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Feedback from participants

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2016-12-23

504443770_b0f7743d87_mRecently, I did a hands-on workshop for other teachers on science apps and probes. I thought it went really well, and no one had any questions at the end of the session. But now, I’m getting lots of messages and phone calls for help. My colleague said that I must not have done a good job if there are so many questions. What did I do wrong? —T., Maryland

First of all, don’t beat yourself up. If the teachers have questions now, at least they’re trying to use what you introduced in the workshop. And it’s important they feel comfortable asking for your assistance. As you know from your own classroom, non-judgmental assistance can turn frustration into success.

When you asked for questions, perhaps the attendees were overloaded, ready to go home or back to the classroom. Or they felt comfortable with the apps at the time and thought they knew what they were doing. Now they’re unsure trying them without you and the others for immediate support. Some teachers are hesitant to introduce something new to students unless they are familiar with it themselves. They might need more encouragement, information, and feedback.

During future workshops, provide lots of modeling and practice time, even if you introduce fewer apps. Allow the attendees to make some mistakes and try to figure out a solution. I like to plan a follow-up session, either in person or online, to address teachers’ questions and for them to share their experiences.

Keep a record of the types of questions you’re asked. Use this feedback as you plan the next workshop (and please do so—it’s beneficial for teachers to learn from another teacher who can model the process.)

504443770_b0f7743d87_mRecently, I did a hands-on workshop for other teachers on science apps and probes. I thought it went really well, and no one had any questions at the end of the session. But now, I’m getting lots of messages and phone calls for help. My colleague said that I must not have done a good job if there are so many questions.


Argument-Driven Inquiry in Physical Science

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2016-12-23

Interested in teaching your students how to make and support their science explanations in the classroom? We’ve got just the thing. The newest books in the Argument-Driven Inquiry Series from NSTA Press is here.

Argument-Driven Inquiry in Physical Science Lab Investigations for Grades 6-8 and the accompanying student manual offer 22 labs that align with the recommendations of A Framework for K-12 Science Education, as well as the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics.

The labs provide students with the independence to investigate, analyze, and determine a conclusion. Labs include “Mass and Motion: How Do Changes in the Mass of an Object Affect Its Motion?” In the lab, students will study the motion of a pull cart to investigate what makes a system stable and what causes changes within a system, and then draw conclusions from patterns they observe.

The lab “Kinetic Energy: How Do the Mass and Velocity of an Object Affect Its Kinetic Energy?” asks students to use what they know about force and motion, patterns, and causal relationships to design and carry out an investigation and create a mathematical model explaining the relationship between mass, velocity, and force of impact.

With the argument-driven inquiry model students are asked to give presentations to their peers; respond to questions; and write, evaluate, and revise reports as part of each lab. The model is designed to be thought-provoking and multi-layered. Students must identify the task and guiding question, design a method and collect data, analyze data to develop an argument, and more.

“Each of the eight stages in the argument-driven inquiry instructional model is designed to ensure that the experience is authentic (students have an opportunity to engage in the practices of science) and educative (students receive the feedback and explicit guidance that they need to improve on each aspect of science proficiency),” the authors write in the first chapter.

Check out the free sample lab “Potential Energy: How Can You Make an Action Figure Jump Higher?” from Argument-Driven Inquiry in Physical Science: Lab Investigations for Grades 6-8 by Jonathon Grooms, Patrick J. Enderle, Todd Hutner, Ashley Murphy, and Victor Sampson.

You can also get the accompanying student lab manual for grades 6-8 here. Explore other books in the Argument-Driven Inquiry Series, including volumes focused on life science, biology, and chemistry.

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Interested in teaching your students how to make and support their science explanations in the classroom? We’ve got just the thing. The newest books in the Argument-Driven Inquiry Series from NSTA Press is here.


Flying the Beam

By Judy Elgin Jensen

Posted on 2016-12-23

A P-51.What did you do before the navigation apps on your smartphone? Just a few (OK, several) years ago we were all using paper road maps, or finding our way using local landmarks. But think about the lack of landmarks for a WWII fighter pilot navigating over open ocean toward a pinprick of an island. How would you do it?

Find out in Flying the Beam—one of 10 posted videos in the Chronicles of Courage series. The 20-video series from the partnership of NBC Learn and Flying Heritage Collection uses the collection’s WWII airplanes and aviation technology as their focal point.

Use the video as a backdrop for student investigations into the electromagnetic spectrum, Morse code and digital communication, GPS, and the mathematics of navigation. The NSTA-developed lesson plan for this video elaborates on some of these ideas and gives you more to incorporate this video into your science course as well as collaborations with social studies and English language arts.

Stay tuned during the upcoming break for more lesson plans that will help you prepare for the end-of-semester schedules that can leave you in need of real-world applications that are a bit out of the ordinary!

Chronicles of Courage: Stories of Wartime and Innovation “Flying the Beam” focuses on the use of low-frequency radio (LFR) range navigation during World War II.

STEM Lesson Plan—Adaptable for Grades 7–12

Chronicles of Courage: Stories of Wartime and Innovation “Flying the Beam” provides strategies for developing Science and Engineering Practices and support for building science literacy through reading and writing.

A P-51.What did you do before the navigation apps on your smartphone? Just a few (OK, several) years ago we were all using paper road maps, or finding our way using local landmarks. But think about the lack of landmarks for a WWII fighter pilot navigating over open ocean toward a pinprick of an island.


Focus on Physics: How E = mc2 Helps Us Understand Nuclear Fission and Fusion

By sstuckey

Posted on 2016-12-21

Nuclear physics has an undeserved reputation for being tough for students. This article may reduce this “toughness” by showing how Einstein’s familiar equation E = mc2 relates to the reductions in mass and enormous releases of energy that occur in the processes of nuclear fission and fusion.

We focus not on the mass of an atomic nucleus but on the mass per nucleon (a proton or neutron in the nucleus). If students can see the implications of how mass per nucleon varies from hydrogen to uranium, they will better comprehend nuclear fission and fusion.

In a typical fission reaction (Figure 1), a uranium-235 nucleus, after absorbing a neutron to become, momentarily, a U-236 nucleus, splits into nuclei of krypton and barium and releases three neutrons in the process. Note that the number of nucleons (protons + neutrons) before the reaction is equal to the number of nucleons after (true of both nuclear and chemical reactions).

Nuclear physics has an undeserved reputation for being tough for students. This article may reduce this “toughness” by showing how Einstein’s familiar equation E = mc2 relates to the reductions in mass and enormous releases of energy that occur in the processes of nuclear fission and fusion.


P-47 and the Turbo Supercharger

By Judy Elgin Jensen

Posted on 2016-12-20

You have to wonder about the engineering design advantages of a P-47 Thunderbolt airplane when WWII pilot Archie Maltbie recalls, “I flew the P-47 Thunderbolt in the 365th (Hellhawk) Fighter Group . . . and I know without doubt that I owe my life to [it].”A P-47

When the schedule leading up to holiday break becomes unpredictable, engage students in P-47 and the Turbo Supercharger—one of 10 posted videos in the Chronicles of Courage series. The 20-video series from the partnership of NBC Learn and Flying Heritage Collection uses the collection’s WWII airplanes and aviation technology as their focal point.

P-47 and the Turbo Supercharger delves into how this particular plane’s engine was designed to utilize exhaust gases to force more air into the engine, and thus increase the engine’s power. Boosting engine performance at both high and low altitudes gave the P-47 its advantage.

The companion NSTA-developed lesson plans give you a lot of ideas for how to use the videos as a centerpiece, or simply incorporate them into what you already do. Look through the lesson plans and adapt the parts most useful to you. We all know that everyone’s situation is just a bit different, so download the Word doc and modify at will to make it your own. After you give them a try with your students, let us know what you think! Suggestions for improvements are always welcome. Just leave a comment and we’ll get in touch with you.

Chronicles of Courage: Stories of Wartime and Innovation “P-47 and the Turbo Supercharger” focuses on the P-47 Thunderbolt and the mission for which it had been specifically designed—power at high altitudes.

STEM Lesson Plan—Adaptable for Grades 7–12

Chronicles of Courage: Stories of Wartime and Innovation “P-47 and the Turbo Supercharger” provides strategies for developing Science and Engineering Practices and support for building science literacy through reading and writing.

You have to wonder about the engineering design advantages of a P-47 Thunderbolt airplane when WWII pilot Archie Maltbie recalls, “I flew the P-47 Thunderbolt in the 365th (Hellhawk) Fighter Group . . . and I know without doubt that I owe my life to [it].”A P-47


Health Wise: Keeping Track of Sugar

By sstuckey

Posted on 2016-12-20

Sugar in a spoon with the word obesity.

Students should consume no more than 25 g (6 tsp.) of added sugar per day, recommends the American Heart Association (AHA 2016).

“Added sugars contribute to a diet that is energy dense but nutrient poor, and increase risk of developing obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity-related cancers, and dental [cavities],” the recommendation says (AHA 2016).

The AHA’s recommendation is timely. A total of 29.9% of high school students are overweight or obese, according to a nationwide survey by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC 2016).

The 2015 survey of more than 15,000 students in grades 9–12 found that 13.9% of high school students were obese, and 16% were overweight (CDC 2016). In 1999, those percentages were 10.6% and 14.1%, respectively. For states surveyed, the 2015 obesity rates ranged from 10.3% in Montana to 18.9% in Mississippi. Overweight rates ranged from 13.3% in Missouri to 18.2% in South Carolina.

Added sugars are defined as “all sugars used as ingredients in processed and prepared foods and sugars eaten separately or added to foods at the table,” the recommendation says. “Sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup, both of which are made up of glucose and fructose… are the most commonly added sugars in the U.S. food supply.” Added sugars do not include “naturally occurring sugars … that are an innate component of foods (e.g., fructose in fruits and vegetables and lactose in milk and other dairy products)” (AHA 2016).

It will soon be easier to keep track of added sugar in packaged foods. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently changed the requirements of Nutrition Facts labels “to reflect new scientific information, including the link between diet and chronic diseases such as obesity and heart disease” (FDA 2016). Starting in July 2018, manufacturers will be required to list the grams of total sugars, grams of added sugars, and the Percent Daily Value for both.

Classroom activity
Have students track all of the added sugar in foods and drinks they consume for one week. For the second week, they should try to consume no more than 25 g of sugar per day.

Students should check Nutrition Facts labels on foods and beverages to find added sugar amounts and look for these other terms for added sugar, according to (2016): anhydrous dextrose, brown sugar, cane juice, confectioner’s powdered sugar, corn syrup, corn syrup solids, crystal dextrose, dextrose, evaporated corn sweetener, fructose, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), honey, invert sugar, lactose, liquid fructose, malt syrup, maltose, maple syrup, molasses, nectars (fruit nectar, peach nectar, pear nectar, etc.), pancake syrup, raw sugar, sucrose, sugar cane juice, and white granulated sugar.

When Nutrition Facts labels are not available or added sugars aren’t listed, students can use an online tool (see “On the web”) to find the amount of added sugar. After the second week, students can review their findings and write an essay about how well they adhered to the recommendation and the challenges they faced.

For another classroom activity on dietary sugar, read the September 2012 Health Wise column “Fight Obesity in the Classroom” (Bratsis 2012).

Michael E. Bratsis is senior editor for Kids Health in the Classroom ( Send comments, questions or suggestions to

On the web
Log for students and added sugar terms:
U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food-A-Pedia Supertracker:

For students:
Food Labels:
Staying at a Healthy Weight:
5 Ways to Reach a Healthy Weight:
Sugar science:

American Heart Association (AHA). 2016. Added sugars and cardiovascular disease risk in children: A scientific statement from the American Heart Association.
Bratsis, M.E. 2012. Health Wise: Fight obesity in the classroom. The Science Teacher 79 (6): 68–69.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2016. Youth risk behavior surveillance—United States, 2015. 2016. What are added sugars? (site no longer available; learn about added sugars at
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 2016. Changes to the nutrition facts label.

Editor’s Note

This article was originally published in the December 2016 issue of The tst_dec16_covScience Teacher journal from the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA).

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the peer-reviewed journal just for high school teachers; to write for the journal, see our Author GuidelinesCall for Papers, and annotated sample manuscript; connect on the high school level science teaching list (members can sign up on the list server); or consider joining your peers at future NSTA conferences.

Sugar in a spoon with the word obesity.

Students should consume no more than 25 g (6 tsp.) of added sugar per day, recommends the American Heart Association (AHA 2016).


Ideas and inspiration from NSTA’s December K-12 journals

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2016-12-18

Elementary and middle school teachers have a real gold mine this month – both journals have the theme of Energy.

Food for thought at any grade level–Commentary: Proactive Leadership in The Science Teacher describes what leadership should look like for teachers, departments, and administrators.

The Science Teacher — Bringing Research Into the Classroom

This issue goes beyond talking about research results to describe students actually doing authentic research—planning and carrying out investigations, generating and evaluating data, and developing explanations or designing solutions. The lessons described in the articles include connections with the NGSS.

  • Core Values includes several lessons in which students analyze and summarize data from an expedition in Siberia. The purpose is to see how scientists can reconstruct past climate records historically without having direct measurements.
  • Measuring CO2 illustrates an investigation in which students study greenhouse gas production from thawing permafrost.
  • In the interdisciplinary investigation, Turning Into Ice, students explore the concepts and processes of biological ice nucleation.
  • Modeling Chromosomes focuses on a 5E lesson in which students create models using strips of paper to demonstrate their understanding of genetic concepts.
  • Science 2.0: Developing the Knowledge Constructor describes four indicators showing that students can synthesize information from a variety of sources and resources into a representation of their knowledge.
  • Focus on Physics: How E = mc2 Helps Us Understand Nuclear Fission and Fusion describes how Einstein’s familiar equation relates to the reductions in mass and enormous releases of energy that occur in the processes of nuclear fission and fusion.
  • Students may be surprised at the added sugars in foods as noted in Health Wise: Keeping Track of Sugar.

For more on the content that provides a context for these projects and strategies see the SciLinks topics Carbon Cycle, ChromosomesClimates of the World, Fission, Fusion, Genes, Genome , Greenhouse Gases, Ice Ages, Nutrients, Respiration, Water Cycle

Keep reading for Science Scope and Science & Children

Science Scope — Energy

“Energy is all around us, making this cross-cutting concept relatively easy to incorporate into your teaching,” according to the editor, and middle schoolers are full of energy (in another sense). Featured articles that describe lessons include a helpful sidebar (“At a Glance”) documenting the big idea, essential pre-knowledge, time, and cost. The lessons also include connections with the NGSS.

For more on the content that provides a context for these projects and strategies see the SciLinks topics Conductors/Insulators, Elastic Forces, Electric Circuits, Heat Transfer, Insulation, Kinetic and Potential Energy, Law of Conservation of Energy, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Photosynthesis, Renewable Sources of Energy.


Science & Children – Energy

“Understanding energy…is embedded in all of the science and technology disciplines and therefore revisited many times throughout students’ STEM education” and is “compelling.

The featured articles describe compelling activities and investigations on the topic.

For more on the content that provides a context for these projects and strategies see the SciLinks topics Law of Conservation of Energy, Electricity, How Can Heat Be Measured?, How Is Heat Produced and Used, Interactions of Sound Waves, Photosynthesis, Properties of Sound, Sound, Static Electricity, Sun, Weather


Elementary and middle school teachers have a real gold mine this month – both journals have the theme of Energy.


Seeing the Real Me: Using Loose Parts from Nature to Create Self Portraits

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2016-12-17


Authors Stacey Francois and Hannah Goble present their poster session Guest bloggers Stacey Francois MS, and Hannah Goble presented a poster session at the national conference of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. I was delighted to be able to talk with them about their work and am pleased to share it here. Welcome Stacey and Hannah!

Stacey Francois MS, and Hannah Goble are Professional Development Specialists for the Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County in Tampa, Florida. Through the Early Learning Coalition’s curriculum coaching project, Stacey and Hannah work with early childhood programs and professionals, providing coaching, training, and extensive support on curriculum implementation. A special thanks to Alphabet Learning Center, and Ms. Abelkis (Abby) Soriano who partnered with us to facilitate this mini-study on self-portraits and loose parts found in nature.

Child examining face in mirrorSelf-portraits provide children with a sense of identity, awareness of who they are in the world, and how they change over time. The activity of creating an image of oneself prompts the realization of self-concept, “self-concept refers to cognitive activity: children’s awareness of their own characteristics and of likenesses and differences between themselves and others.” (Marsh, Craven, & Debus, 1998) For children to define and appreciate the traits that make others unique, they must first have the ability to define their own. We chose to connect self-portraits with nature exploration to give children an opportunity to investigate nature in a personal way and diversify their outdoor play experiences.

Outdoor play in childcare settings may focus on gross motor and physical play, but lack exploration and discovery that take place in the natural world. Early experiences with the natural world have been positively linked with the development of imagination and the sense of wonder. (Cobb, 1977; Louv, 1991) Hands-on creative nature experiences help children develop strong connections to the environment and can foster a love for nature in later years. When children play in natural environments, their play is more diverse with imagination and creativity that fosters language and collaborative skills. (Moore & Wong 1997)

As curriculum coaches for the Early Learning Coalition we get to spend time seeing ‘play in action’, but lately we’ve noticed outdoor play with preschool age children, a little lack luster and unimaginative. We wanted to facilitate a mini-study that would give children an opportunity to investigate nature in a personal way, and diversify their outdoor play experiences. Igniting a child’s natural sense of wonder became our goal for a classroom self-portrait project. We were inspired to introduce one of our coaching classrooms at Alphabet Learning Center to self-portraits and loose parts. Ms. Abby, the lead veteran, Voluntary Preschool (VPK) teacher accepted our challenge. Ms. Abby has done self-portraits with four and five year old children many times throughout the years but had never incorporated the use of natural materials. Our goal was to do a mini-project that would focus on exploration with self-portraits using loose parts found within the children’s geographical environment.

Child holding up natural materialsTo encourage children to view themselves and connect to their natural local environment, various provocations were presented to the children throughout a multi-day project. The provocations–questions and thoughts to stimulate child’s thinking—were intended to help children identify the features that are unique to themselves and promote their sense of identity.  Our discussions prompted children to think about differences in skin tones, textures, shapes and contours of their face, and to think about natural items that they could use to connect their features to those found in their environment. Once the children defined their own features, we took them outside on the playground and on a nature walk through the neighborhood where they gathered materials from nature such as grasses, leaves, acorns, and other local materials to use as a representation of their faces in a self-portrait. We involved families in this project by asking them to gather natural materials from their own backyards. We wanted children to feel, manipulate, and discover materials familiar to them and native to Tampa. The majority of items that families brought in were pinecones, shells, leaves and acorns. However, there were items we chose not to use, like Spanish moss, as it often contains microscopic mites. We assisted children who wanted to use Sweet gum tree seed pod balls because they have spiky edges, and didn’t allow the use of seeds we didn’t recognize. Although seashells are not found on the playground, we had an abundance of them as we live in the Tampa Bay area; most children have experiences with them from going to the beach, seeing them used in landscaping and even décor in the home.

Self Portrait Guiding Question: What are the features that make me unique?

Day 1: What are the different features of people?

During large group, Ms. Abby facilitated discussion about the various features on people’s faces, after reading the book “The Best Part of Me: Children Talk About their Bodies in Pictures and Words” by Wendy Ewald. Children developed and graphed responses in a word web such as; dimples, chin, birthmarks and eyelashes. In small group, children created their own “Me Map” in which they listed features unique to them. Most of the children drew pictures of their features; a few used invented spelling and wrote themselves, and some sounded out letter sounds with assistance and wrote the words on their own.

Child using a mirrorDay 2: What do I look like?

Children used mirrors, pastels, fine tip markers and crayons to sketch a portrait of them selves. While using the mirrors, children were asked questions pertaining to their facial features including, “How does your hair feel?” “What shape are your eyes?” “How can you draw that shape?” These questions prompted children to closely examine their features and develop an awareness of their facial features.

Child examining natural materialsDay 3: What can I find in nature that looks like me?

Before heading outside to collect items, the children were reminded to gather items that resembled their features; like grass, leaves or stems for their hair. We gave all the children plastic bags and asked them to collect the materials they wanted to use for their portraits. While exploring outdoors children collected items found in nature that could be used in a collage to create their self-portraits. Children investigated native plants, tree bark, sand and seeds and collected items they felt were depictive of their features. Coaches and teachers provided science tools, such as magnifying glasses to compare the texture and color of the items with their own faces, and encouraged children to use them. Children used mirrors to make immediate comparisons between nature items and their own features. 

Day 4: Can we show our features?

Child working on self-portrait collage using natural materialsUsing the nature items they collected, children created self-portraits as a representation of their uniqueness as individuals. Children used mirrors for a visual of their features. Teachers prompted children to consider the shape and contour of their faces while constructing their portraits. The children sketched their faces using pencils and sketching paper, and then used multicultural pastel chalks to color their skin tones. Finally, the children sorted through their bag of nature items, decide on what they wanted to use and glued them to the sketching paper. Ms. Abby and coaches took photos to document all of the steps.

This mini-study on self-portraits and natural loose parts prompted children to think of their outdoor time as an opportunity for exploration and investigation. We found that the children became more intentional when headed outdoors for play, as their focus became of one of investigating materials, searching for acorns, feeling tree bark and smelling grasses, which differs greatly from their typical outdoor play routines. Our children connected to nature in a personal, reflective way by using items found in their very own backyards to make unique self-portraits. Our mini-study on self-portraits on natural loose parts took place over four days but had a longer lasting impact as our children were able to explore scientific tools, express their artistic creativity in the making of their self-portraits, and extend their understanding of the world around them.

Detail of poster showing children's faces and collages


Cobb, E. (1977). The Ecology of Imagination in Childhood, New York, Columbia University Press.

Ewald, W. (2002). The best part of me: Children talk about their bodies in pictures and words. Boston: Little, Brown.

Louv, Richard (1991). Childhood’s Future, New York, Doubleday.

Marsh, H. W., Craven, R., & Debus, R. (1998). Structure, stability, and development of young children’s self-concepts: A multicohort-multioccasion study. Child Development, 69 (4), 1030-1053

Moore, R. & Wong, H. (1997). Natural Learning: Rediscovering Nature’s Way of Teaching. Berkeley, CA MIG Communications.


Authors Stacey Francois and Hannah Goble present their poster session Guest bloggers Stacey Francois MS, and Hannah Goble presented a poster session at the national conference of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. I was delighted to be able to talk with them about their work and am pleased to share it here. Welcome Stacey and Hannah!


Legislative Update

Looking Ahead to 2017

By Jodi Peterson

Posted on 2016-12-16


Congress left town last week after the Senate averted a government shutdown and approved a continuing resolution (CR) that will fund the government at FY17 funding levels through April 28.

The Trump Administration will propose funding for the remainder of FY2017, which ends on Sept 30 2017, while also working to develop a FY2018 budget.

In addition to budget issues, it is anticipated that next January when the new Congress is sworn into office, House and Senate Republicans will work to overturn specific regulations issued by the Obama Administration.

According to this document by the Senate Republican Policy Committee (RPC), “Republicans have the opportunity to enact the most significant regulatory reform since President Reagan.” The House and Senate will have until early May to use the Congressional Review Act on regulations issued in the last half year of the Obama administration. Two education-related regulations likely to be overturned deal with teacher preparation and the ESSA state and education accountability. Language below is from the Senate RPC:

Teacher Preparation: On October 12, the Education Department released its final rule for teacher preparation programs. The rule requires federal standards for evaluating these programs, based significantly on student test scores. This conflicts with the flexibility Congress provided in the recent reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. It also runs afoul of prohibitions in the law on federally mandated teacher evaluations.

State and Local Education Accountability: On November 29, the Department of Education issued its final regulations modifying the accountability measures for K-12 schools. Under last year’s Every Student Succeeds Act, states must have an accountability system, which they choose for themselves. The intent was to provide maximum flexibility to states. The department’s final rules are too prescriptive, conflict with congressional intent, and violate explicit prohibitions on the secretary’s authority to regulate.

Read more about the Teacher Preparation regulation here and the ESSA Rule on Accountability here.

Webinars on ESSA Title IV Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants Planned for Early 2017

Teachers and teacher leaders are encouraged to register for the series of webinars hosted by the U.S. Department of Education on the Title IVA, Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants (SSAE), authorized under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

Title IV Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichments Grants—the third largest authorized program in ESSA—combines (and eliminates) several targeted programs under No Child Left Behind, including the Math and Science Partnership Grants.

Title IV, Part A authorizes activities in three broad areas:

1) Providing students with programs that ensure a well-rounded education (programs in STEM, college and career counseling, arts, civics, and access to IB/AP);

2) Supporting safe and healthy students (e.g. comprehensive school mental health, drug and violence prevention, health and physical education); and

3) Supporting the effective use of technology (professional development, blended learning, and devices).

Districts can use Title IV Part A grants to provide students with a well-rounded education and improve instruction and student engagement in STEM by:

  • Expanding high-quality STEM courses;
  • Increasing access to STEM for underserved and at risk student populations;
  • Supporting the participation of students in STEM nonprofit competitions (such as robotics, science research, invention, mathematics, computer science, and technology competitions);
  • Providing hands-on learning opportunities in STEM;
  • Integrating other academic subjects, including the arts, into STEM subject programs;
  • Creating or enhancing STEM specialty schools;
  • Integrating classroom based and afterschool and informal STEM instruction; and
  • Expanding environmental education.

Guidance on Title IV grants was released last month.

Since Title IVA grants will be a key source of funding for STEM activities, science and STEM educators, teacher leaders, administrators, and state and district leaders are urged to register and learn more.

More information on the three webinars is below.

Thursday, January 12, 2017 at 2 pm Eastern
Overview of the Student Support and Academic Enrichment Program

Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 2 pm Eastern
Role of State Educational Agencies; Local Application Requirements; and Implementing Effective SSAE Program Activities

Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 2 pm Eastern:
Allowable Activities to Support Well-Rounded Educational Opportunities; Safe and Healthy Students; and the Effective Use of Technology

Stay tuned, and watch for more updates in future issues of NSTA Express.

Jodi Peterson is Assistant Executive Director of Legislative & Public Affairs for the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and Chair of the STEM Education Coalition. Reach her via e-mail at or via Twitter at @stemedadvocate.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Congress left town last week after the Senate averted a government shutdown and approved a continuing resolution (CR) that will fund the government at FY17 funding levels through April 28.


Safety Blog

The Harmful Particles in 3-D Printers

By Kenneth Roy

Posted on 2016-12-15

As three-dimensional printers are starting to become more common in science, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), and Fab labs, recent research indicates that 3-D printers pose serious health and safety concerns.

The research shows that commercial 3-D printers were producing hazardous levels of ultrafine particles (UFPs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) when plastic materials were melted through the printer (Love and Roy 2016). When inhaled, UFPs (particles less than 100 nanometers in diameter), can enter the brain or blood system in less than one minute. Organs such as the liver and spleen can be vulnerable. Diseases associated with the absorption of UFPs include asthma, bronchitis, cancer, and tracheitis.

When using 3-D printers, science teachers and their students can keep out of harm’s way by following these five strategies (Love and Roy 2016).

1. Science teachers should share this blog post with their school’s chemical hygiene officer, facilities director, department head, and administrators. Teachers should request an air-quality analysis of the lab space while a 3-D printer is operating. The results should be able to determine whether the current air filtration system meets the federal, state, or locally mandated air changes per hour (ACH) rate. The ACH is the air volume of the instructional space divided by the volume of the space. An increased ACH rate is needed when a lab is exposed to carcinogens and other hazardous chemicals or particles.

2. When operating 3-D printers, make sure ventilation properly filters gas and particles.

3. To avoid exposure to hazardous UFPs and VOCs, operate 3-D printers in fume hoods or spray booths. Note: The National Fire Protection Association’s 45 standard requires annual inspection of fume hoods to ensure they are working properly.

4. Whenever possible, use PLAs (polylactic acid) plastics instead of ABSs (acrylonitrile vutadiene styrene) when using your 3-D printer. Research has shown that PLAs generate UFP concentrations that are 3 to 30 times lower than those generated by ABS plastics (Merlo and Mazzoni 2015). This is because ABS plastics are oil based and have a much higher melting point than biodegradable PLAs. Both of these factors contribute to the higher UFP concentrations.

5. Follow the latest research on UFPs and 3-D printing through internet searches. Also be sure to keep stakeholders, such as administrators and chemical hygiene officers, in the loop.

In the end

If inhaled, UFPs carry the same detrimental effects of smoking. Make sure you and your students have appropriate ventilation to reduce or eliminate exposures to these hazardous UFPs.

Submit questions regarding safety in K–12 to Ken Roy at, or leave him a comment below. Follow Ken Roy on Twitter: @drroysafersci.

Love, T., and K. Roy. 2016. 3D printing: What’s the harm? Technology and Engineering Teacher 76 (1): 36–37.
Merlo, F., and S. Mazzoni. 2015. Gas evolution during FDM 3D printing and health impact. 3D Safety.

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As three-dimensional printers are starting to become more common in science, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), and Fab labs, recent research indicates that 3-D printers pose serious health and safety concerns.

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