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Ed News: Amid Walkouts, Charter Fight, Kentucky Commissioner Forced to Resign

By Korei Martin

Posted on 2018-04-23

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This week in education news, Kentucky Education Commissioner Stephen Pruitt resigns under pressure from the Governor and State Board; a new report from Achieve includes criteria states can use to develop NGSS tests; women who watched The X-Files pursued more careers in STEM; and a wrap on the 2018 March for Science.

Amid Walkouts, Charter Fight, Kentucky Commissioner Forced to Resign

Kentucky Education Commissioner Stephen Pruitt, an affable former science teacher who led the state through an upending of its school accountability system, dramatic budget cuts, and  teacher walkouts over pensions, abruptly resigned under pressure Tuesday . . . “Despite the outcry of tens of thousands of Kentuckians, today Gov. Matt Bevin continued his offensive against public education, this time through proxies and behind closed doors,” Kentucky Education Association President Stephanie Wikler said in a statement. “Dr. Stephen Pruitt has been a strong and effective champion for our students and public schools. Forcing an honorable and highly qualified man to resign from his position without any cause is contrary to the best interests of students across the commonwealth.” 

Achieve Gives Guidance to States on Developing Well Rounded Science Assessments

Recently released criteria from Achieve can be used by states to develop NGSS grade-level tests. Finding success, a new report advised, will require states becoming sticklers in three areas: using “intentional design”; supporting design decisions and rationales through evidence; and reflecting more comprehensive learning goals.

Women Who Watched ‘The X-Files’ Pursued More Careers In STEM

When The X-Files premiered in 1993, FBI agent and medical doctor Dana Scully was unlike any other woman on television. Scully, played by Gillian Anderson, was equal to, and not just the sidekick of, Fox Mulder (David Duchovny). She was sharp, resilient, fiercely intelligent, and working a career that most women hadn’t seen themselves in onscreen. The idea of women becoming interested in the scientific field as a result of Scully has been known for years as “The Scully Effect”–and now there’s data to back it up.

The Second March for Science a Smaller Affair

Far fewer came out to support the April 14 March for Science than last year’s estimated 100,000 attendees.

Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.

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News Roundup banner

This week in education news, Kentucky Education Commissioner Stephen Pruitt resigns under pressure from the Governor and State Board; a new report from Achieve includes criteria states can use to develop NGSS tests; women who watched The X-Files pursued more careers in STEM; and a wrap on the 2018 March for Science.


The Wow Factor

By Gabe Kraljevic

Posted on 2018-04-23

What are some activities that I can plan for the next school-year of science with that will excite my students for the lessons to come?
— C., Arkansas


There are a host of demonstrations and hands-on activities that can impress a class and start off the year with a real rush! Try conducting quick science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) challenges using drinking straws and tape that get students moving the first day and teach teamwork. Break the class into small teams to build something. For instance, each team can be responsible for one part of a tower that will be built in half an hour. In 30 minutes stop and assemble all the pieces into a monstrous structure!

Discrepant events are also exciting and thought-provoking. Find ones that match your curriculum but be sure to test them out before demonstrating them. Alternatively, provide groups of students with simple discrepant activities and have them try to explain them to the class. The Brain-Powered Science: Teaching and Learning with Discrepant Events series by Thomas O’Brien (published by NSTA Press) features a multitude of discrepant events.

Give teams several science brain-teasers and demonstrations and tell them that if they can adequately explain them all you will give their team an A for the entire course on the first day! Obviously make these too hard, but the students will be excited and they will argue with you about what the correct explanation is!

Hope this helps!

What are some activities that I can plan for the next school-year of science with that will excite my students for the lessons to come?
— C., Arkansas


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