climate Interactive E-book* investigates concepts related to the defining role oceans have in influencing Earth’s weather and climate. Earth’s weather patterns—which consist of different conditions of temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind, air pressure, and other atmospheric phenomena—create various climate zones across the globe.
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