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Journal Article
Science Sampler: Clever with weather
In eighth-grade Earth science at Louisville Middle School in Louisville, Colorado, students learn how large-scale weather patterns such as the jet str...
Journal Article
Science Sampler: Fun with a flume—Ideas for inquiry
A flume is a channel that is constructed to divert a flow of water for a specific purpose. Many students recognize the term flume from experience with...
Journal Article
An Earth-system Approach to Understanding the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
The Deepwater Horizon explosion on April 20, 2010, and the subsequent release of oil into the Gulf of Mexico created an ecological disaster of immense...
Journal Article
Guest Editorial: When teachers become scientists
Ask yourself this question: Have you ever worked on a real scientific experiment? Your thoughts may jump to the lab components of your undergraduate s...
Journal Article
Ocean Acidification: Hands-On Experiments to Explore the Causes and Consequences
Ocean acidification is one of the most serious environmental issues facing the planet (e.g., Doney 2006; Guinotte and Fabry 2009). It is caused by exc...
Journal Article
Science Sampler: Fossil patterns in time
This lesson works well as an introduction to Earth history, when students are asked to consider time periods of millions and billions of years. It wou...
Journal Article
Scope on Safety: Animals in the classroom
Use of animals in middle school science classrooms is a curriculum component worthy of consideration, providing proper investigation and planning are ...
Journal Article
Green Science: In the hot seat—Analyzing your heating options
When winter rolls around, keeping yourself and your home warm is of the utmost importance. Heating your home seems like a simple subject to tackle, bu...
Journal Article
Scope on the Skies: Getting a crew into orbit
Despite the temporary setback in our country’s crewed space exploration program, there will continue to be missions requiring crews to orbit Earth a...
Journal Article
Editor’s Roundtable: Not this teacher’s recommendation!
The unfortunate result of state and district curriculum recommendations is that, currently, most students get the bulk of their Earth science educatio...
Journal Article
Scope on the Skies: Solar explorations
Even though there is no change of season during January, we have just passed the December solstice, it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and we ar...
Journal Article
Science Sampler: Teacher read-alouds make science come alive
Demonstrations, hands-on activities, and videos are common ways an industrious science teacher will provide inquiry-based instruction, offering engagi...
Journal Article
Using Formative and Alternative Assessments to Support Instruction and Measure Student Learning
Using formative assessment involves gathering data from students on their progress and comprehension so that instruction can be adjusted to meet their...
Journal Article
This article describes how middle school teachers can improve students’ science performance using video games that incorporate principles of the Uni...