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MEL Chemistry Starter Kit

By Edwin P. Christmann

Posted on 2017-12-01


The Mel Chemistry Starter Kit is equipped with all the materials needed to conduct beginner type experiments. MEL Chemistry is a subscription service that offers monthly delivery of safe chemistry experiments for kids. The subscription will be most beneficial for those who want to gain more knowledge about science. This beginner science kit is perfect for the classroom. It allows experiments to be conducted by students as they watch for certain reactions. The starter kit includes the main chemistry tools that you will need to conduct experiments. When you purchase the starter kit, you will also receive the first two experiment sets as well. The sets are “Chemistry of Monsters” and “Tin.” These sets come with instructions and chemicals to perform four different experiments. Each experiment includes step-by-step instructions along with safety procedures to follow as well. The MEL Science team has done a great job searching for both interesting and safe experiments for students. Best of all, the ingredients and instructions are shipped to your door.

Chemistry of Monsters

Set contents

Hexamethylene-tetramine ×3
Sodium hydrogen carbonate ×3
Aluminum foil ×5
Double-ended measuring spoon
Note paper ×10
Plastic ring
Plastic stirring rod
Press mould
Thermochromic sticker ×4
Experiment card ×2


Set contents

Liquid soap
Sodium hydrogen sulfate ×4
Tin(II) chloride ×4
Petri dish ×2
Battery holder
Crocodile clip wire ×2
Paper clip
Pin opener
Plastic vial ×2
Protective gloves
Experiment card ×2

As mentioned, the starter kit comes with the first two experiment kits too and provides a brief summary of the four experiments that are included in the kit. Each experiment can be explored by using the links associated with each experiment kit below:

Experiment #1 – Tin Dendrite

Tin dendrite begins to grow as the electric current flows from the battery through the clip towards the other clip. The metal crocodile clips are acting as electrodes by allowing the electric current to flow through them. The tin crystals form in the petri dish as the current flows. This process is called electrolysis and is a chemical reaction induced by an electric current. Tin has special properties allowing it to form crystals that are visible. Here is the chemical reaction when the tin reduction takes place.

Sn2+(solution) + 2e-  Sn(solid)

This photo was taken with the LIEQI microscope attachment and comes with the science kit. Moreover, this attachment and can be connencted to any smart phone. It clips onto the camera magnifies without using a microscope.

Experiment #2 – Burning Sugar

Burning is the oxidation reaction of a substance, which removes electrons; breaking bonds to oxidize molecules. At first during the experiment, the sugar cube would not catch on fire on its own because sugar takes time to oxidize. However, once the cube was covered in ash, it caught fire and burned. The ash acts as a catalyst and to increase the rate at which sugar burns. This is because the ash contains sodium and calcium salts that bolster the combustion of the sugar cube reaction.

Experiment #3 – Sugar Snake

In this experiment, a fuel of sugar and sodium hydrogen carbonate is mixed together with hexamethylene- tetramine, forming a burning snake-like object. The snake is made of carbon that is the product of the heated sugar. During the reaction, carbon dioxide and water vapor is given-off that causes the snake to grow. Here are the three chemical reactions that occur in the formation of the “snake.”

1. C12H22O11 + 12O2  12CO2 + 11H2O
2. C12H22O11  12C + 11H2O
3. 2NaHCO3  Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O

Experiment #4 – Tin Hedgehog


The zinc metal reacts with the tin chloride to form tiny crystals on the surface of a zinc pellet. The tin precipitates and forms these crystals creating the tin hedgehog. The process of the needle-like structures growing in the solution is called crystallization. Here is the reaction that takes place.

SnCl2 + Zn  Sn + ZnCl2


Each experiment is designed to show a different chemical reaction and we found that they worked very well. Hence, there is no doubt that the Mel Chemistry Starter kit is excellent and will no doubt be useful for teaching chemistry lessons. Here is a link to find out more information about what “Mel Science” has to offer science teachers:

A monthly package of two boxes costs $49.90 and includes free shipping. Your credit card is charged for the monthly sets several days before delivery and the starter kit and a reagent pack come free. You can cancel the subscription at any time.

Edwin P. Christmann is a professor and chairman of the secondary education department and graduate coordinator of the mathematics and science teaching program at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania. Caitlin Baxter is a graduate student in the mathematics and science teaching program at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania.



Ed News: Review Of New Academic Standards Begins

By Kate Falk

Posted on 2017-12-01

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This week in education news, North Dakota’s superintendent is requesting teachers to review new academic standards; California teachers find new science standards fun, but expensive; four New York students injured in a chemistry experiment gone wrong; several Wisconsin school districts are trying a new method of evaluating what students learn; Veteran astronaut Dr. Bernard Harris named new CEO of NMSI; new Gallup poll reveals that superintendents have a hard time finding quality teachers; Houston-area administrators are using physical activities to better engage students in STEM courses; and Ohio high school students may soon be allowed to replace the Algebra 2 graduation requirement with an advanced computer science course.

Review Of New Academic Standards Begins

North Dakota’s superintendent is asking teachers statewide to review academic standards for science, health, early learning and the arts as the process for drafting new benchmarks gets underway. State Superintendent Kirsten Baesler is asking teachers who specialize in science, health, the arts or early learning to apply to serve on one of the four content committees that will draft standards. Read the article featured on

Fizz! Pop! Bang! Teachers Find New Science Standards Fun, But Costly

With their emphasis on hands-on experiments, California’s new science standards have turned classrooms into noisy, messy laboratories. That’s been popular with students and teachers who say it’s a more effective way to learn science than studying textbooks and memorizing facts, but the cost of all those underwater robots and exploding chemicals has left some teachers wondering how they can successfully implement the standards with ever-restricting budgets. Read the article featured in Ed Source.

New Florida Law Expected To Increase Conflict Over Textbooks

In Florida, some say global warming and evolution are a hoax and should not be taught in textbooks unopposed. Others say their local school’s textbooks shortchange Islam’s role in the world, while their opponents argue it’s the danger posed by Muslim terrorists that’s underexposed. Under a bill passed by the Florida Legislature this year, any district resident — regardless of whether they have a child in school — can now challenge material as pornographic, biased, inaccurate or a violation of state law and get a hearing before an outside mediator. Read the article featured in the Tampa Bay Times.

Science Mishap Sends Bronx Students To The Hospital

A chemistry experiment gone awry sent four tenth graders from a Catholic school in the Bronx to the hospital after they were singed by a flame. Sister Patricia Wolf, president of the school, said that an experienced chemistry teacher was showing students a procedure that involved alcohol and a metal when the flame got out of control. Read the article featured in The New York Times.

By 2022, America Will Need 1 Million More College Grads With STEM Training Than We Are On Track To Produce

As our economy evolves, we must evolve with it, developing a workforce prepared to meet the demands of a new economy. Now is our chance to build a workforce ready to succeed over a lifetime, not just over the next three to five years. At the heart of the opportunities and risks we face in a new global economy is the increasing value of skills rooted in STEM. Indeed, 10 of the top 14 fastest-growing industries require STEM training. To keep up with the projected growth in demand for STEM jobs, America will need an additional 1 million more college graduates with STEM training by 2022 than we’re on track to produce. Read the article featured in

Some Wisconsin Schools Use Standards-Based Grading…What Is That?

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National Math And Science Initiative Names Dr. Bernard A. Harris, Jr. As CEO

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Superintendents Grapple With Finding Stellar Teachers

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Report: STEM Degrees Rise, But Disparities Remain

Despite modest gains in degree attainment in science, technology, engineering and math, women and minorities remain grossly underrepresented in the fields, according to a new report. Women are also less likely to enter STEM occupations after earning a STEM degree as are blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans, according to the report, which was prepared by the RAND corporation and commissioned by the American Petroleum Institute. Read the article featured in U.S. News & World Report.

Schools Add Another ‘S’ To STEM—For Sports

Administrators from the Houston area discovered a more effective way of teaching terminal velocity and gravity—by keeping students afloat on 150-mph winds inside a vertical tunnel. The experience—hosted by the indoor skydiving facility iFLY—is one of many physical activities that schools use to better engage students in STEM courses. Read the article featured in District Administration.

ESSA Is A Big Piece Of The STEM Equity Puzzle

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Can Computer Science Replace Algebra 2?

Should students be allowed to take computer science instead of Algebra 2? Ohio schools could be heading in that direction. House Bill 170 would let high school students replace the Algebra 2 graduation requirement with an advanced computer science course. Students could also choose to take computer science in place of some other science courses. Read the article featured in Education Week.

Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.

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The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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What did you learn today, teacher?

By Gabe Kraljevic

Posted on 2017-12-01

I’m teaching a science methods class. I’d like to know: What was the most important thing you learned in your undergrad science methods classes? What do you wish you had known about science teaching that you didn’t learn in undergrad?
– L., Illinois


This post to an NSTA e-mail list produced excellent responses and I wanted to share my thoughts.

Important things I learned in university:

  • Reflect on everything you do, every class. Ask yourself: Did they get it? Is this working toward my goals? How can I tell they learned this? How could I have taught this differently?
  • Check over and test everything you do in advance. Practice demonstrations and labs to uncover any issues, modify as needed, and resolve with safety concerns. Even labs that look “foolproof” on paper could take twice as long in the classroom. Check all handouts for errors and out-dated information.

Important things I learned in my classroom:

  • You teach students, not science. Students want to know that a teacher cares about them. Flexibility, understanding and compassion are good traits.
  • Resist being the “sage on the stage.” There is no way to know everything so admit when you don’t know something. Turn perplexing questions into learning experiences for the whole class, including you. Make sure that the students are active in their learning instead of passively listening to you.
  • You do not have to create everything yourself. Use premade materials that fit perfectly; modify the materials that don’t; and create new materials when you can’t find anything that fits.

Hope this helps!


Photo Credit:  Harker School Staff Photographer (The Harker School)

I’m teaching a science methods class. I’d like to know: What was the most important thing you learned in your undergrad science methods classes? What do you wish you had known about science teaching that you didn’t learn in undergrad?
– L., Illinois


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