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Journal Article
Methods and Strategies: The Common Ground -- A rationale for integrating science and reading
Building on the common ground between subjects through integration helps teachers address learning goals in both subjects without compromising either....
Journal Article
Fourth-grade students’ inquiry skills are tested when a container of mealworms arrives and they are given the opporunity to explore an unfamiliar or...
Journal Article
After months of exploring various ecosystems, a third grade teacher incorporates "Nature's Advice Book", a writing tool created to assess what her stu...
Journal Article
Teaching Through Trade Books: Talking Trees
Students love outdoor activities and will love them even more when they build confidence in their tree identification and measurement skills. The acti...
Journal Article
Science 101: How do insects help the environment?
Although insects sometimes have a bad reputation, most are beneficial to humans and the environment, not detrimental. Without insects, the environment...
Journal Article
Methods and Strategies: An Institute for Inquiry
The programs at the Institute of Math, Science, and Technology Education at Texas Christian University at Fort Worth, Texas, provide an array of profe...
Journal Article
Through a snow bank exploration activity students inquire about ice cave formations. Their icicle observations lead them to a discussion of stalactit...
Journal Article
Science Shorts: Spoilage Science
Whether it’s fresh or processed, all food eventually spoils. Methods such as freezing, canning, and the use of preservatives lengthen the lifespan o...