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Kindergarten teacher shares her class' bird investigation

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2014-01-23

Talking with other early childhood educators enriches my understanding of how children learn and I often learn good ideas for teaching about particular science concepts. I had an online conversation with Mary Myron who I met at the 2013 annual conference of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Mary has held several positions in early childhood, has a Master of Education in Early Childhood and is a National Board Teacher in Early Childhood. She is now the Mentor Kindergarten Instructor at the East Tennessee State University’s “University School” and an adjunct faculty member, with a wealth of experience as a lead teacher in early childhood programs.
Welcome Mary!
Peggy: At what age should children begin learning science and engineering concepts?
Mary: Children start on their own at birth! They are curious scientists and use all their senses to figure out how it all works.
Peggy: Can you describe an “ah-ha!” moment for you as a classroom teacher when you noticed a particularly effective technique for helping children understand science concepts?
Mary: I don’t remember the exact moment but I do remember when I was working with fellow educators to explore and absorb Reggio experiences. The projects that the Reggio children were involved in went in so many different learning directions—I wondered how will I manage this? It was shortly thereafter when I realized that I was a co-learner and co-researcher with the children and could joyfully participate with them. For me the ah-ha discovery was really listening to them and respecting their questions…then facilitating their search for answers and understanding using the scientific process (on their level of course)
Peggy: What is a memorable, or current, science investigation that your preK or K students took part in?
Mary: I would be happy to begin with a memorable one, the Bird Project. It has been to date the longest and most in-depth project I have been involved in. This does not in any way diminish others that are not as long but it was such an amazing experience that I love to share it. If I may, I will just describe what happened.
For curriculum planning purposes, I use an over-all umbrella theme for a period of weeks or even months. It is always a science related theme and usually has to do with the changes that are occurring out of doors in our northeastern Tennessee environment. I select these themes because they are meaningful and relevant to young children as curious scientists.

Eastern Grey Squirrel on a branch eating.

Photo by Tom Friedel,

For this project the question was, “What changes happen outside during autumn?” We took our cameras outside and our clipboards with paper and pencils to record our findings. We were sitting outside on the lawn in our fall jackets being quiet observers. The children took no time at all in noticing the squirrels running around. “Why were the squirrels running?” some asked. Others with lots of prior knowledge (these were big kindergartners after all!) said they were gathering nuts so that they could hibernate (I noted the misconception but did not jump in with the correction…let the children have time to discover this!). Photos were taken, sketches made.
One child looked in the sky and asked, “Why are those birds flying like that?” (This was the V-formation). Photos did not happen…we were not fast enough, but sketches were made.
bird project 2The next day, and in days to come, we continued with collections of questions, photos and sketches. Some of the children were very interested in the trees and the different shapes of the leaves. Others were interested in the animals and their habits (the hibernation and getting ready questions). A group of children was still very much interested in those birds. We searched in books for children and books for adults and did a lot of reading. We did do some research on the internet but did not have a lot of access at that time. We looked in old encyclopedias. We went to the Library. 
bird project 5The Bird Group learned that those birds were migrating—going to fly all the way to Florida! We consulted a map and talked about families flying on planes to Florida and driving for days to get there. This brought more questions. “How do wings work?” Wow…how to facilitate discovery of this answer? The children provided the way to this knowledge discovery. They suggested that they would make wings out of several different materials and then test them to see which would work best! The children discussed during their project meetings just how this would happen. It was decided that they would make wings out of paper, cardboard, and fabric. The wings would be big enough to fit on a child’s arms and be able to flap freely. The children would fly down the long hallway wearing the wings. A rating scale was devised. The criteria of ease of movement, strength, and amount of wind they produced would be the determinants as to which was best. They worked diligently for days to construct the wings. Finally the testing day came. They found that the paper ones ripped too easily. The cardboard wings were too bulky and did not move easily. The fabric wings were miraculous. They were strong yet moved easily. They produced a lot of wind. This was the winner! The children then decided that their wings were not representative of all the work so they engaged in a search to find a bird they would like to “adopt” as their own. We went back to the encyclopedias, internet and “birder” books. They found a beautiful Macaw and decided that was It. I brought in a yard or so of red felt and the children colored and cut out fabric of other colors for the wings. The wings were not only beautiful but also worked wonderfully for flying down the hall when the mood struck. They were a fixture in our classroom for a long time until they wore out!
The group then turned their attention to the feet of the birds they had been researching. They were very curious about the differences they noticed. Joyfully back to the resources (these included encyclopedias, trade books, and even books used by adults. We invited a grandfather in who was a “birder” and he helped the children learn about the different types of birds and why their beaks and their feet were so different. They were truly fascinated with the talons and learned about all the different birds that had these. This, of course, led to the children learning about the diet and feeding practices of the different kinds of birds. The children speculated on the diet of a bird just by looking at their beaks and feet!
bird project 4Another group exploration involved those birds who were flying in the V formation. It was a big surprise to the children to learn that the birds fly all the way from Canada to Florida. This involved pouring over big maps and drawing lines to map the routes. They learned that not all birds flew to Florida or even south for that matter, that some of the birds stayed up here in the cold with us. The children wanted to know which birds stayed and wondered how they could help them find food. We were well into winter by now. Some of the students wanted to make bird feeders for the birds. A meeting was held with this group. They discussed various types of birdhouses that they had made in school last year and decided on one that seemed to work best…a plastic milk jug with a cutout. This was hung outside our classroom window as close to the window as we could get it. The children made a recording sheet to chart the different types of birds that visited the feeder. They cut out pictures of the types they knew would be staying and wrote their names alongside the picture. A watcher helper was assigned for different periods of the day. Much to the children’s surprise, they discovered that squirrels were eating more than the birds! This called for action! The group called a meeting and it was decided that a bird house/feeder was needed.
bird project 3The children decided that the house needed to be made with holes that would accommodate only birds. The children drew wonderful plans/sketches. They were amazingly detailed. One child told of houses their family made out of gourds. Another told about the wooden birdfeeder that their father made. 
The “gourd” family brought in one gourd for each child with the hole already drilled. What excitement…the children each decorated their own with paints. The children then hung these from trees, fences, wherever they thought would be best.
bird project 1My teacher candidate’s husband, who came to help, provided wood and expertise for making the bird house/feeder. Wow…what excitement. The children actually did the sawing and hammering themselves. We made two of these, which were quite large. The children painted them. It was decided that they would hang outside the window where our original milk jug feeders hung. That way the children would be able to observe the birds feeding. Another fantastic discovery! The food was placed inside the feeder but the position of the hole made entering the feeder very difficult for the birds. “WHY?” One child loudly and excitedly explained that what was needed was a perch! The house came back in and these were installed….success!
This study of birds lasted from late October through April. It culminated with a trip to an aviary. The Rangers at the aviary gave a lecture on birds of the area. The K-Kids were amazing with the depth of questions they asked and answered. The Rangers were impressed!
I may not have not have communicated the wonderful joy of the science discoveries here or the (way above grade level) amount of math, reading, research, writing, social studies and community involvement that were part of this investigation. The inquiry process was the seed of this wonderful learning adventure. Children asked questions; they collected evidence (using sketches and photos); conducted research using reference books and trade books and people from the community; came to conclusions and communicated and shared their findings.
Peggy: Are there any particular science or classroom organizational tools that supported the investigation?
Mary: To support this type of learning, an attitude of openness to inquiry must be present. Listen to the children and respect their questions. Respect their ability to conduct inquiry and pursue answers to their questions. There also needs to be a willingness on the part of the teacher to find ways to weave this into the teaching schedule. I have found that having children work on their inquiries in small groups can free me up to work in small groups of children in reading or math. Certainly, there is a lot of reading and math that integrates with their projects, well as engineering! I have to emphasize that science makes the classroom pop with excitement for learning and the students are eager to read and write about their discoveries!
Peggy: I understand that the University School kindergarten classroom is inspired by the Reggio Emilia Principles. Do these principles support learning science and engineering concepts?
Mary: My classroom and approach is inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach. It is not a curriculum but rather a philosophical approach. This approach is very sensitive to where you are teaching in the world….so that what happens in Northeastern Tennessee would not happen in Florida.
It is child centered and collaborative, and as you can see from my previous answer, it supports learning science and engineering concepts. I could go on forever but I am not an expert, just a believer! By the way, I have an engineering center in my classroom.
Peggy: Thank you, Mary, for sharing your ideas and experiences!
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has many resources for beginning and experienced birders. The Project Feeder Watch page has information about food and feeder preferences for the birds in your region.

Talking with other early childhood educators enriches my understanding of how children learn and I often learn good ideas for teaching about particular science concepts. I had an online conversation with Mary Myron who I met at the 2013 annual conference of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Mary has held several positions in early childhood, has a Master of Education in Early Childhood and is a National Board Teacher in Early Childhood.


What science teachers are reading in January 2014

From data literacy to citizen science to using trade books in science lessons, take a look at what science teachers are reading so far in 2014 at NSTA’s website.Book cover of "Inquiring Scientists, Inquiring Readers"


Science of the Winter Olympics: Competition Suits

By Judy Elgin Jensen

Posted on 2014-01-21

You’re barely in the door of your local sporting goods store before you’re bombarded with displays of clothing designed specifically for every sport—even fishing! Are you better at any one of these sports when you’re wearing the specially designed togs? Maybe—maybe not. But in sports where gold medals can be determined by hundredths of a second, the well-placed seam can make a difference! Delve into the design of those seams and fabrics by watching Shani Davis & Engineering Competition Suits, part of the latest “Science of…” series from NBC Learn and partner NSF. In this series the 2014 Winter Olympic Games becomes a backdrop for furthering your STEM efforts.
NSTA joins the team as well, with video-connected STEM lesson plans brimming with ideas for science and engineering design inquiries and activities focusing on math and technology. Download the lesson plans at the links below. When you open them, you’ll see that some are labeled grades 4–12 and others are labeled 7–12. Note that the writers are always targeting middle school, but, depending on the sophistication of the video’s concepts, many of the connections, suggestions, and activities can be scaled up or down for your students.
Find the series, available cost-free, on and Leave a comment to let us know what you think. And if you end up making significant changes to the lesson plans, or have new ideas to add, let us know and we’ll be in touch with submission information.
Shani Davis & Engineering Competition Suits highlights speed skater Shani Davis as it discusses the factors that influence how the team at the Under Armour Innovation Lab design the competition suits that speed skaters wear.
Lesson Plans
Competition Suits Integration Guide spells out the STEM in the video and gives you mini-activities and ideas for research, teamwork, projects, and interdisciplinary connections.
Competition Suits Inquiry Guide models a science inquiry AND an engineering design inquiry focusing on the effects of friction.
Image of the Shani Davis in a 2009 speed-skating competition, courtesy of Onno Kluyt.
You can use the following form to e-mail us edited versions of the lesson plans: [contact-form 2 “ChemNow]

You’re barely in the door of your local sporting goods store before you’re bombarded with displays of clothing designed specifically for every sport—even fishing! Are you better at any one of these sports when you’re wearing the specially designed togs? Maybe—maybe not. But in sports where gold medals can be determined by hundredths of a second, the well-placed seam can make a difference!


Getting a grip on grading

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2014-01-19

I feel overwhelmed by the grading process. It seems like I spend most of my waking hours grading homework, lab reports, tests, quizzes, notebooks, and projects. I teach two science courses at the high school and meet 150 students every day.  What can I do to use my time better and meet the deadlines?
—Stacy, Seattle, Washington
One of my big “aha” moments when teaching 150 students was a realization that different types of assignments required different levels of my attention. It’s important to identify activities and assessments that demonstrate students’ understanding of a concept or their ability to use a process. These require time for in-depth evaluation.
But teachers can overwhelm themselves with trying to evaluate and designate points to every piece of student work. The real value of in-class assignments, homework, and formative assessments is in how they contribute to student learning, rather than how many points they’re worth. I know teachers who select student work randomly to get a sense of what students understand. (They explained this strategy to the students in advance.) Some teachers check off completed assignments before discussing them in class. The teachers recorded which students completed the task and students had the opportunity to update or revise their work.
Explain to students you need time to examine their efforts on projects and written work carefully and respond thoughtfully. For example, you could divide tests into two parts: an objective part and an essay part. The first could be returned and discussed quickly (even the next day), but the essays could take longer to read and comment on. I assigned a score for each, showing students the essay part was just as (if not more) important as the objective questions.

For lab reports, borrow the idea of “Focus Correction Areas”  from our language arts colleagues. Instead of trying to review the entire report, focus on one or two key areas, such as the research question/hypothesis, data tables, graphs, illustrations, or conclusions. Glance through the rest of the report for any glaring errors or omissions if you like, but concentrate your comments on these areas.
Differentiate between proofreading and providing feedback. Part of your rubric for major assignments could be “clarity of communication,” but correcting every spelling or usage error on every assignment takes away time from providing constructive comments related to the science goals (and could discourage students from writing).
Feedback should focus on what specifically the student did well, point out where the student may have made errors or demonstrated incomplete thinking, or discuss how the student could improve. With 150 students, it would indeed be overwhelming to write a detailed analysis for each student. Rubrics can be used to provide feedback, showing students how they performed on components of the task, giving you time for more personalized comments.
Use science notebooks as much as possible. Each week, review a few from each class or focus on a key assignment. Have students include their vocabulary, notes, graphic organizers, summaries, or bell-ringers and review them holistically instead of individually. During lab or small-group activities, spend some time with each group to observe their work and do a quick scan of their notebooks.
With two different subjects, you have some options to help yourself. Don’t give tests in both subjects on the same day. Give yourself some breathing room in terms of doing labs, too. Assign projects in your two subjects at different times.
And take a break from the paperwork once in a while to clear your head—exercise, read a novel, do some yard work, visit a coffee shop, or do something fun with your family or friends. Your health and sanity are just as important as today’s science quiz.

I feel overwhelmed by the grading process. It seems like I spend most of my waking hours grading homework, lab reports, tests, quizzes, notebooks, and projects. I teach two science courses at the high school and meet 150 students every day.  What can I do to use my time better and meet the deadlines?
—Stacy, Seattle, Washington


Multiple modes of expression

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2014-01-18

There are many ways students can be motivated in science. Some students have a passion for the subject that goes beyond the classroom. Others may find the types of activities in the classroom to be motivational—working with others, using technology, or having options for how they demonstrate their understanding. This issue features articles that describe a variety of creative ways for students to communicate their ideas and share their knowledge.
Blending a science unit on motion with art led to an interesting way for students to communicate their understanding of the concepts. Science + Art = Enhanced Learning Experiences for All Students includes several examples of student expression—what a wonderful opportunity for students to express their learning! With the abundance of visuals in science publications, websites, and apps, students can (and should) be producers as well as consumers of these visuals. [SciLinks: Force and Motion]
Physical activity in science lessons can also be motivating for students, such as the projects described in Stomp Rockets: A High-Impact Exploration of Science Concepts*.   [SciLinks: Rocket Technology]
Every Assessment Tells a Story describes a classroom-based action research project on alternatives to traditional tests. In a story assessment, students are presented with a narrative and a set of questions or tasks related to it. After trying these assessments along with more traditional ones, the author discovered that scores of assessments with stories were higher than traditional tests on the same concepts. Students indicated that they felt less anxious with the format. Some students even looked forward to them. Two examples are provided, along with guidelines for creating story assessments.
Standardized Test Questions: A Tool for Developing Students’ Proficiency with the Framework’s Science Practices describes strategies and sources for finding test items that assess higher-level thinking and relate to the NGSS. The authors suggest incorporating these items into everyday instruction, such as in exit tickets, writing prompts, and evidence circles. Exploring concepts through virtual environments is the topic of Engage, Elaborate, Evaluate! Virtual Environment-Based Assessments of Science Content and Practices. The authors provide the links to the modules, including the one on weather described in the article. [SciLinks: Weather and Climate]

Many students and teachers are using electronic discussion boards and forums to communicate. If you need some suggestions on how to begin and manage such a discussion, The Leonardo Strategy: Scientific Discourse and Argumentation in an Online Environment* describes the use of a structured format. The teacher poses a stimulus question with an image and students can respond to the question and to other students’ responses. The authors provide examples of stimulus questions and examples of students’ participation. They also share the results of a study on time spent on participation.
Scientific Explanations and Arguments* (this month’s Teacher’s Toolkit column) describes argumentation as “not simply the generation of a final product, it’s an ongoing dialogue through which scientists build new understanding of the natural world.” The authors compare argumentation as a culminating activity with knowledge building; they provide three examples of exploratory argumentation that they used at the beginning of units of instruction on plate tectonics, evolution, and the particulate nature of matter.
Do you have students that are English language learners? The authors of Supporting Linguistically Diverse Students in an Era of Science Education Reform offer six strategies for working with ELL students (or “emergent bilinguals”—what a powerful description) that focus on what these students can do.
Using Place-Based Inquiry to Inspire and Motivate Future Scientists* integrates scientific inquiry with place-based education (in which students learn through direct experience with an environment instead of indirect presentations or textbooks. The lessons described incorporate typical field trip planning with a 5E model to produce a study ecological study of their school grounds. The article includes project ideas, a sample activity sheet, and rubrics. The resources at the end of the article include suggestions for field guides, safety, and tools for exploring the environment.
Exploring concepts through virtual environments is the topic of Engage, Elaborate, Evaluate! Virtual Environment-Based Assessments of Science Content and Practices. The authors provide the links to the modules, including the one on weather described in the article.
*Check out the Connections for this issue (January 2014). Even if the article does not quite fit with your lesson agenda, this resource has ideas for handouts, background information sheets, data sheets, rubrics, etc.

There are many ways students can be motivated in science. Some students have a passion for the subject that goes beyond the classroom. Others may find the types of activities in the classroom to be motivational—working with others, using technology, or having options for how they demonstrate their understanding.


Science of the Winter Olympics: Science of Ice

By Judy Elgin Jensen

Posted on 2014-01-17

The phrase “a level playing field” has a lot of different meanings. But for the skaters, curlers, hockey players, lugers, and bobsledders in the 2014 Winter Olympic Games it means just one thing—ICE. And how is it that all of these athletes can slip and slide over such a surface? Watch Science of Ice from the latest NBC Learn video collection crafted with partner NSF to see if your thinking aligns with current ideas!
The Science and Engineering of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games is a collection of ten short videos focused on the science and engineering design efforts behind Olympic and Paralympic athletes and the tools that each hopes will help them bring home the gold. Use the NSTA-developed lesson plans, available in editable Word format, to spark ideas for incorporating the videos into your course. You’ll find suggestions for activities ranging from bellringers to full-fledged hands-on inquiries.
To get started, watch the video, available cost-free on and Link to it and the downloadable lesson plans at the links below. The Integration Guide suggests strategies for detailing the STEM concepts of the video while the Inquiry Guide supplies BOTH a hands-on science inquiry AND a hands-on engineering design inquiry.
With Miami barely reaching the 60s today and most of the country much colder, there’s no better time than now to shiver your way through Science of Ice. Take a look and leave a comment to let us know what you think!
Science of Ice discusses some of the physical and chemical properties of solid water—ice—and how this substance is produced to optimize performance for a particular ice sport.
Lesson Plans
Science of Ice Integration Guide spells out the STEM in the video and gives you mini-activities and ideas for research, teamwork, projects, and interdisciplinary connections.
Science of Ice Inquiry Guide models a science inquiry into the structure of ice and freezing point depression AND models an engineering design inquiry in which students solve a problem related to the qualities of ice in rinks.
Image of the 2010 gold medalist, Yuna Kim, who will compete in Sochi. Photo courtesy of Queen Yuna.
You can use the following form to e-mail us edited versions of the lesson plans: [contact-form 2 “ChemNow]

The phrase “a level playing field” has a lot of different meanings. But for the skaters, curlers, hockey players, lugers, and bobsledders in the 2014 Winter Olympic Games it means just one thing—ICE. And how is it that all of these athletes can slip and slide over such a surface? Watch Science of Ice from the latest NBC Learn video collection crafted with partner NSF to see if your thinking aligns with current ideas!


“Teaching Elementary Science with Confidence!”: Featured Strand at NSTA’s 2014 National Conference on Science Education in Boston, MA, April 3–6

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Posted on 2014-01-14

Boston conference logoThis April, the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) will feature a special strand “Teaching Elementary Science with Confidence!” at our 2014 National Conference on Science Education, in Boston, April 3–6.
With limited time, resources, and opportunities to learn science, elementary teachers sometimes find teaching science within the school day to be challenging. There is a constant struggle to find the time for engaging students in active science experiences. We also know that simply doing a science activity does not produce a deep understanding of concepts. This strand provides opportunities for elementary teachers to enhance their content knowledge, locate resources, incorporate science and engineering practices from the Next Generation Science Standards, and explore classroom management strategies when teaching science.
Sessions organized around this strand include a featured presentation on Friday, April 4 10:30–11:30 AM (“Chrysalis: Transforming Your Teaching”) by Steve Rich (NSTA Director for Professional Development; Director of GYSTC, University of West Georgia: Carrollton, GA). More sessions on Teaching Elementary Science with Confidence include the following:

  • Doing Problem-Based Science Challenges and Managing Your Classroom—How to Do Both Successfully!
  • Helping Young Learners Explore Their Universe with PBS LearningMedia
  • How Can I Change It and What Will Happen? Identifying Variables with Wind-Ups
  • Compost: The “Rot” Thing for Our Earth
  • Using Electric Circuit Puzzles for Design and Assessment
  • Doing Science the Scientific Way: It’s Not as Hard as It Sounds
  • Engineering Made Easy: NGSS Practices for Elementary Students
  • All You Need Is 30 Minutes
  • Differentiating Science for Elementary Students
  • Butterfly Gardening Using Native Plants
  • Outdoor Science Lessons: Extending Indoor Curricula in a Way That Excites Students
  • How Can I Help? Empowering Students with Citizen Science
  • Unhuggable Critters
  • Connecting STEM and American History Through Water Wheels
  • Wiggly Worms: Active Learning for the Early Grades
  • “Nature”-ally Good Science Teaching in Early Childhood Education
  • Teaching Ocean Science to Elementary Students Using National Marine Sanctuaries
  • Stars and Crafts

Want more? Check out more sessions and other events with the Boston Session Browser/Personal Scheduler.

Boston conference logoThis April, the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) will feature a special strand “Teaching Elementary Science with Confidence!” at our 2014 National Conferen


Science of the Winter Olympics: Slopestyle Skiing

By Judy Elgin Jensen

Posted on 2014-01-13

The count down is on for February 7, the start of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia! Twelve new winter sports will join those we always look forward to watching. Among them is Men’s and Women’s Ski Slopestyle. To the uninitiated, it looks a lot like what teens do on skateboards, but with skis on snow. In it, skiers combine airs and tricks on a 565-meter course featuring rails and a variety of jumps before being scored on execution, style, difficulty, variety and progression.
Explore the science behind the moves with your students using the latest video series—The Science and Engineering of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games—from the partnership of NBC Learn and the National Science Foundation (NSF). This team brings you another series of high-interest STEM videos to stream into your classroom. Each one is around 5 minutes long and jam packed with science and engineering design concepts.
And of course, NSTA is there, too, with suggestions and ideas for integrating the videos into your courses and conducting hands-on science and engineering design inquiries. To get started, watch the video and then download the lesson plans. The Integration Guide supplies myriad ideas for integrating the video throughout your day. The Inquiry Guide supplies BOTH a hands-on science inquiry AND a hands-on engineering design inquiry.
The series is available cost-free on and Download the lesson plans below in editable Word format. Leave a comment to let us know what you think!
Nick Geopper & the Physics of Slopestyle Skiing discusses some of the physics involved in a type of freestyle skiing known as slopestyle.
Lesson Plans Slopestyle Skiing Integration Guide spells out the STEM in video and gives you mini-activities and ideas for research, teamwork, projects, and interdisciplinary connections.
Slopestyle Skiing Inquiry Guide models a science inquiry into potential and kinetic energy AND models an engineering design inquiry in which students solve a problem related to slopestyle skiing.
Image of a slopestyle skier in action, courtesy of Patrick Hui.
You can use the following form to e-mail us edited versions of the lesson plans: [contact-form 2 “ChemNow]

The count down is on for February 7, the start of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia! Twelve new winter sports will join those we always look forward to watching. Among them is Men’s and Women’s Ski Slopestyle. To the uninitiated, it looks a lot like what teens do on skateboards, but with skis on snow.


Science of ice, brief explanation

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2014-01-11

winter_olympics2014For all those who are experiencing the solid form of water or teaching about it, here is a cool video from the National Science Foundation (NSF) about the science of ice. In this short video, athletes J.R. Celski, Britanny Bowe, and Gracie Gold talk about the ice they like and mathematician Ken Golden of the University of Utah explains why the unique surface of ice enables the slide and glide of winter sports. The science is several levels above early childhood understanding but it’s good for teachers to stretch ourselves as we prepare to answer at least part of our students’ questions at an age appropriate level.
The NSF has other videos about the science and engineering of the 2014 Olympic Winter Games. Add your favorite resource about water in any form by commenting below.
Children’s books about using ice:
The Best Figure Skater in the Whole Wide World by Linda Bailey, illustrated by Alan and Lea Daniel (2003 Kids Can Press)
Ice!: The amazing story of the ice business by Laurence Pringle (2012 Calkins Creek)
Ice and People by Nikki Bundey (2000 Lerner Publications Co.)
Ice Palace by Deborah Blumenthal, illustrated by Ted Rand (2003 Clarion)
Happy sliding!

winter_olympics2014For all those who are experiencing the solid form of water or teaching about it, here is a cool video from the National Science Foundation (NSF) about the science of ice.


Basic Data Literacy: Helping Your Students (And You!) Make Sense of Data

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2014-01-10

Basic Data LiteracyWe are surrounded by data. When you read, watch, or listen to the news, you are presented with the conclusions drawn from data someone else has collected. And they’ve collected that data to understand something, argue a position, make a point, or persuade the listeners to adopt a particular view.  It’s important to realize that everyone has an agenda of some sort, and being more data literate helps you understand if others are making a fair argument.
Data literacy is an important skill to develop in students, and science classrooms are a good place to do that because data collection and interpretation are part of the science curriculum in most jurisdictions. What authors Michael Bowen and Anthony Bartley realize is that the “challenge in encouraging teachers to do inquiry investigations exists in part because of aspects of data collection, analysis, synthesis, and presentation that teachers of science often just do not know.”
The authors developed Basic Data Literacy: Helping Your Students (And You!) Make Sense of Data after years of presenting workshops at NSTA conferences on this very subject. This book is designed to help teachers and students make sense of data in ways that are conceptually grounded in hands-on practices and reflect how scientists use and present data.
The examples included relate to classrooms and the types of data collection activities that teachers have students do. As every teacher understands, supporting students who are doing laboratory investigations of the student-directed and open-ended type is a considerable challenge and can require a lot more background knowledge than undergraduate teaching programs often provide.
Learning about how to analyze and make better sense of data also helps you learn the best way to collect data. And learning how to collect, summarize, and analyze data is a very important skill, central to the newly released Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Read the sample chapter, Simple Statistics For Science Teachers: The T-Test, Anova Test, And Regression And Correlation Coefficients.

This book is also available as an e-book.

Basic Data LiteracyWe are surrounded by data. When you read, watch, or listen to the news, you are presented with the conclusions drawn from data someone else has collected.

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