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NSTA Virtual Conference: English Learners in STEM Subjects, May 4, 2019

English learners (ELs) bring a wealth of ideas, perspectives, and solutions to STEM education. However, according to a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2018), the nearly 5 million students classified as ELs in public schools are falling behind when it comes to STEM education. Particularly, as it relates to learning science and mathematics, ELs lack opportunities to engage with challenging disciplinary practices and content.

English learners (ELs) bring a wealth of ideas, perspectives, and solutions to STEM education. However, according to a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2018), the nearly 5 million students classified as ELs in public schools are falling behind when it comes to STEM education. Particularly, as it relates to learning science and mathematics, ELs lack opportunities to engage with challenging disciplinary practices and content.

English learners (ELs) bring a wealth of ideas, perspectives, and solutions to STEM education. However, according to a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2018), the nearly 5 million students classified as ELs in public schools are falling behind when it comes to STEM education. Particularly, as it relates to learning science and mathematics, ELs lack opportunities to engage with challenging disciplinary practices and content.

English learners (ELs) bring a wealth of ideas, perspectives, and solutions to STEM education. However, according to a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2018), the nearly 5 million students classified as ELs in public schools are falling behind when it comes to STEM education. Particularly, as it relates to learning science and mathematics, ELs lack opportunities to engage with challenging disciplinary practices and content.


Why Should Middle Level Teachers Join NSTA in St. Louis in April?

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2019-02-13

So I can inspire more students to love science!” That’s why middle school teacher Katherine W. told us she wanted to come to our national conference. Inspiration is high on the list for most people who come to an NSTA conference, as is the best science ed PD you’ll find anywhere, plus lots of amazing people. Here are eight more things middle level educators won’t want to miss at #NSTA19 in St. Louis this April.

  1. Meet Me in the Middle Day—Friday, April 12, 10:15 AM–4:30 PM
    Join the National Middle Level Science Teachers Association (NMLSTA) for an amazing day designed just for middle school educators. The day’s events include 15 workshops and presentations, two roundtable networking sessions featuring a variety of topics, and an afternoon share-a-thon with up to 100 presenters swapping ideas. You’ll walk away with new friends and ideas you can use in your classroom next week!
    (See page 10 of the program preview for more information.)

  2. Show your NSTA St. Louis Conference Badge and receive complimentary admission to the Butterfly House for a self-guided tour, courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Great care was taken in the design and engineering of the 8,000-square-foot glass conservatory garden to assure a natural and safe habitat for the butterflies. As many as 80 butterfly species and 150 tropical plant species are exhibited.
    (See page 20 of the program preview for more information.)
  1. Dozens of sessions will be led by middle school educators. Below is a small sampling of what you’ll find when you search the session browser for events targeted for middle level science teaching: 
    • Middle School Science Fair: Tips and Tricks
    • Ice, Ice, Baby: An Integrated 3-D Storyline Unit for Middle School Science Using Instant Ice Packs
    • Stratospheric Ballooning for Middle School Students
    • All Kids Have a Voice: Using Protocols and Other Activities in the Middle School Science Classroom to Build Equity
  1. Association for Multicultural Science Education (AMSE)-Sponsored Session: How to Be a DonorsChoose Rockstar—Using Crowdfunding to Get a Killer STEM Space!Saturday, April 13, 3:30–4:30 PM
    Grow your STEM program in this session. Learn how to fill your space with learning tools, supplies, and more to complete your three-dimensional learning space.
    Click here to see more AMSE-sponsored sessions.

  2. Teacher Researcher Day Session: Using Argumentation with a Social Justice Aspect to Improve Scientific LiteracyThursday, April 11, 2:00–3:00 PM
    Most people cannot remember their middle school science classes. By adding a social justice aspect for argumentation, students are able to see how science impacts not only their daily lives but also the lives of others in a global context.
    Click here to see more Teacher Research Day sessions.

  3. Learn how to get published in Science Scope (NSTA’s middle level journal) or any of NSTA’s journals.—Saturday, April 13, 9:30–10:30 AM
    Meet the editors of NSTA’s four grade-level teaching journals. Find out what types of articles they’re looking for, why it’s important to use your own classroom experience as the subject matter, how the review process works, and more. Would-be authors will find that it’s not so daunting to share their great ideas with peers.

  4. Meet the authors of your favorite NSTA Press books and share ideas for using their innovative strategies in the classroom. All NSTA Press sessions will be held in America’s Center. Click here to see all NSTA Press sessions.

    Many of the sessions are particularly useful for middle school teachers, including the following:

    • What Is the Difference Between Weather and Climate?
      Thursday, April 11, 2:00–3:00 PM
      Laura Tucker, co-author of the popular Uncovering Student Misconceptions series, will share student responses to address this key concept for teaching climate change.
    • Instructional Sequence Matters—Structuring Lessons with the NGSS in Mind
      Thursday, April 11, 5:00–6:00 PM
      Learn how to be an explore-before-explain teacher who structures lessons so student evidenced-based claims are the foundation for learning and promote long-lasting physical science understanding.
    • Reading Nature—Engaging Biology Students with Evidence from the Living World
      Friday, April 12, 9:30–10:30 AM
      Engage adapted primary literature using an NSTA Press publication that allows biology students to not only understand core ideas, but understand how they are justified.
    • Once Upon an Earth Science Book
      Sunday, April 14, 9:30–10:30 AM
      Want your students to read and write more effectively? Join Jodi Wheeler-Toppen, author of the Once Upon a Science Book series, for lessons that integrate literacy and Earth science content.
  1. The Exhibit Hall—Daily
    Some call NSTA’s exhibit hall the “science teacher’s playground,” and while it truly is fun, you’ll also pick up a lot of PD and get to try top-notch science ed resources while there. Check out this blog to see what happens there (and only there)—from the whacky to the wonderful. View the exhibit floor and plan your route here (and don’t forget to leave room in your suitcase for all the swag).

  2. Meet your fellow middle school teachers at the First-Timers Session—Thursday, April 11, 8:00–9:00 AM.
    This may be last on our list, but it should be first on yours. You’ll find tables marked “Middle School” (among other topics you may choose from like STEM and NGSS), where you can meet other attendees with similar interests, get to know the NSTA leadership, win prizes, and have a lot of fun. It’s the best way to kick off your conference experience!

Can’t Attend But Want the Experience?

Follow along on Twitter and Instagram using #NSTA19, like NSTA on Facebook and check out our St. Louis album, or follow the Science Scope editor on Twitter for middle school–specific information about the conference and other happenings at NSTA.

Pro Tips

Check out more sessions and other events with the St. Louis Session Browser. Follow all our conference tweets using #NSTA19, and if you tweet, please feel free to tag us @NSTA so we see it and share.

Need help requesting funding or time off from your principal or supervisor? Download a letter of support and bring it with you.

And don’t forget, NSTA members save up to $90 off the price of registration. Not a member? Join here.

Future NSTA Conferences

8th Annual STEM Forum & Expo, hosted by NSTA
San Francisco, July 24–26, 2019

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Interactive eBook Introduces Young Readers to Beavers, Nature’s Furry Engineer

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2019-02-12

As a member of her local nature preserve, Katie Dunbar learned so much about the symbiotic relationship between animals and their environment. Take beavers, for example. The absence or presence of this one species has the ability to completely alter its ecosystem.

“Beavers are considered a keystone species for the vital role they play in their ecosystems,” said Dunbar, a K-5 librarian for the Palisades School District in Kintnersville, Pa. “If you remove them, the whole ecosystem changes. Their very existence ensures a healthy balance across plant life, animal species, and water levels.”

When Dunbar learned that NSTA was seeking authors, she wanted beavers to factor prominently in her storytelling. She admitted to having “great fun researching these fascinating, three feet-long little rodents” for her eBook+ Kids interactive book, Beavers Building Ecosystems.

While on a visit to Maine, Dunbar hunted down known beaver habitats, but admitted to being “completely surprised” upon discovering some of them.

“There was a huge variety in their dams, some of which I didn’t know were there until I stepped on them,” Dunbar said. “Between the trees and the brush, I couldn’t even tell that a pond was there.”

Dunbar’s eBook actively encourages K-5 students to participate in hands-on, three-dimensional learning. The content takes students through science and engineering practices; crosscutting concepts; and disciplinary core ideas. A detailed teachers’ guide supplements the e-book and can be used as a tool for class-wide, small group, or independent study of the content; provides additional ideas and activities; and assesses students on the content standards to which this e-book is aligned.

“The e-book allows students to make so many more connections with the content than if they were just reading a printed book,” Dunbar explained. “You can tell kids the connections, but they are not going to remember. If they get to interact with ideas and make connections themselves they will remember.”

Once considered a nuisance, more recent evidence points to the positive effects beavers have on ecosystem repair, esp. in the west, in managing storm water runoff, elevating low water tables, preventing river bed erosion, and creating of new wetlands.

“I hope that students who interact with this e-book get excited about this little critter who makes so many positive changes,” Dunbar said.

The author is hard at work on her second e-Book about pygmy mammoths. Did you know that the Chanel Islands are the only place in the world where pygmy mammoths are known to have existed? Dunbar shared that they evolved from the Columbian mammoths of North America after swimming out to the Chanel Islands.

Stay tuned!

Find out how to order Beavers Building Ecosystems.

Read an excerpt from the Teacher’s Guide.

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As a member of her local nature preserve, Katie Dunbar learned so much about the symbiotic relationship between animals and their environment. Take beavers, for example. The absence or presence of this one species has the ability to completely alter its ecosystem.


[Sad Trombone]

By Gabe Kraljevic

Posted on 2019-02-11

Have you ever been challenged by student teachers and the methods they bring to the classroom that differed from yours? Have students ever favored your student teacher over you? How did you react? 

— R., Ohio


On a few occasions I did learn some new activities or labs which I would gladly discuss with the student teacher and look at employing myself. I think because I dedicated myself to keeping current on new ways of teaching and tried many different techniques throughout my career, there weren’t really too many times that a student teacher came up with a completely new way to teach something. In fact, even though I and many other teachers have switched to student-centered approaches, some preservice teachers still start in a teacher-centered manner, much in way they themselves had been taught in school!

It was quite a blow to my ego whenever students preferred my student teacher and moaned when I took over the class again! I would brush it off, justifying it as their attraction to someone younger (and better looking). If I only had to teach for five weeks with a reduced workload I could be a rock star, too, I told myself. However, I also had to face up to the fact that some were better than me and that there will always be teachers better than me. And that’s a good thing for everyone. If teachers don’t improve then our education doesn’t move forward. And that means that we stop progressing.

Better said by John Dewey:
“If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.”

Hope this helps!


Sound Attribution via Creative Commons 3.0: “Sad Trombone Sound” by Joe Lamb. Released: 2011. 


Ed News: AP Participation, Performance Reach New Highs

By Kate Falk

Posted on 2019-02-08

News Roundup banner

This week in education news, physical computing has established a presence in a number of schools around the country; Senator Lamar Alexander is on mission to overhaul the federal Higher Education Act by the end of the year; Sal Khan envisions a future of mastery-based learning; educators teach not just content but a range of skills students will need to be successful as adults; registration for advanced placement exams will move to Nov. 15 starting this fall; performance assessment is not a new idea in K-12 education; and students who can see the impact of their work are often more invested in their learning.

Hatch Gets Environmental Award from SeaWorld

Harrison Middle School EAST Lab teacher Mary Beth Hatch has received a substantial reward for environmental excellence. In the application for the award, Hatch explained that she had decided to make a concerted effort to get her sixth, seventh and eighth grade students outside as much as possible. In order to keep their hands and minds busy, she knew they needed projects for the entire year. Read the article featured in Harrison Daily.

Physical Computing’ Connects Computer Science with Hands-On Learning

Physical computing, an emerging instructional strategy that tries to teach students about computer science and computational thinking through physical tools and hands-on activity, has established a presence in a small number of schools around the country. In many cases, there’s just one teacher or administrator who’s trying it, but supporters of the concept believe its role will grow. Read the article featured in Education Week.

A Mission to Overhaul Higher Education

Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, is on a mission to overhaul the federal Higher Education Act by the end of the year – and with his recent track record, he just might do it. Read the article featured in U.S. News & World Report.

Sal Khan Envisions a Future of Active, Mastery-Based Learning

Sal Khan, founder of Khan Academy and keynote speaker at the recent 2019 Future of Education Technology Conference in Orlando, discusses how technology will impact education in the years ahead. Read the article in District Administration.

Understanding a Teacher’s Long-Term Impact

As every teacher knows, educators teach not just content but a range of skills students will need to be successful as adults. A recent study shows just how important fostering those skills is: Teachers who help students improve noncognitive skills such as self-regulation raise their grades and likelihood of graduating from high school more than teachers who help them improve their standardized test scores do. Read the article featured in edutopia.

AP Participation, Performance Reach New Highs

Seniors in the class of 2018 took 4.22 million exams — a 65% jump over the past decade — and were more likely to persist when faced with harder material. Read the article featured in Education DIVE.

The International Space Station as a Teaching Tool

We live in a technology-driven world where accelerating innovation and change are dominant themes. The challenge to our educational systems is twofold. First, we must provide our nation’s youth a comprehensive education, including science, to prepare them for the world in which they will live and work in the coming decades. Read the article featured in Scientific American.

Performance Assessment: 4 Best Practices

Let’s get this out of the way first: Performance assessment—the idea of measuring what students can do, not merely what they know—is not a new idea in K-12 education. Teachers have been told to engage students in projects at least since the days of John Dewey, and probably long before that. Nevertheless, performance assessment has a bit of a riddled history in the United States. Read the article featured in Education Week.

Seeing Tangible Outcomes Builds Deeper Student STEM Engagement

At four San Francisco high schools, students in beginning computer science classes are programming human-like robots as part of an initiative to get more pupils excited about coding and robotics. Read the brief featured in Education DIVE.

How to Assess Group Projects: It’s About Content and Teamwork

Group work is a time-tested strategy in many classrooms, but educators are starting to rethink how to evaluate these projects not just on the content students learn, but the skills they hone to work in teams as adults. Read the article featured in Education Week.

Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.

The Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs (CLPA) team strives to keep NSTA members, teachers, science education leaders, and the general public informed about NSTA programs, products, and services and key science education issues and legislation. In the association’s role as the national voice for science education, its CLPA team actively promotes NSTA’s positions on science education issues and communicates key NSTA messages to essential audiences.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Plan Your #NSTA19 St. Louis Elementary Science Experience

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2019-02-06

The biggest science education conference of the year is happening in St. Louis this spring! Elementary teachers who want to be the student for a few days should join us. Here are 11 reasons why.

  1. NSTA’s inaugural Linking Literacy EventFriday and Saturday, April 12–13
    (See page 11 of the program preview for more information.)
    Join science teachers from across the globe for a special event focusing on science and children’s literature. All are invited; however the event is especially geared toward elementary teachers looking for strategies to increase science instruction while meeting ELA standards as well. Highlights of the event include hearing directly from great authors of trade books as they celebrate their work, discuss their books, and suggest how to use them in the classroom.

  2. Global Conversations: Welcome to My Elementary Classroom (W-1)—Wednesday, April 10, 7:20–11:45 AM
    Welcome to My Classroom is a program sponsored by NSTA’s International Advisory Board and is intended primarily for international participants to view science classrooms. Those with W-1 tickets will visit Maple Richmond Heights Elementary School, a grades 3–6 elementary school in which teaching and learning are focused by using the “School As Museum” metaphor to organize classroom projects. For more information, visit elementary-school/about-us.

  3. Show your NSTA St. Louis Conference Badge and receive complimentary admission to the Butterfly House for a self-guided tour, courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Great care was taken in the design and engineering of the 8,000-square-foot glass conservatory garden to assure a natural and safe habitat for the butterflies. As many as 80 butterfly species and 150 tropical plant species are exhibited.
    (See page 19 of the program preview for more information.)

  4. The Elementary Extravaganza—Friday, April 12
    (See page 7 of the program preview for more information.)
    Many elementary teachers consider this to be the highlight of their conference experience! Gather resources for use in your classroom immediately. Engaging hands-on activities, strategies to excite and encourage your students, a preview of the best trade books available, information about award opportunities, contacts with elementary science organizations, sharing with colleagues, door prizes, and much more will be available to participants. Walk away with a head full of ideas and arms filled with materials. Organizations participating in the Elementary Extravaganza include the Association of Presidential Awardees in Science Teaching, the Council for Elementary Science International, NSTA’s Preschool Elementary Committee, Science & Children authors and reviewers, and Society of Elementary Presidential Awardees.

  5. Space Mission & “Stellar” Elementary Workshop at the Challenger Learning Center (T-2)— Thursday, April 11, 9:00 AM–2:45 PM
    Ticket Price: $82; by preregistration only
    Become a “Jr. Astronaut” by going on a simulated space mission and making compressed-air rockets. Then engage in a hands-on workshop that integrates reading, writing, and math into astronomy by doing standards-based activities that take the unreachable and make it hands on. Junior Astronauts programs are geared toward students ages 6 to 11. Strategies will be shared for embedding STEM throughout the curriculum. Leave with at least three classroom-ready lesson plans and a renewed excitement for the wonders of space exploration. Box lunch is included.

  6. Association for Multicultural Science Education (AMSE)-Sponsored Session: Rooting Peer Learning Across Grades—Friday, April 12, 3:30–4:30 PM
    Hear how yearlong written correspondence between elementary and high school students encourages authentic engagement in science content, racial equity, and social justice.
    Click here for more AMSE-sponsored sessions.

  7. Council for Elementary Science International (CESI)-Sponsored Session: Creating (and Transforming) “Predict, Observe, Explain” Hands-On Science Activities for Lower Elementary Science—Friday, April 12, 12:30–1:30 PM
    Learn how to create (or modify from activities you already do) Predict, Observe, Explain learning sequences for grades K–5 students.
    Click here for more CESI-sponsored sessions.

  8. Launching an Elementary STEM Program—Saturday, April 13, 12:30–1:30 PM
    Need ideas of where to start with building an elementary STEM program or enhancing your current program? The initial steps in building an elementary STEM program can be an overwhelming thought. NSTA’s PD expert, Kim Stilwell, will share success stories and how using Picture-Perfect Science resources became part of the foundation to a successful implementation. Leave with links to helpful resources and ideas on how to start an elementary STEM program.
    Search the session browser for this and other STEMtastic ideas for elementary teachers.

  9. Elementary Science with NOAA: Free K–5 Science Resources from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration— Saturday, April 13, 3:30–4:30 PM
    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration offers an array of free resources to teach K–5 Earth system and environmental science. Learn about our curricular units and stand-alone lessons, digital storybooks, and inquiry-based activities—resources that enhance literacy skills while encouraging scientific exploration by young minds.
    Search the session browser for more NOAA-sponsored sessions.

  10. The Exhibit Hall—Daily
    Some call NSTA’s exhibit hall the “science teacher’s playground,” and while it truly is fun, you’ll also pick up a lot of PD and get to try top-notch science ed resources while there. Check out this blog to see what happens there (and only there)—from the whacky to the wonderful. View the exhibit floor and plan your route here (and don’t forget to leave room in your suitcase for all the swag).

  11. Meet your fellow elementary teachers at the First-Timers Session—Thursday, April 11, 8:00–9:00 AM
    This may be last on our list, but it should be first on yours. You’ll find tables marked “Elementary” (among other topics you may choose from like STEM and NGSS), where you can meet other attendees with similar interests, get to know the NSTA leadership, win prizes, and have a lot of fun. It’s the best way to kick off your conference experience!

Can’t Attend But Want the Experience?

ONE-DAY LIVESTREAM EVENTSaturday, April 13, 8:00 AM–1:45 PM
Join us on Saturday, April 13, for a livestream event specifically for elementary teachers. We’ve developed an entire event just for your professional learning needs. The event will take place in St. Louis during our National Conference on Science Education.

We will kick off the event with Sean Carroll’s The Many Worlds of Quantum Mechanics. Join Sean as he discusses the ongoing dilemma of how we still don’t truly understand the theory of quantum mechanics, despite its use on an everyday basis.

In between each of the breakout sessions, we’ll be featuring interviews from WebsEdge. The TV segments will profile prominent science educators and scientists, highlight the hard work of teachers and organizations committed to elevating the quality of science education in the United States.

In our first breakout session, Picture-Perfect Science authors Emily Morgan and Karen Ansberry will present Picture-Perfect STEM Lessons: Using Children’s Books to Inspire STEM Learning, K–5. Karen and Emily will share model lessons that integrate STEM and literacy through the use of engaging STEM-related picture books.

Carla Zembal-Saul, professor of science education at Penn State, will present the second breakout session of the day: Bringing English Learners into Focus Through Next Generation Science. Learn strategies and processes to intentionally design science instruction with ELLs at the center.

In the final breakout session, Linda Froschauer, former NSTA President and field editor of NSTA’s Science & Children, will present Facing Challenges, Making Changes, Changing Lives. In this talk, Linda will look back to what brought us to this point in the evolution of elementary science teaching.

We’re offering this program at a special introductory rate:

$75 for NSTA members; $99 for nonmembers.

We hope you’ll join us for this day of professional learning geared specifically toward elementary teachers.

Pro Tips

Check out more sessions and other events with the St. Louis Session Browser/Personal Scheduler. Follow all our conference tweets using #NSTA19, and if you tweet, please feel free to tag us @NSTA so we see it!

Need help requesting funding or time off from your principal or supervisor? Download a letter of support and bring it with you.

And don’t forget, NSTA members save up to $90 off the price of registration. Not a member? Join here.

Future NSTA Conferences

2019 STEM Forum & Expo
San Francisco, July 24–26

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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The biggest science education conference of the year is happening in St. Louis this spring! Elementary teachers who want to be the student for a few days should join us. Here are 11 reasons why.


The Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer: Listening to Plants (Part 2)

By Martin Horejsi

Posted on 2019-02-05

Continuing the story of the Vernier Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer, we will now apply its power it for a more traditional use; to inspect the transmission and absorption of fluid or a material suspended in a fluid. And that fluid can be easily and quickly generated with little more than a sample of plant leaf and some isopropyl alcohol.
Plant leaves like some light wavelengths but not others. They tell us there preferences through their absorbance spectrum. They tell us their dislikes by their transmission spectrum. A simple, popular and highly effective demonstration of the Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer’s power is with a basic inspection of the transmission (reflection) and absorption spectrum of a some green fluids generated from leaves.  Essentially plants can tell us their story through their spectrum and the Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer acts like a translator so we can understand what the plants have to say.
Preparing the magic juice for the Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer involves nothing more than a mix of isopropyl alcohol (95% preferred) and a sample of the plant leaf in question. For this example I used a piece of kale leaf. With leattuce and softer leaved veggies, its possible to grind the leaves by hand in a plastic bag into a beautiful green liquid. The kale, on the other hand, is a much more durable leaf so I poured the solution into a bowl and ground the mix with a spoon. Of course a mortar and pestle would be more suited for this job.
On a side note, it has been found that lower than 95% alcohol can act as an opaque material at very short wavelengths like those in the UV around 200 nanometers. While that is far below anything we are looking at, or can even detect with our test instrument and plastic cuvette, it should be noted where and how this limitation expresses itself.
kale in bag
kale juice
The green kale soup was then poured through a simple coffee filter and the green fluid dripped into the little vessel, or in French, cuvette. So hip is the ubiquitous transparent box that the cuvette even has its own Wikipedia page.
The cuvettes I’ll be using are plastic, about 1.5ml, and 15 of them with lids are included in the purchase of the Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer. Something I did, that could be handled professionally, is that I took one of the cuvettes and cut it down to a smaller size flush with the top surface of the Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer. I rolled up a piece of orange material inserted it into minimized cuvette, then glued the lid down tight. This special cuvette blank is for transport and storage in the spectrometer to keep debris, dust, etc. from entering the unit while in the field. As a Bluetooth device, the Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer will be used in less than sterile lab conditions.
cuvettes with kale
There are no less than six different materials that cuvettes are made from; plastic, glass, three variations of quartz, and sapphire. Each has its benefits and costs with sapphire the most expensive. Plastic, on the other hand, and the type included with the Vernier Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer, is used where speed, cost savings and durability is more important than high accuracy and short wavelength transmittance.
chlorophyl a and b spectrum

The Chlorophyll a and b spectrum from the Vernier Technology Websites

Vernier Technologies offers six different spectrometers. That should be an indication of both the importance and effectiveness of this kind of instrument in science and science education. In fact, within the Vernier lineup the number of sensors detecting any singular bit of physical info, the number of spectrometer offerings are equaled only by accelerometers and current/energy sensors. And only exceeded in overall number of offering by the temperature probes. And few things are are as universal important as temperature….and the light spectrum (pretending, for the moment, that there is a difference).
kale and coffee
With the cuvette in place and the Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer warmed up and calibrated, the kale cuvette produced a wonderful spectrum of absorbance highlighting a preference for deep blue, orange. Or essentially anything but green. While running this analysis projected onto a large screen with a classroom full of students, I posed the question of what would the spectrum curve look like for transmittance, or reflectance as we like to think of it.
A volunteered student slowly approached the whiteboard with the giant projected absorbance spectrum curve and tentatively plotted some data points opposite the existing graph. As the mental gymnastics went into overtime, it was clear that the undeniable inverse within science was inescapable. The reflectance could be nothing other than the opposite of the absorbance. After connecting the dots on the inverse plot, an essentially 180 degree-out-of-phase spectrum curve was now gracing the whiteboard. A quick adjustment to the Spectrum Analysis program yielded a transmission curve that matched the student’s work nearly identically. After a brief student OMG moment, the obvious became obvious, and the teaching moment is in the history books.
kale absorbance
kale reflectance
As further emphasis, a second kale cuvette was made that used a diluted version of the kale juice. The pale fluid was used to demonstrate that even a weak solution provides an equivelent spectrum even if that spectrum too was diluted. The limited relief of peaks and valleys in the graph followed the same contours of the initial deep green graph, but with less emphasis. Again, the results matched the expected although for some students it was unexpected.
The Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer has many uses. Vernier Technology presented several examples of use in their videos. The operation of the Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer is so streamlined in use in the science classroom that the Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer is a powerful tool that far exceeds its pay grade. For in reality, as Edith Wharton (the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for Literature) noted, “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” I guess you could say that the Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer does both.
Continuing the story of the Vernier Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer, we will now apply its power it for a more traditional use; to inspect the transmission and absorption of fluid or a material suspended in a fluid. And that fluid can be easily and quickly generated with little more than a sample of plant leaf and some isopropyl alcohol.
Plant leaves like some light wavelengths but not others. They tell us there preferences through their absorbance spectrum.

Launching Straw Rockets!

By Edwin P. Christmann

Posted on 2019-02-05


Pitsco’s Straw Rocket Launcher and its Getting Started Package gives students an introductory rocket activity where they can grasp a variety of subjects including force and motion, thrust, center of gravity, prediction, measurements, and more. For example, from the materials, students can experiment and hypothesize about how to construct the most stylish and dynamic rocket.

The kit contains a variety of materials, i.e., a Straw Rocket Launcher, a Straw Rocket Class Pack, and a Straw Rocket Video. The kit also contains teacher instructions, student instructions, and a Straw Rocket Launcher user guide. The package can be found by using the following like: As seen in Image 1, the Straw Rocket Launcher comes almost completely assembled. Subsequently, all users have to do is to attach the angle plate and the cylinder tube. Once that’s done, The Straw Rocket Class Pack contains enough supplies for 30 students, and additional class packs can be purchased separately if needed. The Straw Rocket Video is a DVD which contains helpful tips for getting started, such as tips for designing rockets and the variables that can impact the flight of the rockets.

Here is a User Guide for the Straw Rocket Launcher:

Image 1: The assembled Straw Rocket Launcher.

After the launcher is fully assembled, the first step is to construct a rocket. Students use plastic straws, modeling clay, and index cards to construct their own rockets. An example of a straw constructed rocket is pictured below in Image 2. Teachers can give students as much or as little freedom to construct their rockets.

Image 2: An example of a constructed straw rocket.

After constructing their rockets, students are ready to launch their straw rockets! Once ready, as shown in Image 3, their place the straw rocket over the launch tube can then adjust the trajectory angle of their straw rocket as illustrated in Image 4. After selecting the desired trajectory angle, students need to lift the launch rod up to the desired height. After doing that, as shown in Image 5, the launch rod is then dropped. Students can observe that varied launch rod drop heights results in differing flight distances.

Image 3: The straw rocket sitting on the launch tube ready to be launched.

Image 4: Students can adjust the trajectory angle of their straw rocket.

Image 5: Students lift their launch rod to the desired height then drop the launch rod to propel their rockets forward.

Classroom Applications:

Undoubtedly, the Straw Rocket Launcher is a useful science teaching and learning tool for students in grades K-12. Included with the kit are a variety of inquiry-based activities students could participate in with this fun and educational kit. Students will benefit from the variety of opportunities to experiment with design variations and different propulsion forces. Hence, students can modify their rockets and improve on previous designs. For example, students can design their own fins for their rocket. Included in the kit are suggestions for fin shapes; but students are free to come up with whatever type of fin they desire. Additionally, students can trim their straw down to experiment with how different lengths could alter the flight of their straw rockets.

Finally, students can use different amounts of clay to create different nose shapes for their their rocket and can find out how these different nose weights and shapes impact the flight trajectory. For teachers in elementary grades, an activity can be found in the following link from the Pitsco website ( With three alternative shapes, this particular activity allows students to explore how different nose shapes and weights can alter the rocket’s flight path. In conclusion, this kit is a great value and offers science teachers a fun, meaningful, and safe activity for launching rockets.

What’s Included:
– Straw Rocket Launcher
o Comes almost entirely assembled
o A tube of silicon based lubricant is also provided
– Straw Rocket Class Pack
o 120 Plastic straws
o One package of modeling clay
o 100 index cards (3”x5”)
– Straw Rocket Video

What’s Not Included:
– Scissors
– Tape
– Pencils
– Rulers/Tape Measures
– $209 (For entire starter package)
– $174 for Straw Rocket Launcher
– $26.50 for Straw Rocket Class Pack (supplies 30 students)
– $24.95 for Straw Rocket Video

About the Authors:

Edwin P. Christmann is a professor and chairman of the secondary education department and graduate coordinator of the mathematics and science teaching program at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania. Emily Ferraro is a graduate student in the mathematics and science teaching program at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania.


Pitsco’s Straw Rocket Launcher and its Getting Started Package gives students an introductory rocket activity where they can grasp a variety of subjects including force and motion, thrust, center of gravity, prediction, measurements, and more. For example, from the materials, students can experiment and hypothesize about how to construct the most stylish and dynamic rocket.


Reflecting on the Flipped Classroom

By Debra Shapiro

Posted on 2019-02-04

Doug Stith uses a form of the flipped classroom he calls Learner-Paced Science with his sixth graders at Londonderry Middle School in Londonderry, New Hampshire. Older students serve as his assistants. Here an assistant (right) helps sixth graders visualize the shape of magnetic fields. Photo courtesy of Doug Stith.

Since educators began adopting flipped classroom strategies—in which instruction that typically occurred in class happens outside class, and instructors help students apply what they learned during class—many have developed new perspectives and new methods. “I don’t think of it as [a] ‘flipped classroom’; I think of it as [an] ‘open classroom,’” says David Osmond, assistant professor of science education at University of North Georgia (UNG) in Oakwood, Georgia. His preservice elementary science education students “do what they need to do [and] choose their priorities.”

Osmond and his colleague Donna Governor, assistant professor of science education at UNG’s Dahlonega campus, have found that the NSTA Learning Center’s SciPacks—which have modules providing self-directed online learning experiences for teachers to enhance their understanding of a scientific concept and its related pedagogical implications for student learning—dovetail nicely with the flipped classroom model. “SciPacks cover the breadth of what preservice elementary teachers need to know: content and pedagogy and its implications, [using] moving images, simulations, and interactive questions to see that they’ve understood the topic,” Osmond contends.

Governor says she discovered that students “don’t always do what they’re supposed to do before class” as part of a flipped classroom. “I expect them to get the content online [outside of class], but it doesn’t always happen before class. [In class,] I go over a little bit of content, the essential ideas, and hit the highlights for the day’s lab activities. Then instead of listening to lectures, students engage in the practices of science, investigate concepts. It can even be meaningful when they dive into the concepts later because they’ve had the experience and can better understand the content,” she adds.

With SciPacks modules, students aren’t just reading, “they do lab activities and projects at home,” Osmond explains. This frees time for students to “do outside learning experiences [as part of class work,] attend conferences, see museum exhibits, and design their own outside lab experiences,” he observes.

While Osmond teaches physical science content, Governor teaches both Earth and life science in one course. “I don’t use a traditional textbook because it can’t include both subjects [and doesn’t provide that breadth of knowledge] to help [preservice teachers learn] to teach the standards,” Governor contends. “SciPacks have modules for both subjects,” and allow her to choose which modules best meet students’ needs; “it’s a build your-own-textbook [opportunity]” that allows targeted readings, she observes.

“If I didn’t have the flipped model, I’d have to spend that time lecturing. That’s not how students learn, so I don’t want to do it,” Governor maintains.

Osmond notes that SciPacks aren’t “the primary way students are in charge of their own learning…For each unit, there’s a variety of activities to [choose from], and students don’t have to worry about it destroying their grade if one doesn’t work out…Their responsibility is to choose what they do to be successful.”

The flipped format has allowed Osmond to relax deadlines. “I give students a suggested date…, but no sweat if it’s a little late,” he explains. During in-class lab activities, “I grade them at the end of class…I can give them immediate feedback and let them try it again…My goal is I want them to fail and know they can improve. If they’re not failing, they’re not learning anything new,” he says.

Suggestions for Success

Michael Moore, a biology instructor and postdoctoral fellow in STEM Education at the Academy of Teaching and Learning at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, says he “spent four years in grad school [at Oklahoma State University], both as part of my research and my professional development, sitting in on my advisor’s flipped class. After completing my PhD, I came to Baylor as a postdoc and completely flipped my intro biology course the first semester;… the second semester, I did a hybrid co-instructed flipped course (lecture one day a week and active learning two days a week).”

Moore helped establish Baylor’s Learning Assistant (LA) Program, in which trained undergraduate students facilitate discussions and encourage student engagement and responsibility for learning. He says he found that “undergraduates are better able to communicate with younger students because they use their language.” The LAs facilitate active learning, involving students in the learning process more directly—which is vital in flipped classrooms, according to Moore.

Moore assigned targeted readings, using basic concepts to teach students how to learn. “The flipped classroom can be done a hundred different ways… You need to understand the theory behind what you’re doing…to find resources that work and are easily implemented,” he contends.

“[I]t’s important to get feedback from students and from other faculty who can observe how what you’re doing impacts students,” Moore notes. He recommends “leveraging your networks to find those colleagues to give you that feedback” and cites NSTA’s e-mail lists and the Flipped Learning Network  as examples of such networks.

Moore sees two trends in flipped learning. “You can add more structure on the tech end, more engagement points [such as] having students answer questions during lectures. Or you can remove the connection to technology and do targeted reading, give students a reason to go back to their textbooks and have them read about the relevant topics only.”

The goal of flipped learning should be “tying learning to a future career. Imparting skills is a key way to help students buy in…This motivates them, and we see the positive effects of this increase in motivation borne out in the literature,” Moore relates.

Middle and High School

“I have been running a flipped classroom for about three years in my regents chemistry class, and it has changed each year…The change is always for the better,” says Terrie Hunter of Horseheads High School in Horseheads, New York.

When Hunter’s students watch her videos after class, they “take notes to prepare for the video check the next day” that reveals their understanding, she explains. She says she includes “a brainteaser or a relevant TED talk or crash-course snippet” along with “questions for students to answer, a definition of a word, for example.”

Hunter uses Google Forms—free online surveys—for the video checks “that will automatically grade students. I can assess their understanding [before] teaching the day’s lesson based on the results,” she relates. Hunter’s students’ understanding of the material has improved with these innovations. “I had 75 students last year, and only one failed the chemistry regents exam…The flipped classroom model allows for more time for [inquiry-style] labs,” she reports. “There is…[time to] allow [students] to make mistakes, then have the teacher ‘coach’ [them].”

When she taught high school, Drew Wallsworth—now teaching math and science at Lane Intermediate School in West Allis, Wisconsin—had two years of experience flipping the classroom. The first year, she did so for two students in her general environmental science class; the second year, she flipped her entire Advanced Placement Environmental Science (APES) class. Wallsworth notes that in her APES class, “98% of my students were English as a Second Language (ESL) students, and they really benefitted [from the flipped class] because…they could go back and look at resources [after class] and didn’t have to [take notes] in class.”

Now as a sixth- and seventh-grade teacher, Wallsworth says, “I’m gradually introducing flipped pieces, but as a modified in-class flip…Half of the class does the activity with me and the other teacher, while the other half of the class reads or watches a video. Then they switch.”

Doug Stith, science teacher at Londonderry Middle School in Londonderry, New Hampshire, says he is “doing what I call Learner-Paced Science with my sixth graders. I also use seventh- and eighth-grade student assistants to help me interview and guide my sixth graders” and “conduct both small-group and whole-group discussions,” he reports.

Before he instituted Learner-Paced Science, Stith says, “My classroom always involved a great deal of hands-on activities; however, all students… moved at the same pace.” He took time to write up all the activities, enabling students to work at different paces. “Now all students begin on Activity 1 for a given unit. When completed, students…[ are] interviewed” to ensure they did it correctly and understand what they learned, Stith explains.

“[I assign] no homework or paper- and-pencil tests. Instead,…students create a product (Google Slides, video, written narrative, annotated poster, etc.) and are interviewed on their product,” Stith notes. “I could never go back to my old way, but I rely on my assistants to run this program.”

This article originally appeared in the February 2019 issue of NSTA Reports, the member newspaper of the National Science Teachers Association. Each month, NSTA members receive NSTA Reports, featuring news on science education, the association, and more. Not a member? Learn how NSTA can help you become the best science teacher you can be.

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Doug Stith uses a form of the flipped classroom he calls Learner-Paced Science with his sixth graders at Londonderry Middle School in Londonderry, New Hampshire. Older students serve as his assistants.

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