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Journal Article
Science Sampler: Solar Panels and alternative energy in the eighth-grade classroom
In this solar panels and alternative energy project, students were challenged to develop a researchable question about solar energy and electronics an...
Journal Article
Teacher’s Toolkit: Strategies for the meaningful evaluation of multiple-choice assessments
Too many multiple-choice tests are administered without an evaluative component. Teachers often return student assessments or Scantron cards—compute...
Journal Article
Transporting Students Into Thin Air: Using Science to Enhance Reading
The Into Thin Air unit, based on the book by Jon Krakauer, was designed as an interdisciplinary unit for a small group of academically gifted sixth-gr...
Journal Article
Connect the Spheres with the Coal Cycle
Coal fueled the Industrial Revolution and, as a result, changed the course of human history. However, the geologic history of coal is much, much longe...
Journal Article
Tried and True: Physics fun with toy cars
According to the National Science Education Standards, students should be able to describe an object by its position, direction of motion, and speed (...
Journal Article
Editor’s Roundtable: Cycles and connections
Most middle level students are too young to recognize on their own the complex relationships among the natural cycles. They seldom connect one cycle w...
Journal Article
Green Science: Banning the bottle
Bottled water is ubiquitous, taken for granted, and seemingly benign. Americans are consuming bottled water in massive amounts and spending a lot of m...