By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2017-02-12
I’m looking for creative ways for students to share what they know, other than traditional written reports or essays. —K., Michigan
The creative process in science involves novel ways of thinking, problem solving, and communicating. When students are given the opportunity, encouragement, and support, their creativity can be astounding.
I found reworking information and/or experiences into another format can be an outlet for student design and creativity:
Designing and creating an informational product (such as a booklet, presentation, podcast, or video) for younger students on a science topic was a favorite of my high school students. An elementary teacher volunteered to review their work and discussed what was (or was not) appropriate for elementary students. The younger students also gave feedback and shared what they learned. My students demonstrated what they knew about the topic by explaining it to someone else. We had a trifecta: design process, useful product, and assessment.
The NSTA K-12 journals have many ideas for activities and projects, but projects shouldn’t be for teachers’ eyes only. When students display or share their work in the classroom, in another part of the school, with students in other grade levels, or with the community through a web page or live presentations, having an authentic audience adds another dimension.
By Kate Falk
Posted on 2017-02-10
This week in education news, scientists take on new roles in K–12 classrooms, the U.S. Senate confirmed Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary, a new report finds California teacher shortages have led to ‘severe consequences’, the U.S. House voted to overturn ESSA accountability, and a bill to boost STEM education advances in New Mexico.
Scientists Take on New Roles in K–12 Classrooms
As schools work to implement the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), practicing scientists are also rethinking how they work with schools to advance understanding of their field. The NGSS broaden opportunities for science-educator partnerships because they represent new approaches to scientists working with schools. Click here to read the article featured in Education Week.
Lawmakers File Bill to Protect ‘Religious Expression’ in FL Schools
Two state lawmakers, filed a bill—SB 436: Religious Express in Public Schools—which would prohibit a school district from discriminating against students on the basis of religious expression if they share their religious beliefs in their school work. A Florida advocacy group said the bill could be trouble for science education in Florida’s public schools if passed. Click here to read the article featured in the Orlando Sentinel.
Betsy DeVos Confirmed as Education Secretary, Pence Breaks Tie
Betsy DeVos was confirmed by the Senate as the nation’s education secretary on February 7, but only with the help of a historic tiebreaking vote from Vice President Mike Pence after weeks of protests and two defections within her own party. Read more in the Legislative Update.
Worsening Teacher Shortage Puts More Underprepared Teachers in Classrooms, Report Says
According to a new report from the Learning Policy Institute, the number of underprepared teachers working in California’s public school classrooms has more than doubled in just three years. These shortages remain particularly troubling in special education, science and math, and bilingual education. Click here to read the article published by EdSource.
House Votes to Overturn ESSA Accountability
The House of Representatives voted February 7 to overturn regulations created by the Obama administration for accountability under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), as well as those for teacher-preparation programs. If the ESSA resolution overturning the accountability rules is successful, it could have far-reaching consequences for the U.S. Department of Education, state officials, and local district leaders. Read more in the Legislative Update.
U.S. Senate Bill Aims to Make Sure Federal Scientists Aren’t ‘Muzzled’
Senator Bill Nelson introduced legislation (S.338) to protect federal scientists from attempts to interfere with scientific discourse and dissemination of research results. The legislation is aimed at blocking attempts by political appointees to manipulate or suppress the results of research that could undermine the administration’s position on an issue. Click here to read the article featured in Science.
Bill to Boost STEM Education Advances
Legislation that would require the Public Education Department to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards for New Mexico schools cleared the House Education Committee on an 8–3 vote on February 8. The bill has now advanced to the House floor, and has been placed on the temporary calendar. Click here to read the article featured in Las Cruces Sun-News.
Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.
The Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs (CLPA) team strives to keep NSTA members, teachers, science education leaders, and the general public informed about NSTA programs, products, and services and key science education issues and legislation. In the association’s role as the national voice for science education, its CLPA team actively promotes NSTA’s positions on science education issues and communicates key NSTA messages to essential audiences.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Follow NSTA
This week in education news, scientists take on new roles in K–12 classrooms, the U.S. Senate confirmed Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary, a new report finds California teacher shortages have led to ‘severe consequences’, the U.S. House voted to overturn ESSA accountability, and a bill to boost STEM education advances in New Mexico.
This web seminar took place on May 10, 2017, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. The presenters were Katherine McNeill, Associate Professor of science education at Boston College, and Eric Meuse, Science teacher in the Boston Public Schools. Thanks to the participants and the presenters for the learning opportunity, the interactions, and a job well done!
This web seminar took place on May 10, 2017, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. The presenters were Katherine McNeill, Associate Professor of science education at Boston College, and Eric Meuse, Science teacher in the Boston Public Schools. Thanks to the participants and the presenters for the learning opportunity, the interactions, and a job well done!
This web seminar took place on May 10, 2017, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. The presenters were Katherine McNeill, Associate Professor of science education at Boston College, and Eric Meuse, Science teacher in the Boston Public Schools. Thanks to the participants and the presenters for the learning opportunity, the interactions, and a job well done!
This web seminar took place on May 10, 2017, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. The presenters were Katherine McNeill, Associate Professor of science education at Boston College, and Eric Meuse, Science teacher in the Boston Public Schools. Thanks to the participants and the presenters for the learning opportunity, the interactions, and a job well done!
By Martin Horejsi
Posted on 2017-02-09
Imagine co-leading a science field trip indoors in a large museum with questionable cell coverage, or outside and too far from the nearest cell tower. The goTenna system allows you to directly contact another goTenna equipped teacher using their smartphone independent of a cellular connection. The goTennas are their own communication network that runs between the phones. And there is no limit to the number of goTennas that can play together.
The goTenna solve a couple unique problems that make them indispensable if you need such solutions. By basically creating their own network between devices, the goTennas allow popular smartphones and Android and iOS tablets to gain text messaging capabilities and possibly map-based GIS locations over a range up to a mile.
The tablet or phone uses Low-Energy Bluetooth to talk to the goTenna through an App interface so the goTenna device and phone must no farther than 10m of each other. Then the goTenna’s take over and the distance between any two goTennas can traverse much greater distances depending on the amount of terrestrial interference (buildings, trees, mountains, etc.). The goTenna uses radio waves in the 151-154 megahertz range.
The operation of the goTenna is straightforward and intuitive. The actual goTenna device is a little larger than a Sharpie pen, and turns on when the antenna is deployed by pulling it straight up out of the top of the goTenna case. A white LED light indicates activity. To turn off the goTenna, simply re-stow the antenna by pushing it back into its case.
Charging the goTenna is just like a cell phone using a microUSB. However the connector shroud on some microUSB cords might be too short to fully engage the contacts in the goTenna. The pair of included microUSB cords has extended connectors so they should not mingle with the rest of your microUSB cords in case you grab a cord that doesn’t easily fit. I have modified some cords on the fly using a razor blade to shave down the size of the USB plug. The charging port on the goTenna is at the opposite end of the device from the antenna, and secure under a rubberized cap. The goTenna is weatherproof and seems fairly durable given the number to times I’ve dropped mine.
The goTennas are designed to be attached to a backpack or bag and away from the human body since proximity or touch to a person degrades the goTenna’s signal reducing its range. A strap with a snap makes for easy and versatile attaching to other objects, but the snap seems a little primitive compared to more modern buckles and fasteners. I also don’t quite trust a snap to keep my $100 (each) goTenna unit forever attached to a backpack daypack or shoulder bag while traversing the very country where a goTenna is needed.
For each user’s smartphone, the goTenna is two parts; a powered antenna system and an App. The free App is downloaded from Apple’s App Store and on Google’s Play Store so it should work on any recent iOS and Android device regardless if phone or not. This means you can load the app onto a basic tablet and essentially give it cellphone-like text messaging.
Before You Go
The App shows the battery life of the goTenna, but only if the App is installed. I’ve encountered a few times where I wanted to use the goTennas on the fly, but the reason for the goTenna is when there is no cell or wireless service, so you certainly cannot download the App at that time. Further, any maps that need downloading (which is all of them) must be done while in traditional connectivity like within a wireless network.
There are three options for messaging between any two goTennas; a 1:1 directly to a specific goTenna, a group chat to all goTennas within range, and an emergency setting that identifies the message as a priority. A variation of the messaging is a request for the other user’s GPS location which the app can share if the phone or tablet is GPS enabled and the goTenna app has access to that data.
But wait. There’s more!
Taking this a step further, the goTenna antenna device also contains some onboard memory to remember messages it receives when the host device is out of range of the goTenna, switched off or has a dead battery. When a charge to the tablet or phone is available again, the saved messages are loaded as soon as the phone connects to the goTenna.
An exciting update to the goTenna family is the upcoming release of a mesh-network compatible version named the goTenna MESH. This new option allows each individual goTenna MESH device to create a bridge a between other goTenna devices. So you could imagine each goTenna MESH being at the center of a transmission circle perhaps with a two mile or more in diameter. Any overlap between goTenna MESH circles provide a continuous wireless network as long as there is a connective pathway between all signal circles.
While cell networks are fairly common, around the country, there are still plenty of places with spotty coverage, or no coverage. Walkie-talkies are a great solution for general speech contact, but they have limitations and require realtime attention. Leveraging the wonderful asychronious capabilities of text messaging, and GPS location sharing makes exploring new directions in so-called “off grid communication” something all teachers should be aware of when leaving the classroom with their students.
Imagine co-leading a science field trip indoors in a large museum with questionable cell coverage, or outside and too far from the nearest cell tower. The goTenna system allows you to directly contact another goTenna equipped teacher using their smartphone independent of a cellular connection. The goTennas are their own communication network that runs between the phones. And there is no limit to the number of goTennas that can play together.
Legislative Update
By Jodi Peterson
Posted on 2017-02-09
After a long and contentious confirmation battle the Senate confirmed Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education on February 7 after a highly partisan 51 to 50 vote. Vice President Mike Pence cast the deciding vote to confirm DeVos after two Republican Senators—Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska—joined Democrats and voted nay during the full Senate vote, days after both voted yes to the nomination in the HELP committee (which moved the confirmation to the full Senate.)
Prior to the vote, Senate Democrats staged a 24 hour “talkathon” on the Senate floor to oppose the DeVos nomination and to encourage a Republican to vote nay on the confirmation. This came after a huge public backlash in opposition to the DeVos nomination.
DeVos became the nation’s 11th Education secretary.
Reactions to the confirmation came quickly after the vote. Senate HELP Committee ranking member Patty Murray said DeVos would be “one of the most controversial and embattled Education secretaries in the history of the department.”
AFT President Randi Weingarten said in a statement that “DeVos’ confirmation battle has a major silver lining: The public in public education has never been more visible or more vocal, and it is not going back in the shadows.”
NEA President Lily Eskelsen García noted “Americans across the nation drove a bipartisan repudiation of the Trump-DeVos agenda for students and public education. Today’s outcome marks only the beginning of the resistance. Students, educators, parents, civil rights and special education advocates—along with millions of Americans—are speaking loud and clear: we are here to stay…we will protect public education.”
Ed Patru, a spokesman for DeVos, told POLITICO, DeVos overcame “an unprecedented personal assault” from teachers unions, noting “Betsy DeVos’ confirmation marks a critically important shift in federal education policy: from now on, the needs of kids will supersede the political interests of adults, and education policies will be decided by states and local school boards, not Washington.”
Read more here.
House Overturns Rules on ESSA Accountability and Teacher Prep
As expected this week the House overturned the Obama Administration’s accountability rule under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the regulation governing teacher preparation programs.
The House and Senate have until early May to use the Congressional Review Act on regulations issued in the last half year of the Obama administration.
The ESSA Accountability regulation was issued to help states design and implement new accountability provisions required in the Every Student Succeeds Act. Many Republicans believe the rule was too prescriptive and gave the Secretary of Education too much authority in state decision making. Democrats issued a statement saying that eliminating the rule would create uncertainty as states developed their ESSA plans. More here.
Most in the education community are opposed to the teacher preparation rules and believe changes made by the federal government should be part of the upcoming reauthorization of the Higher Education Act.
The American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) Action Alert system is working to rescind the teacher prep regulations in the Senate. Go here.
And finally . . .
The House education committee held its first hearing this week about higher education in the 115th Congress in anticipation of the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. The hearing focused on ways to strengthen the nation’s system of higher education “for students, parents, institutions and taxpayers.”
On the day that Betsy DeVos was confirmed as ED Secretary, Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie introduced H.R. 899, a bill to abolish the federal Department of Education. The one sentence long bill states, “The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2018.”
Stay tuned, and watch for more updates in future issues of NSTA Express.
Jodi Peterson is Assistant Executive Director of Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs for the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and Chair of the STEM Education Coalition. Reach her via e-mail at or via Twitter at @stemedadvocate.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Follow NSTA
After a long and contentious confirmation battle the Senate confirmed Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education on February 7 after a highly partisan 51 to 50 vote. Vice President Mike Pence cast the deciding vote to confirm DeVos after two Republican Senators—Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska—joined Democrats and voted nay during the full Senate vote, days after both voted yes to the nomination in the HELP committee (which moved the confirmation to the full Senate.)
By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2017-02-08
An early childhood education conference is an opportunity to meet others who share a passion for improving our science teaching practice, meet our education mentors and gain new insights into why certain educational practices are effective. It’s a privilege to be able to attend, and fun to experience. It’s also a time to hear about new research that can guide us to achieve our goals of starting all children on the path to scientific literacy. Our local -AEYC and other professional organizations offer this kind of learning experience in smaller bites, and wider geographic locations.
The Early Childhood Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (ECSTEM) conference hosted by The Children’s Center at CalTech for the fifth year, joined by THINK Together, brought together educators from 26 states and 5 countries as well as many, many more local California residents. The theme of “Curiosity” inspired presenters and promoted discussion. I felt fully in that happy place where early childhood education and science education overlap, so please join me as I reflect on the experience. Listen to what this Florida educator from the Osceola Center for Early Learning in the Osceola County School District has to say about her conference experience (we continued our conference networking while at the airport on the way home.)
I heard many times that the quality of the sessions met participants needs, and the venue, food, level of organization, and friendliness of the community made everything else a positive experience. With so many interesting session descriptions it was hard to choose among them.
Susan Wood greets presenter Dr. Beth Van Meeteren
Hawkins’ Centers of Learning exhibit: “Cultivate the Scientist in Every Child: The Philosophy of Frances and David Hawkins”
At registration we were greeted by CCC Director and conference founder, Susan Wood, who engaged us with the Hawkins’ Centers of Learning exhibit, “Cultivate the Scientist in Every Child: The Philosophy of Frances and David Hawkins.” The panels illuminated the ideas of “eolithism,” “messing about,” “I, Thou, It,” and “Teacher as Learner.” The table of rocks gave us materials to mess about, a satisfying way to experience messing about and also wonder in a scientific way. We later heard more about these ideas from Alex Cruickshank, Community Outreach Specialist of the Boulder Journey School.
As an early childhood educator I am very familiar with looking for funding to create opportunities to learn and appreciate how sponsors make these opportunities possible!
With humor, and tempered with his experiences as a parent of a preschooler, keynote speaker Konstantin Batygin, Assistant Professor of Planetary Science, bought us into his investigations into what the long-period orbits of objects within the Kuiper belt suggest about the existence of a yet-unseen Planet Nine within the Solar System. We science nerds got our geek on with the keynote address and sessions that challenged us to link our imaginative play space scenarios with problem-solving challenges geared for our adult fine-motor skills and prior experiences while learning how to support children in developmentally appropriate challenges as they follow their own interests. Inspired by the robots of NASA’s space explorations and presenter
Carrie Lynn Draper of Readiness Learning Associates, we built mechanical arms with hands to move objects—children might decide they need to build a long tool to retrieve objects from beneath bookcases.
Making a model and engineering design are part of the Next Generation Science Standards for K-12, and part of even younger children’s experiences.
I love the way we early childhood educators—college professors, preschool teachers, museum educators, preservice teachers, and all—join together in a common learning mode as we participate in conference sessions. Discovery Cube educators gave us challenges to explore boat structure, floating and sinking, and the force of moving air as we manipulated common materials and built together. As you watch this video and consider how to extend this investigation, predict how many marbles this teacher’s boat design might hold!
Do you love using the slo-mo feature on phone cameras to see details of motion that are missed in real time video? Does this technology help young children analyze motion of objects they are investigating? What direction might this investigation go in? (Tip of the hat to Joe Robinson, educator of young children.)
Empowering children to identify problems that are important to them, explore their environment, analyze what they observe, discuss their ideas with peers and adults and document their understanding was the message throughout the conference sessions.
After seeing the Rigamajig system in use by Kindergartners at The Willows School where they created models of their human bodies, I was especially interested in attending the session, “Designing for Children to Design: Creativity in STE(A)M Learning” by the designer of the system, Cas Holman of the Rhode Island School of Design. Hearing about her design processes, and how she collaborates with others made me reflect on how there is no one Design Process for children. Food for thought from her website: “When a toy gives the story, the good part is done.” “The moments that I see things [happening] I wouldn’t have thought of, that’s when I know it’s [toy] successful… Kids are inventing things I didn’t think of. I didn’t design it to do that but they made it do that so, woo-hoo, it’s working!” In addition to explaining how children love to build bigger than themselves and can build without adult instruction, she introduced us to the early childhood curriculum Anjiplay, developed by educator Cheng Xueqin and in practice the Anji region in China, where children design their play area each day by setting up the provided materials. (This short description doesn’t do it justice-see the webpage and videos.)
This conference left me feeling inspired by getting to learn more from people whose work mentored me and being affirmed by people who said they use my work. At a book signing event I was able to talk with another presenter, family childcare provider Raissa Lee who is the center owner and director of ABC Mom Learning Center & Childcare. It was exciting to learn that she uses my book, Science Is Simple (Gryphon House 2003) in her practice. We had a conversation about our growth as educators, learning about how to take our science teaching from a single activity into science inquiry from teacher-educator-researchers whose work has guided us. They were also presenting at the conference: Karen Worth, Beth Van Meeteren and Ellen Hall! I introduced Raissa to Karen and her books which continue to be my references. Other people also found it meaningful to connect directly with the thinkers and authors, like Chip Donohue, whose work guides theirs.
Additional conversations with early childhood educators from as far as Hawai’i, China and Saudi Arabia, who teach science, technology, engineering and mathematics to preservice teachers revealed how the work of researchers and writers support young children across the world. It feels good to be working in concert with so many others.
On Saturday morning I was honored to be part of a panel providing another opportunity for learning and dialog. Before we answered questions I told the story of how a combination of technology tools—a program shown on television and a stick—allowed one child to view, manipulate, and understand a spatial relationship between floating “plates” of ice.
Dr. Chip Donohue, Dean at the Erikson Institute and Director of the TEC Center, spoke about the policy report by the Early Childhood STEM Working Group, “Early STEM Matters: Providing High-Quality STEM Experiences for All Young Learners,” one of two excellent reports that came out this year. Speaking to the packed room of early childhood educators he said, “We are all media mentors and we all have a responsibility to help parents navigate the digital age.” Donohue also emphasized that as much as children are natural scientists and naturally curious, they need the adults in their life to help them grow that disposition. The report will help us be these vital roles in STEM education. Early childhood educators will be delighted to see that in the recommendations, the report calls for us to have “access to and support for implementing existing and newly-developed high-quality [STEM] resources.” We know we need professional development and financial support to implement quality science and engineering practices. It is a must-read, and must-share with our administrators, parents, and legislators! Donohue also recommended we read and use the American Academy of Pediatrics’ “Media and Children Communication Toolkit” which includes their policy statement, “Media and Young Minds.”
Dr. Elisabeth McClure, Research Fellow at the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop introduced us to the Cooney Center publication she co-authored, “STEM Starts Early: Grounding Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education in Early Childhood.” This report, also a must-read must-share, is the culmination of an exploratory project by the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop and New America, funded by the National Science Foundation, to “better understand the challenges to and opportunities in STEM learning as documented in a review of early childhood education research, policy, and practice”, make recommendations, and encourage collaboration to implement and sustain needed changes. The report is a call that, to “support the future of our nation, the seeds of STEM must be planted early, along with and in support of the seeds of literacy. Together, these mutually enhancing, interwoven strands of learning will grow well-informed, critical citizens prepared for a digital tomorrow.” McClure related report findings, including, “Both parents and teachers need additional knowledge and support to encourage their [STEM] interests and support the children effectively.” Teacher instruction must be on-going and connect these three strands in meaningful ways: STEM content, training in children’s developmental learning progressions in STEM, and well-modeled and practiced pedagogy. McClure expands on this, saying, “Teacher educators should model best teaching practices for teachers in the classroom, rather than just telling teachers about these practices. If they’re educating teachers about hands-on activities and small group work, they should educate teachers about them while using these techniques themselves. By modeling best practices, teacher educators can help teachers remember these teaching practices and also allow them to empathize with the student experience of these methods. Teachers need many opportunities to practice these teaching methods prior to beginning their teaching service, with supervision and positive feedback, and in real classrooms. We cannot expect teachers to know how to use these methods effectively and adapt them to the real and ever-changing circumstances in the classroom if they haven’t had many many opportunities to practice them.”
I really related to her additional summary of parts of the report: “Teachers need to experience this learning in ways that we hope children will. It should be joyful, it should be engaging, inspired by curiosity, and wonder, it should offer tinkering and exploration. Ultimately it should help teachers weave a holistic understanding of the topic areas.” Because research and policy are critical to the discussion of STEM learning in the early years, the report calls for practitioners to be involved in the research as early as the design phase. See the findings and recommendations, as well as the section by Frameworks Institute, “How Reframing Research can Enhance STEM Support.”
Susan Nall Bales, Founder, Board Chair, and Senior Advisor of the Frameworks Institute, showed us the importance of using a good story to advocate for early STEM learning. The Frameworks Institute studies how people think about complex socio-political and scientific issues. Her work provides insight into the challenges of communicating about STEM education and the kinds of tools we can use to get our message across. “Making the Case for STEM Learning,” the Frameworks Institute’s free course on communicating more effectively about the importance of high-quality science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, is available online. This course “gives communicators the tools they need to show the need for expanding innovative, and engaging, hands-on learning that will equip the leaders of tomorrow to face the challenges that await.”
The discussions continued during Saturday sessions. In “Understanding Change and Growth Over Time,” The Children’s Center at CalTech teachers Olivia Garcia and Gretchen Kammerer answered queries on including children’s questions about death into life cycle explorations. They recommend reading I Love You Forever by Robert Munsch, and the Knuffle Bunny series by Mo Williams. In their exploration of growth their class that year did “a lot of tiny little plantings because they really liked exploring seeds.”
I have been inspired and challenged to deepen my science teaching by the work of Karen Worth and Ingrid Chalufour, using works they co-authored, Worms, Shadows and Whirlpools, and The Young Scientist series. So I was delighted to be able to participate in Worth’s session, “A Look at the Work of Frances and David Hawkins.” We learned about the Hawkins’ approach, “eolithism,” “messing about,” “I, Thou, and It,” and “Teacher as Learner.” The conference theme of ‘Curiosity’ reflects one of the Hawkins’ central tenets, that “children learn most deeply when they are following their natural curiosities.” We experienced learning about various objects in ways that we hope children will, and were joyful, engaged, inspired by curiosity, and we wondered as we discussed the scientific concepts we encountered in our exploration of the objects.
My last session of the conference was the one I presented with Children’s Center at CalTech teacher Evelyn Sussman, “Utilizing Free Resources,” in which we shared how to find free resources online:
Websites such as the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) (including this Early Years blog) and their state and local affiliates; the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS); public libraries; and the publications from the National Academies Press; and From the reycling bin, such as: Clear plastic egg cartons, Clear plastic bottles, Plastic milk jugs, Yogurt containers and lids, Baby food boxes, Seed catalogues, and Corks, and From nature, such as: Milkweed seeds, Magnolia leaves, Twigs, Acorns, Rocks, Soil, Clay, and Water. I am grateful to Evelyn for stepping up to share her teaching practice in her first-ever presentation.
Exhibitors in the “Hall of Inquiry” loaned materials for the Children’s Center at CalTech teachers’ “Model Outdoor Teaching Lab,” a welcoming model space for children to effectively engage in science, engineering, and mathematics learning while using technology.
The joy of teaching and the excitement of discovery and exploration were in the hands and faces of every person at the conference as we listened, learned, collaborated and networked. Yes, see you next year!
An early childhood education conference is an opportunity to meet others who share a passion for improving our science teaching practice, meet our education mentors and gain new insights into why certain educational practices are effective. It’s a privilege to be able to attend, and fun to experience. It’s also a time to hear about new research that can guide us to achieve our goals of starting all children on the path to scientific literacy.
By Martin Horejsi
Posted on 2017-02-08
The term “wireless” does not so much describe what is, but instead what isn’t. And what isn’t is wires. What’s strange about many wireless technologies is there was never a wired version to begin with so describing the device by an absent feature that never was present in the first place can be confusing to those who grew up in a post-wire world. Imagine if cars were still considered horseless carriages. Another indication of progress is the lack of a capitol letter or hyphen. For example, email officially became a thing when it changed from E-mail to e-mail, and finally to email. And the internet arrived when it no longer was capitalized in common usage. At least that is one perspective on so-called disruptive technologies.
The Celestron Micro-Fi is a highly portable handheld digital microscope/video camera released in 2014 that can magnify subjects up to 80x. Powered by three AA batteries, and carrying onboard lighting in the form of six LEDs surrounding the lens, the Micro-Fi has few limits in the field.
The ergonomics of the Celestron Micro-Fi are excellent and make for a simple effective one-handed user interface. For tripod mounting a 1/4-20 threaded port is included that provides mechanical stability when needed when distance, safety or stealth is desired. The other controls include a illumination adjustment wheel, a focus wheel, a shutter release button, and an on/off switch.
Outdoors, lichen and moss present stunning subjects for the Celestron Micro-Fi. At the microscopic scale, there is no shortage of things at your fingertips to explore, including exploring your own fingertips.
The Celestron Micro-Fi uses the 802.11x standard of wireless communication to share images and video at 15 frames per second. The 802.11 standard is the one common to wireless network routers. Someday Bluetooth may be able to carry enough information to share video, but for now the wireless of choice is something else. Why this is important is three-fold. First, the 802.11 standard is powerful enough for the lightweight battery-powered unit to send video through the air up to 10 meters and up to two hours. Second, the wireless standard is not exclusive to one pairing. Instead the the Celestron Micro-Fi can have up to three individual computing devices connected at one time. And those devices can be of different operating systems and platforms such as an iPhone, an Android tablet and an iPad.
And third, because the selected network wireless on the device must be the Celestron Micro-Fi, there will be no wi-fi wireless internet connection while using the scope, cellular data connection is unaffected if one is available on the device. However when out in the field where there is no wi-fi network, the Celestron Micro-Fi works great and nothing is missing from the usual experience.
Eat Up!
Using the Celestron Micro-Fi App, (available on iOS and Google Play) the shutter button on the microscope captures an image onto all connected devices. I refer to this as “force feeding.” But also since the imagery is continuously viewable on all connected devices, the user of the tablet or phone can capture pictures at will. So a teacher or group leader using the Celestron Micro-Fi can force chosen images onto the devices ensuring all group members have the same base set of pictures. And the device users can supplement the forced set of images with their own picture choices taken by clicking a button in the App on the device.
Bird feathers at 80x are mesmerizing to explore. The patterns, textures, colors and iridescence is easily captured by the Celestron Micro-Fi. The transparent nose surrounding the lights and lens makes flush-focusing a snap. By literally setting the business-end of the Celestron Micro-Fi onto the subject and a bit of focus if needed, the wow just pours in. Even the youngest can use the Celestron Micro-Fi under basic-use conditions.
Museums and Zoos Everywhere
On one somewhat macabre field trip, I took the Celestron Micro-Fi out for a spin around my truck’s radiator grill. After a busy day driving through insect-rich highways, the grill was a veritable bug collection. Since the Celestron Micro-Fi has no onboard screen, the tablet must be nearby in order to focus the unit. Here is a collection of pictures taken with the Celestron Micro-Fi.
The term “wireless” does not so much describe what is, but instead what isn’t. And what isn’t is wires. What’s strange about many wireless technologies is there was never a wired version to begin with so describing the device by an absent feature that never was present in the first place can be confusing to those who grew up in a post-wire world. Imagine if cars were still considered horseless carriages. Another indication of progress is the lack of a capitol letter or hyphen. For example, email officially became a thing when it changed from E-mail to e-mail, and finally to email.
By Edwin P. Christmann
Posted on 2017-02-06
By subscribing to STEM Sims, teachers can open-up a kaleidoscope of educational and interactive classroom activities for students. These activities are relevant for teachers who are interested in a research-based approach to investigate STEM content that is aligned with the National NGSS Standards –
To begin, the first step is to visit the STEM Sims website, which can be found at the following website – Once there, you will find that STEM Sims maintains over 100 simulations of laboratory experiments and engineering design simulations. Designed with excellent graphics, these simulations are meticulous in adhering to content and engaging students into meaningful classroom learning scenarios. Moreover, like the best video games, these simulations are challenging and are designed to harness students’ attention. The good news, however, is that the content of these activities is relevant and standards-based.
After sampling several activities, we found STEM Sims to be an incredibly user-friendly program for both teachers and students. Moreover, a single subscription gives access for 30 students to participate in the activities. In addition, for students who need remediation, STEM Sims provides students with background information and terminology for each simulation activity.
Another key feature for teachers is that each simulation includes lesson planning (often more than one), a video walkthrough, and an assessment with an answer key. Below are some examples:
Lesson Plan:
Assessment (Answer Key):
Aligned with the NGSS Standards, STEM Sims provides teachers with a motivational and an exciting approach for the teaching of hundreds of core STEM concepts. Moreover, with a wide-variety of authentic applications, STEM Sims makes it easy for the lessons to assimilate into various grade-levels and different courses, e.g., biology, chemistry, geology, etc. To substantiate its relevance, STEM Sims includes lesson plans, methods, and assessments for teachers to measure learning outcomes. If you are interested in having students experience these excellent scientific simulations, sign-up for a free trial. Undoubtedly, you will agree that STEM Sims offers students an excellent opportunity for scientific inquiry.
For a free trial, visit
Recommended System Qualifications:
Single classroom subscription: $169 for a 365-day subscription and includes access for 30 students.
Product Site:
Edwin P. Christmann is a professor and chairman of the secondary education department and graduate coordinator of the mathematics and science teaching program at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania. Anthony Balos is a graduate student and a research assistant in the secondary education program at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania.