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Car Crashes, Grade 12: STEM Road Map for High School

What if you could challenge your 12th graders to understand car crashes in the context of physical forces, manufacturing challenges, government safety standards, and individual rights? With this volume in the STEM Road Map Curriculum Series, you can!
What if you could challenge your 12th graders to understand car crashes in the context of physical forces, manufacturing challenges, government safety standards, and individual rights? With this volume in the STEM Road Map Curriculum Series, you can!

Polymers Course for Small Colleges and Universities

Journal of College Science Teaching—September/October 2018

By Joseph Furgal

This article describes the course design and teaching methodology for a polymer chemistry and applications lecture class specifically aimed at small college and university instruction. This intermediate course for advanced undergraduates and masters-level graduate students focuses on teaching the basics of polymer history, synthesis, and characterization with connections to the core chemistry curriculum in a small-class-size environment and without a textbook. Furthermore, an extensive overview of the applications of polymeric materials gives students a connection to real-life applications. The course includes polymer case studies, informational lessons on realworld objects made of polymers, and demonstrations. Student presentations on how polymers are important to society help connect the course to the world around them. The course is designed to instill the knowledge necessary for students to be successful in a career in polymers. A brief discussion of course reflections and student input is also given.

This article describes the course design and teaching methodology for a polymer chemistry and applications lecture class specifically aimed at small college and university instruction. This intermediate course for advanced undergraduates and masters-level graduate students focuses on teaching the basics of polymer history, synthesis, and characterization with connections to the core chemistry curriculum in a small-class-size environment and without a textbook.

This article describes the course design and teaching methodology for a polymer chemistry and applications lecture class specifically aimed at small college and university instruction. This intermediate course for advanced undergraduates and masters-level graduate students focuses on teaching the basics of polymer history, synthesis, and characterization with connections to the core chemistry curriculum in a small-class-size environment and without a textbook.


Teaching Teachers

Seeing the Struggle and Reaping the Rewards

A Pathway for Beginning to Explore the Next Generation Science Standards

Seeing the Struggle and Reaping the Rewards

By Melissa Parks


Methods and Strategies

Hiding in Plain Sight

How to identify and use trade books to support the 5E Instructional Model

Hiding in Plain Sight

By Michelle Forsythe, Julie Jackson, and Leo Contreras


Engineering Encounters

The Soda Can Crusher Challenge

Exposing Elementary Students to the Engineering Design Process

The Soda Can Crusher Challenge

By Hasan Deniz, Erdogan Kaya, and Ezgi Yesilyurt


Teaching Through Trade Books

Biological Diversity

In the Present and in the Past

Biological Diversity

By Christine Anne Royce

Biological Diversity

Instructional Sequence Matters shows how to make simple shifts in the way you arrange and combine activities to improve student learning. It also makes it easy for you to put the NGSS into practice. After explaining why sequencing is so important, author Patrick Brown provides a complete self-guided tour to becoming an “explore-before-explain” teacher.
Instructional Sequence Matters shows how to make simple shifts in the way you arrange and combine activities to improve student learning. It also makes it easy for you to put the NGSS into practice. After explaining why sequencing is so important, author Patrick Brown provides a complete self-guided tour to becoming an “explore-before-explain” teacher.
When the authors of this book took part in Project INFUSE, the National Science Foundation–funded teacher development program, they noticed something. Life science teachers were highly receptive to engineering ideas related to everything from genomic testing to biofuels. But they also saw that teachers struggled to develop age-appropriate, standards-based lessons. The teachers asked for help facilitating the kind of open-ended design challenges that are useful to presenting engineering concepts in quick, engaging ways.
When the authors of this book took part in Project INFUSE, the National Science Foundation–funded teacher development program, they noticed something. Life science teachers were highly receptive to engineering ideas related to everything from genomic testing to biofuels. But they also saw that teachers struggled to develop age-appropriate, standards-based lessons. The teachers asked for help facilitating the kind of open-ended design challenges that are useful to presenting engineering concepts in quick, engaging ways.
By making room for this book in your curriculum, you’ll have a fresh way to motivate your students to look at the living world and ask not only “Why?” but also “How do we know?” Unique in both its structure and approach, Reading Nature is a supplemental resource that provides a window into science ideas and practices. You’ll find the book useful because it
By making room for this book in your curriculum, you’ll have a fresh way to motivate your students to look at the living world and ask not only “Why?” but also “How do we know?” Unique in both its structure and approach, Reading Nature is a supplemental resource that provides a window into science ideas and practices. You’ll find the book useful because it

Instructional Sequence Matters, Grades 6–8: Structuring Lessons With the NGSS in Mind

Instructional Sequence Matters shows how to make simple shifts in the way you arrange and combine activities to improve student learning. It also makes it easy for you to put the NGSS into practice. After explaining why sequencing is so important, author Patrick Brown provides a complete self-guided tour to becoming an “explore-before-explain” teacher.
Instructional Sequence Matters shows how to make simple shifts in the way you arrange and combine activities to improve student learning. It also makes it easy for you to put the NGSS into practice. After explaining why sequencing is so important, author Patrick Brown provides a complete self-guided tour to becoming an “explore-before-explain” teacher.
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