By Debra Shapiro
Posted on 2011-08-16
“Schools, once known as energy wasters, are embracing conservation in increasing numbers. A desire to practice the environmentally friendly principles discussed in classrooms has been heightened by soaring energy costs and tighter budgets,” says a recent article in the New York Times. According to the article, schools across the country are turning off lights, unplugging electronic devices, installing energy-efficient equipment, and upgrading lighting and heating and cooling systems. Some districts are even appointing official “energy managers” to inspect schools for energy waste.
We’d like to hear what your school or district is doing to conserve energy and save money during these difficult economic times. Are those measures working? And what are your students learning from these efforts?
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-08-12
I’ve applied for several teaching positions, and the thought of an interview (assuming I’m lucky enough to get one) makes me nervous. How should I prepare? What kind of questions will the committee ask?
—McKenzie, Columbia, Missouri
Having been on both ends of the interview process for faculty and administrative positions—as part of the interview committee and as the interviewee—I’ve found it’s impossible to eliminate the butterflies. I’ve talked with some colleagues to compile suggestions to make interviewing a positive experience.
Interviewers may ask, “What do you know about our community or school?” Rather than saying “not much” (which one applicant actually said), do some background work:
First impressions are lasting ones. Your behavior and attitude should reflect the accomplishments on your resume:
In addition to asking what you know about the school, the committee will have questions such as
Answer the questions completely and succinctly. If asked about something you’re unfamiliar with, don’t fake a response or answer with unrelated information. Write the question down on your notepad and respond that although you’re not acquainted with the topic, you’ll add it to your list of things to learn about. (If you’re called back for a second interview, be sure to mention what you’ve learned.)
Sometimes, the interview process has a performance component. You may be asked to
The committee may ask at the end if you have any questions. Although discussions of salary and benefits are not appropriate at this time, you might be curious about
After the interview, send a note of thanks to the committee. Good luck!
I’ve applied for several teaching positions, and the thought of an interview (assuming I’m lucky enough to get one) makes me nervous. How should I prepare? What kind of questions will the committee ask?
—McKenzie, Columbia, Missouri
By Claire Reinburg
Posted on 2011-08-11
The first days of school offer teachers an opportunity to set a positive tone and convey to students that their classrooms are supportive learning environments for all. Free chapter excerpts offered in the August 2011 issue of NSTA’s Book Beat include helpful tips from NSTA Press authors. Consider adding several of them to your classroom toolkit this fall.
Jill Swango and Sally Steward open Help! I’’m Teaching Middle School Science (grades 6–8) with a wonderful collection of ideas, games, and activities designed to captivate students’ enthusiasm for science and problem solving. Book Beat offers the free chapter “The First Day,” which provides clever icebreaker activities like The Simplest Quiz and Just Read the Directions. These opening activities can help create a comfortable, lively, and active atmosphere for learning. Elementary teachers can use author John Eichinger’s activity “What Do You See? Visual Observation” (from Activities Linking Science With Math, K-4) to boost students’ observation skills; students observe closely and then sketch familiar and unfamiliar objects, honing key science process skills as they go. High school teachers will find a wealth of ideas in Lynn Bell and John Park’s chapter “Digital Images and Video for Teaching Science” from Technology in the Secondary Science Classroom (grades 6–12). The chapter includes suggestions for using images or video to introduce just about any science topic and then following up with creative questioning to capture students’ attention and set the context for later comprehension of the topic being investigated. As Yogi Berra once said, “You can observe a lot just by watching.” Check out the August issue of NSTA’s Book Beat for these resources plus tips on how to ask the right questions and one resource that might address that question “when we will use this in real life?” Best wishes for the new school year!
The first days of school offer teachers an opportunity to set a positive tone and convey to students that their classrooms are supportive learning environments for all. Free chapter excerpts offered in the August 2011 issue of NSTA’s Book Beat include helpful tips from NSTA Press authors. Consider adding several of them to your classroom toolkit this fall.
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-08-06
I once worked with a principal who encouraged us to check off the comments boxes on progress reports and report cards. Most of these were rather generic and impersonal. We thought—wouldn’t it be great to have database of comments to choose from that really reflected our science activities and goals? Fast forward a few years to Report Card Comments, an online tool that that can be customized to do just that.
As with many tools, you need to register (it’s free). You can use existing comment banks, or (better yet) create your own—with comments related to skills or specific learning goals (e.g., Demonstrated how to use a microscope to prepared slides. Created a wet mount slide.). This would be very useful if you’re using standards-based or narrative reporting. The student’s name and gender is added to the comments. At this point, you must copy and paste the “report” you create, but it’s better than doing a lot of original typing and the comment set can be saved and modified. I suspect you could paste into a document and then merge into letters or other documents. Or it’s interesting just to see the range of comments that other teachers use.
Another way to provide feedback to students is through rubrics. Many articles in NSTA journals include examples of rubrics for the activity or project, and they are often made available in the Connections for the issue. There are also many online tools for creating and formatting rubrics. I recently became aware of iRubric, which is part of the RCampus site (which is described as “a comprehensive education management system and a collaborative learning environment”). This is free, but it does require a registration. You can create rubrics from scratch, but the real value seems to be in the “gallery” of rubrics already created. You can use these as is, or modify them and re-save them. It seems a little overwhelming at first, but learning about and using the tool could be a project for a team of teachers.
If you’re looking for opportunities to create an individualized professional development plan, learning about and using tools such as these could be part of a goal to improve communications with students and parents or to provide meaningful feedback on activities. Just a thought …
I once worked with a principal who encouraged us to check off the comments boxes on progress reports and report cards. Most of these were rather generic and impersonal. We thought—wouldn’t it be great to have database of comments to choose from that really reflected our science activities and goals?
By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2011-08-02
My neighbors just drove off, heading towards the first day of kindergarten for their daughter. I love to see the excitement on children’s faces as they go to “the big school” for the first time. Middle school and high school teachers hope to see that kind of excitement in their students too! On the NSTA member listserves these teachers are discussing what to do on their first day with the students—how to accomplish some of the necessary tasks like seating charts, addressing safety rules, and setting up homework folders. The suggestions for these upper level teachers range from demonstrations to skits to scavenger hunts to writing about what science is. What science investigations can begin on the first day of an early childhood classroom when there are so many social-emotional learning goals to attend to? Some of the same ideas can be used (at an age appropriate level) to engage young children on their first days at school and to begin an on-going investigation. At the open-to-all NSTA Learning Center online forums, early childhood teachers are talking about science activities they use on the first day of school.
Here are a few more ideas.
Take your children on an outdoor sensory-scavenger walk, around the school yard, to list what they felt—the rough brick wall of the school, the smooth window glass, the wet grass, the gritty sand, and the cold handrail. Take the walk in a “Simon Says” style, with the teacher as Simon, so that not only will the children touch safe objects, they will also all touch the same objects and their experience can later be compared. Tell the class not to touch any trash, mushrooms, or plants that the teacher does not touch. Exploring our senses is part of an inquiry about living things (living things respond to their environment).
Plant seeds of quickly-maturing and heat-resistant crops indoors in cups or a large class pot. It won’t matter very much how many seeds the children plant or how deep they are planted—some are bound to come up! Depending on your location, transplant the seedlings to a school garden later on, when the children are settled into the routine, or put the pot outdoors to get as much sunlight as possible. Make watering the seeds and seedlings one of the classroom jobs for children. Possible fall crops include carrots, beets, broccoli, Swiss chard, kale and other greens. Check on the seed packet and look for a low number of “days-to-maturity”. (The National Gardening Association has tips and you can get detailed information from your state Cooperative Extension Service). Caring for seedlings indoors or outside helps develop a routine while teaching about the needs of living things.
Freeze water in large containers and put these ice blocks into a water table or large tub for exploration into the properties of water. Freeze small (but not too small) toys inside the ice for fun and to give children a reason to persist in wondering about how ice melts. Provide towels to mop up the spills. Physical science explorations into the nature of water and water flow can be a year-long inquiry—from filling the top of a coin with water drops to pouring water or dropping ice down rain gutter ramps to filling tubes and directing the flow.
Pair pictures of local or world-famous buildings with small blocks at a table or larger blocks on the floor to help develop spatial thinking. Spread out the blocks on a number of trays to keep a few children from monopolizing them. Soon children will be asking, “How long?” “How high?” and “How many?”
Trays are also a good way to focus children’s use of space as they work with spinning a variety of tops. This can grow from an individual activity to a group activity as the children begin to compare the motion of the tops and offer tips on how to make tops spin longer. With further exploration, children will begin quantifying pushes and pulls in motion.
Each of these activities can be somewhat independent for the children and provide observational assessment opportunities for you to begin to understand your class. Include writing and drawing materials at every center for children to document their observations and thinking with pictures, writing or dictation to an adult.
Comment below to share your first day science activities or join the discussion at the NSTA Learning Center. Science on the first day engages children in experiences which can lead to exploration in greater depth.
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-07-30
Last year, I started giving pretests at the beginning of each unit. The students were upset because they didn’t know many of the answers, even though I explained I didn’t expect them to know everything and the pretest wouldn’t count as a grade. Are there other ways to find out what students know about a topic?
—Cheri, Bangor, Maine
One of the most important factors influencing students’ learning is not the activities you plan or the materials you use but what students already know about a topic. In her recent Edutopia blog Are You Tapping into Prior Knowledge Often Enough in Your Classroom? Rebecca Alber describes the research on the value of accessing the knowledge, skills, and experiences students bring to a learning unit.
Reflecting on my own experience with middle-schoolers, I probably did not “tap” enough at first. I was so excited about the unit topic and the great activities that students could do. But a student changed my mind. She turned in a test with tears in her eyes. “I know a lot about this, but you didn’t ask the right questions.” I asked her what she meant (the topic was marine invertebrates) and she described her summers at her grandparents’ cottage on the beaches of Florida and the extensive shell collection she had at home. I realized that if I had known that in advance, I could have asked her to share her experiences with the other students, many of whom had never seen the ocean (I should have known that ahead of time, too).
Alber mentions some activities that can help students access their prior knowledge and previous experiences. These can easily be adapted to science learning and included in science notebooks, as alternatives to traditional pretests. These are more open-ended and can tease out things that you may not have considered:
Assessing students’ prior knowledge can also identify misconceptions or incomplete understandings. Page Keeley has created a series of books on Uncovering Student Ideas in Science. The “probes” in these books are brief activities that help teachers identify students’ preconceptions or misconceptions about a topic.
From a practical standpoint, if you find most have some familiarity with a topic, you won’t need to spend a lot of time reteaching the basics, other than perhaps a brief review. You can develop more in-depth activities and topics that build on the students’ knowledge and experiences. However, if students do not have the background knowledge and skills you expected, you’ll need activities that introduce students to fundamental concepts and processes.
Finding out a students’ prior knowledge can also be helpful in differentiated instruction. Once you identify what experiences and knowledge students have, you can plan activities for those who need basic instruction and for those who are ready for more advanced work.
I would be frustrated when students claimed they were unfamiliar with a topic I knew they’d covered in previous classes. I found teachers in other years may have used different vocabulary. These activities can refresh students’ memories, helping them realize they knew more than they (and I) thought.
Last year, I started giving pretests at the beginning of each unit. The students were upset because they didn’t know many of the answers, even though I explained I didn’t expect them to know everything and the pretest wouldn’t count as a grade. Are there other ways to find out what students know about a topic?
—Cheri, Bangor, Maine
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-07-25
In case you haven’t seen it yet, the July issue of Science Scope is themed around technology. We seem to think that technology means new cool tools, but I heard a social studies teacher define it as “the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes” and “tools and strategies that people use to solve problems.” He was teaching a unit on inventions, comparing the industrial revolution to the digital one. His students compared the telegraph and Morse code to the technology of texting and the “code” used to communicate.
Recently, on Twitter I saw a link to A Tale of Two Worlds: Old School, New School This infographic lists tools used in classrooms over the years from overhead projectors to smart phones.
Although it would be fun to nostalgically stroll down memory lane (I could add 16mm projectors, filmstrips, record players, and mimeograph machines to the list of extinct technologies that I used), it’s more important to reflect on the “practical purposes” that these technologies serve and which comes first—the purpose or the tool?
Do we invent tools to serve a need (doing things better), as in replacing overhead projectors with interactive boards for teacher presentations? Or do we invent a practical use for a new cool tool (doing better things)? I’m thinking of how in a short time iPads and smart phones have found a a place in the classroom as communication tools, as substitutes for other media, and for applications that didn’t exist a few years (or months) ago.
The laptops of today will eventually join the museum, along with floppy disks and VCRs. There is one item on the list that I hope never exists—the robot teacher. Although, if a teacher can be replaced by a robot, perhaps he or she should be! It’s interesting to see the percentage of teachers who have embraced social networking for professional learning and communications—applying a tool to a purpose.
Speaking of social networking, join in on Tuesday evenings (8–9 pm Eastern) to #scichat on Twitter. Last week’s online tweetchat was an amazingly focused conversation on project-based learning in science with many educators sharing their experience and expertise (and links to relevant online resources). #nstachat occurs on a less frequent basis, but the conversations also focus on a specific topic. It’s interesting how these social networking sites have morphed from “here’s what I had for dinner” to highly engaging opportunities for professional communications.
In case you haven’t seen it yet, the July issue of Science Scope is themed around technology.
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-07-22
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-07-18
I’ve been reading about the revised Bloom’s taxonomy, with “creating” now being at the top. The examples I saw for this level included things such as posters, puppet shows, songs and dances, or skits. These may be enjoyable for younger students, but I can’t really see my high school chemistry students spending time on these. How can older students be creative in science?
—Joseph, Des Moines, Iowa
First, a little background—Bloom’s Taxonomy was an attempt to describe and classify thinking behaviors into levels of complexity. The cognitive domain taxonomy became part of the common language of teaching: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. A lesson’s learning goals, objectives, and activities could be matched up with the levels, with the latter three being considered “higher-order” thinking
The taxonomy was revised a few years ago to reflect changes in what is known about learning and thinking. Comparing the two versions side-by-side, there are a few differences. The levels are verbs rather than nouns to signify the learner’s activity and synthesis in the original taxonomy has evolved into creating in the revised one. (See the list of references for more discussion).
In this taxonomy, creating goes beyond the traditional fine and performing arts. Some of the actions associated with creating include assembling, constructing, composing, inventing, reorganizing, revising, designing, developing, formulating. The products could include presentations, experiments, inventions, projects, written documents, videos, or the performances that you mentioned in your question. With that interpretation, it’s easier to see how creativity and science can be connected.
Problem solving is a form of creativity, especially if a new solution requires innovative thinking. When you ask students to design an investigation, they are creating. If students come up with a novel solution to a task, they are demonstrating their creativity. If students ask “what if…” or make imaginative connections to other topics or subject areas, they are thinking creatively. But don’t write off things like skits, songs, or videos—your students may enjoy composing these, especially if they can share them with others. You can provide guidance so the science content is emphasized. I once observed a biology class in a high school for the arts. The students amazed me with how they connected their artistic interests to their learning in science.
Technology has added more ways for students to address Bloom’s levels of thinking—from remembering to applying to creating. In the article, “More Than Just the Technology,” in the July 2011 issue of Science Scope, Kimberly Lightle poses the question “How do we provide meaningful learning experiences for students using tools that are intrinsically motivating?” She looks at each level of the taxonomy and how digital tools can enhance thinking and learning.
Even if students are using these tools, are we encouraging creativity if students are required to produce an identical product or come up with the same answers? I’ve found students accustomed to being told exactly what to do or given a template for every assignment may have some initial concerns when the directions are minimal. They may be unsure of whether they’ll be “right” or if their ideas will be acceptable. You’ll need to model creative processes and encourage academic risk-taking. Some of the most creative students I had were not necessarily the “top” students in the class. Students focused on grades seemed to be more hesitant about trying something different or open-ended. I revised my project rubric, leaving the “A” level blank. To earn an A, students needed to explain what they did to personalize the project beyond the required components. It took a while for them to catch on, but it paid off when a student said, “I’d like to try a different way. What do you think?” I thought so much of his way, I integrated it into my graduate thesis.
Additional resources:
I’ve been reading about the revised Bloom’s taxonomy, with “creating” now being at the top. The examples I saw for this level included things such as posters, puppet shows, songs and dances, or skits. These may be enjoyable for younger students, but I can’t really see my high school chemistry students spending time on these. How can older students be creative in science?
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-07-15
Back in the 1990s, when I was a technology director, a school board member asked me “What technology should our students use to prepare them for the workforce?” I responded that what our current elementary students would use in college or the workforce had not yet been invented. The best way to prepare students for the 21st century (we still hear that term, but the century is now 10% over!) is not to train them in specific applications but to ensure that students have (and use) basic literacy and mathematical skills, opportunities for collaboration and communication, strategies for self-directed lifelong learning, and opportunities for problem-solving and creativity–in a variety of contexts, including science, with teachers modeling the skills themselves.
In a response in NSTA’s biology listserve, Andrew J Petto suggested that although students might be digital natives, in many cases they are also digitally naïve end-users–believing everything they read online, for example—and need guidance to channel their skills into critical thinking and creativity. (and perhaps courtesy? See eEtiquette) for “guidelines for the digital world.”)
The articles in this issue demonstrate that teaching with technology is different from teaching about technology from data collection to assessment to communication to A Field Trip Without Buses. For example, Using Technology in the Classroom describes a teacher’s adventures in incorporating technology into her lessons, taking advantage of simulations, podcasts, animations, and communication tools. She notes that she started by infusing technology into a familiar lesson, rather than trying to do everything new at once—smart advice.
An authentic way of incorporating technology into science investigations is through the many citizen-science projects. In these regional and nationwide projects, participants record observations in their own communities and upload data to a project database. Students get to see “their” data used as part of a larger project and are encouraged to pose their own research questions and communicate with other data-collectors and researchers.
Twenty Ways to Assess Students Using Technology suggests some online tools as alternatives to paper-and-pencil assessments. The list looks a little overwhelming, but many of these tools are quite simple (and many have a free version). The full table in Connections has the URLs. I suspect that students could figure them out quickly and help others (including teachers) to learn. The teacher could provide suggestions for applying the tool to the learning goals.
Speaking of creativity, what do you do the first few days of school? In addition to going over class rules, discussing our grading systems, and handing out textbooks, many teachers also engage students right away in a hands-on investigation. This gives the teacher an opportunity to assess students’ levels of inquiry skills and their ability to work together. An activity such as It’s (zipped) in bag could be used or adapted for this. The 5E investigation uses simple materials (zip-lock bags) as a springboard for inquiry and engineering principles.
Check out the Connections for this issue (July 2011). Even if the article does not quite fit with your lesson agenda, this resource has ideas for handouts, background information sheets, data sheets, rubrics, etc.
And be sure to follow Science Scope on Facebook and Twitter @NSTA