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Editor’s Roundtable: Model behavior

Journal Article

Editor’s Roundtable: Model behavior

Models are manageable representations of objects, concepts, and phenomena, and are everywhere in science. Models are “thinking tools” for scientis...

Scope on the Skies: Rocks, robots, and ices

Journal Article

Scope on the Skies: Rocks, robots, and ices

Solar system exploration in November includes flybys of Saturn’s moons, a comet, and the next-to-last launch of a space shuttle before the shuttle p...

Managing Misconceptions: Seafarers, great circles, and a tad of rhumb—Understanding the Mercator misconception

Journal Article

Managing Misconceptions: Seafarers, great circles, and a tad of rhumb—Understanding the Mercator misconception

Being flat, Mercator maps inherently misrepresent some aspects of Earth’s geography. That’s because there is absolutely no way to simultaneously c...

Guest Editorial: A revolutionary model of professional development

Journal Article

Guest Editorial: A revolutionary model of professional development

Traditionally, professional development in education has focused on three main areas: content, general pedagogy, or pedagogical content knowledge. Whi...

Astronomical Scale of Stellar Distances Using 3-D Models

Journal Article

Astronomical Scale of Stellar Distances Using 3-D Models

One of the largest challenges of teaching astronomy is bringing the infinite scale of the universe into the four walls of a classroom. However, concep...

Using Google Earth to Study the Basic Characteristics of Volcanoes

Journal Article

Using Google Earth to Study the Basic Characteristics of Volcanoes

With the advent of Google Earth and the database of volcanoes supplied by the Smithsonian Institution’s Global Volcanism Program, students can descr...

Science Sampler: Using historical investigations in the classroom—History of science as a tool for teaching

Journal Article

Science Sampler: Using historical investigations in the classroom—History of science as a tool for teaching

Using “hands-on” instruction in the science classroom has obvious value for both teachers and students. However, just because a type of instructio...

Everyday Engineering: Toothbrush design—Is there a better bristle?

Journal Article

Everyday Engineering: Toothbrush design—Is there a better bristle?

Manufacturers often claim that their particular toothbrush design is better than the competitors, but is it? As a result, engineers must consider the ...

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