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Science and Children—February 2019

In classrooms today, elementary teachers work tirelessly to fit STEM into an already jammed, packed day. This month’s focus on STEM offers ideas for incorporating all four elements of STEM and provides support and guidance in creating STEM lessons for all students.

Journal Article

Unpacking the STEM Disciplines

By Cassie Bess


Guest Editorial: Using the BSCS 5E Instructional Model to Introduce STEM Disciplines

Journal Article

Guest Editorial: Using the BSCS 5E Instructional Model to Introduce STEM Disciplines

Author Rodger W. Bybee describes how teachers can use the BSCS 5E Instructional Model to introduce STEM disciplines....

General Science 5E Curriculum Lesson Plans Pedagogy Teaching Strategies

The Early Years: Teaching the <i>M</i> in STEM

Journal Article

The Early Years: Teaching the <i>M</i> in STEM

This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This issue focuses on teaching STEM lessons that have an emphasis on mathematics....

Early Childhood Pre-service Teachers Preschool Mathematics Physical Science STEM Inquiry Science and Engineering Practices

Journal Article

Why Does Water Swirl When it Goes Down a Drain?

By Matt Bobrowsky

Editor's Note: STEM Lessons for All

Journal Article

Editor's Note: STEM Lessons for All

Science and Children’s editor shares thoughts regarding the current issue....

STEM Lesson Plans Teaching Strategies

Early Childhood Resources Review: <i>Creative Investigations in Early Engineering & Technology</i>

Journal Article

Early Childhood Resources Review: <i>Creative Investigations in Early Engineering & Technology</i>

This column evaluates elementary science resources. This issue focuses on engineering and technology in early childhood....

Early Childhood STEM Technology NGSS

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