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Cross-curricular connections

Teaching Nature of Engineering with Picture Books

Science and Children—January/February 2021 (Volume 58, Issue 3)

By Hasan Deniz, Ezgi Yesilyurt, and Erdogan Kaya


Teaching Teachers

Impression Obsession

Exploring science phenomena in a play-centered preschool classroom

Science and Children—January/February 2021 (Volume 58, Issue 3)

By Jane Tingle Broderick, Kathryn Boniol, Nathan Martin, Kate Robshaw, and Virginia Holley


Engineering Encounters

Trap the Zhu Zhu!

Upper elementary students use an engineering design process to trap a moving Zhu Zhu pet

Science and Children—January/February 2021 (Volume 58, Issue 3)

By Sandra Pearl and Elizabeth Bless


Start With Phenomena

Why Are There Coral in the Cliffs?

Engaging third graders in a historical science phenomenon

Science and Children—January/February 2021 (Volume 58, Issue 3)

By Laura B. Schneider and Kayce Wills


Methods and strategies

Mapping Students’ Engineering Processes with Design Zones

Science and Children—January/February 2021 (Volume 58, Issue 3)

By Nicole Batrouny, Kristen Wendell, Chelsea Andrews, and Tejaswini Dalvi


Science 101

Can a Simple Engineering Project Be Used To Teach Some Science?

Science and Children—January/February 2021 (Volume 58, Issue 3)

By Matt Bobrowsky

Can a Simple Engineering Project Be Used To Teach Some Science?



Mission Cognition

Fifth-grade students undertake a mission to Mars

Science and Children—January/February 2021 (Volume 58, Issue 3)

By Ronald W. Rinehart, Benjamin D. Olsen, Lisa Freese, and Mason Kuhn

Mission Cognition



Inspiring Young Minds

An individual engineering fair capitalizes on technology.

Science and Children—January/February 2021 (Volume 58, Issue 3)

By Kelly Feille, Annie Wildes, Janet Pyle, and Jessica Marshall

Inspiring Young Minds

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