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From the Field: Events and Opportunities, January 12, 2021

By Debra Shapiro

From the Field: Events and Opportunities, January 12, 2021

Grades PreK–12

American Meteorological Society’s Project Atmosphere Summer Workshop

Join K–12 science teachers from across the country in Kansas City, Missouri, at NOAA’s National Weather Service Training Center (NWSTC) to learn from experts in meteorology and the atmospheric sciences, while gaining valuable field experience. Project Atmosphere is a hybrid (online and in-person) teacher professional development workshop offered by the American Meteorological Society’s (AMS) Education Program. Teachers will work with online learning modules during July 5–24 before the on-site portion of the workshop at the NWSTC, July 25–31. Travel, lodging, meals, and materials will be provided for the on-site portion. Teachers will then be asked to complete work in the course management system in collaboration with California University of Pennsylvania, August 1–13. (Apply by March 26.)

AMS Project Ocean Summer Workshop        

Explore the physical foundations of oceanography in Chestertown, Maryland, and gain hands-on experience in oceanographic research through an excursion on the Chesapeake Bay. Project Ocean is a hybrid (online and in-person) teacher professional development workshop offered by the AMS Education Program. Teachers will work with online learning modules July 5–17 before the on-site portion of the workshop, July 18–24. Travel, lodging, meals, and materials will be provided for the on-site portion. Teachers will then complete work in the course management system in collaboration with California University of Pennsylvania during July 25–August 13. (Apply by March 26.)

Fund for Teachers Grants    

PreK–12 teachers with at least three years of experience are invited to propose their ideal learning experience through an online application. Also eligible are curriculum specialists or heads, special education coordinators, media specialists, and librarians who spend at least 50% of their time teaching students; they may apply as individuals or as teams. Those chosen for the award receive funds to put their plans into action. (Individuals receive up to $5,000; teams get up to $10,000.) All fellowships awarded are self-designed. (Apply by January 21.)

AAPG Foundation Teacher of the Year Award    

The American Association of Petroleum Geologists presents this $6,000 award ($3,000 for school use under the teacher's supervision for educational purposes and $3,000 for the teacher’s personal use) to a K–12 teacher in the United States who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the field of geoscience education. Your online application should include material taught during the academic year ending the previous spring or summer semester. (Apply by January 31.)

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Social Media Contest 

Tell ORISE about your best science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) activities that students can complete at home. To enter, follow ORISE on social media, fill out a brief survey, and comment your activity on the Facebook post about this competition. Two randomly selected teachers will win sets of 30 at-home reusable lab kits for their classrooms. (Enter by January 31.)

ORISE Not Your Average Lesson Plan Competition  

ORISE is asking teachers to create a STEM lesson plan that involves data collecting and graphing for a chance to win a mini-grant. Three teachers will receive mini-grants of up to $1,500 to help buy equipment for their classrooms. (Enter by January 31.)

KidsGardening Gro More Good Grassroots Grant  

The grant is designed to bring the life-enhancing benefits of gardens to communities across the United States. Awards provide funding for the development of new and expansion of existing youth garden programs and greenspaces. Recipients will be selected based on their commitment to the maintenance and sustainability of their garden program, including plans for growth and future fiscal stability. Awards: 150 recipients will receive a check for $500 to support their initiatives. The top 25 programs will receive a check for $1,000. (Apply by February 5.)

Grades K–College

Climate Generation’s Teach Climate Network Workshop: Dismantling Systemic Racism and Injustice    

Reducing reliance on fossil fuels and advancing toward a future in the just, green economy relies on addressing systemic racism and injustice. On January 21 at 12 p.m. Central Time (United States and Canada), educators will engage with the voices and ideas of marginalized peoples and frontline communities and work with other educators to reimagine lessons informed by trauma, anti-racism, and equity at the intersection of climate change.

American Honda Foundation Grants    

The foundation presents grants of up to $75,000 to K–12 schools, colleges, universities, trade schools, and others for youth education programs focused on STEM and the environment. The foundation is seeking programs that meet the following characteristics: scientific, dreamful (imaginative), creative, humanistic, youthful, innovative, and forward thinking. (Apply by February 1.)

High School and College

Envisioning Health Equity Art Challenge

The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) is hosting a competition for teens (ages 16–18) and adults (ages 19 and older) to submit original artwork (paintings, drawings, photos, digital art, etc.) that reflects an America in which all populations have an opportunity to live long, healthy, and productive lives. Submissions may focus on one or more health disparity populations or on health disparities overall. Students may compete as individuals or as teams. Cash prizes will be awarded to first-, second-, and third-place winners in each category. (Enter by February 5.)

Find more events and opportunities at

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